

                    IN SENATE

                                     October 5, 2020

        Introduced  by  Sens.  RIVERA,  MAY,  SKOUFIS, METZGER -- read twice and
          ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on
          Rules  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to  requirements  for
          residential health care facilities and nursing homes

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Section 2801-a of the public  health  law  is  amended  by
     2  adding two new subdivisions 2-b and 3-b to read as follows:
     3    2-b. With respect to the incorporation or establishment of any nursing
     4  home,  in  addition  to the requirements set forth in subdivision two of
     5  this section, after the filing of an application the public  health  and
     6  health  planning council shall (a) provide notice to the public, nursing
     7  homes residents and their representatives,  staff  and  their  represen-
     8  tatives,  and  the  state office of the long-term care ombudsman and the
     9  regional office having geographical jurisdiction of the area  where  the
    10  proposed  institution  is  to  be located of the proposed certificate or
    11  application on the department's website within thirty days  of  receipt;
    12  provide  a  mechanism  to  submit written comments electronically on the
    13  proposed certificate or application to  the  public  health  and  health
    14  planning  council;  and  provide  at  least ninety days for such comment
    15  period, and (b) forward a copy of the proposed certificate  or  applica-
    16  tion  for establishment, and accompanying documents, to the state office
    17  of the long-term care ombudsman and the regional office having geograph-
    18  ical jurisdiction of the area where the proposed institution  is  to  be
    19  located  within  thirty  days  of  receipt. The public health and health
    20  planning council shall act upon such application after the state  office
    21  of the long-term care ombudsman, regional office and the public have had
    22  a reasonable time, but not less than ninety days, to submit their recom-
    23  mendations. At the time members of the public health and health planning
    24  council are notified that an application is scheduled for consideration,
    25  the  applicant,  the  public,  the  state  office  of the long-term care
    26  ombudsman and the regional offices, shall  be  so  notified  in  writing

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9025--A                          2

     1  which  may  be  through  electronic  means. The public health and health
     2  planning council shall afford the applicant an  opportunity  to  present
     3  information  in  person concerning the application to a committee desig-
     4  nated  by  the  council.  The  public health and health planning council
     5  shall not take any action contrary to the  advice  of  the  public,  the
     6  state  office  of  the  long-term  care ombudsman or the regional office
     7  until it affords such entities an opportunity to request a public  hear-
     8  ing  and, if so requested, a public hearing shall be held. If the public
     9  health and health planning council proposes to disapprove  the  applica-
    10  tion  it  shall  afford the applicant an opportunity to request a public
    11  hearing. The public health and health planning council may hold a public
    12  hearing on the application on its own motion. Any  public  hearing  held
    13  pursuant  to  this subdivision may be conducted by the public health and
    14  health planning council, or by any individual designated by  the  public
    15  health and health planning council. The provisions of subdivision two of
    16  this  section  which  are  not  inconsistent with this subdivision shall
    17  apply to nursing homes.
    18    3-b. With respect to an application  for  a  certificate  of  incorpo-
    19  ration,  articles  of organization or application for establishment of a
    20  nursing home, in addition to the criteria set forth in subdivision three
    21  of this section, the public health and health planning council shall not
    22  issue an approval unless they have afforded an adequate  opportunity  of
    23  not  less than ninety days to members of the public, residents and their
    24  representatives, staff and their representatives, the  state  office  of
    25  the long-term care ombudsman and the regional offices to comment through
    26  the department's website and through other means on the application, the
    27  character  and  competency  of  the  individuals  applying,  and/or  the
    28  consistently high level of care that has or has not been rendered by  an
    29  applicant  where one or more individuals or entities with a five percent
    30  or greater ownership interest in the applicant has  a  five  percent  or
    31  greater  ownership  interest  in a facility located in the United States
    32  that has on average for any of the  four  most  recent  quarters,  three
    33  hours  or less total direct care staff time per resident per day or less
    34  than one-half hour per resident per day registered  nurse  staffing,  as
    35  published by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the feder-
    36  al  center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) payroll based jour-
    37  nal data or where there have been violations of  the  state  or  federal
    38  nursing  home  code,  or  other  applicable  rules and regulations, that
    39  threatened to directly affect the  health,  safety  or  welfare  of  any
    40  patient or resident, including but not limited to a finding of immediate
    41  jeopardy,  or  actual  harm,  and  were  recurrent  or were not promptly
    42  corrected, including but not limited to repeat deficiencies for the same
    43  or similar violations over a three year  period  or  during  the  entire
    44  duration  of  ownership  if less than three years, or any facility which
    45  has received a Double G citation issued by the Centers for Medicare  and
    46  Medicaid Services in the prior three years. The public health and health
    47  planning council shall also consider whether the proposed incorporators,
    48  directors,  sponsors,  stockholders,  members  or operators of a nursing
    49  home have affiliations with or interests in a facility anywhere  in  the
    50  United  States  which:  (i)  is listed on the CMS special focus facility
    51  list, or its successor, or (ii) is  listed  on  the  CMS  special  focus
    52  facility  candidate list, or its successor, or (iii) received inadequate
    53  performance scores over the previous three years on the New  York  state
    54  nursing home quality initiative or on similar quality measurement initi-
    55  atives or tools, or (iv) has been in receivership; closed as a result of
    56  a  settlement agreement from a decertification action or licensure revo-

        S. 9025--A                          3

     1  cation; or has been involuntarily terminated from the Medicare or  Medi-
     2  caid  program  in  the  prior  five  years, or (v) has been convicted of
     3  patient abuse, neglect or exploitation, or (vi) has been the subject  of
     4  an  enforcement  action  by the state Medicaid fraud control unit or the
     5  federal health and human services office of inspector general, or  (vii)
     6  has  outstanding  violations  with the national labor relations board or
     7  the occupational safety and health administration.   The  provisions  of
     8  subdivision  three  of this section which are not inconsistent with this
     9  subdivision shall apply to nursing homes.
    10    § 2. Section 2803-x of the public health law, as added by chapter  677
    11  of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    12    § 2803-x. Requirements  related  to residential health care facilities
    13  and related assets and operations. 1.  The  operator  of  a  residential
    14  health  care  facility  shall  notify  the commissioner of any common or
    15  familial ownership  of  any  corporation,  other  entity  or  individual
    16  providing  services  to  the  operator or the facility. Such information
    17  shall also be included in the residency agreement for prospective  resi-
    18  dents  and as addendums for residents currently residing in the residen-
    19  tial health care facility. The operator shall notify the  department  at
    20  least  ninety  days  prior  to  entering into any new common or familial
    21  ownership of any corporation, or other entity  or  individual  providing
    22  services  to  the  operator  of  the  facility.  The operator shall also
    23  provide notification to all residents and their  representatives,  staff
    24  and  their  representatives,  and the state office of the long-term care
    25  ombudsman.
    26    2. The operator of a residential health care  facility  shall,  on  an
    27  annual  basis,  attest  to  the  department, in a form determined by the
    28  department, to the accuracy of the information provided to  the  depart-
    29  ment under this section.
    30    3.  The  operator  of a residential health care facility may not enter
    31  into any arrangement to guarantee the debt  or  other  obligation  of  a
    32  party which has not received establishment approval.
    33    4. The operator of a residential health care facility shall notify the
    34  department at least ninety days prior to executing a letter of intent or
    35  other contractual agreement related to:
    36    a. the sale, mortgaging, encumbrance, or other disposition of the real
    37  property of the facility; and
    38    b.  the  management, operations, staffing agency or other entity to be
    39  involved in the operations of the facility.
    40    5. The department, shall, within ten days after receipt of a notifica-
    41  tion required under subdivision four of this section, notify  the  state
    42  office  of  the long-term care ombudsman of an operator of a residential
    43  health care facility's intent to execute a letter  of  intent  or  other
    44  contractual agreement related to:
    45    a. the sale, mortgaging, encumbrance, or other disposition of the real
    46  property of the facility; and
    47    b.  the  management, operations, staffing agency or other entity to be
    48  involved in the operations of the facility.
    49    6. The operator of a residential health care facility shall notify all
    50  residents and their representatives, staff  and  their  representatives,
    51  and  the  state office of the long-term care ombudsman  within five days
    52  of executing a letter  of  intent  or  other  contractual  agreement  as
    53  described in paragraphs a and b of subdivision four of this section. The
    54  department  shall  make  regulations and take other actions to implement
    55  procedures for such notification.

        S. 9025--A                          4

     1    7. The operator of a residential health  care  facility  shall  retain
     2  sufficient  authority  and control to discharge its responsibilities and
     3  the department shall by regulations outline those  elements  of  control
     4  which shall not be delegated to a managing entity.
     5    8.    Any  new  owner, operator or management company of a residential
     6  health care facility shall retain all employees for a sixty-day  transi-
     7  tion  period, except for the nursing home administrator and the director
     8  of nursing, and shall not reduce the wages or benefits,  or  modify  any
     9  other  terms  and conditions of employment, economic or otherwise during
    10  the transition period.
    11    9. In any instance where a residential health care facility is sold or
    12  otherwise transferred and used for a purpose which is not a health  care
    13  purpose, the operator shall remit to the department an amount equivalent
    14  to  the undepreciated value of capital assets for which the provider has
    15  been funded or reimbursed through Medicaid rate adjustments or otherwise
    16  funded or reimbursed with  resources  provided  by  the  state  for  the
    17  purpose of improvement or transformation.
    18    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.