

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 24, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. HINCHEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conservation
          -- recommitted to  the  Committee  on  Environmental  Conservation  in
          accordance  with  Senate  Rule 6, sec. 8 -- committee discharged, bill
          amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said  commit-

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  environmental  conservation law, in relation to
          registration as a redemption center and the handling fee paid  to  any
          dealer or operator of a redemption center

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 6  of  section  27-1007  of  the  environmental
     2  conservation  law, as added by section 4 of part SS of chapter 59 of the
     3  laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
     4    6. In addition to the refund value of a beverage container  as  estab-
     5  lished  by  section 27-1005 of this title, a deposit initiator shall pay
     6  to any dealer or operator of a  redemption  center  a  handling  fee  of
     7  [three  and one-half] five cents for each beverage container accepted by
     8  the deposit initiator from such  dealer  or  operator  of  a  redemption
     9  center.    Payment  of  the  handling  fee  shall be as compensation for
    10  collecting, sorting and  packaging  of  empty  beverage  containers  for
    11  transport  back to the deposit initiator or its designee. Payment of the
    12  handling fee may not be conditioned on the  purchase  of  any  goods  or
    13  services,  nor  may such payment be made out of the refund value account
    14  established pursuant to section 27-1012 of this title. A distributor who
    15  does not initiate deposits on a type of beverage container is considered
    16  a dealer only for the purpose of receiving a handling fee from a deposit
    17  initiator.
    18    § 2. Paragraphs a and c of subdivision 4 of  section  27-1012  of  the
    19  environmental  conservation  law,  as  added  by section 8 of part SS of
    20  chapter 59 of the laws of 2009, are amended to read as follows:
    21    a. Quarterly payments. An amount equal to [eighty] forty-seven percent
    22  of the balance outstanding in the refund value account at the  close  of
    23  each  quarter  shall be paid to the commissioner of taxation and finance

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7428--A                          2

     1  at the time the report provided for in subdivision three of this section
     2  is required to be filed. The commissioner of taxation  and  finance  may
     3  require  that the payments be made electronically.  The remaining [twen-
     4  ty]  fifty-three percent of the balance outstanding at the close of each
     5  quarter shall be the monies of the deposit initiator and  may  be  with-
     6  drawn  from  such account by the deposit initiator. If the provisions of
     7  this section with respect to such account have not been  fully  complied
     8  with,  each  deposit  initiator  shall  pay to such commissioner at such
     9  time, in lieu of the amount described  in  the  preceding  sentence,  an
    10  amount  equal  to  the balance which would have been outstanding on such
    11  date had such provisions been fully complied with. The  commissioner  of
    12  taxation  and  finance  may  require that the payments be made electron-
    13  ically.
    14    c. Final report. A deposit initiator who ceases to do business in this
    15  state as a deposit initiator shall file a final report and remit payment
    16  of [eighty] forty-seven percent of all amounts remaining in  the  refund
    17  value  account  as  of  the close of the deposit initiator's last day of
    18  business. The commissioner of taxation and finance may require that  the
    19  payments be made electronically. The deposit initiator shall indicate on
    20  the  report  that  it is a "final report". The final report is due to be
    21  filed with payment twenty days after the close of the  quarterly  period
    22  in  which  the deposit initiator ceases to do business. In the event the
    23  deposit initiator pays out more in refund values  than  it  collects  in
    24  such  final  quarterly  period,  the  deposit initiator may apply to the
    25  commissioner of taxation and finance for a refund of the amount of  such
    26  excess payment of refund values from sources other than the refund value
    27  account,  in  the manner as provided by the commissioner of taxation and
    28  finance.
    29    § 3. Section  27-1013  of  the   environmental conservation   law,  as
    30  amended  by  section  7  of part F of chapter 58 of the laws of 2013, is
    31  amended to read as follows:
    32  § 27-1013. Redemption centers.
    33    1. (a) (i) As of the effective date of the chapter of the laws of  two
    34  thousand twenty-four that amended this section and subject to applicable
    35  provisions of local and state law, any person, firm or corporation which
    36  establishes  a  redemption  center,  at  which redeemers and dealers may
    37  return empty beverage containers and receive payment of the refund value
    38  of such beverage containers, shall submit an application to the  commis-
    39  sioner for registration as a condition of operation.
    40    (ii)  Any  redemption center in business on or before April first, two
    41  thousand twenty-four may continue to operate as if  the  department  had
    42  issued  such  redemption  center  a registration required by regulations
    43  adopted under this section;  provided,  however,  that  such  redemption
    44  center shall submit a renewal application to the commissioner in accord-
    45  ance  with  applicable  regulations by the thirty-first of December next
    46  succeeding the effective date of this subparagraph.
    47    (iii) An application for registration or renewal shall be  in  a  form
    48  prescribed by the commissioner and shall, at a minimum, require the name
    49  and  physical  address  of  the redemption center, the name, address and
    50  contact information of the  owner  and/or  operator  of  the  redemption
    51  center, the names and addresses of each dealer or distributor with which
    52  the  redemption  center  has  contracted to collect, sort and obtain the
    53  refund value and handling fee of empty beverage containers, as  applica-
    54  ble, the number of beverage containers redeemed by the redemption center
    55  during the preceding twelve months, as applicable, and such other infor-
    56  mation  as the commissioner deems necessary for proper administration of

        S. 7428--A                          3

     1  this title. The commissioner may require applications  for  registration
     2  to  be  submitted  electronically. The commissioner shall electronically
     3  issue a redemption center registration certificate  or  renewal  certif-
     4  icate  in  a  form  prescribed by the commissioner within thirty days of
     5  receipt of such  application.  A  registration  certificate  or  renewal
     6  certificate  issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be issued for one
     7  year and shall be subject to annual renewal in  accordance  with  proce-
     8  dures specified by the commissioner.
     9    (iv)  Any  registered  redemption  center that ceases operations shall
    10  notify the commissioner of such cessation in writing within thirty  days
    11  in a form prescribed by the commissioner.
    12    (b)  The  commissioner  shall  issue  a registration or renewal within
    13  thirty days of the submission of an application by  a  person,  firm  or
    14  corporation which establishes a redemption center in accordance with the
    15  provisions  of  this  section, subject to applicable provisions of local
    16  and state laws. An application for  registration  or  renewal  shall  be
    17  deemed approved if the department fails to act on such application with-
    18  in thirty days of submission. Registrations and renewals shall be issued
    19  at  no  cost  to the applicant. The costs attributable to the department
    20  for the review and processing of registration and  renewal  applications
    21  pursuant to this section shall be paid for out of the state's portion of
    22  the  outstanding  balance in the refund value account which is regularly
    23  deposited into the general fund in accordance with  section  27-1012  of
    24  this title.
    25    (c)  After  due  notice  and  opportunity  of hearing, pursuant to the
    26  provisions of section 71-1709 of this chapter, the department  may  deny
    27  an application for registration or renewal or revoke a registration.  In
    28  determining  whether  or  not to revoke a registration, the commissioner
    29  shall, at a minimum, take into consideration the compliance  history  of
    30  an applicant, good faith efforts of an applicant to comply, any economic
    31  benefit  from  noncompliance and whether any violation was procedural in
    32  nature. The commissioner's determination to  revoke  a  registration  is
    33  subject  to review under article seventy-eight of the civil practice law
    34  and rules.
    35    (d) Any person, firm or corporation required to  be  registered  under
    36  this  section which, without being registered, redeems beverage contain-
    37  ers in this state, shall not be eligible to receive a handling  fee  for
    38  any  such  redeemed  beverage  containers,  and  if such person, firm or
    39  corporation has received such a  handling  fee,  it  shall  be  promptly
    40  refunded.
    41    (e)  The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations governing
    42  the performance of audits in connection with pick-ups of redeemed bever-
    43  age containers. Such audits shall be conducted by the department at  the
    44  request  of a distributor, deposit initiator, redemption center or deal-
    45  er, upon no less than two business days'  notice,  to  monitor  beverage
    46  container  pick-ups  and  party  compliance  with the provisions of this
    47  chapter. A distributor, deposit initiator, redemption center  or  dealer
    48  may  request  the  department to conduct an audit no more than ten times
    49  per calendar year with respect to  each  pick  up  agent  or  redemption
    50  center  with  which  the  requester  conducts pick up transactions. Such
    51  audits shall, at a minimum, include the following  parameters:  (i)  all
    52  audits  shall  be  conducted on an entire pick-up shipment at one of two
    53  locations, including at the site of such redemption center  or  site  at
    54  which such pick up shipment of redeemed beverage containers is delivered
    55  and  counted;  (ii) a department auditor shall be present at the redemp-
    56  tion center at which such audit shall be performed to witness the weigh-

        S. 7428--A                          4

     1  ing of all individual bags of beverage containers included in the  pick-
     2  up  transaction;  (iii)  a  department inspector shall be present at the
     3  delivery/counting site of such pick up  shipment  of  redeemed  beverage
     4  containers at the time of such audit to witness the counting of contain-
     5  ers; and (iv) there shall be a secure chain of custody between the pick-
     6  up  location  and  point  of delivery/counting that shall remain secured
     7  until audited in the presence of the department's auditor. Audit results
     8  shall be  promptly  reported  to  the  distributor,  deposit  initiator,
     9  redemption center and/or dealer whose pick up transaction is the subject
    10  of such audit.
    11    2.  The commissioner is hereby empowered to promulgate rules and regu-
    12  lations governing (a) the circumstances  in  which  deposit  initiators,
    13  dealers  and distributors, individually or collectively, are required to
    14  accept the return  of  empty  beverage  containers,  including  beverage
    15  containers  processed  through reverse vending machines and make payment
    16  therefor; (b) the sorting of the containers which a deposit initiator or
    17  distributor may require of  dealers  and  redemption  centers;  (c)  the
    18  collection  of  returned  beverage  containers  by deposit initiators or
    19  distributors, including the party to whom such expense is to be charged,
    20  the frequency of such pick ups and the payment for refunds and  handling
    21  fees  thereon;  (d) the right of dealers to restrict or limit the number
    22  of containers redeemed, the rules for redemption at the  dealers'  place
    23  of  business, and the redemption of containers from a beverage for which
    24  sales have been discontinued; (e) [to issue] registrations and  renewals
    25  issued  to  persons,  firms  or  corporations which establish redemption
    26  centers, subject to applicable provisions of local and  state  laws,  at
    27  which  redeemers  and  dealers  may return empty beverage containers and
    28  receive payment of the refund value of such beverage  containers[.  Such
    29  registrations  shall be issued at no cost. Should the department require
    30  by regulations  adopted  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  that  redemption
    31  centers  must  obtain  a  registration  as a condition of operation, any
    32  redemption center in business as of March first, two  thousand  thirteen
    33  that  previously  provided the department with the notification informa-
    34  tion required by regulations in effect as of such date may  continue  to
    35  operate  as if the department had issued such redemption center a regis-
    36  tration required by regulations adopted under this paragraph;  provided,
    37  however,  that  such redemption center shall provide the department with
    38  any other information required by regulations adopted pursuant  to  this
    39  paragraph.    The  department  may,  after due notice and opportunity of
    40  hearing, pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this  chapter,
    41  deny  an application or revoke a registration. In determining whether or
    42  not to revoke a registration the commissioner shall at a  minimum,  take
    43  into  consideration  the  compliance  history  of a violator, good faith
    44  efforts of a violator to comply, any economic benefit from noncompliance
    45  and whether the violation was procedural in nature.  The  commissioner's
    46  determination  to revoke a registration is subject to review under arti-
    47  cle seventy-eight of the civil practice law  and  rules];  and  (f)  the
    48  operation  of  mobile  redemption centers in order to ensure that to the
    49  best extent practicable containers are not proffered for redemption to a
    50  deposit initiator or distributor outside of the  geographic  area  where
    51  such deposit initiator sells containers and initiates deposits.
    52    [2.]  3.  The  department  may require a redemption center to obtain a
    53  permit, as an alternative to registration if such center is  located  at
    54  the  same  facility  or  site as another solid waste management facility
    55  otherwise subject to the requirements of title seven of this article  or
    56  the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

        S. 7428--A                          5

     1    [3.]  4.  No  dealer  or distributor, as defined in section 27-1003 of
     2  this title, shall be required to obtain a permit to operate a redemption
     3  center at the same location as the dealer's or  distributor's  place  of
     4  business.  Operators of such redemption centers shall receive payment of
     5  the refund value of each beverage container from the appropriate deposit
     6  initiator  or  distributor  as  provided  under  section 27-1007 of this
     7  title.
     8    [4.] 5. Each dealer and redemption center  shall  require  any  person
     9  tendering  for redemption more than two thousand five hundred containers
    10  at one time to such dealer or redemption center to provide such person's
    11  name and address and the license plate of the vehicle used to  transport
    12  the  containers,  or,  in the case of an agent or employee of a not-for-
    13  profit corporation, a sales tax exemption  certificate.  The  dealer  or
    14  redemption  center  redeeming  the  beverage  containers  shall keep the
    15  information on file for a minimum of twelve months and provide  same  to
    16  the department upon request.
    17    §  4.  Subdivisions 2, 3 and 4 of section 27-1015 of the environmental
    18  conservation law, as amended by section 8 of part F of chapter 58 of the
    19  laws of 2013, are amended and two new subdivisions 4-a and 4-b are added
    20  to read as follows:
    21    2. Any distributor, deposit initiator, redemption center or dealer who
    22  violates any provision of this title,  except  as  provided  in  section
    23  27-1012  and paragraph (d) of subdivision one of section 27-1013 of this
    24  title and subdivisions three, four, four-a and four-b of  this  section,
    25  shall be liable to the state of New York for a civil penalty of not more
    26  than  one  thousand dollars, and an additional civil penalty of not more
    27  than one thousand dollars for each day during which each such  violation
    28  continues.  Any  civil  penalty  may  be assessed following a hearing or
    29  opportunity to be heard.
    30    3. It shall be unlawful  for  a  distributor,  or  deposit  initiator,
    31  redemption center or dealer, acting alone or aided by another, to return
    32  any  empty  beverage  container to a dealer or redemption center for its
    33  refund value if the distributor, or deposit initiator, redemption center
    34  or dealer returning the empty beverage container had knowingly previous-
    35  ly accepted such beverage container from any dealer  or  operator  of  a
    36  redemption  center  or if the distributor, deposit initiator, redemption
    37  center or dealer returning the empty beverage container knows that  such
    38  container  was  previously  accepted  by  a  reverse  vending machine. A
    39  violation of this subdivision shall be a  misdemeanor  punishable  by  a
    40  fine  of  not  less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand
    41  dollars and an amount equal to two times the amount of money received as
    42  a result of such violation. A distributor, deposit initiator, redemption
    43  center or dealer which commits a subsequent violation of  this  subdivi-
    44  sion shall be liable to the state of New York for a civil penalty of not
    45  less  than  one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, an
    46  amount equal to two times the amount of money received as  a  result  of
    47  such  violation and a revocation of the redemption center's registration
    48  or, as applicable, a  withholding  of  an  equivalent  amount  from  the
    49  distributor's,  deposit initiator's or dealer's refund value account, as
    50  set forth in section 27-1012 of this title, administered by the  commis-
    51  sioner  of  taxation  and  finance.    Any civil penalty may be assessed
    52  following a hearing or opportunity to be heard.
    53    4. Any person who willfully tenders to a dealer, distributor,  redemp-
    54  tion  center  or  deposit initiator more than forty-eight empty beverage
    55  containers for which such person knows or should reasonably know that no
    56  deposit was paid in New York state may be assessed by the  department  a

        S. 7428--A                          6

     1  civil  penalty  of up to one hundred dollars for each container or up to
     2  twenty-five thousand dollars for  each  such  tender  of  containers.  A
     3  subsequent violation of this section may result in a civil penalty of up
     4  to  fifty thousand dollars.  Any civil penalty may be assessed following
     5  a hearing or opportunity to be heard. At each location  where  a  person
     6  tenders  containers  for redemption, dealers and redemption centers must
     7  conspicuously display a sign in letters that are at least  one  inch  in
     8  height  with the following information: "WARNING:  Persons tendering for
     9  redemption containers on which a deposit was never paid  in  this  state
    10  may  be  subject  to  a  civil  penalty of up to one hundred dollars per
    11  container or up to twenty-five thousand dollars for each such tender  of
    12  containers."  Any  civil  penalty may be assessed following a hearing or
    13  opportunity to be heard.
    14    4-a. Any redemption center which willfully tenders to a deposit initi-
    15  ator more than forty-eight empty  beverage  containers  for  which  such
    16  redemption  center  knows  or should reasonably know that no deposit was
    17  paid in New York state may be assessed by the department a civil penalty
    18  of up to one hundred dollars for each container  or  up  to  twenty-five
    19  thousand  dollars  for  each  such  tender  of  containers. A subsequent
    20  violation of this section may result in a civil penalty of up  to  fifty
    21  thousand  dollars  and  revocation of such redemption center's registra-
    22  tion.  Any civil penalty may be assessed following a hearing or opportu-
    23  nity to be heard.
    24    4-b. (a) A deposit initiator which upon audit discovers that a redemp-
    25  tion center reported more beverage containers than were  actually  phys-
    26  ically tendered shall provide written notice to the redemption center of
    27  such  shortfall  and shall provide a refund based on the actual tendered
    28  amount, provided that if such audit reveals a  discrepancy  between  the
    29  redemption center's reported number of beverage containers and the actu-
    30  al  physical  count of ten percent or greater, the deposit initiator may
    31  withhold up to fifty percent of the handling fee  otherwise  payable  to
    32  the  redemption  center  for such tender, and provided further that upon
    33  any subsequent audit which produces a  discrepancy  of  ten  percent  or
    34  more,  the  deposit  initiator may withhold up to one hundred percent of
    35  the handling fee otherwise payable to such redemption  center.  Notwith-
    36  standing  any  other  provisions  of this title, any funds withheld by a
    37  deposit initiator pursuant to this paragraph  may  be  retained  by  the
    38  deposit initiator to defray the costs of the auditing process.
    39    (b)  A  redemption  center  which  upon audit discovers that a deposit
    40  initiator underreported the number  of  beverage  containers  that  were
    41  actually physically tendered shall provide written notice to the deposit
    42  initiator  of  such shortfall and shall receive payment from the deposit
    43  initiator based on the actual tendered amount,  provided  that  if  such
    44  audit  reveals  a  discrepancy  between the deposit initiator's reported
    45  number of beverage containers and  the  actual  physical  count  of  ten
    46  percent  or  greater,  the  redemption  center shall be paid one hundred
    47  fifty percent of the handling fee otherwise payable  to  the  redemption
    48  center  for  such  tender, and provided further that upon any subsequent
    49  audit which produces a discrepancy of ten percent or more,  the  redemp-
    50  tion center shall be paid two hundred percent of the handling fee other-
    51  wise payable to such redemption center.
    52    §  5.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    53  have become a law.