

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 17, 2020

        Introduced  by Sen. BENJAMIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Insurance

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law and the public health law, in relation
          to prohibiting certain requirements in insurance contracts

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Section 3217-b of the insurance law is amended by adding a
     2  new subsection (m) to read as follows:
     3    (m)(1) No insurer that offers a managed care product or  a  comprehen-
     4  sive  policy  that  utilizes  a  network of providers shall enter into a
     5  contract, written policy, written procedure or agreement with any health
     6  care provider that:
     7    (A) Requires an insurer to include all members of  a  provider  group,
     8  including  medical  practice  groups  and  facilities, in its network of
     9  participating providers;
    10    (B) Requires an insurer to place all  members  of  a  provider  group,
    11  including  medical  practice  groups and facilities, in the same network
    12  tier;
    13    (C) Requires an insurer to include all members of  a  provider  group,
    14  including  medical  practice  groups  and  facilities,  in  all products
    15  offered by the insurer;
    16    (D) Prohibits insurers from using benefit designs to encourage members
    17  to seek services from higher-value health care providers;
    18    (E) Contains a most-favored-nation provision; provided, however, noth-
    19  ing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a health insurer  and
    20  a provider from negotiating payment rates and performance-based contract
    21  terms  that  would  result  in  the  insurer receiving a rate that is as
    22  favorable, or more favorable, than the rates negotiated between a health
    23  care provider and another entity; and
    24    (F) Limits the ability of the insurer or  health  care  provider  from
    25  disclosing  fees  for  services  or the allowed amounts to an insured or
    26  insured's health care provider.
    27    (2) After January first, two thousand twenty-one, any contract,  writ-
    28  ten  policy,  written  procedure  or  agreement  that  contains a clause

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8207                             2

     1  contrary to the provisions set forth in this section shall be  null  and
     2  void;  provided,  however,  the  remaining clauses of the contract shall
     3  remain in effect for the duration of the contract term.
     4    §  2. Section 4406 of the public health law is amended by adding a new
     5  subdivision 6 to read as follows:
     6    6. (a) No health maintenance organization that offers a  managed  care
     7  product  or  a comprehensive policy that utilizes a network of providers
     8  shall enter into a contract, written policy, written procedure or agree-
     9  ment with any health care provider that:
    10    (i) Requires an insurer to include all members of  a  provider  group,
    11  including  medical  practice  groups  and  facilities, in its network of
    12  participating providers;
    13    (ii) Requires an insurer to place all members  of  a  provider  group,
    14  including  medical  practice  groups and facilities, in the same network
    15  tier;
    16    (iii) Requires an insurer to include all members of a provider  group,
    17  including  medical  practice  groups  and  facilities,  in  all products
    18  offered by the insurer;
    19    (iv) Prohibits  insurers  from  using  benefit  designs  to  encourage
    20  members to seek services from higher-value health care providers;
    21    (v) Contains a most-favored-nation provision; provided, however, noth-
    22  ing  in this section shall be construed to prohibit a health insurer and
    23  a provider from negotiating payment rates and performance-based contract
    24  terms that would result in the insurer  receiving  a  rate  that  is  as
    25  favorable, or more favorable, than the rates negotiated between a health
    26  care provider and another entity; and
    27    (vi)  Limits  the  ability of the insurer or health care provider from
    28  disclosing fees for services or the allowed amounts  to  an  insured  or
    29  insured's health care provider.
    30    (b)  After January first, two thousand twenty-one, any contract, writ-
    31  ten policy, written  procedure  or  agreement  that  contains  a  clause
    32  contrary  to  the provisions set forth in this section shall be null and
    33  void; provided, however, the remaining clauses  of  the  contract  shall
    34  remain in effect for the duration of the contract term.
    35    § 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2021.