                    IN SENATE
                                     January 3, 2018
        Introduced  by Sen. KAVANAGH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Housing, Construction  and
          Community Development
        AN  ACT to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and the
          emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four, in  relation
          to the statute of limitations on notices of deregulation
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1.  Section 26-504.2 of the administrative code of the city of
     2  New York is amended by adding a new subdivision c to read as follows:
     3    c. Notwithstanding section 26-516 of  this  chapter  and  section  two
     4  hundred  thirteen-a  of  the  civil  practice law and rules, the periods
     5  provided for therein for examination of the rental history of the accom-
     6  modation for the determination of an overcharge and whether the accommo-
     7  dation is subject to this law are extended by the  period  during  which
     8  the owner is not in compliance with the requirements of subdivision b of
     9  this section.
    10    §  2. Paragraph 13 of subdivision a of section 5 of section 4 of chap-
    11  ter  576  of  the  laws  of  1974,  constituting  the  emergency  tenant
    12  protection act of nineteen seventy-four, as amended by section 8 of part
    13  A of chapter 20 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    14    (13)  (i) any housing accommodation with a legal regulated rent of two
    15  thousand dollars or more per month at any  time  between  the  effective
    16  date  of this paragraph and October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three
    17  which is or becomes vacant on or after the effective date of this  para-
    18  graph;  or, for any housing accommodation with a legal regulated rent of
    19  two thousand dollars or more per month at  any  time  on  or  after  the
    20  effective  date of the rent regulation reform act of 1997 and before the
    21  effective date of the rent act of 2011, which is or becomes vacant on or
    22  after the effective date of the rent regulation reform act of  1997  and
    23  before  the effective date of the rent act of 2011. This exclusion shall
    24  apply regardless of whether the next tenant in occupancy or  any  subse-
    25  quent  tenant  in  occupancy  is  charged or pays less than two thousand
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7105                             2
     1  dollars a month; or, for any housing accommodation with  a  legal  regu-
     2  lated rent of two thousand five hundred dollars or more per month at any
     3  time on or after the effective date of the rent act of 2011, which is or
     4  becomes  vacant on or after such effective date, but prior to the effec-
     5  tive date of the rent act of 2015; or, any housing accommodation with  a
     6  legal regulated rent that was two thousand seven hundred dollars or more
     7  per  month at any time on or after the effective date of the rent act of
     8  2015, which becomes vacant after the effective date of the rent  act  of
     9  2015,  provided, however, that starting on January 1, 2016, and annually
    10  thereafter, the maximum  legal  regulated  rent  for  this  deregulation
    11  threshold,  shall  also  be increased by the same percentage as the most
    12  recent one year renewal  adjustment,  adopted  by  the  applicable  rent
    13  guidelines  board.  An  exclusion pursuant to this paragraph shall apply
    14  regardless of whether the next tenant in  occupancy  or  any  subsequent
    15  tenant  in  occupancy actually is charged or pays less than two thousand
    16  seven hundred dollars a month.   Provided  however,  that  an  exclusion
    17  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  shall not apply to housing accommodations
    18  which became or become subject to this act (a) by  virtue  of  receiving
    19  tax  benefits  pursuant  to section [four hundred twenty-one-a] 421-a or
    20  [four hundred eighty-nine] 489 of the real property tax law,  except  as
    21  otherwise  provided  in subparagraph (i) of paragraph (f) of subdivision
    22  [two] 2 of section [four hundred twenty-one-a] 421-a of the real proper-
    23  ty tax law, or (b) by virtue of article [seven-C] 7-C  of  the  multiple
    24  dwelling  law.  This  paragraph  shall  not apply, however, to or become
    25  effective with respect to housing accommodations which the  commissioner
    26  determines or finds that the landlord or any person acting on his or her
    27  behalf,  with  intent  to cause the tenant to vacate, has engaged in any
    28  course of conduct  (including,  but  not  limited  to,  interruption  or
    29  discontinuance  of required services) which interfered with or disturbed
    30  or was intended to interfere with or disturb the comfort, repose,  peace
    31  or  quiet  of  the  tenant in his or her use or occupancy of the housing
    32  accommodations and in connection with such course of conduct, any  other
    33  general enforcement provision of this act shall also apply.
    34    (ii)  the  owner  of  any housing accommodation that is not subject to
    35  this act pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (i)  of  this  para-
    36  graph  or  paragraph  (n) of subdivision 2 of section 2 of the emergency
    37  housing rent control law shall give written  notice  certified  by  such
    38  owner to the first tenant of that housing accommodation after such hous-
    39  ing  accommodation becomes exempt from the provisions of this act or the
    40  emergency housing rent control law. Such notice shall contain:  the last
    41  regulated rent; the  reason  that  such  housing  accommodation  is  not
    42  subject  to this act or the emergency housing rent control law; a calcu-
    43  lation of how either the rental amount charged when there is no lease or
    44  the rental amount provided for in the lease has been derived  so  as  to
    45  reach  two thousand dollars or more per month; a statement that the last
    46  legal regulated rent or the maximum rent may be verified by  the  tenant
    47  by  contacting  the  state division of housing and community renewal, or
    48  any successor thereto; and the address  and  telephone  number  of  such
    49  agency, or any successor thereto. Such notice shall be sent by certified
    50  mail within thirty days after the tenancy commences or after the signing
    51  of  the lease by both parties, whichever occurs first or shall be deliv-
    52  ered to the tenant at the signing of the lease. In addition,  the  owner
    53  shall  send  and certify to the tenant a copy of the registration state-
    54  ment for such housing accommodation filed with  the  state  division  of
    55  housing and community renewal indicating that such housing accommodation
    56  became  exempt  from the provisions of this act or the emergency housing

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     1  rent control law, which form shall include the last regulated rent,  and
     2  shall  be  sent  to  the  tenant  within  thirty  days after the tenancy
     3  commences or the filing of such registration, whichever occurs later.
     4    (iii)  notwithstanding section twelve of this act and section 213-a of
     5  the civil practice law and rules to the contrary, the  periods  provided
     6  for  therein  for examination of the rental history of the accommodation
     7  for the determination of an overcharge and whether the accommodation  is
     8  subject to this law are extended by the period during which the owner is
     9  not  in  compliance with requirements of subparagraph (ii) of this para-
    10  graph.
    11    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately provided that:
    12    (a) the amendment to section 26-504.2 of the rent stabilization law of
    13  nineteen hundred sixty-nine made by section one of this act shall expire
    14  on the same date as such law expires and shall not affect the expiration
    15  of such law as provided under section 26-520 of such law;
    16    (b) the amendments to section 5 of section 4 of the  emergency  tenant
    17  protection  act of nineteen seventy-four made by section two of this act
    18  shall expire on the same date as such act expires and shall  not  affect
    19  the  expiration  of such act as provided in section 17 of chapter 576 of
    20  the laws of 1974, as amended; and
    21    (c) the provisions of this act shall apply to  housing  accommodations
    22  which became vacant on or after the effective date of this act.