                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     October 4, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen.  GOLDEN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
        AN ACT to amend the general municipal law, in relation to sick leave for
          officers and employees with a qualifying World Trade Center condition;
          to amend the civil service law, in relation to the review  of  certain
          claims;  and  to  amend  chapter  273 of the laws of 2017 amending the
          general municipal law, relating to granting sick  leave  for  officers
          and  employees  with  a  qualifying  World  Trade Center condition, in
          relation to the reimbursement of any  public  authority  or  municipal
          corporation  of  less  than one million people for the cost of certain
          line of duty sick leave
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  92-d  of  the general municipal law, as added by
     2  chapter 273 of the laws of 2017, is amended to read as follows:
     3    § 92-d. Sick leave for officers and employees with a qualifying  World
     4  Trade  Center condition. 1. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
     5  lation to the contrary, officers and employees of the  state,  a  public
     6  authority  or  any  municipal corporation outside of a city with a popu-
     7  lation of one million or more who filed a  notice  of  participation  in
     8  World  Trade  Center  rescue,  recovery or cleanup operations and subse-
     9  quently develop a qualifying World Trade Center condition, as defined in
    10  section two of the retirement and social security law, while employed by
    11  the state, a public authority or such municipal corporation  [or  public
    12  authority]  shall  be  granted line of duty sick leave commencing on the
    13  date that such employee was diagnosed  with  a  qualifying  World  Trade
    14  Center  condition  regardless  of  whether  such officer or employee was
    15  employed by his or her current employer at the time that such officer or
    16  employee participated in World Trade Center rescue, recovery or  cleanup
    17  operations.  The  officer or employee shall be compensated at his or her
    18  regular rate of pay for those regular work hours during which the  offi-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6898                             2
     1  cer  or employee is absent from work. Such leave shall be provided with-
     2  out loss of an officer or employee's accrued sick leave.
     3    2.  For purposes of this section, "cost" shall mean the number of days
     4  of sick leave that must be restored to an officer or  employee  pursuant
     5  to subdivision one of this section multiplied by such officer or employ-
     6  ee's  wage rate at the time that such sick leave for which reimbursement
     7  is being sought was taken. "Cost" shall not include any sick time  taken
     8  by  an  officer or employee before such officer or employee filed his or
     9  her notice of participation in World Trade Center  rescue,  recovery  or
    10  cleanup operations.
    11    3.  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon request
    12  from the state, public authority or municipal corporation outside  of  a
    13  city  with a population of one million or more for a copy of a notice of
    14  participation in World Trade Center rescue, recovery  or  cleanup  oper-
    15  ations  for  an officer or employee, the retirement system in which such
    16  officer or employee is a member and to which such  officer  or  employee
    17  filed  his  or her notice of participation in World Trade Center rescue,
    18  recovery or cleanup operations  in  accordance  with  paragraph  (a)  of
    19  subdivision thirty-six of section two of the retirement and social secu-
    20  rity  law,  such retirement system shall provide a verified copy of such
    21  filed notice of participation that includes the date  that  such  notice
    22  was  received  to  such  requestor.  A  copy  of such verified notice of
    23  participation shall be filed with any claim for reimbursement  submitted
    24  to  the  civil  service  commission pursuant to subdivision four of this
    25  section. Except as required for filing and review purposes,  such  veri-
    26  fied  notice  of  participation  and  all copies of such verified notice
    27  shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure pursuant to  article
    28  six of the public officers law.
    29    4.  Such  public  authority  or municipal corporation shall submit any
    30  claim for reimbursement under this section to the civil service  commis-
    31  sion.  In  accordance with subdivision one-a of section six of the civil
    32  service law, the civil service commission shall  review  each  claim  to
    33  determine  if such claim shall be approved, reduced, amended or rejected
    34  and shall notify such public authority or municipal corporation,  within
    35  sixty  days  of  receipt  of  such  claim, as to its determination. Such
    36  public authority or municipal corporation shall notify the civil service
    37  commission within thirty days after receipt of the civil service commis-
    38  sion's notification, as to its acceptance or rejection of such  determi-
    39  nation.  Failure to so notify the civil service commission shall consti-
    40  tute an acceptance of the determination.  If  accepted  by  such  public
    41  authority or municipal corporation, such acceptance shall constitute the
    42  final  and  conclusive determination for such claim. If rejected by such
    43  public authority or municipal  corporation,  such  public  authority  or
    44  municipal corporation shall resubmit its claim, within thirty days after
    45  receipt  of  the  civil service commission's notification, together with
    46  its reasons for objection and any  additional  documentation  which  may
    47  justify  its  claim.  Upon  receipt  of  a  resubmitted claim, the civil
    48  service commission shall review such claim  and  within  sixty  days  of
    49  receipt  of such resubmitted claim, make a final determination as to the
    50  amount to be approved for such claim. If such public authority or munic-
    51  ipal corporation shall dispute such final determination it may  commence
    52  an  action,  within sixty days of such final determination, in the court
    53  of claims which shall have jurisdiction  to  adjudicate  the  claim  and
    54  enter  judgment,  which  judgment  shall  be  a  final determination for
    55  purposes of this section and shall be payable  in  accordance  with  the
    56  provisions of sections three and four of this chapter.

        S. 6898                             3
     1    5.  The  civil service commission shall certify all claims for which a
     2  final determination has been made. The civil  service  commission  shall
     3  submit  all  claims  certified  to  the comptroller of the department of
     4  audit and control on or before the first day of the immediately succeed-
     5  ing month during which  such claim was certified.
     6    6.  All claims certified by the civil service commission shall be paid
     7  monthly and shall be paid upon a warrant from the comptroller.
     8    § 2. Section 6 of the civil service law is amended  by  adding  a  new
     9  subdivision 1-a to read as follows:
    10    1-a.  Have  the  power to review claims for reimbursement submitted by
    11  public authorities or municipal corporations outside of a  city  with  a
    12  population  of a million or more pursuant to section ninety-two-d of the
    13  general municipal law to determine if  such  claim  shall  be  approved,
    14  reduced,  amended  or  rejected.  Such review and determination shall be
    15  made in accordance with section ninety-two-d of  the  general  municipal
    16  law.
    17    § 3. Section 2 of chapter 273 of the laws of 2017, amending the gener-
    18  al  municipal  law  relating  to  granting  sick  leave for officers and
    19  employees with a qualified World Trade Center condition, is  amended  to
    20  read as follows:
    21    §  2.  The  state  shall  reimburse  any public authority or municipal
    22  corporation of less than one million people for the  cost  of  any  line
    23  duty  sick leave granted pursuant to this act.  Such reimbursement shall
    24  be made in accordance with the provisions of section 92-d of the general
    25  municipal law.
    26    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  apply  to  all
    27  claims for reimbursement filed pursuant to section one of this act.