S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                     July 9, 2010
       Introduced  by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- read twice and ordered printed, and
         when printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
       AN ACT to amend the economic development law; chapter 316 of the laws of
         1997 amending the public authorities law and other  laws  relating  to
         the  provision of low cost power to foster statewide economic develop-
         ment; and chapter 645 of the laws of 2006 amending the economic devel-
         opment law and   other laws relating to  reauthorizing  the  New  York
         power authority to make contributions to the general fund, in relation
         to  extending  the  expiration  of  the power for jobs program and the
         energy cost savings benefits program
    1    Section  1.  Paragraphs 2   and 4 of subdivision (h) of section 183 of
    2  the economic development law, as amended by chapter 88 of  the  laws  of
    3  2010, are amended to read as follows:
    4    2.  During  the period commencing on November first, two thousand five
    5  and ending on [June second] MAY FIFTEENTH,  two  thousand  [ten]  ELEVEN
    6  eligible  businesses shall only include customers served under the power
    7  authority of the state of New York's high load factor, economic develop-
    8  ment power and other business customers served by political subdivisions
    9  of the state authorized by law to engage in the distribution of electric
   10  power that were authorized to  be  served  by  the  authority  from  the
   11  authority's  former  James A.  Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant as of the
   12  effective date of this subdivision whose power prices may be subject  to
   13  increase  before [June second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN.
   14  Provided, however, that the total amount of megawatts of replacement and
   15  preservation power which, due  to  the  extension  of  the  energy  cost
   16  savings  benefits, are not relinquished by or withdrawn from a recipient
   17  shall be deemed to be relinquished or withdrawn for purposes of offering
   18  such megawatts by the authority for reallocation pursuant to subdivision
   19  thirteen of section one thousand five of  the  public  authorities  law.
   20  Provided,  further,  that for any such reallocation, the authority shall
   21  maintain the same energy cost savings benefit  level  for  all  eligible
   22  businesses  using  any  available authority resources as deemed feasible
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 8437                             2
    1  and advisable by the trustees pursuant to section seven  of  part  U  of
    2  chapter fifty-nine of the laws of two thousand six.
    3    4.  Applications  for  an  energy cost savings benefit shall be in the
    4  form and contain such information, exhibits and supporting data  as  the
    5  board  may  prescribe.  The board shall review the applications received
    6  and shall determine the applications which best meet the criteria estab-
    7  lished for the benefits pursuant to this subdivision and it shall recom-
    8  mend such applications to the power authority of the state of  New  York
    9  with such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate; provided, howev-
   10  er, that for energy cost savings benefits granted on or after June thir-
   11  tieth,  two thousand nine through [June second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thou-
   12  sand [ten] ELEVEN,  the  board  shall  expedite  the  awarding  of  such
   13  benefits  and  shall  defer  the review of compliance with such criteria
   14  until after the applicant has been awarded an energy cost savings  bene-
   15  fit.  Such  terms  and  conditions  shall  include reasonable provisions
   16  providing for the partial or complete  withdrawal  of  the  energy  cost
   17  savings  benefit  in  the event the recipient fails to maintain mutually
   18  agreed upon commitments that may include, but are not limited to, levels
   19  of employment, capital investment and power utilization.  Recommendation
   20  for  approval  of an energy cost savings benefit shall qualify an appli-
   21  cant to receive an energy cost savings benefit from the power  authority
   22  of  the  state  of  New York pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
   23  recommendation.
   24    S 2. The opening paragraph  of  paragraph  5  of  subdivision  (a)  of
   25  section 189 of the economic development law, as amended by chapter 88 of
   26  the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
   27    "Power   for  jobs  electricity  savings  reimbursements"  shall  mean
   28  payments made by the power authority of the state of New York as  recom-
   29  mended  by  the board to recipients of allocations of power under phases
   30  four and five of the power for jobs program for a period of  time  until
   31  November  thirtieth,  two thousand four, subsequent to the expiration of
   32  their phase four or five power for jobs contract provided  however  that
   33  any  power  for  jobs  recipient  may  choose  to receive an electricity
   34  savings reimbursement as a substitute for a contract extension  for  the
   35  period  from  the  date  the  recipient's contract expires through [June
   36  second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN.  The "basic reimburse-
   37  ment" is an amount that when credited  against  the  recipient's  actual
   38  "unit  cost  of  electricity"  during  a  quarter  (meaning the cost for
   39  commodity and delivery per kilowatt-hour for the quantity of electricity
   40  purchased and delivered under the power for jobs program during a  simi-
   41  lar period in the final year of the recipient's contract), results in an
   42  effective unit cost of electricity during the quarter equal to the aver-
   43  age  unit  cost of electricity such recipient paid during the final year
   44  of the contract for power allocated under phase  four  or  five  of  the
   45  power for jobs program.
   46    S  3. Subdivisions (f) and (l) of section 189 of the economic develop-
   47  ment law, as amended by chapter 88 of the laws of 2010, are  amended  to
   48  read as follows:
   49    (f)  Eligibility.  The  board  shall  recommend applications for allo-
   50  cations of power under the power for jobs program to or for the  use  of
   51  businesses  which  normally  utilize  a  minimum peak electric demand in
   52  excess of four hundred kilowatts; provided,  however,  that  up  to  one
   53  hundred  megawatts  of power available for allocation during the initial
   54  three phases of the power for jobs program may be recommended for  allo-
   55  cations  to  not-for-profit  corporations  and to small businesses; and,
   56  provided, further that up to seventy-five megawatts of  power  available
       S. 8437                             3
    1  for allocation during the fourth phase of the program may be recommended
    2  for  allocations to not-for-profit corporations and to small businesses.
    3  The board may require small businesses that normally utilize  a  minimum
    4  peak  electric  demand  of  less than one hundred kilowatts to aggregate
    5  their electric demand in amounts of no less than one hundred  kilowatts,
    6  for  the  purposes  of applying to the board for an allocation of power.
    7  The board shall recommend allocations of the  additional  three  hundred
    8  megawatts  available  during the fourth phase of the program to any such
    9  eligible applicant, including any recipient of  power  allocated  during
   10  the first phase of the program. The board shall recommend allocations of
   11  the  additional  one hundred eighty-three megawatts available during the
   12  fifth phase of the program to  any  eligible  applicant,  including  any
   13  recipient  of  power allocated during the second and third phases of the
   14  program; provided, however, that the term of contracts  for  allocations
   15  under  the  fifth  phase  of  the program shall in no case extend beyond
   16  [June second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN.  Notwithstanding
   17  any provision of law to the contrary, and, in particular, the provisions
   18  of this chapter concerning the terms of contracts for allocations  under
   19  the  power  for jobs program, the terms of any contract with a recipient
   20  of power allocated under phase two of the power for  jobs  program  that
   21  has  expired or will expire on or before the thirty-first day of August,
   22  two thousand two, may be extended by the power authority of the state of
   23  New York for an additional period of three months effective on the  date
   24  of such expiration, pending the filing and approval of an application by
   25  such  recipient  for an allocation under the fifth phase of the program.
   26  The term of any new contract with such recipient under the  fifth  phase
   27  of  the  program  shall  be  deemed  to include any three month contract
   28  extension made pursuant to this subdivision and the termination date  of
   29  any  such  new  contract under phase five shall be no later than if such
   30  new contract had  commenced  upon  the  expiration  of  the  recipient's
   31  original  phase two contract. The terms of any contract with a recipient
   32  of power allocated under phase four and/or phase five of the  power  for
   33  jobs  program  that  has expired or will expire on or before the thirty-
   34  first day of December, two thousand five, may be extended by  the  power
   35  authority of the state of New York from a date beginning no earlier than
   36  the first day of December, two thousand four and extending through [June
   37  second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN.
   38    (l)  The board shall solicit and review applications for the power for
   39  jobs electricity savings reimbursements  and  contract  extensions  from
   40  recipients  of  power for jobs allocations under phases four and five of
   41  the program for the award of such reimbursements and/or contract  exten-
   42  sions.  The  board  may  prescribe  a simplified form and content for an
   43  application for such reimbursements or extensions. An applicant shall be
   44  eligible for such reimbursements and/or extensions  only  if  it  is  in
   45  compliance  with  and  agrees  to continue to meet the job retention and
   46  creation commitments set forth in its prior power for jobs contract,  or
   47  such other commitments as the board deems reasonable; provided, however,
   48  that  for  the  power  for  jobs  electricity savings reimbursements and
   49  contract extensions granted on or after  June  thirtieth,  two  thousand
   50  nine through [June second] MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN, the
   51  board  shall  expedite the awarding of such reimbursements and/or exten-
   52  sions and shall defer the review of  compliance  with  such  commitments
   53  until  after the applicant has been awarded a power for jobs electricity
   54  savings reimbursement and/or contract extension. The board shall  review
   55  such  applications  and  make  recommendations for the award: 1. of such
   56  reimbursements through the power authority of the state of New York  for
       S. 8437                             4
    1  a  period of time up to November thirtieth, two thousand four, and 2. of
    2  such contract extensions or reimbursements as applied for by the recipi-
    3  ent for a period of time beginning December first, two thousand four and
    4  ending  [June  second]  MAY FIFTEENTH, two thousand [ten] ELEVEN.  At no
    5  time shall a recipient receive both a reimbursement and extension  after
    6  December  first,  two thousand four. The power authority of the state of
    7  New York shall receive notification from the board regarding  the  award
    8  of  power  for  jobs  electricity savings reimbursements and/or contract
    9  extensions.
   10    S 4. Section 9 of chapter 316 of the laws of 1997 amending the  public
   11  authorities  law  and  other  laws relating to the provision of low cost
   12  power to foster statewide economic development, as amended by chapter 88
   13  of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
   14    S 9. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  expire  and  be
   15  deemed repealed [June 2, 2010] MAY 15, 2011.
   16    S  5.  Section  11  of  chapter  645  of the laws of 2006 amending the
   17  economic development law and other laws relating  to  reauthorizing  the
   18  New  York  power authority to make contributions to the general fund, as
   19  amended by chapter 88 of the  laws  of  2010,  is  amended  to  read  as
   20  follows:
   21    S  11.   This act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
   22  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2006; provided,
   23  however, that the amendments to section 183 of the economic  development
   24  law  and  subparagraph  2 of paragraph g of the ninth undesignated para-
   25  graph of section 1005 of the public authorities law made by sections two
   26  and six of this act shall not affect the expiration of such section  and
   27  subparagraph,  respectively,  and  shall  be deemed to expire therewith;
   28  provided further, however, that the amendments to  section  189  of  the
   29  economic  development  law and subdivision 9 of section 186-a of the tax
   30  law made by sections three, four, five and ten of  this  act  shall  not
   31  affect  the  repeal  of  such section and subdivision, respectively, and
   32  shall be deemed to be repealed  therewith;  provided  further,  however,
   33  that section seven of this act shall expire and be deemed repealed [June
   34  2, 2010] MAY 15, 2011.
   35    S  6.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
   36  have been in full force and effect on and after June 2,  2010;  provided
   37  that  the amendments to sections 183 and 189 of the economic development
   38  law made by sections one, two and three of this act shall not affect the
   39  expiration of such sections and shall be deemed repealed therewith.