                    IN SENATE
                                      May 12, 2016
        Introduced  by  Sen.  SERINO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to  prohibiting
          children  under  the  age  of  eight from riding as a passenger in the
          front seat of a motor vehicle except under limited circumstances
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivisions 2, 5, 6 and 7 of section 1229-c of the vehicle
     2  and  traffic  law, subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 18 of the laws of
     3  2005, paragraph (c) of subdivision 2 and subdivision  6  as  amended  by
     4  chapter 405 of the laws of 2009, subdivision 5 as amended by chapter 448
     5  of  the  laws of 2015, subdivision 7 as added by chapter 365 of the laws
     6  of 1984, are amended to read as follows:
     7    2. No person shall operate a  motor  vehicle  unless  all  front  seat
     8  passengers (a) under the age of sixteen are restrained by a safety belt;
     9  or  (b)  if they are under the age of four, by a specially designed seat
    10  which is either permanently affixed or affixed  to  such  vehicle  by  a
    11  safety  belt  as  required by subdivision one of this section, or in the
    12  event that the weight of such passenger under the age  of  four  exceeds
    13  forty  pounds,  such  passenger  may be restrained (i) in an appropriate
    14  child restraint system as defined in subdivision four  of  this  section
    15  used with combination lap safety and shoulder harness belts or (ii) by a
    16  lap  safety belt in the event such vehicle is not equipped with combina-
    17  tion lap safety and shoulder harness belts or all  the  combination  lap
    18  safety  and  shoulder  harness belts are being used to properly restrain
    19  other passengers who are under the age of sixteen; or (c)  if  they  are
    20  age  four  or older but under age eight, (i) are restrained in an appro-
    21  priate child restraint system as defined in  subdivision  four  of  this
    22  section  used  with combination lap safety and shoulder harness belts or
    23  (ii) are restrained in a lap safety belt in the event  such  vehicle  is
    24  not  equipped  with combination lap safety and shoulder harness belts or
    25  all the combination lap safety and shoulder harness belts are being used
    26  to properly restrain other passengers who are under the age of  sixteen.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7781                             2
     1  Nothing  contained  in this subdivision shall be deemed to supersede the
     2  requirements of subdivision two-a of this section.
     3    5.  Any  person  who  violates  the provisions of subdivision three or
     4  ten-a of this section shall be punished by a civil fine of up  to  fifty
     5  dollars. Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision one, two,
     6  two-a,  eleven  or thirteen of this section shall be punished by a civil
     7  fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars.  In
     8  any  prosecution  or proceeding alleging a violation of paragraph (b) of
     9  subdivision one or paragraph (c) of subdivision two of this section,  it
    10  shall  be  an  affirmative  defense  that  the  passenger subject to the
    11  requirements of such paragraphs was restrained  by  a  safety  belt  and
    12  measures  more  than  four feet nine inches in height and/or weighs more
    13  than one hundred pounds.
    14    6. The court shall waive any fine for which a person who violates  the
    15  provisions  of  this  section would be liable with respect to passengers
    16  under the age of eight if such person  supplies  the  court  with  proof
    17  that,  between the date on which he is charged with having violated this
    18  section and the appearance date for  such  violation,  he  purchased  or
    19  rented a child restraint system which meets the requirements of subdivi-
    20  sion  one  of  this section. Provided, however, that such waiver of fine
    21  shall not apply to a second or subsequent conviction under this section,
    22  nor a violation of subdivision two-a of this section.
    23    7. The provisions of this section shall not apply to  a  passenger  or
    24  operator with a physically disabling condition whose physical disability
    25  would  prevent appropriate restraint in such safety seat or safety belt,
    26  or to a passenger under the age of eight whose physical condition neces-
    27  sitates that such passenger be seated in the front seat for  medical  or
    28  safety reasons, provided, however, that such condition is duly certified
    29  by  a  physician who shall state the nature of the [handicap] disability
    30  or condition, as well as the reason  such  restraint  is  or  rear  seat
    31  placement is inappropriate.
    32    §  2.  Section  1229-c  of  the  vehicle and traffic law is amended by
    33  adding a new subdivision 2-a to read as follows:
    34    2-a. No person shall operate a motor vehicle with any passengers under
    35  the age of eight seated in the front seat of such  vehicle.    Provided,
    36  however,  that such prohibition shall not apply if: (a) such motor vehi-
    37  cle is not equipped with rear seats; or (b) the rear seat cannot  accom-
    38  modate  the proper installation of the child safety seat or booster seat
    39  in which such passenger is  being  transported,  as  determined  by  the
    40  commissioner,  or  vehicle manufacturer, or child safety seat or booster
    41  seat manufacturer; or (c) all other seat positions are occupied by other
    42  occupants who are under the age of eight; or (d)  such  passenger  under
    43  age  eight  is exempt pursuant to the provisions of subdivision seven of
    44  this section.
    45    § 3. This act shall take effect on the first of January next  succeed-
    46  ing  the  date  on  which  it shall have become a law; provided that any
    47  person who violates the provisions of subdivision 2-a of section  1229-c
    48  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law, as added by section two of this act
    49  within the twelve months following such effective date, shall be subject
    50  to a warning but shall not be issued an appearance ticket and shall  not
    51  be liable for a fine.