

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 26, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen.  CLEARE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Crime Victims,  Crime  and

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the correction law and the penal law, in relation to
          establishing merit  time  allowance  credits  for  local  correctional

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The correction law is amended by adding a new article  24-A
     2  to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 24-A
     4                        MERIT TIME ALLOWANCE CREDITS
     5                      FOR LOCAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES
     6  Section 810. Definitions.
     7          811. Merit time allowance credit accrual and application.
     8          812. Forfeiture of merit time allowance credit.
     9          813. Record keeping.
    10    § 810. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
    11  have the following meanings:
    12    1.  "Credit"  means  a reduction of twenty-four hours in the amount of
    13  time an incarcerated individual must serve in a correctional facility on
    14  the incarcerated individual's sentence upon conviction; and
    15    2. "Eligible incarcerated individual" means an incarcerated individual
    16  in the custody of the sheriff of a local correctional  facility  who  is
    17  serving  one  or  more  definite sentences of one year or less or who is
    18  detained pending trial, sentence or other disposition  and  who  partic-
    19  ipates  in  the merit time allowance credit program established pursuant
    20  to this article.
    21    § 811. Merit time allowance credit accrual and application. 1.    Upon
    22  the active participation in an educational, vocational, work, or rehabi-
    23  litative  program  that  has  been  assigned by the chief administrative
    24  officer,  an  eligible  incarcerated  individual  shall  accrue  credits
    25  applied  to  his  or her sentence in the same manner as jail time credit
    26  pursuant to subdivision three of section 70.30 of  the  penal  law.  One

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8150                             2

     1  credit  shall accrue for every four days in which the incarcerated indi-
     2  vidual successfully participates in the program.
     3    2.  Accrued credits shall, in accordance with this section, be applied
     4  against an eligible incarcerated individual's sentence or, if pre-trial,
     5  against the sentence ultimately imposed, and shall diminish  the  incar-
     6  cerated  individual's  period  of imprisonment according to the schedule
     7  set forth in subdivision one of this section.
     8    3. If an eligible incarcerated individual accrues credits pursuant  to
     9  subdivision one of this section during a period of pre-trial or pre-sen-
    10  tence  detention  for  a  felony  offense, and is later convicted of and
    11  sentenced to a period of imprisonment in a state  correctional  facility
    12  for such a felony offense, the credits accrued by the incarcerated indi-
    13  vidual shall be applied by the department as additional jail time credit
    14  pursuant  to  subdivision three of section 70.30 of the penal law to the
    15  sentence served by the incarcerated individual for such felony offense.
    16    4. All participation by an incarcerated individual in the  merit  time
    17  allowance   credit   program  is  voluntary.  Except  in  administrative
    18  proceedings concerning  the  incarcerated  individual's  opportunity  to
    19  participate  in, or continue to participate in, such a voluntary program
    20  administered by a correctional facility,  evidence  of  an  incarcerated
    21  individual's  failure to successfully participate in or complete a merit
    22  time allowance credit program, pursuant to this article,  shall  not  be
    23  admissible  against the incarcerated individual, provided, however, that
    24  the incarcerated individual may present information concerning  success-
    25  ful participation for the purposes of mitigation, where relevant, in any
    26  court  or  proceeding.  Upon admission to a local correctional facility,
    27  each incarcerated individual shall be notified by the sheriff, in  writ-
    28  ing, of the existence, criteria and rules governing participation in the
    29  merit time allowance credit program.
    30    §  812.  Forfeiture  of merit time allowance credit. 1. Any merit time
    31  allowance credit accrued pursuant to the program established pursuant to
    32  this article may, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, be  with-
    33  held,  forfeited  or  cancelled  in  whole  or in part for bad behavior,
    34  violation of institutional rules or failure to participate  successfully
    35  in  the  program.  The  sheriff shall notify the incarcerated individual
    36  promptly in writing of the reasons for any such determination.
    37    2. An incarcerated individual who loses a merit time allowance  credit
    38  pursuant  to  subdivision one of this section is eligible for subsequent
    39  participation in a merit time allowance credit program at the discretion
    40  of the sheriff.
    41    § 813. Record keeping. A contemporaneous record shall be kept  by  the
    42  sheriff  of  all merit time allowance credits an incarcerated individual
    43  accrues pursuant to this article. In any case where the sheriff has  the
    44  duty to deliver an incarcerated individual to the custody of the depart-
    45  ment, or a sheriff or similar department in another jurisdiction, wheth-
    46  er  under  an order of sentence and commitment or otherwise, the sheriff
    47  shall also deliver to the state correctional facility, sheriff or  simi-
    48  lar department to which the incarcerated individual is delivered, and to
    49  the  incarcerated individual, a certified record of merit time allowance
    50  credits accrued by the incarcerated individual.
    51    § 2. Subdivision 3 of section 70.30 of the penal law,  as  amended  by
    52  chapter 3 of the laws of 1995, the opening paragraph as amended by chap-
    53  ter 1 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    54    3. Jail time. The term of a definite sentence, a determinate sentence,
    55  or  the  maximum  term  of an indeterminate sentence imposed on a person
    56  shall be credited with and diminished by the amount of time  the  person

        S. 8150                             3

     1  spent  in custody prior to the commencement of such sentence as a result
     2  of the charge that culminated in the sentence. In the case of  an  inde-
     3  terminate sentence, if the minimum period of imprisonment has been fixed
     4  by the court or by the board of parole, the credit shall also be applied
     5  against  the  minimum period. The credit herein provided shall be calcu-
     6  lated from the date custody under the charge commenced to the  date  the
     7  sentence  commences  and  shall  not  include  any time that is credited
     8  against the term or maximum term of any previously imposed  sentence  or
     9  period  of  post-release supervision to which the person is subject. The
    10  credit herein provided shall also  include  any  additional  merit  time
    11  allowance  credit  accrued  in a local correctional facility pursuant to
    12  article twenty-four-A of the correction law. Where the charge or charges
    13  culminate in more than one sentence, the  credit  shall  be  applied  as
    14  follows:
    15    (a)  If  the  sentences  run concurrently, the credit shall be applied
    16  against each such sentence;
    17    (b) If the sentences run consecutively, the credit  shall  be  applied
    18  against  the  aggregate  term or aggregate maximum term of the sentences
    19  and against the aggregate minimum period of imprisonment.
    20    In any case where a person has been in custody due to  a  charge  that
    21  culminated in a dismissal or an acquittal, the amount of time that would
    22  have  been  credited  against  a  sentence for such charge, had one been
    23  imposed, shall be credited against any  sentence  that  is  based  on  a
    24  charge  for which a warrant or commitment was lodged during the pendency
    25  of such custody.
    26    § 3. Subdivision 3 of section 70.30 of the penal law,  as  amended  by
    27  chapter  648  of  the  laws of 1979, the opening paragraph as separately
    28  amended by chapter 1 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    29    3. Jail time. The term of a definite sentence or the maximum  term  of
    30  an indeterminate sentence imposed on a person shall be credited with and
    31  diminished  by  the  amount of time the person spent in custody prior to
    32  the commencement of such sentence as a result of the charge that  culmi-
    33  nated  in the sentence. In the case of an indeterminate sentence, if the
    34  minimum period of imprisonment has been fixed by the  court  or  by  the
    35  board  of  parole,  the credit shall also be applied against the minimum
    36  period. The credit herein provided shall be  calculated  from  the  date
    37  custody  under  the  charge commenced to the date the sentence commences
    38  and shall not include any time that is  credited  against  the  term  or
    39  maximum  term  of  any previously imposed sentence or period of post-re-
    40  lease supervision to which the person is subject.    The  credit  herein
    41  provided  shall  also include any additional merit time allowance credit
    42  accrued in a local correctional facility  pursuant  to  article  twenty-
    43  four-A  of  the correction law. Where the charge or charges culminate in
    44  more than one sentence, the credit shall be applied as follows:
    45    (a) If the sentences run concurrently, the  credit  shall  be  applied
    46  against each such sentence;
    47    (b)  If  the  sentences run consecutively, the credit shall be applied
    48  against the aggregate term or aggregate maximum term  of  the  sentences
    49  and against the aggregate minimum period of imprisonment.
    50    In  any  case  where a person has been in custody due to a charge that
    51  culminated in a dismissal or an acquittal, the amount of time that would
    52  have been credited against a sentence for  such  charge,  had  one  been
    53  imposed,  shall  be  credited  against  any  sentence that is based on a
    54  charge for which a warrant or commitment was lodged during the  pendency
    55  of such custody.

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     1    § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
     2  ing  the  date  on  which  it shall have become a law; provided that the
     3  amendments to subdivision 3 of section 70.30 of the penal  law  made  by
     4  section two of this act shall be subject to the expiration and reversion
     5  of such subdivision pursuant to subdivision d of section 74 of chapter 3
     6  of  the  laws of 1995, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of
     7  section three of this act shall take effect.