

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 3, 2020

        Introduced  by  Sen.  KAPLAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Commerce, Economic  Devel-
          opment  and  Small  Business  --  committee  discharged, bill amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT authorizing the empire state development corporation to develop a
          public awareness campaign promoting personal protective  clothing  and
          equipment manufacturing businesses located in New York state

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. 1. For purposes of this act, the term:
     2    a. "personal protective clothing and equipment"  shall  mean  clothing
     3  and  equipment  worn  for  protection  against  illness  from infectious
     4  disease or materials or to help prevent or reduce the spread  of  infec-
     5  tious  disease  or  illness.  Personal protective clothing and equipment
     6  shall include, but not be limited to,  isolation  gowns  and  coveralls,
     7  gloves, facemasks, face shields and goggles; and
     8    b. "manufacturing business" shall mean any business that manufacturers
     9  personal  protective clothing and equipment that is located and operated
    10  in New York state.
    11    2. The empire state development corporation shall  develop,  establish
    12  and  implement a public awareness campaign promoting manufacturing busi-
    13  nesses and encouraging individuals and businesses to  purchase  products
    14  from such manufacturing businesses.
    15    3.  The  campaign shall include an internet website providing informa-
    16  tion on manufacturing businesses and their available products, including
    17  a Buy  New  York  Personal  Protective  Clothing  and  Equipment  Online
    18  Networking  Directory. The owner of any manufacturing business may apply
    19  to the empire state development corporation to have his or her  manufac-
    20  turing business included in such directory. The directory shall include,
    21  but  not  be  limited to, participating manufacturing businesses' names,
    22  addresses, contact information, including telephone number, fax,  e-mail
    23  and  website address, products offered with a brief description, and any
    24  additional information, including history, hours and dates of operation,
    25  and number of employees. The names of manufacturing  businesses  partic-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8451--A                          2

     1  ipating  in  such  directory  shall  be organized by specific categories
     2  based on the various types of personal protective clothing and/or equip-
     3  ment that such manufacturing businesses provide. Such directory shall be
     4  searchable  by  such  specific  categories.  Such  directory  shall also
     5  include a search capability to  allow  for  participating  manufacturing
     6  businesses  to  be searched by the types of personal protective clothing
     7  and/or equipment they offer.
     8    4. The public awareness campaign shall be made available to the public
     9  by any means deemed appropriate by the empire state  development  corpo-
    10  ration  including, but not limited to, internet, radio, and print adver-
    11  tising such as brochures, billboards and posters. The campaign may  also
    12  identify and recruit individuals to serve as visible, public ambassadors
    13  to promote this message.
    14    5.  The  empire state development corporation shall conspicuously post
    15  on its official website any incentives available to manufacturing  busi-
    16  nesses and purchasers of personal protective clothing and equipment.
    17    6. The campaign shall begin no later than ninety days after the effec-
    18  tive  date  of  this act. The empire state development corporation shall
    19  prepare an annual report to the governor and the legislature within  one
    20  year  after  this act shall have become a law and thereafter annually on
    21  or before December first of each year on the public awareness  campaign,
    22  including: (a) actions taken by the empire state development corporation
    23  to  carry out the public awareness campaign and (b) an assessment of the
    24  necessary appropriations for the empire state development corporation to
    25  meet the needs of the campaign in the next fiscal year.
    26    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.