

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 15, 2019

        Introduced  by  Sen. HOYLMAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be  committed  to  the  Committee  on  Rules  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN  ACT  to amend the navigation law, in relation to prohibiting vessels
          from operating, anchoring or mooring in the navigable  waters  of  the
          state while operating a digital billboard board

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The navigation law is amended by adding a new section  43-a
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  43-a. Use of digital billboards. 1. All vessels shall be prohibited
     4  from operating, anchoring or mooring in  the  navigable  waters  of  the
     5  state  while  operating  a  digital billboard or other type of billboard
     6  that uses flashing, intermittent or moving lights.
     7    2. As used in this section, the term "digital billboard" shall mean  a
     8  one or multi-sided outdoor advertising sign that displays digital images
     9  using  light-emitting  diode  technology or any such similar technology,
    10  unless exclusively used to identify the vessel.
    11    3. This section shall not be construed to limit any  authority  deleg-
    12  ated  to a city, village or town pursuant to section forty-six-a of this
    13  part. A city, village or town may, by local law, expressly  restrict  or
    14  prohibit  the  use  of outdoor advertising signage on vessels within one
    15  thousand five hundred feet of its shore or expressly  authorize  vessels
    16  to  operate  a  digital  billboard  or other type of billboard that uses
    17  flashing, intermittent or moving lights within one thousand five hundred
    18  feet of its shore.
    19    4. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a
    20  civil penalty of one thousand dollars for the first violation, and  five
    21  thousand dollars for all subsequent violations.
    22    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.