

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 26, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen.  MAYER  -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the residen-
          tial parking system in the town of Harrison

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Subdivision 2 of section 1662-c of the vehicle and traffic
     2  law, as added by chapter 265 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read  as
     3  follows:
     4    2.  Such residential parking system may only be established within the
     5  area of the town of Harrison which shall mean [that  area]  those  areas
     6  generally bounded by the following:
     7    (a)  All of that area beginning at the intersection of Harrison Avenue
     8  and Broadway; running north on  Harrison  Avenue  to  Davenport  Street;
     9  thence  running east on Davenport Street to Oakland Avenue; then running
    10  north along Oakland Avenue to the intersection  of  Macy  Road;  running
    11  thence  north  on  Macy  Road to the intersection of Macy Road and South
    12  Road and Sunnyside Avenue; running thence west along Sunnyside Avenue to
    13  Sunnyside Place; thence north to Emerson  Place;  thence  along  Emerson
    14  Place  to  Emerson  Avenue  north  to Hyatt Avenue; thence west on Hyatt
    15  Avenue to Harrison Avenue; thence south on Harrison  Avenue  to  Webster
    16  Avenue; thence west on Webster Avenue to Crotona Avenue; thence south on
    17  Crotona  Avenue  to  Calvert  Street;  thence  east on Calvert Street to
    18  Broadway; thence south on  Broadway  to  the  intersection  of  Harrison
    19  Avenue,  the  place  of  beginning, permit parking may be implemented on
    20  both sides of any street whose center line is herein utilized as a boun-
    21  dary description; and
    22    (b) All of that area beginning at the  intersection  of  The  Harrison
    23  Boulevard  and  Lake  Street;  running east on The Harrison Boulevard to
    24  Pearl Avenue; thence  running  south  on  Pearl  Avenue  (including  Ann
    25  Street/Dey  Street/Daniel  Street  and Edward Street) to Harrison Street

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6550                             2

     1  thence running west along Harrison Street to the intersection of  Willow
     2  Street:  thence  south  on  Willow Street to the intersection of Elmwood
     3  Avenue running thence east along Elmwood Avenue to the  intersection  of
     4  Underhill Avenue; running thence south along Underhill Avenue (including
     5  Main  Street  and  Underhill  Place) to Locust Avenue; thence east alone
     6  Locust Avenue to Main Place; thence north along Main Place  to  Parkview
     7  Avenue;  thence  west  on Parkview Avenue to White Plains Avenue; thence
     8  north on White Plains Avenue to the intersection of High Street;  thence
     9  east  on  High Street to dead end (including Spring Lake Drive) to King-
    10  ston Avenue: thence north on Kingston Avenue to Main Street; thence west
    11  on Main Street to the intersection of White Plains Avenue: thence  north
    12  on  White Plains Avenue (including Clark Place) to Taylor Avenue: thence
    13  west on Taylor Avenue to the intersection of  Gainsborg  Avenue;  thence
    14  north  on  Gainsborg  Avenue to Harrison Street; thence east on Harrison
    15  Street to Woodside Avenue thence north  on  Woodside  Avenue  (including
    16  Madison  Street.  Sherman  Avenue  and  Livingston  Avenue) to Jefferson
    17  Avenue; thence west on Jefferson Avenue to Park Avenue; thence north  on
    18  Park  Avenue  (including Park Avenue to dead end) to the intersection of
    19  Washington Street; thence west on Washington Street to Lakeview  Avenue;
    20  thence  south  on  Lakeview  Avenue  to Jefferson Avenue; thence west on
    21  Jefferson Avenue to Gainsborg Avenue; thence north on  Gainsborg  Avenue
    22  (to  dead  end)  to  Washington Street; thence west on Washington Street
    23  (including Lincoln Avenue to dead  end)  to  the  intersection  of  Lake
    24  Street;  thence  north  on Lake Street (including Stoney Crest and Rocky
    25  Ridge Road} to the intersection of Old Lake Street  number  two;  thence
    26  south  on  Old  Lake  Street  number two to Buckout Road; thence west on
    27  Buckout Road to the White Plains City Line (including Golden Pond  Road.
    28  Silver  Stream  Drive, Castle Brook Road and Carriage Hill Road); thence
    29  east on Buckout Road to Old Lake Street; thence south on Old Lake Street
    30  (including The Silver Lake Preserve) to the intersection of Lake Street;
    31  thence south on Lake Street to the  intersection  of  Veterans  Memorial
    32  Drive; thence south on Veterans Memorial Drive to the starting point.
    33    Provided,  however,  that  except  for the reference to state highways
    34  solely for the purposes  of  delineating  the  boundaries  of  the  area
    35  described  in this subdivision, the provisions of this section shall not
    36  apply to any state highway maintained by the state.
    37    § 2. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 4 of section 1662-c of  the  vehicle
    38  and traffic law, as added by chapter 265 of the laws of 1998, is amended
    39  to read as follows:
    40    (d)  make  not less than [twenty] fifteen percent of all spaces within
    41  the permit area available to nonresidents and shall provide  short  term
    42  parking of not less than ninety minutes in duration in such area; and
    43    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.