

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 17, 2023

          SCARCELLA-SPANTON, SKOUFIS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed  to be committed to the Committee on Housing, Construction and
          Community Development

        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the  city  of  New  York,  in
          relation  to  certain housing accommodations; and to amend chapter 576
          of the laws of 1974, constituting the emergency tenant protection  act
          of nineteen seventy-four, in relation to certain hardship provisions

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision c of section 26-511 of the administrative  code
     2  of  the city of New York is amended by adding a new paragraph 15 to read
     3  as follows:
     4    (15) provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of this  chap-
     5  ter  to the contrary, when a housing accommodation subject to this chap-
     6  ter has been vacated after continuous tenancy or occupancy of ten  years
     7  or  more  prior to vacancy, and the owner has submitted documentation to
     8  the division demonstrating restoration of  the  unit  as  set  forth  in
     9  section  26-511.2 of this chapter, the new legal regulated rent shall be
    10  the rent agreed to by the owner and first tenant after such  restoration
    11  and  reserved  in  a lease or other rental agreement; provided that such
    12  new legal regulated rent may be adjusted on audit by the division  under
    13  section  26-511.2  of  this chapter, or on application of a tenant under
    14  section 26-513.1 of this chapter. The legal  regulated  rent  adjustment
    15  set  forth in this paragraph shall be known as the local regulated hous-
    16  ing restoration adjustment.
    17    § 2. The administrative code of the city of New  York  is  amended  by
    18  adding a new section 26-511.2 to read as follows:
    19    § 26-511.2 The local regulated housing restoration adjustment.  a. The
    20  division  of  housing and community renewal, the "division" shall estab-
    21  lish a notification procedure and  documentation  submission  guidelines

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6352                             2

     1  for  the  local regulated housing restoration adjustment.  Documentation
     2  to qualify for the local regulated housing restoration adjustment  shall
     3  be limited to:
     4    (1)  XRF  test results demonstrating a lead-free housing accommodation
     5  under applicable local definitions;
     6    (2) any required tenant protection  plans  or  similar  submission  in
     7  connection with such restoration;
     8    (3) any required contractor licenses;
     9    (4) list and specifications of new electric appliances installed;
    10    (5) before and after photos;
    11    (6) lease or rental agreement listing new legal regulated rent; and
    12    (7)  legal  regulated rent amount or amounts for substantially similar
    13  unit or units as defined by section 26-513.1 of this chapter.
    14    b. The local regulated housing restoration  adjustment  shall  not  be
    15  permitted:
    16    (1)  for units that are rented within a twenty-four-month period after
    17  an arm's length transfer of ownership;
    18    (2) for units that are rented within a thirty-six-month  period  after
    19  determination  by  the  division  that the owner has engaged in unlawful
    20  harassment with respect to the unit; or
    21    (3) after an eviction, unless the  eviction  was  pursuant  to  order,
    22  judgment,  or  other  decree by court or governmental or legal authority
    23  for reasons including nonpayment of rent, expiration or  termination  of
    24  the  lease  term  or  license  or  other occupancy right, violation of a
    25  substantial obligation of the tenancy, or any  other  grounds  permitted
    26  under this chapter.
    27    c.  The division shall establish an audit process to review a percent-
    28  age, as established by the  division,  of  housing  accommodations  that
    29  register  adjusted legal regulated rents under the local regulated hous-
    30  ing restoration adjustment.   The division's established  audit  process
    31  shall be subject to the following requirements:
    32    (1) any audit shall be limited to: (i) confirmation that documentation
    33  set  forth  in  subdivision  a  of this section has been submitted; (ii)
    34  visual inspection of the subject unit; and (iii) review  of  the  unit's
    35  registered  rent  in comparison to the legal regulated rents of substan-
    36  tially similar  housing  accommodations  in  the  same  geographic  area
    37  considering the same factors set forth in section 26-513.1 of this chap-
    38  ter, including the owner's right to submit the legal regulated rent of a
    39  substantially similar unit or units. Such audit shall be initiated with-
    40  in one year of the filing of an annual apartment registration indicating
    41  an  adjustment  to  the  legal  regulated rent under the local regulated
    42  housing restoration adjustment.
    43    (2) if an audit under this subdivision determines that  an  owner  has
    44  failed  to  submit  documentation  set  forth  in  subdivision a of this
    45  section and the owner then fails to  submit  any  missing  documentation
    46  after  sixty  days'  written  notice from the division, the division may
    47  then set the subject unit's legal regulated rent based  upon  an  evalu-
    48  ation  of  documentation  provided but in no event shall the legal regu-
    49  lated rent be set at an amount less than HUD fair market value  for  the
    50  statistical  metropolitan  area  or  the  small area fair market rent as
    51  determined by the local housing authority provided that applicable hous-
    52  ing quality standards have been confirmed by inspection as set forth  in
    53  this section.
    54    (3)  if  an  audit  under  this  subdivision determines that the owner
    55  submitted documentation set forth in subdivision a of this  section  but
    56  that  the  registered  rent  exceeds  the  level permitted under section

        S. 6352                             3

     1  26-513.1 of this chapter, the division may set the legal regulated  rent
     2  at  the  greater of the legal regulated rent for a substantially similar
     3  housing accommodation in the same geographic area or the HUD fair market
     4  value  for  the  statistical  metropolitan  area  or the small area fair
     5  market rent as determined by the local housing authority.  Any  required
     6  refunds  shall be made in accordance with section 26-513.1 of this chap-
     7  ter.
     8    d. Access to the documentation submitted as part of  the  local  regu-
     9  lated  housing restoration adjustment shall be governed by the same laws
    10  governing access to building and apartment registrations filed with  the
    11  division.
    12    §  3.  The  administrative  code of the city of New York is amended by
    13  adding a new section 26-513.1 to read as follows:
    14    § 26-513.1 Application  for  adjustment  of  local  regulated  housing
    15  restoration  adjustment.  a.  The tenant of a housing accommodation that
    16  was vacant on, or became vacant after,  June  14,  2019,  and  has  been
    17  subject  to the local regulated housing restoration adjustment, may file
    18  with the commissioner of housing and community renewal within  120  days
    19  after  notice  has  been received under subdivision c of this section an
    20  application for the adjustment of the rent  for  such  housing  accommo-
    21  dation. Such applications shall be subject to the following:
    22    (1)  in  the  application, the tenant must allege that the local regu-
    23  lated housing restoration adjustment rent exceeds the rent for  substan-
    24  tially similar units within the same geographic area.
    25    (2)  in determining an application filed pursuant to this section, the
    26  commissioner shall only consider legal regulated rents for substantially
    27  similar housing accommodations within a one-mile radius of  the  subject
    28  unit  in the same borough or applicable municipal subdivision.  Substan-
    29  tially similar housing accommodations are  those  rent-stabilized  units
    30  with  similar  room  counts  and  square footage, similar levels of code
    31  compliance, including state laws, local laws and codes for health, safe-
    32  ty, and environmental sustainability, similar regulatory status, similar
    33  apartment conditions and quality of fixtures and finishes, similar  unit
    34  and  building  amenities,  similar quality and condition of the building
    35  and common areas, and with vacancy or  renewal  leases  starting  within
    36  twelve  months  from  the start date of the complaining tenant's vacancy
    37  lease.  For purposes of considering legal  regulated  rents  of  similar
    38  housing  accommodations,  the  geographic area may be expanded by incre-
    39  ments of one-quarter mile radii as many times as  necessary  to  find  a
    40  substantially  similar housing accommodation located in the same borough
    41  or applicable municipal subdivision.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
    42  local regulated housing restoration adjustment rent amount that does not
    43  exceed the HUD fair market value for the statistical  metropolitan  area
    44  or  the  small  area fair market rent as determined by the local housing
    45  authority shall be determined to be fair.
    46    (3) the owner of the housing accommodation subject to  an  application
    47  under  this  section  shall  be  given an opportunity to submit proof of
    48  legal regulated rents for up  to  three  substantially  similar  housing
    49  accommodations,  in  addition  to  any  already submitted as part of the
    50  notification procedure under section 26-511.2 of this chapter.
    51    (4) when the  local  regulated  housing  restoration  adjustment  rent
    52  amount  is  determined to exceed the legal regulated rent for a substan-
    53  tially similar housing accommodation as defined  by  this  section,  the
    54  commissioner of housing and community renewal shall order that the legal
    55  regulated  rent  for  the subject unit shall be the greater of the legal
    56  regulated rent for a substantially similar housing accommodation in  the

        S. 6352                             4

     1  same  geographic  area  or the HUD fair market value for the statistical
     2  metropolitan area or the small area fair market rent  as  determined  by
     3  the  local housing authority.  Any required refunds shall be made by the
     4  owner  in  cash  or as a credit against unpaid rent over a period not to
     5  exceed of six months.
     6    b. Notwithstanding subdivision a of this section,  provided  that  the
     7  owner  has  submitted  to  the division documentation in accordance with
     8  subdivision a of section 26-511.2 of this chapter,  the  division  shall
     9  only  determine  whether  the rent charged to the first tenant after the
    10  local regulated housing restoration adjustment is supported by the  rent
    11  for  a substantially similar unit.  Any documentation deficiencies shall
    12  be resolved through the audit process set forth in section  26-511.2  of
    13  this chapter.
    14    c.  In the lease execution package for the first lease after the legal
    15  rent was adjusted under the local regulated housing restoration  adjust-
    16  ment, the owner shall give notice, both in the lease and subsequently in
    17  writing  by  certified mail, or by electronic delivery if the tenant has
    18  opted to receive electronic delivery of documents, to the tenant of such
    19  housing accommodation on a form prescribed by the commissioner of  hous-
    20  ing  and  community renewal that the local regulated housing restoration
    21  adjustment was applied, including notification of the prior legal  regu-
    22  lated  rent,  a  description of work completed, the building address and
    23  legal regulated rent amounts for at least one and up to  three  substan-
    24  tially  similar  units,  and  such tenant's right to file an application
    25  challenging the new legal regulated rent of such housing accommodation.
    26    § 4. Paragraph 5 of subdivision d of section 6 of section 4 of chapter
    27  576 of the laws of 1974, constituting the  emergency  tenant  protection
    28  act  of  nineteen seventy-four, as amended by chapter 102 of the laws of
    29  1984, is amended and a new paragraph 6 is added to read as follows:
    30    (5) as an alternative to the hardship application provided under para-
    31  graph four of this subdivision, owners of buildings acquired by the same
    32  owner or a related entity owned by the same principals three years prior
    33  to the date of application may apply to the division  for  increases  in
    34  excess  of the level of applicable guideline increases established under
    35  this law based on a finding by  the  commissioner  that  such  guideline
    36  increases  are  not sufficient to enable the owner to maintain an annual
    37  gross rent income for such building which exceeds the  annual  operating
    38  expenses  of  such  building  by a sum equal to at least five percent of
    39  such gross rent. For the purposes of this paragraph, operating  expenses
    40  shall  consist  of  the actual, reasonable, costs of fuel, labor, utili-
    41  ties, taxes, other than  income  or  corporate  franchise  taxes,  fees,
    42  permits,  necessary  contracted services and non-capital repairs, insur-
    43  ance, parts and supplies, management fees and other administrative costs
    44  and mortgage interest. For the  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  mortgage
    45  interest  shall  be  deemed  to  mean  interest  on a bona fide mortgage
    46  including an allocable portion of charges related thereto.  Criteria  to
    47  be considered in determining a bona fide mortgage other than an institu-
    48  tional  mortgage  shall  include; condition of the property, location of
    49  the property, the existing mortgage market at the time the  mortgage  is
    50  placed,  the  term of the mortgage, the amortization rate, the principal
    51  amount of the mortgage, security and other terms and conditions  of  the
    52  mortgage.  The  commissioner shall set a rental value for any unit occu-
    53  pied by the owner or a person related to the owner or unoccupied at  the
    54  owner's  choice  for more than one month at the last regulated rent plus
    55  the minimum number of guidelines increases or, if no such regulated rent
    56  existed or is known, the commissioner shall  impute  a  rent  consistent

        S. 6352                             5

     1  with  other rents in the building. The amount of hardship increase shall
     2  be such as may be required to maintain the annual gross rent  income  as
     3  provided  by  this  paragraph.  The  division shall not grant a hardship
     4  application  under  this paragraph or paragraph four of this subdivision
     5  for a period of three years subsequent to granting a  hardship  applica-
     6  tion  under  the  provisions  of  this  paragraph. The collection of any
     7  increase in the rent for any  housing  accommodation  pursuant  to  this
     8  paragraph  shall  not  exceed six percent in any year from the effective
     9  date of the order granting the increase over the rent set forth  in  the
    10  schedule  of gross rents, with collectability of any dollar excess above
    11  said sum to be spread forward in similar increments  and  added  to  the
    12  rent  as  established  or  set  in future years. No application shall be
    13  approved unless the owner's equity in such building exceeds five percent
    14  of: (i) the arms length purchase price of the property; (ii) the cost of
    15  any capital improvements  for  which  the  owner  has  not  collected  a
    16  surcharge; (iii) any repayment of principal of any mortgage or loan used
    17  to  finance the purchase of the property or any capital improvements for
    18  which the owner has not collected a surcharge; and (iv) any increase  in
    19  the  equalized  assessed value of the property which occurred subsequent
    20  to the first valuation of the property after purchase by the owner.  For
    21  the purposes of this paragraph, owner's equity shall mean the sum of (i)
    22  the purchase price of the property less the principal of any mortgage or
    23  loan  used to finance the purchase of the property, (ii) the cost of any
    24  capital improvement for which the owner has not  collected  a  surcharge
    25  less the principal of any mortgage or loan used to finance said improve-
    26  ment,  (iii) any repayment of the principal of any mortgage or loan used
    27  to finance the purchase of the property or any capital  improvement  for
    28  which  the owner has not collected a surcharge, and (iv) any increase in
    29  the equalized assessed value of the property which  occurred  subsequent
    30  to  the  first valuation of the property after purchase by the owner[.];
    31  or
    32    (6) provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter
    33  to the contrary, when a housing accommodation subject  to  this  chapter
    34  has  been  vacated after continuous tenancy or occupancy of ten years or
    35  more prior to vacancy, and the owner has submitted documentation to  the
    36  division  demonstrating restoration of the unit as set forth in subdivi-
    37  sion (a-1) of section ten of this chapter, the new legal regulated  rent
    38  shall  be  the  rent  agreed to by the owner and first tenant after such
    39  restoration and reserved in a lease or other rental agreement;  provided
    40  that such new legal regulated rent may be adjusted on audit by the divi-
    41  sion  under  subdivision  (a-1)  of  section  ten of this section, or on
    42  application of a tenant under subdivision d-1 of section  nine  of  this
    43  chapter. The legal regulated rent adjustment set forth in this paragraph
    44  shall be known as the local regulated housing restoration adjustment.
    45    §  5.  Section  10  of  section  4 of chapter 576 of the laws of 1974,
    46  constituting the emergency tenant protection act  of  nineteen  seventy-
    47  four is amended by adding a new subdivision (a-1) to read as follows:
    48    (a-1)  the division of housing and community renewal shall establish a
    49  notification procedure and documentation submission guidelines  for  the
    50  local  regulated  housing  restoration  adjustment.  a. Documentation to
    51  qualify for the local regulated housing restoration adjustment shall  be
    52  limited to:
    53    (1)  XRF  test results demonstrating a lead-free housing accommodation
    54  under applicable local definitions;
    55    (2) any required tenant protection  plans  or  similar  submission  in
    56  connection with such restoration;

        S. 6352                             6

     1    (3) any required contractor licenses;
     2    (4) list and specifications of new electric appliances installed;
     3    (5) before and after photos;
     4    (6) lease or rental agreement listing new legal regulated rent; and
     5    (7)  legal  regulated rent amount or amounts for substantially similar
     6  unit or units as defined by section 26-513.1 of the administrative  code
     7  of the city of New York.
     8    b.  The  local  regulated  housing restoration adjustment shall not be
     9  permitted:
    10    (1) for units that are rented within a twenty-four-month period  after
    11  an arm's length transfer of ownership;
    12    (2)  for  units that are rented within a thirty-six-month period after
    13  determination by the division that the owner  has  engaged  in  unlawful
    14  harassment with respect to the unit; or
    15    (3)  after  an  eviction,  unless  the eviction was pursuant to order,
    16  judgment, or other decree by court or governmental  or  legal  authority
    17  for  reasons  including nonpayment of rent, expiration or termination of
    18  the lease term or license or  other  occupancy  right,  violation  of  a
    19  substantial  obligation  of  the tenancy, or any other grounds permitted
    20  under this chapter.
    21    c. The division of housing and community renewal  shall  establish  an
    22  audit process to review a percentage, as established by the division, of
    23  housing  accommodations  that  register  adjusted  legal regulated rents
    24  under the local regulated housing restoration  adjustment.    The  divi-
    25  sion's  established  audit  process  shall  be  subject to the following
    26  requirements:
    27    (1) any audit shall be limited subdivision to: (i)  confirmation  that
    28  documentation  set  forth  in  paragraph  a of this subdivision has been
    29  submitted, (ii) visual inspection of the subject unit, and (iii)  review
    30  of the unit's registered rent in comparison to the legal regulated rents
    31  of  substantially  similar housing accommodations in the same geographic
    32  area considering the same  factors  set  forth  in  subdivision  d-1  of
    33  section  nine of this chapter, including the owner's right to submit the
    34  legal regulated rent of a substantially  similar  unit  or  units.  Such
    35  audit  shall  be  initiated  within  one year of the filing of an annual
    36  apartment registration indicating an adjustment to the  legal  regulated
    37  rent under the local regulated housing restoration adjustment;
    38    (2)  if  an  audit under this subdivision determines that an owner has
    39  failed to submit documentation set forth in paragraph a of this subdivi-
    40  sion and the owner then fails to submit any missing documentation  after
    41  sixty  days' written notice from the division, the division may then set
    42  the subject unit's legal regulated rent  based  upon  an  evaluation  of
    43  documentation provided but in no event shall the legal regulated rent be
    44  set  at  an  amount  less than HUD fair market value for the statistical
    45  metropolitan area or the small area fair market rent  as  determined  by
    46  the  local  housing  authority  provided that applicable housing quality
    47  standards have been confirmed by inspection as set forth above;
    48    (3) if an audit under  this  subdivision  determines  that  the  owner
    49  submitted documentation set forth in paragraph a of this subdivision but
    50  that  the registered rent exceeds the legal regulated rent of a substan-
    51  tially similar housing accommodation in the same geographic  area,  then
    52  the  division  may  set  the  legal regulated rent at the greater of the
    53  legal regulated rent for a substantially similar  housing  accommodation
    54  in the same geographic area or the HUD fair market value for the statis-
    55  tical metropolitan area or the small area fair market rent as determined

        S. 6352                             7

     1  by  the  local housing authority.  Any required refunds shall be made in
     2  accordance with subdivision d-1 of section nine of this chapter; and
     3    d.  Access  to  the documentation submitted as part of the local regu-
     4  lated housing restoration adjustment shall be governed by the same  laws
     5  governing  access to building and apartment registrations filed with the
     6  division.
     7    § 6. Section 9 of section 4 of  chapter  576  of  the  laws  of  1974,
     8  constituting  the  emergency  tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-
     9  four is amended by adding a new subdivision d-1 to read as follows:
    10    d-1. (1) The tenant of a housing accommodation that was vacant on,  or
    11  became  vacant  after,  June 14, 2019, and has been subject to the local
    12  regulated housing restoration adjustment, may file with the commissioner
    13  within 120 days after notice has been received under paragraph three  of
    14  this  subdivision an application for the adjustment of the rent for such
    15  housing accommodation.   Such  applications  shall  be  subject  to  the
    16  following:
    17    (i)  in  the  application, the tenant must allege that the local regu-
    18  lated housing  restoration  adjustment  rent  exceeds  the  rent  for  a
    19  substantially similar unit within the same geographic area;
    20    (ii) in determining an application filed pursuant to this section, the
    21  commissioner  of housing and community renewal shall only consider legal
    22  regulated rents for substantially  similar  regulated  housing  accommo-
    23  dations within a one-mile radius of the subject unit in the same borough
    24  or  applicable  municipal  subdivision.    Substantially similar housing
    25  accommodations are those rent-stabilized units with similar room  counts
    26  and  square  footage, similar levels of code compliance, including state
    27  laws, local  laws  and  codes  for  health,  safety,  and  environmental
    28  sustainability,  similar regulatory status, similar apartment conditions
    29  and quality of fixtures and finishes, similar unit  and  building  amen-
    30  ities,  similar  quality and condition of the building and common areas,
    31  and with vacancy or renewal leases starting within  twelve  months  from
    32  the  start date of the complaining tenant's vacancy lease.  For purposes
    33  of considering legal regulated rents of similar housing  accommodations,
    34  the  geographic  area  may be expanded by increments of one-quarter mile
    35  radii as many times as necessary to find a substantially similar housing
    36  accommodation located in the same borough or applicable municipal subdi-
    37  vision.   Notwithstanding the foregoing,  any  local  regulated  housing
    38  restoration  adjustment  rent  amount  that does not exceed the HUD fair
    39  market value for the statistical metropolitan area  or  the  small  area
    40  fair  market  rent as determined by the local housing authority shall be
    41  presumed to be fair;
    42    (iii) the owner of the housing accommodation subject to an application
    43  under this section shall be given an  opportunity  to  submit  proof  of
    44  legal  regulated  rents  for  up  to three substantially similar housing
    45  accommodations, in addition to any already  submitted  as  part  of  the
    46  notification procedure under paragraph three of this subdivision; and
    47    (iv)  when  the  local  regulated  housing restoration adjustment rent
    48  amount is determined to exceed the legal regulated rent for  a  substan-
    49  tially  similar  housing  accommodation  as defined by this section, the
    50  commissioner of housing and community renewal shall order that the legal
    51  regulated rent for the subject unit shall be the greater  of  the  legal
    52  regulated  rent for a substantially similar housing accommodation in the
    53  same geographic area or the HUD fair market value  for  the  statistical
    54  metropolitan  area  or  the small area fair market rent as determined by
    55  the local housing authority.  Any required refunds shall be made by  the

        S. 6352                             8

     1  owner  in  cash  or as a credit against unpaid rent over a period not to
     2  exceed of six months.
     3    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph a of this subdivision, provided that the
     4  owner  has  submitted  to  the division documentation in accordance with
     5  subdivision (a-1) of section ten of this  chapter,  the  division  shall
     6  only  determine  whether  the rent charged to the first tenant after the
     7  local regulated housing restoration adjustment is supported by a  compa-
     8  rable  legal  regulated rent for a substantially similar regulated unit.
     9  Any documentation deficiencies shall be resolved through the audit proc-
    10  ess set forth in subdivision (a-1) of section ten of this chapter.
    11    (3) In the lease execution package for the first lease after the legal
    12  rent was adjusted under the local regulated housing restoration  adjust-
    13  ment, the owner shall give notice, both in the lease and subsequently in
    14  writing  by  certified mail, or by electronic delivery if the tenant has
    15  opted to receive electronic delivery of documents, to the tenant of such
    16  housing accommodation on a form prescribed by the commissioner of  hous-
    17  ing  and  community renewal that the local regulated housing restoration
    18  adjustment was applied, including notification of the prior legal  regu-
    19  lated  rent,  a  description of work completed, the building address and
    20  legal regulated rent amounts for at least one and up to  three  substan-
    21  tially similar units, and such tenant's right to file an application for
    22  adjustment  of  the  new  legal  regulated rent of such housing accommo-
    23  dation.
    24    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately;  and  provided  that  the
    25  amendments  to  chapter  4 of title 26 of the administrative code of the
    26  city of New York made by sections one, two and three of this  act  shall
    27  expire  on  the  same  date as such law expires and shall not affect the
    28  expiration of such law as provided under section 26-520 of such law.