

                    IN SENATE

                                     March 11, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen. MANNION -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Disabilities  --  reported
          favorably  from  said  committee  and  committed  to  the Committee on
          Finance -- committee discharged, bill amended,  ordered  reprinted  as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  establishing  the  "blue-ribbon commission on the future of New
          York state's service delivery system for individuals with intellectual
          and developmental disabilities act"; and providing for the  repeal  of
          such provisions upon expiration thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the  "blue-rib-
     2  bon commission on the future of New York state's service delivery system
     3  for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities act".
     4    §  2.  A temporary commission, to be known as the "blue-ribbon commis-
     5  sion on the future of New York state's service delivery system for indi-
     6  viduals with intellectual and developmental  disabilities",  hereinafter
     7  referred  to  as  the  "commission",  is hereby established to conduct a
     8  comprehensive study and prepare a report to examine, evaluate  and  make
     9  recommendations  for  systemic  reforms  to  ensure a sustainable set of
    10  supports and services that meets  the  needs  of  all  individuals  with
    11  intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    12    §  3.  1. The commission shall consist of fifteen members appointed by
    13  the governor as follows:
    14    (a) two members who are individuals with developmental or intellectual
    15  disabilities; one of whom  must  represent  a  self-advocacy  group  for
    16  people with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
    17    (b) one member who is a representative of organized labor that repres-
    18  ents  a  facility  operated  by the office for people with developmental
    19  disabilities;
    20    (c) one member who is a representative of a provider  agency  that  is
    21  certified by the office for people with developmental disabilities;
    22    (d)  one member who is a not-for-profit housing developer with experi-
    23  ence building a supervised living facility or a supportive living facil-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8782--A                          2

     1  ity as such terms are defined in section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law,
     2  or a group home operated by a provider agency certified  by  the  office
     3  for people with developmental disabilities;
     4    (e)  one member who is a representative of an organization established
     5  by section forty-four hundred three-g of the public health law;
     6    (f) one member who is a direct support professional certified  by  the
     7  office for people with developmental disabilities;
     8    (g)  two members upon recommendation of the temporary president of the
     9  senate;
    10    (h) one member upon recommendation  of  the  minority  leader  of  the
    11  senate;
    12    (i) two members upon recommendation of the speaker of the assembly;
    13    (j)  one  member  upon  recommendation  of  the minority leader of the
    14  assembly;
    15    (k) one member who is the commissioner of the office for  people  with
    16  developmental disabilities or his or her designee; and
    17    (l) one member who is the chief disability officer or such chief disa-
    18  bility officer's designee.
    19    2.  The commissioner of the office for people with developmental disa-
    20  bilities shall serve as the chair of the commission.  Additionally,  the
    21  commission  shall  elect  a  vice-chair and a secretary from amongst its
    22  members. Vacancies in the membership of the  commission  and  among  its
    23  officers  shall  be  filled in the manner provided for original appoint-
    24  ments.
    25    3. The members of the commission shall  receive  no  compensation  for
    26  their services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
    27  incurred in the performance of their duties hereunder.
    28    §  4. The study shall examine systemic reforms to ensure a sustainable
    29  set of supports and services that meets the evolving needs of all  indi-
    30  viduals  with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including but
    31  not limited to:
    32    1. solutions to address the recruitment and retention  of  the  direct
    33  care workforce;
    34    2.  access to person centered supports and services that reduce racial
    35  and  socio-economic  inequities and disparities and anticipates changing
    36  demographics of the population;
    37    3. technology and infrastructure  needs,  including  potential  future
    38  needs and uses to improve effectiveness of the service system;
    39    4.  the  evolving  service  needs of individuals with intellectual and
    40  developmental disabilities, especially those  with  co-occurring  behav-
    41  ioral health needs and other cross-systems issues;
    42    5.  evolving housing needs and opportunities, that support the state's
    43  Olmstead plan and independent living in community-based settings;
    44    6. increasing competitive, integrated employment for individuals  with
    45  intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    46    §  5.  Not  later than fifteen months after the effective date of this
    47  act, the commission shall prepare and submit to the governor, the tempo-
    48  rary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly a report of
    49  the study's findings, together with specific recommendations for system-
    50  ic reforms to ensure a sustainable set of  supports  and  services  that
    51  meets  the  needs of all individuals with intellectual and developmental
    52  disabilities.
    53    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  expire  and  be
    54  deemed repealed two years after it shall have become a law.