

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 2, 2021

        Introduced  by Sen. GIANARIS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend chapter 17 of the laws of 2012 amending the  legislative
          law  relating  to  redistricting of congressional, senate and assembly
          districts, in relation to the submission of a plan  for  redistricting
          of congressional, senate and assembly districts

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 4 of chapter 17 of the laws of  2012  amending  the
     2  legislative  law  relating to redistricting of congressional, senate and
     3  assembly districts, is amended to read as follows:
     4    § 4. (a) The independent redistricting commission established pursuant
     5  to section 5-b of article 3 of the  constitution  shall  submit  to  the
     6  legislature  such  plan and the implementing legislation therefore on or
     7  before January first or as soon as practicable thereafter but  no  later
     8  than  January fifteenth in the year ending in two beginning in two thou-
     9  sand twenty-two. Within ten days of the plan's submission or within  ten
    10  days  after  January  first in a year ending in two, whichever is later,
    11  the implementing legislation shall be voted upon  without  amendment  by
    12  the  senate  or the assembly. If approved by the first house voting upon
    13  it, such legislation shall be delivered to the other  house  immediately
    14  to  be voted upon, without amendment, within five days from delivery. If
    15  approved by both houses such  legislation  shall  be  presented  to  the
    16  governor  for action within three days.  If the commission does not vote
    17  on any redistricting plan or plans, for any reason, by the date required
    18  for submission of such plan, the commission shall submit to the legisla-
    19  ture all plans in its possession, both completed and in draft form,  and
    20  the data upon which such plans are based.
    21    (b) If either house shall fail to approve the legislation implementing
    22  the  first  redistricting  plan,  or the governor shall veto such legis-
    23  lation and the legislature shall fail to override such veto  within  ten

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7150                             2

     1  days  of  such veto, each house or the governor, if he or she vetoes it,
     2  shall notify the commission that such legislation has  been  disapproved
     3  within  three  days  of  such  disapproval.  Within fifteen days of such
     4  notification  and in no case later than February twenty-eighth of a year
     5  ending in two, the redistricting commission shall prepare and submit  to
     6  the legislature a second redistricting plan and the necessary implement-
     7  ing  legislation  for  such plan. Within ten days of its submission such
     8  legislation shall be voted upon, without amendment,  by  the  senate  or
     9  assembly and, if approved by the first house voting upon it, such legis-
    10  lation  shall  be  delivered  to the other house immediately to be voted
    11  upon without amendment, within five days from delivery. If  approved  by
    12  both  houses,  such  legislation  shall be presented to the governor for
    13  action within three days.
    14    (c) If either house shall fail to approve the legislation implementing
    15  the second redistricting plan, or the governor shall  veto  such  legis-
    16  lation  and  the legislature shall fail to override such veto within ten
    17  days of such veto, or if the commission does not vote on any redistrict-
    18  ing plan or plans, for any reason, by the date required  for  submission
    19  of such plan and the commission submitted to the legislature pursuant to
    20  subdivision  (a)  of  this  section  all  plans  in its possession, both
    21  completed and in draft form, and the data  upon  which  such  plans  are
    22  based, each house shall introduce such implementing legislation with any
    23  amendments  each house deems necessary. If approved by both houses, such
    24  legislation shall be presented to the governor for action  within  three
    25  days.
    26    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.