

                    IN SENATE

                                    September 2, 2020

        Introduced  by  Sen.  MAY  --  read  twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the public health law,  in  relation  to  personal  care
          visitors  for  residents  of nursing homes and residential health care

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  public health law is amended by adding a new section
     2  2801-h to read as follows:
     3    § 2801-h. Personal care visitors for residents of  nursing  homes  and
     4  residential  health  care  facilities.  1.  As used in this section, the
     5  term:
     6    (a) "resident" means a person who is a resident of a nursing  home  or
     7  residential health care facility;
     8    (b) "personal care visitor" means a family member or legal guardian of
     9  a  resident  designated  by  the resident or legal representative of the
    10  resident to provide personal care for such resident;
    11    (c) "personal care" means care and support provided by a family member
    12  or legal guardian that is important to the mental, physical,  or  social
    13  well-being for such resident;
    14    (d)  "nursing home" shall have the same meaning as set forth in subdi-
    15  vision two of section twenty-eight hundred one of this article;
    16    (e) "residential health care facility" shall have the same meaning  as
    17  set  forth  in  subdivision three of section twenty-eight hundred one of
    18  this article; and
    19    (f) "legal  representative"  means  a  legal  guardian  or  a  legally
    20  appointed  substitute  decision-maker who is authorized to act on behalf
    21  of a resident.
    22    2. The department is authorized and directed to develop  rules,  regu-
    23  lations  and  guidelines  authorizing  and  regulating the visitation of
    24  personal care visitors at nursing  homes  and  residential  health  care
    25  facilities.  Such rules, regulations and guidelines shall:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8958                             2

     1    (a)  require  nursing  homes and residential health care facilities to
     2  allow visitation by personal care visitors subject to the provisions  of
     3  this section;
     4    (b) set forth procedures for the designation of personal care visitors
     5  by  residents and legal representatives including requiring a medical or
     6  mental health professional to make a determination  that  such  personal
     7  care  visitor  is necessary. Such determination may be made by a medical
     8  or mental health professional not affiliated  with  a  nursing  home  or
     9  residential health care facility;
    10    (c)  set  forth procedures for changing a personal care visitor desig-
    11  nation;
    12    (d) require that personal care  visitors  waive  liability  against  a
    13  nursing  home or residential health care facility for exposure to COVID-
    14  19;
    15    (e) provide that a resident may designate no more  than  one  personal
    16  care visitor;
    17    (f)  provide  that  personal  care  visitors  shall be exempt from any
    18  prohibitions on visitation at a nursing home or residential health  care
    19  facility,  subject to the limitations and requirements set forth in this
    20  subdivision;
    21    (g) set forth the circumstances under  which  visitation  by  personal
    22  care  visitors  at  nursing homes and residential health care facilities
    23  may be limited, suspended or terminated including, but not  limited  to,
    24  local infection rates and health care capacity;
    25    (h)  require,  at  a  minimum,  that all personal care visitors follow
    26  safety protocols required for nursing homes and residential health  care
    27  facilities' staff, including, but not limited to:
    28    (i) testing for communicable diseases;
    29    (ii) checking body temperature;
    30    (iii) health screenings;
    31    (iv) the appropriate use of personal protection equipment;
    32    (v) social distancing; and
    33    (vi) any other requirement the department deems appropriate;
    34    (i)  set  forth  frequency  of  visitation  and  duration of visits by
    35  personal care visitors at nursing  homes  and  residential  health  care
    36  facilities; and
    37    (j)  set  forth  the total number of personal care visitors allowed to
    38  visit a nursing home or residential health  care  facility  at  any  one
    39  time.
    40    §  2.  The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2801-i
    41  to read as follows:
    42    § 2801-i. Compassionate care visitation for residents of nursing homes
    43  and residential health care facilities. 1. As used in this section,  the
    44  term:
    45    (a)  "resident"  means a person who is a resident of a nursing home or
    46  residential health care facility;
    47    (b) "compassionate care visitor" means a family member or legal guard-
    48  ian of a resident designated by the resident or legal representative  of
    49  the resident to provide compassionate care for such resident;
    50    (c) "compassionate care" means short-term care and support provided by
    51  a family member or legal guardian that is important to the mental, phys-
    52  ical,  or social well-being for such resident during critical situations
    53  such as, but not limited to, at the end of such resident's  life  or  in
    54  the instance of significant mental or social decline of such resident;
    55    (d)  "nursing home" shall have the same meaning as set forth in subdi-
    56  vision two of section twenty-eight hundred one of this article;

        S. 8958                             3

     1    (e) "residential health care facility" shall have the same meaning  as
     2  set  forth  in  subdivision three of section twenty-eight hundred one of
     3  this article; and
     4    (f)  "legal  representative"  means  a  legal  guardian  or  a legally
     5  appointed substitute decision-maker who is authorized to act  on  behalf
     6  of a resident.
     7    2.  The  department is authorized and directed to develop rules, regu-
     8  lations, and guidelines authorizing and regulating the short-term  visi-
     9  tation  of  compassionate care visitors at nursing homes and residential
    10  health care facilities during, but not limited to, the end  of  a  resi-
    11  dent's  life, in the instance of significant mental or social decline of
    12  such resident or when exigent circumstances exist regarding  such  resi-
    13  dent.  Such  rules, regulations and guidelines shall require, at a mini-
    14  mum, that  all  compassionate  care  visitors  follow  safety  protocols
    15  required  for  nursing  homes  and  residential  health care facilities'
    16  staff, including, but not limited to:
    17    (a) testing for communicable diseases;
    18    (b) checking body temperature;
    19    (c) health screenings;
    20    (d) the appropriate use of personal protection equipment;
    21    (e) social distancing; and
    22    (f) any other requirement the department deems appropriate.
    23    3. All compassionate care visitors shall be restricted to one room  to
    24  provide such compassionate care to a resident.
    25    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    26  it  shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
    27  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    28  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    29  completed on or before such date.