

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 22, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. JACKSON -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions

        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the  city  of  New  York,  in
          relation  to  the  rate of interest used in the actuarial valuation of
          liabilities for the purpose of calculating contributions  to  the  New
          York  city  employees'  retirement system, the New York city teachers'
          retirement system, the police pension fund, subchapter two,  the  fire
          department  pension  fund,  subchapter  two and the board of education
          retirement system of such city by public employers and other  obligors
          required  to  make  employer contributions to such retirement systems,
          the crediting of special interest and additional interest  to  members
          of  such retirement systems, and the allowance of supplementary inter-
          est on the funds of such retirement systems

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  2  of subdivision b of section 13-638.2 of the
     2  administrative code of the city of New York, as amended by  chapter  391
     3  of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (2)  With  respect  to  each  retirement system, such rate of interest
     5  shall be as hereinafter set forth in this paragraph:

     6                                                  First day and
     7                                                  last day of
     8                     Rate of interest             fiscal year or
     9                     per centum per               series of fiscal
    10  Retirement         annum, compounded            years for which
    11  System             annually                     rate is effective
    12  ________________________________________________________________________
    13  NYCERS             7%                           July 1, 2011 to
    14                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    15  NYCTRS             7%                           July 1, 2011 to

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7372                             2

     1                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
     2  PPF                7%                           July 1, 2011 to
     3                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
     4  FPF                7%                           July 1, 2011 to
     5                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
     6  BERS               7%                           July 1, 2011 to
     7                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025

     8    §  2. Paragraph 2 of subdivision f of section 13-638.2 of the adminis-
     9  trative code of the city of New York, as amended by chapter 391  of  the
    10  laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    11    (2)  Such  special  interest shall be allowed at the rates and for the
    12  periods set forth below in this paragraph:

    13                                                  First day and
    14                                                  last day of
    15                     Rate of interest             fiscal year or
    16                     per centum per               series of fiscal
    17  Retirement         annum, compounded            years for which
    18  System             annually                     rate is effective
    19  ________________________________________________________________________
    20  NYCERS              1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    21                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    22  NYCTRS              1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    23                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    24  PPF                 1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    25                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    26  FPF                 1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    27                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    28  BERS                1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    29                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025

    30    § 3. Paragraph 2 of subdivision g of section 13-638.2 of the  adminis-
    31  trative  code  of the city of New York, as amended by chapter 391 of the
    32  laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    33    (2) Such additional interest shall be included at the  rates  and  for
    34  the periods set forth below in this paragraph:

    35                                                  First day and
    36                                                  last day of
    37                     Rate of interest             fiscal year or
    38                     per centum per               series of fiscal
    39  Retirement         annum, compounded            years for which
    40  System             annually                     rate is effective
    41  ________________________________________________________________________
    42  NYCERS              1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    43                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    44  NYCTRS              1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    45                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    46  PPF                 1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    47                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    48  FPF                 1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    49                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    50  BERS                1 1/4%                      July 1, 2011 to
    51                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025

        S. 7372                             3

     1    §  4. Paragraph 2 of subdivision i of section 13-638.2 of the adminis-
     2  trative code of the city of New York, as amended by chapter 391  of  the
     3  laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (2)  Such supplementary interest shall be allowed at the rates and for
     5  the periods set forth below in this paragraph:

     6                                                  First day and
     7                                                  last day of
     8                     Rate of interest             fiscal year or
     9                     per centum per               series of fiscal
    10  Retirement         annum, compounded            years for which
    11  System             annually                     rate is effective
    12  ________________________________________________________________________
    13  NYCERS             0%                           July 1, 2011 to
    14                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    15  NYCTRS             0%                           July 1, 2011 to
    16                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    17  PPF                0%                           July 1, 2011 to
    18                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    19  FPF                0%                           July 1, 2011 to
    20                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025
    21  BERS               0%                           July 1, 2011 to
    22                                                  June 30, [2023] 2025

    23    § 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023, except that if it  shall
    24  have  become a law subsequent to such date, this act  shall  take effect
    25  immediately and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on
    26  and after July 1, 2023.