

                    IN SENATE

                                      April 9, 2024

        Introduced  by Sen. SCARCELLA-SPANTON -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Children  and

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  social services law, in relation to payments of
          certain expenses by adoptive parents

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 6 of section 374 of the social services law, as
     2  amended  by  chapter  305  of  the  laws  of 2008, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    6. (a) An authorized agency, as defined in paragraphs (a) and  (c)  of
     5  subdivision  ten of section three hundred seventy-one of this title, may
     6  charge or accept a fee or other compensation to  or  from  a  person  or
     7  persons  with  whom  it  has  placed out a child, for the reasonable and
     8  necessary expenses of such placement; and no agency, association, corpo-
     9  ration, institution, society or organization, except such an  authorized
    10  agency,  and  no  person  may  or  shall  request, accept or receive any
    11  compensation or thing of value, directly or  indirectly,  in  connection
    12  with  the  placing  out  or adoption of a child or for assisting a birth
    13  parent, relative or guardian of a child in arranging for  the  placement
    14  of the child for the purpose of adoption; and no person may or shall pay
    15  or give to any person or to any agency, association, corporation, insti-
    16  tution,  society  or organization, except such an authorized agency, any
    17  compensation or thing of value in connection with  the  placing  out  or
    18  adoption of a child or for assisting a birth parent, relative or guardi-
    19  an  of  a  child  in  arranging  for  the placement of the child for the
    20  purpose of adoption. The prohibition set forth in this  section  applies
    21  to  any  adoptive  placement activity involving a child born in New York
    22  state or brought into this state or involving a New York resident  seek-
    23  ing to bring a child into New York state for the purpose of adoption.
    24    (b)  This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent the payment of
    25  salaries or other compensation by an authorized agency to  the  officers
    26  or  employees  thereof; nor shall it be construed to prevent the payment
    27  by a person with whom a child has been  placed  out  of  reasonable  and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9008                             2

     1  actual  medical  fees  or  hospital  charges  for  services  rendered in
     2  connection with the birth of such child or of other  necessary  expenses
     3  incurred  by  the  birth mother in connection with or as a result of her
     4  pregnancy  or  the birth of the child, or of reasonable and actual nurs-
     5  ing, medical or hospital fees for  the  care  of  such  child,  if  such
     6  payment  is  made  to  the  physician,  nurse  or  hospital who or which
     7  rendered the services or to the birth mother of the child, or to prevent
     8  the receipt of such payment by such physician, nurse, hospital or  birth
     9  mother.  This  subdivision shall not be construed to prevent the payment
    10  by an adoptive parent, as defined in section one  hundred  nine  of  the
    11  domestic  relations  law,  of  the  birth mother's reasonable and actual
    12  expenses for housing, maternity clothing, clothing  for  the  child  and
    13  transportation for a reasonable period not to exceed [sixty] one hundred
    14  eighty days prior to the birth and the later of [thirty] forty-five days
    15  after  the  birth or [thirty] forty-five days after the parental consent
    16  to the adoption, unless a court determines, in writing, that exceptional
    17  circumstances exist which require the  payment  of  the  birth  mother's
    18  expenses  beyond the time periods stated in this sentence. This subdivi-
    19  sion shall not be construed  to  prevent  the  payment  by  an  adoptive
    20  parent, as defined in section one hundred nine of the domestic relations
    21  law,  of  reasonable  and actual legal fees charged for consultation and
    22  legal advice, preparation of papers and representation and  other  legal
    23  services rendered in connection with an adoption proceeding or of neces-
    24  sary  disbursements incurred for or in an adoption proceeding. No attor-
    25  ney or law firm shall serve as the attorney for, or  provide  any  legal
    26  services  to  both the birth parent and adoptive parent in regard to the
    27  placing out of a child for adoption or in  an  adoption  proceeding.  No
    28  attorney  or  law  firm  shall serve as the attorney for, or provide any
    29  legal services to, both an authorized agency and adoptive parent or both
    30  an authorized agency  and  birth  parent  where  the  authorized  agency
    31  provides  adoption  services  to  such  birth parent or adoptive parent,
    32  where the authorized agency provides foster care for the child, or where
    33  the authorized agency is directly or indirectly involved in the  placing
    34  out of such child for adoption.
    35    §  2.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    36  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    37  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary  for  the  implementation  of
    38  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    39  on or before such effective date.