

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 1, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COONEY  --  (at  request  of the Division of Human
          Rights) -- read twice and ordered printed,  and  when  printed  to  be
          committed to the Committee on Investigations and Government Operations

        AN  ACT  to amend the executive law, in relation to the requirements for
          filing a complaint with the Division of Human Rights

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.    Subdivision  1  of section 297 of the executive law, as
     2  amended by chapter 160 of the laws  of  2019,  is  amended  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    1.  Any  person claiming to be aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory
     5  practice may, by himself or herself or his or her attorney-at-law, make,
     6  sign and file with the division a [verified] complaint in writing  under
     7  oath  or  by  declaration  which shall state the name and address of the
     8  person alleged to have committed the  unlawful  discriminatory  practice
     9  complained  of  and  which  shall  set forth the particulars thereof and
    10  contain such other information as may be required by the  division.  The
    11  commissioner  of  labor  or  the  attorney general, or the [chair of the
    12  commission on quality of  care  for  the  mentally  disabled]  executive
    13  director of the justice center for the protection of people with special
    14  needs, or the division on its own motion may, in like manner, make, sign
    15  and  file  such  complaint.  In  connection  with  the  filing  of  such
    16  complaint, the attorney general  is  authorized  to  take  proof,  issue
    17  subpoenas and administer oaths in the manner provided in the civil prac-
    18  tice  law  and  rules.  Any  employer  whose employees, or some of them,
    19  refuse or threaten to refuse to cooperate with the  provisions  of  this
    20  article,  may  file  with  the  division a verified complaint asking for
    21  assistance by conciliation or other remedial action.
    22    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.