

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 10, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen.  MAY  --  read  twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Education

        AN ACT to amend the education law and part B of chapter 56 of  the  laws
          of 2020, amending the education law relating to establishing the Syra-
          cuse Comprehensive Education and Workforce Training Center focusing on
          Science,  Technology,  Engineering, Arts, and Math to provide instruc-
          tion to students in the Onondaga, Cortland and  Madison  county  BOCES
          and  the  central New York region in the areas of science, technology,
          engineering, arts and mathematics, and the education law, in  relation
          to  renaming the Syracuse Comprehensive Education and Workforce Train-
          ing Center as the Syracuse Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts  and
          Mathematics high school

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as  the  "Syracuse
     2  STEAM school act".
     3    §  2.  Sections  1  and 2 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of 2020,
     4  amending the education law relating to establishing the Syracuse Compre-
     5  hensive Education and Workforce Training  Center  focusing  on  Science,
     6  Technology,  Engineering,  Arts,  and  Math  to  provide  instruction to
     7  students in the Onondaga, Cortland and  Madison  county  BOCES  and  the
     8  central  New  York region in the areas of science, technology, engineer-
     9  ing, arts and mathematics, is amended to read as follows:
    10    Section 1. Legislative intent. The purpose of this act is to establish
    11  the Syracuse [Comprehensive  Education  and  Workforce  Training  Center
    12  focusing  on] Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts[,] and [Math] Math-
    13  ematics high school. The Syracuse Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts
    14  and Mathematics high school [within the Syracuse Comprehensive Education
    15  and Workforce Training Center] shall provide a  high  school  course  of
    16  instruction  for  grades  nine  through  twelve,  dedicated to providing
    17  expanded learning access and career opportunities to  students  residing
    18  in the Onondaga, Cortland and Madison county board of cooperative educa-
    19  tional  services  region  and central New York, in the areas of science,
    20  technology, engineering, arts  and  mathematics  as  well  as  the  core

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9016                             2

     1  academic  areas  required  for  the  issuance of high school diplomas in
     2  accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by  the  board  of
     3  regents.  The  legislature hereby finds and declares that the establish-
     4  ment  of  the  Syracuse  [Comprehensive Education and Workforce Training
     5  Center] Science, Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and  Mathematics  high
     6  school  is  a  necessary  component  to  the  development of the greater
     7  central New York region of New  York  state  and  a  necessary  link  to
     8  fostering the development and advancement of the arts and emerging tech-
     9  nologies.  This high school [and workforce training center] will advance
    10  the interests of the central New York  region  and  New  York  state  by
    11  engaging  students  in  rigorous  and  enriching educational experiences
    12  focused on the arts and emerging  technologies,  project-based  learning
    13  and collaboration and by providing that experience within the context of
    14  a business and learning community for the purpose of directly connecting
    15  student  learning  with  real  world experience in the arts and advanced
    16  technical facilities. It is expressly found that the  establishment  and
    17  operation  of the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education and Workforce Train-
    18  ing Center] Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics  high
    19  school pursuant to this act is a public purpose.
    20    §  2. Establishment of the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education and Work-
    21  force Training Center] Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and  Math-
    22  ematics high school.  1. The Syracuse [Comprehensive Education and Work-
    23  force  Training  Center]  Science,  Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and
    24  Mathematics high school may be established by the board of education  of
    25  the  Syracuse city school district pursuant to this section for students
    26  in grades nine through twelve.
    27    2. Such high school shall be governed by the board of education of the
    28  Syracuse city school district. The high school shall be subject  to  all
    29  laws, rules and regulations which are applicable to a public high school
    30  unless  otherwise  provided  for  in  this act. The high school shall be
    31  subject to the oversight of the board of regents and the  program  shall
    32  be audited in a manner consistent with provisions of law and regulations
    33  that are applicable to other public schools.
    34    3.  The  board of education of the Syracuse city school district shall
    35  have the responsibility for the operation, supervision  and  maintenance
    36  of  the  high  school and shall be responsible for the administration of
    37  the high school, including curriculum, grading, discipline and staffing.
    38  The high school may partner  with  a  certified  institution  of  higher
    39  education to offer an early college high school program. The high school
    40  [and workforce training center] may also partner with a certified insti-
    41  tution   of  higher  education  to  offer  apprenticeship  training  and
    42  programs. [The workforce training center, in collaboration  with  educa-
    43  tional opportunity centers, shall provide career connection programs and
    44  opportunities  including,  but not limited to, workforce preparation and
    45  training, industry certifications  and  credentials  including  advanced
    46  technical  certifications  and  high  school  equivalency  programs, and
    47  educational opportunity center programs at  the  Syracuse  Comprehensive
    48  Education  and Workforce Training Center at night.  The State University
    49  of New York Empire State College may also  partner  with  the  New  York
    50  State  Department  of  Labor.    The  workforce  training center is also
    51  authorized to partner with  other  local  entities  including,  but  not
    52  limited  to,  businesses, non-profit organizations, educational opportu-
    53  nity centers, state  and  local  governments,  and  other  organizations
    54  focused  on  closing  the  skills gap and increasing employment opportu-
    55  nities through training. The workforce training center programs shall be
    56  available to students as well as members of the community.]

        S. 9016                             3

     1    4. [Such workforce training center shall  be  governed  by  the  State
     2  University  of  New  York  Empire State College in consultation with the
     3  board of education of the Syracuse city school district.
     4    5.  The  Syracuse  City  School District shall develop a comprehensive
     5  safety policy that includes a requirement that workforce training center
     6  programs offered at the Syracuse Comprehensive Education  and  Workforce
     7  Training Center shall be offered at night.
     8    6.]  The board of education of the Syracuse city school district shall
     9  be authorized to enter into contracts  as  necessary  or  convenient  to
    10  operate such high school.
    11    [7.]  5.  Students  attending  such  high  school shall continue to be
    12  enrolled in their school district of residence. The Syracuse city school
    13  district shall be responsible for the issuance of a high school  diploma
    14  to  students  who  attended  the  high  school  based  on such students'
    15  successful completion of the high school's educational program.
    16    [8.] 6. For purposes of all state aid calculations  made  pursuant  to
    17  the education law, students attending such high school shall continue to
    18  be  treated  and  counted  as students of their school district of resi-
    19  dence.
    20    [9.] 7. The public school district of residence shall be obligated  to
    21  provide  transportation,  without  regard  to  any  mileage limitations,
    22  provided however, for aid reimbursements pursuant to  subdivision  7  of
    23  section  3602  of the education law, expenses associated with the trans-
    24  portation of students to and from the high school up to  a  distance  of
    25  thirty miles shall be included.
    26    [10.]  8.  It shall be the duty of the student's district of residence
    27  to make payments as calculated  in  this  act  directly  to  the  school
    28  district  for  each student enrolled in the high school.  No costs shall
    29  be apportioned to school districts that elect not to participate in such
    30  high school.
    31    [11.] 9. The trustees or the board of education of a  school  district
    32  may enter into a memorandum of understanding with the board of education
    33  of  the Syracuse city school district to participate in such high school
    34  program for a period not to exceed five years upon such  terms  as  such
    35  trustees  or  board of education and the board of education of the Syra-
    36  cuse city school district may mutually agree.  Such memorandum of under-
    37  standing shall set forth a methodology for the calculation of per  pupil
    38  tuition  costs  that  shall  be  subject  to  review and approval by the
    39  commissioner of education.
    40    [12.] 10. Any student eligible for enrollment in grades  nine  through
    41  twelve  of  a  public school entering into a memorandum of understanding
    42  with the board of education of the  Syracuse  city  school  district  to
    43  enroll  students  in  the high school shall be eligible for admission to
    44  the high school. To the extent that the number of  qualified  applicants
    45  may  exceed  the number of available spaces, the high school shall grant
    46  admission on a random selection basis, provided that an enrollment pref-
    47  erence shall be provided to pupils returning to the high school  in  the
    48  second  or  any subsequent year. The criteria for admission shall not be
    49  limited based on intellectual ability, measures of academic  achievement
    50  or   aptitude,  athletic  aptitude,  disability,  race,  creed,  gender,
    51  national origin, religion, ancestry, or location of residence. The  high
    52  school  shall  determine  the  tentative  enrollment  roster, notify the
    53  parents, or those in parental relations to those students, and the resi-
    54  dent school district by April first of the  school  year  preceding  the
    55  school year for which the admission is granted.

        S. 9016                             4

     1    [13.]  11. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
     2  the Syracuse city school district is authorized to transfer ownership of
     3  the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education  and  Workforce  Training  Center]
     4  Science,  Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and  Mathematics  high school
     5  facility to the county of Onondaga and the county of Onondaga is author-
     6  ized to assume such ownership and to enter into a lease for such facili-
     7  ty  with  the  Syracuse city school district. The county of Onondaga may
     8  contract for indebtedness to renovate  such  facility  and  any  related
     9  financing shall be deemed a county purpose. The county of Onondaga shall
    10  transfer  ownership  of  the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education and Work-
    11  force Training Center] Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and  Math-
    12  ematics high school facility to the city of Syracuse upon the expiration
    13  of the lease.
    14    [14.]  12. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
    15  the county of Onondaga shall submit  estimated  project  costs  for  the
    16  renovation  and  equipping  of the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education and
    17  Workforce Training Center] Science, Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and
    18  Mathematics  high  school  after  the  completion of schematic plans and
    19  specifications for review by the commissioner of education. If the total
    20  project costs associated with such  project  exceed  the  approved  cost
    21  allowance  of  such  building  project pursuant to section three of this
    22  act, and the county has not otherwise demonstrated to  the  satisfaction
    23  of  the  New  York  state education department the availability of addi-
    24  tional local shares for such excess costs  from  the  city  of  Syracuse
    25  and/or  the  Syracuse  city  school  district, then the county shall not
    26  proceed with the preparation of final plans and specifications for  such
    27  project  until  the  project  has been redesigned or value-engineered to
    28  reduce estimated project costs so  as  not  to  exceed  the  above  cost
    29  limits.
    30    [15.]  13. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
    31  the county of Onondaga shall submit  estimated  project  costs  for  the
    32  renovation  and equipping of the Syracuse [Comprehensive Education Work-
    33  force and Training Center] Science, Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and
    34  Mathematics  high  school  after  the completion of fifty percent of the
    35  final plans and specifications for review by the commissioner of  educa-
    36  tion. If the total project costs associated with such project exceed the
    37  approved  cost  allowance  of such building project pursuant to subpara-
    38  graph (8) of paragraph a of subdivision 6 of section 3602 of the  educa-
    39  tion law, and the county has not otherwise demonstrated to the satisfac-
    40  tion  of  the  New  York  state education department the availability of
    41  additional local share for such excess costs from the city  of  Syracuse
    42  and/or  the  Syracuse  city  school  district, then the county shall not
    43  proceed with the completion of the remaining fifty percent of the  plans
    44  and  specifications  for  such  project until the project has been rede-
    45  signed or value-engineered to reduce estimated project costs  so  as  to
    46  not exceed the above cost limits.
    47    § 3. Subparagraph 8 of paragraph a of subdivision 6 of section 3602 of
    48  the  education law, as added by section 3 of part B of chapter 56 of the
    49  laws of 2020, is amended to read as follows:
    50    (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to  the  contrary,  for
    51  the purpose of computation of building aid for the renovation and equip-
    52  ping  of  the  Syracuse  [Comprehensive Education and Workforce Training
    53  Center] Science, Technology,  Engineering,  Arts  and  Mathematics  high
    54  school authorized for operation by the Syracuse city school district the
    55  building aid units assigned to this project shall reflect a building aid
    56  enrollment  of  one thousand students and multi-year cost allowances for

        S. 9016                             5

     1  the project shall be established and utilized two  times  in  the  first
     2  five-year  period. Subsequent multi-year cost allowances shall be estab-
     3  lished no sooner than ten years after establishment of the first maximum
     4  cost allowance authorized pursuant to this subparagraph.
     5    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.