

                    IN SENATE

                                      April 3, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COONEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Health

        AN ACT to amend the social  services  law  and  the  insurance  law,  in
          relation to requiring comprehensive coverage for treatment of obesity

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 365-a of the social  services  law
     2  is amended by adding a new paragraph (nn) to read as follows:
     3    (nn)  (i) Comprehensive coverage for treatment of obesity, which shall
     4  include coverage for  prevention  and  wellness,  nutrition  counseling,
     5  intensive  behavioral therapy, bariatric surgery, and FDA-approved anti-
     6  obesity medication. For purposes of this paragraph, "FDA-approved  anti-
     7  obesity  medication"  shall  mean any medication approved by the federal
     8  food and drug administration  with  an  indication  for  chronic  weight
     9  management in patients with obesity.
    10    (ii)  Coverage  criteria  for  FDA-approved  anti-obesity  medications
    11  provided under this paragraph shall not be  more  restrictive  than  the
    12  FDA-approved indications for such treatments.
    13    (iii)  Coverage  under  this  paragraph shall be neither different nor
    14  separate from coverage for any other illness, condition, or disorder for
    15  purposes of determining deductibles, lifetime dollar  limits,  copayment
    16  and  coinsurance  factors,  and benefit year maximum for deductibles and
    17  copayment and coinsurance factors.
    18    (iv) Nothing shall preclude the undertaking of utilization  management
    19  to  determine  the medical necessity for treatment of obesity under this
    20  paragraph, provided that all such appropriateness and medical  necessity
    21  determinations  are  made in the same manner as those determinations are
    22  made for the treatment of any  other  illness,  condition,  or  disorder
    23  covered by such policy, contract, or plan.
    24    (v)  The department shall provide notice to eligible persons regarding
    25  the coverage required by this paragraph. The notice shall be in  writing
    26  and  shall be prominently positioned in any literature or correspondence
    27  sent to members and shall be transmitted to members within the  calendar

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8959                             2

     1  year  when  annual information is made available to eligible persons, or
     2  in any other mailing or communication to eligible persons.
     3    § 2. Subsection (i) of section 3216 of the insurance law is amended by
     4  adding a new paragraph 39 to read as follows:
     5    (39)  (A) Every policy which provides medical, major medical, or simi-
     6  lar comprehensive-type coverage shall provide comprehensive coverage for
     7  treatment of obesity, which shall include coverage  for  prevention  and
     8  wellness,  nutrition counseling, intensive behavioral therapy, bariatric
     9  surgery, and FDA-approved anti-obesity medication. For purposes of  this
    10  paragraph, "FDA-approved anti-obesity medication" shall mean any medica-
    11  tion  approved by the federal food and drug administration with an indi-
    12  cation for chronic weight management in patients with obesity.
    13    (B)  Coverage  criteria  for  FDA-approved  anti-obesity   medications
    14  provided  under  this  paragraph  shall not be more restrictive than the
    15  FDA-approved indications for those treatments.
    16    (C) Coverage under this paragraph shall neither be different nor sepa-
    17  rate from coverage for any other illness,  condition,  or  disorder  for
    18  purposes  of  determining deductibles, lifetime dollar limits, copayment
    19  and coinsurance factors, and benefit year maximum  for  deductibles  and
    20  copayment and coinsurance factors.
    21    (D)  Nothing  shall preclude the undertaking of utilization management
    22  to determine the medical necessity for treatment of obesity  under  this
    23  paragraph,  provided that all such appropriateness and medical necessity
    24  determinations are made in the same manner as those  determinations  are
    25  made  for  the  treatment  of  any other illness, condition, or disorder
    26  covered by such policy, contract, or plan.
    27    (E) The insurer shall provide notice to covered persons regarding  the
    28  coverage  required by this paragraph. The notice shall be in writing and
    29  shall be prominently positioned in any literature or correspondence sent
    30  to members and shall be transmitted to members within the calendar  year
    31  when  annual information is made available to covered persons, or in any
    32  other mailing or communication to covered persons.
    33    § 3. Subsection (l) of section 3221 of the insurance law is amended by
    34  adding a new paragraph 22 to read as follows:
    35    (22) (A) Every insurer delivering a group or blanket policy for deliv-
    36  ery in this state that  provides  medical,  major  medical,  or  similar
    37  comprehensive-type  coverage  shall  provide  comprehensive coverage for
    38  treatment of obesity, which shall include coverage  for  prevention  and
    39  wellness,  nutrition counseling, intensive behavioral therapy, bariatric
    40  surgery, and FDA-approved anti-obesity medication. For purposes of  this
    41  paragraph, "FDA-approved anti-obesity medication" shall mean any medica-
    42  tion  approved by the federal food and drug administration with an indi-
    43  cation for chronic weight management in patients with obesity.
    44    (B)  Coverage  criteria  for  FDA-approved  anti-obesity   medications
    45  provided  under  this  paragraph  shall not be more restrictive than the
    46  FDA-approved indications for those treatments.
    47    (C) Coverage under this paragraph shall neither be different nor sepa-
    48  rate from coverage for any other illness,  condition,  or  disorder  for
    49  purposes  of  determining deductibles, lifetime dollar limits, copayment
    50  and coinsurance factors, and benefit year maximum  for  deductibles  and
    51  copayment and coinsurance factors.
    52    (D)  Nothing  shall preclude the undertaking of utilization management
    53  to determine the medical necessity for treatment of obesity  under  this
    54  paragraph,  provided that all such appropriateness and medical necessity
    55  determinations are made in the same manner as those  determinations  are

        S. 8959                             3

     1  made  for  the  treatment  of  any other illness, condition, or disorder
     2  covered by such policy, contract, or plan.
     3    (E)  The insurer shall provide notice to covered persons regarding the
     4  coverage required by this paragraph. The notice shall be in writing  and
     5  shall be prominently positioned in any literature or correspondence sent
     6  to  members and shall be transmitted to members within the calendar year
     7  when annual information is made available to covered persons, or in  any
     8  other mailing or communication to covered persons.
     9    §  4.  Section  4303  of  the insurance law is amended by adding a new
    10  subsection (vv) to read as follows:
    11    (vv) (1) Every policy which provides medical, major medical, or  simi-
    12  lar comprehensive-type coverage shall provide comprehensive coverage for
    13  treatment  of  obesity,  which shall include coverage for prevention and
    14  wellness, nutrition counseling, intensive behavioral therapy,  bariatric
    15  surgery,  and FDA-approved anti-obesity medication. For purposes of this
    16  subsection, "FDA-approved anti-obesity medication" shall mean any  medi-
    17  cation  approved  by  the  federal  food and drug administration with an
    18  indication for chronic weight management in patients with obesity.
    19    (2)  Coverage  criteria  for  FDA-approved  anti-obesity   medications
    20  provided  under  this  subsection shall not be more restrictive than the
    21  FDA-approved indications for those treatments.
    22    (3) Coverage under this subsection  shall  neither  be  different  nor
    23  separate from coverage for any other illness, condition, or disorder for
    24  purposes  of  determining deductibles, lifetime dollar limits, copayment
    25  and coinsurance factors, and benefit year maximum  for  deductibles  and
    26  copayment and coinsurance factors.
    27    (4)  Nothing  shall preclude the undertaking of utilization management
    28  to determine the medical necessity for treatment of obesity  under  this
    29  subsection, provided that all such appropriateness and medical necessity
    30  determinations  are  made in the same manner as those determinations are
    31  made for the treatment of any  other  illness,  condition,  or  disorder
    32  covered by such policy, contract, or plan.
    33    (5)  The insurer shall provide notice to covered persons regarding the
    34  coverage required by this subsection. The notice shall be in writing and
    35  shall be prominently positioned in any literature or correspondence sent
    36  to members and shall be transmitted to members within the calendar  year
    37  when  annual information is made available to covered persons, or in any
    38  other mailing or communication to covered persons.
    39    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    40  it shall have become a law and shall apply to any policy issued,  deliv-
    41  ered,  renewed,  and/or  modified on or after the effective date of this
    42  act.