                    IN SENATE
                                      June 7, 2018
        Introduced  by  Sen.  MONTGOMERY  -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
        AN ACT to amend the education  law,  in  relation  to  establishing  the
          commission on civics education curriculum
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 817 to
     2  read as follows:
     3    § 817. Civics education curriculum. 1. The commission on civics educa-
     4  tion curriculum; established. (a) The  commission  on  civics  education
     5  curriculum  is  hereby  created  and  established.  The commission shall
     6  consist of eleven members, including the commissioner,  or  his  or  her
     7  designee,  the chancellor of New York city schools, or his or her desig-
     8  nee, the chancellor of the state university of New York, or his  or  her
     9  designee,  the  chancellor of the city university of New York, or his or
    10  her designee, and the chancellor of the board of regents, or his or  her
    11  designee,  three  members  appointed  by  the chancellor of the board of
    12  regents who shall be  members  of  the  board  of  regents,  one  member
    13  appointed  by the governor, one member appointed by the temporary presi-
    14  dent of the senate, and one member  appointed  by  the  speaker  of  the
    15  assembly.  Appointed members shall represent geographic diversity of the
    16  state and shall include but not be limited to teachers,  including  K-12
    17  educators, historians, and those with a background in civics.
    18    (b)  Each  member shall serve for a term of one year. A vacancy occur-
    19  ring other than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner
    20  as the original appointment for the unexpired term.
    21    (c) The members of the commission shall serve without compensation but
    22  shall be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary  expenses  incurred
    23  in the performance of their duties.
    24    (d) The commissioner, or his or her designee, shall serve as the chair
    25  and  the  chancellor  of  New York city schools, or his or her designee,
    26  shall serve as the vice-chair of  the  commission.  The  presence  of  a
    27  majority  of  the  authorized  membership  of  the  commission  shall be
    28  required for the conduct of official business.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8958                             2
     1    (e) The department shall provide technical assistance and data to  the
     2  commission  as  may  be  necessary  for  the commission to carry out its
     3  responsibilities pursuant to this section.
     4    2.  Duties  and responsibilities of the commission. (a) The commission
     5  shall be tasked with developing and recommending instruction that amends
     6  the current civics curriculum as part of New  York's  education  curric-
     7  ulum,  which  shall  include  but  shall not be limited to, the New York
     8  state constitution, state and local government, civic literacy, communi-
     9  ty issues, methods of public participation, and the rights and responsi-
    10  bilities of citizenship. In furtherance of  this  goal,  the  commission
    11  shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
    12    (i)  To  survey  and review current elementary and secondary education
    13  curriculum as it relates to civics instruction and curriculum;
    14    (ii) To develop recommendations to amend or include additional curric-
    15  ulum and instruction for grades kindergarten through twelve that  incor-
    16  porate  civics  education  curriculum,  with a focus on simulation-based
    17  approaches, including but not limited to mock trials, moot court,  advo-
    18  cating for issues students have studied, simulated legislative hearings,
    19  and  other role-playing exercises that engage students in the democratic
    20  process first hand; and
    21    (iii) To prepare a report for the governor and  legislature  regarding
    22  its findings and recommendations on current curriculum and incorporating
    23  additional instruction on civics education curriculum.
    24    (b) The commission shall submit a report within one year of the effec-
    25  tive  date of this section, to the governor and legislature on its find-
    26  ings and recommendations.
    27    3. Civics education curriculum or instruction. (a)  The  commissioner,
    28  in  conjunction with other appropriate agencies, shall amend the current
    29  civics education curriculum or instruction for school districts based on
    30  the recommendations of the commission. The content shall be  age  appro-
    31  priate  and  shall  be developed according to the needs and abilities of
    32  pupils at successive grade levels in order  to  provide  materials,  and
    33  information in civics education.
    34    (b)  Schools  may  include  the  above materials as a component of its
    35  civics curriculum or any other way the school deems appropriate.
    36    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.