                    IN SENATE
                                    February 24, 2016
          SERRANO -- read twice and ordered printed,  and  when  printed  to  be
          committed to the Committee on Insurance
        AN  ACT  to  direct  the  department  of financial services to study and
          report upon the provision of long term care insurance coverage in this
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. The department of financial services shall examine, evalu-
     2  ate, and make recommendations concerning the provision of long term care
     3  insurance coverage in this state, as authorized pursuant to section 1117
     4  of the insurance law.  In conducting its study,  such  department  shall
     5  seek  input from a representation of interested parties, such as policy-
     6  holders, insurance carriers, and caregivers.  Such study  shall  specif-
     7  ically include, but not be limited to the following:
     8    (a)  the  present  state  of the long term care insurance market, with
     9  respect to the growing aging population and other demographic shifts  as
    10  well as market participation by insurance carriers;
    11    (b)  the  impact of long term care coverage to public benefits such as
    12  Medicaid, care recipients and caregivers;
    13    (c) identifiable trends in life expectancy, policy claim and  utiliza-
    14  tion rates, and policy lapse rates;
    15    (d)  a  review  of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
    16  (NAIC) activities as well as studies and reports prepared by the  Ameri-
    17  can  Academy of Actuaries and/or the Society of Actuaries regarding long
    18  term care insurance premium rates increases;
    19    (e) the actuarial assumptions and methodologies used by  such  depart-
    20  ment  to ensure benefits are reasonable to premiums charged when approv-
    21  ing and adjusting premium for this product, at this product's  inception
    22  and presently;
    23    (f)  the impact of premium rates on the solvency of the plans offering
    24  this product;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.