

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 8, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COMRIE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Corporations,  Authorities
          and   Commissions  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law,  in  relation  to  requiring
          public  authorities  and public benefit corporations to negotiate with
          professional firms providing architectural,  engineering,  geological,
          landscape  architectural  or surveying services in order from the most
          qualified to the least qualified  with  regard  to  the  provision  of
          services to the authority or corporation

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subparagraph (iv) of paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision  3  of
     2  section 2879 of the public authorities law, as amended by chapter 383 of
     3  the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (iv)  as used in this subparagraph, the term "professional firm" shall
     5  be defined as any individual or sole proprietorship, partnership, corpo-
     6  ration, association, or other legal entity permitted by law to  practice
     7  the professions of architecture, engineering or surveying.
     8    It  is  the policy of New York state to negotiate contracts for archi-
     9  tectural services and/or engineering services and/or geological services
    10  and/or landscape architectural services and/or surveying services on the
    11  basis of demonstrated competence  and  qualification  for  the  type  of
    12  professional services required and at fair and reasonable fees.
    13    In  the  procurement  of architectural, engineering, geological, land-
    14  scape architectural and surveying services, the corporation is  required
    15  to  encourage  professional  firms engaged in the lawful practice of the
    16  profession to submit an annual statement of qualifications and  perform-
    17  ance  data.  The  corporation  for  each proposed project is required to
    18  evaluate current statements of qualifications and  performance  data  on
    19  file  with  the  corporation.    If desired, the corporation may conduct
    20  discussions with three or more professional firms regarding  anticipated
    21  design  concepts and proposed methods of approach to the assignment. The
    22  corporation is required to select, in order of  preference,  based  upon

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8122--A                          2

     1  criteria established by the corporation, no less than three professional
     2  firms  deemed  to  be  the most highly qualified to provide the services
     3  required.
     4    Every corporation is required to negotiate a contract with the highest
     5  qualified  professional firm for architectural services and/or engineer-
     6  ing services and/or geological services and/or  landscape  architectural
     7  services and/or surveying services at compensation which the corporation
     8  determines  in writing to be fair and reasonable to such corporation. In
     9  making this decision, the corporation is required to take  into  account
    10  the estimated value of the services to be rendered, including the costs,
    11  the scope, complexity and professional nature thereof.
    12    The corporation shall not refuse to negotiate with a professional firm
    13  solely  because  the  ratio  of the "allowable indirect costs" to direct
    14  labor costs of the professional firm or the hourly  labor  rate  in  any
    15  labor  category  of the professional firm exceeds a limitation generally
    16  set by the corporation in the determination of the reasonableness of the
    17  estimated cost of services to be rendered by the professional firm,  but
    18  rather  the  corporation should also consider the reasonableness of cost
    19  based on the total estimated cost of the  service  of  the  professional
    20  firm  which  should  include,  among  other things, all the direct labor
    21  costs of the professional firm for such  services  plus  all  "allowable
    22  indirect  costs,"  other  direct  costs,  and  negotiated  profit of the
    23  professional firm. "Allowable indirect costs" of a professional firm are
    24  defined as those costs generally associated with overhead  which  cannot
    25  be  specifically  identified  with  a single project or contract and are
    26  considered reasonable and allowable under  specific  state  contract  or
    27  allowability limits.  Should the corporation choose to engage in a qual-
    28  ification  based  procurement  and be unable to negotiate a satisfactory
    29  contract with the professional firm considered to be the most qualified,
    30  at a fee the corporation determines to be fair  and  reasonable  to  the
    31  corporation,  negotiations with that professional firm shall be formally
    32  terminated.  The corporation shall then undertake negotiations with  the
    33  second  most qualified professional firm. Failing accord with the second
    34  most qualified professional firm, the corporation shall formally  termi-
    35  nate  negotiations.  The  corporation  shall then undertake negotiations
    36  with the third most qualified professional firm. Should the  corporation
    37  be  unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with any of the selected
    38  professional firms, it shall select  additional  professional  firms  in
    39  order of their competence and qualifications and it shall continue nego-
    40  tiations  in accordance with this section until an agreement is reached.
    41  The provisions of this subparagraph  shall  only  apply  to  engineering
    42  services and/or architectural services and/or geological services and/or
    43  landscape  architectural services and/or surveying services in excess of
    44  twenty-five thousand dollars and shall not  apply  to  the  metropolitan
    45  transportation  authority,  the  New  York city transit authority or the
    46  Triborough bridge and tunnel authority or to any of their subsidiaries.
    47    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.