

                    IN SENATE

                                      April 6, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen.  O'MARA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government

        AN ACT authorizing the city of Elmira, county of  Chemung,  to  alienate
          and sell parklands to Cerulean Holdings, Inc.

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of  law,  the  city  of
     2  Elmira, county of Chemung, acting by and through its governing body, and
     3  upon  such  terms  and  conditions as determined by such body, is hereby
     4  authorized to discontinue as parkland and to sell  and  convey  at  fair
     5  market value the approximately 1.9 acres portion of the property common-
     6  ly  known  as "Patch Park", and more fully described in section three of
     7  this act, to Cerulean Holdings, Inc. for the purpose of constructing  an
     8  apartment complex to serve low-income and special needs residents.
     9    §  2.  The authorization contained in section one of this act shall be
    10  effective only upon the condition that the city  of  Elmira,  county  of
    11  Chemung,  dedicate  an  amount  equal to or greater than the fair market
    12  value of the parklands being discontinued toward the acquisition of  new
    13  parklands  and/or capital improvements to existing park and recreational
    14  facilities.
    15    § 3. The parklands authorized by section one of this act to be  alien-
    16  ated are described as follows:
    17    ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the City of Elmira, County
    18  of Chemung and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:
    19    Beginning at an iron pin standing in the ground at the intersection of
    20  the  south line of East Washington Avenue with the west line of lands of
    21  New York, Lackawanna and Western Railway  Company,  conveyed  by  Elmira
    22  iron  and Steel Rolling Mill Company April 1, 1884 and recorded April 8,
    23  1884 in the Chemung County Deeds Volume 82, page 538; running thence  as
    24  the needle played in November 1920 S. 76° west along the said south line
    25  279.27  feet to an iron pin now standing in the ground; thence south 14°
    26  21' 20" east and parallel with the east line of Canal Street 75 feet  to
    27  an iron pin now standing in the ground; thence south 76° west 40 foot to
    28  an iron pin now standing in said east line of Canal Street; thence south

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8743                             2

     1  14°  21'  20"  east  along  said east line and its prolongation south of
     2  south line of East Seventh Street 568.55 feet to an iron pin now  stand-
     3  ing in the ground; thence north 76° 02' 40" east parallel with the north
     4  face  the brick wall of the Old Rolling Mill and distant 25 feet perpen-
     5  dicularly therefrom, 130.45 feet to an iron  pin  now  standing  in  the
     6  ground;  thence  south  13°  37' 20" east parallel with the east face of
     7  said Old Rolling Mill and  25  feet  distant  perpendicularly  therefrom
     8  140.10  feet to a cross in a stone, which is 1 foot north of an iron pin
     9  now standing in the ground; thence north 76° 08' 40" east parallel  with
    10  the  north  face of the new wing of the Old Rolling Mill, and distant 25
    11  feet perpendicularly therefrom, 69.05 feet to an iron  pin  standing  in
    12  the  said  west line of lands of New York Lackawanna and Western Railway
    13  Company; thence north 5° 31' 40" west along said west line  792.40  feet
    14  to the point the place of beginning.
    15    ALSO,  all of the interest of the party of the first part in that part
    16  of Canal Street lying east of the center  line  thereof,  north  of  the
    17  south  line  of  East Seventh Street and south of the south line of East
    18  Washington Avenue.
    19    ALSO, all of that interest of the party of the first part in that part
    20  in East Washington Avenue lying south of the center line  thereof,  east
    21  of  the  centerline  of Canal Street prolonged and west of the said west
    22  line of the New York, Lackawanna and Western Railway Company.
    23    EXCEPTING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate  in  the  City  of
    24  Elmira,  County of Chemung and State of New York beginning at a point in
    25  the east line of Canal Street two hundred ninety-three  and  fifty-three
    26  hundredths  feet  (293.53')  south  of the south line of East Washington
    27  Avenue; thence south 14° 21' 20" east  along  the  east  line  of  Canal
    28  Street  and its extension south of the south line of East Seventh Street
    29  three hundred fifty and two hundredths feet (350.02') to  an  iron  pin;
    30  thence  north  76°  02'  40"  east  one  hundred  thirty  and forty-five
    31  hundredths feet (130.45') to an iron pin; thence south 13° 37' 20"  east
    32  one  hundred  forty  and ten hundredths feet (140.10') to a cross cut in
    33  stone which is one foot north of an iron pin; thence north 76°  08'  40"
    34  east sixty nine and five hundredths feet (69.05') to an iron pin; thence
    35  north  5°  31'  40"  west four hundred ninety-six and fifteen hundredths
    36  feet (496.15') along the west property line of the Erie Lackawanna Rail-
    37  road Company to a point; thence south 75° 58' west two hundred  seventy-
    38  three  and  eighty  hundredths feet (273.80') to the place of beginning.
    39  The above described parcel  containing  two  and  twenty-six  hundredths
    40  acres  (2.26  acres) of land. Also all the rights, title and interest of
    41  party of the first part in and to the main switch now  standing  on  the
    42  lands  above  conveyed  and  passing  over  lands heretofore conveyed to
    43  George W. Peck and Ira C. Pratt and LeVallye, McLeod, Kinkaid Company.
    44    AND FURTHER EXCEPTING all that tract or parcel of land situate in  the
    45  City  of Elmira, County of Chemung and State of New York, beginning at a
    46  point in the north property line on the above described  premises  thir-
    47  ty-five  and  fourteen hundredths feet (35.14') east of the east line of
    48  Canal Street; thence northerly at right angles  to  the  north  property
    49  line  four  and  seventy-two  hundredths feet (4.72') to a point; thence
    50  easterly along the north side of the building thirty-three  and  thirty-
    51  five  hundredths  feet  (33.35')  to a point; thence southerly along the
    52  east side of the building five feet (5'±) more or  less,  to  the  north
    53  property  line  of  the  first described parcel; thence westerly thirty-
    54  three and thirty-five hundredths feet (33.35') to the  place  of  begin-
    55  ning.

        S. 8743                             3

     1    § 4. In the event that the city of Elmira, county of Chemung, received
     2  any  funding,  support or assistance from the federal government for the
     3  purchase, maintenance or improvement  of  the  parklands  set  forth  in
     4  section  three  of  this  act, the discontinuance and alienation of such
     5  parkland  authorized by the provisions of this act shall not occur until
     6  the city of Elmira, county of Chemung, has  complied  with  any  federal
     7  requirements  pertaining  to  the alienation or conversion of parklands,
     8  including satisfying to the secretary of the interior  that  the  alien-
     9  ation  or conversion complies with all conditions which the secretary of
    10  the interior deems necessary to ensure the substitution of  other  lands
    11  shall  be  equivalent  in  fair market value and usefulness to the lands
    12  being alienated or converted.
    13    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.