                    IN SENATE
                                      June 1, 2018
        Introduced  by  Sen.  GOLDEN -- (at request of the State Comptroller) --
          read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to  be  committed  to
          the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions
        AN  ACT  to amend the retirement and social security law, in relation to
          extending the period of time to file an application for an  accidental
          death  benefit  after  the death of a member of the New York state and
          local employees' retirement system or the New  York  state  and  local
          police and fire retirement system
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The section heading and the opening paragraph  of  subdivi-
     2  sion  a  of  section  61  of  the retirement and social security law, as
     3  amended by chapter 336 of the laws of  1960,  are  amended  to  read  as
     4  follows:
     5    [Accidential] Accidental death benefit.
     6    An  [accidential]  accidental  death  benefit  and the reserve-for-in-
     7  creased-take-home-pay shall be payable upon the death of  a  member  if,
     8  upon  application  filed within [two] five years after the death of such
     9  member, the comptroller shall determine, on the basis of  the  evidence,
    10  that such member:
    11    §  2.  The  opening  paragraph  of subdivision a of section 361 of the
    12  retirement and social security law, as added by chapter 1000 of the laws
    13  of 1966, is amended to read as follows:
    14    An accidental death benefit and  the  reserve-for-increased-take-home-
    15  pay  shall  be  payable upon the death of a member if, upon application,
    16  filed within [two] five years after the death of such member  the  comp-
    17  troller shall determine, on the basis of the evidence, that such member:
    18    §  3.  The  opening  paragraph  of subdivision a of section 509 of the
    19  retirement and social security law, as amended by  chapter  489  of  the
    20  laws of 2008, is amended to read as follows:
    21    The  eligible  beneficiary  of a member in service, or a vested member
    22  that dies as a result of a qualifying World Trade  Center  condition  as
    23  defined  in  section  two of this chapter, shall be entitled to an acci-
    24  dental death benefit in the form of a pension equal to fifty percent  of
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8895                             2
     1  such  member's  final  average  salary if, upon application filed within
     2  [two] five years after the death of the member, the head of the  retire-
     3  ment system determines that such member:
     4    § 4. Subdivision a of section 607 of the retirement and social securi-
     5  ty  law,  as  amended  by chapter 582 of the laws of 2011, is amended to
     6  read as follows:
     7    a. The eligible beneficiary of a member in service,  or  of  a  vested
     8  member who dies as a result of a qualifying World Trade Center condition
     9  as defined in section two of this chapter, shall be entitled to an acci-
    10  dental  death benefit in the form of a pension equal to fifty percent of
    11  such member's wages earned during his or her last year of actual service
    12  or his or her annual wage rate if he or she was credited with less  than
    13  one  year  of service since last becoming a member, if, upon application
    14  filed within [sixty days] five years after the death of the member,  the
    15  head  of  the  retirement system determines that such member died before
    16  the effective date of retirement, as the natural and proximate result of
    17  an accident not caused by his or her own willful negligence sustained in
    18  the performance of his or her duties in active service and while actual-
    19  ly a member of the retirement system.
    20    Notwithstanding the provisions of section two hundred  forty-two,  two
    21  hundred forty-three or two hundred forty-four of the military law or the
    22  provisions  of  any other law to the contrary and solely for the purpose
    23  of determining eligibility for an accidental  death  benefit,  a  member
    24  shall  be considered to have died as the natural and proximate result of
    25  an accident sustained in the performance of duty  provided  such  member
    26  was  on the payroll in the service upon which membership is based at the
    27  time he or she was ordered to active duty pursuant to Title  10  of  the
    28  United  States  Code,  with  the armed forces of the United States or to
    29  service in the uniformed services pursuant to Chapter 43 of Title 38  of
    30  the  United States Code and died while on such active duty or service in
    31  the uniformed services on or after June fourteenth, two thousand five.
    32    Provided, however, the head of  the  retirement  system  in  its  sole
    33  discretion  may  accept  an  application for an accidental death benefit
    34  after the expiration of the [sixty day] applicable filing period, where,
    35  but only where, an ordinary death benefit has not been previously paid.
    36    § 5. This act shall take effect January 1, 2019 and shall apply to the
    37  death of a member occurring on or after such date.