

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      April 3, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen.  ASHBY  -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be  committed  to  the  Committee  on  Codes  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN  ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to establishing the crime of
          criminal sale of a controlled substance upon the grounds of a drug  or
          alcohol  treatment center, or alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anony-
          mous meeting

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. The penal law is amended by adding a new section 220.66 to
     2  read as follows:
     3  § 220.66 Criminal sale of a controlled substance upon the grounds  of  a
     4             drug  or alcohol treatment center, or alcoholics anonymous or
     5             narcotics anonymous meeting.
     6    1. A person is guilty of criminal sale of a controlled substance  upon
     7  the  grounds of a drug or alcohol treatment center, or alcoholics anony-
     8  mous or narcotics anonymous meeting when he or she  knowing  and  unlaw-
     9  fully sells a controlled substance in violation of:
    10    (a)  subdivision  one, two, four, five, six or six-a of section 220.34
    11  of this article, when such sale takes place upon the grounds of  a  drug
    12  or alcohol treatment center, upon the grounds of an alcoholics anonymous
    13  meeting, or upon the grounds of a narcotics anonymous meeting; or
    14    (b)  subdivision  one,  two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight of
    15  section 220.39 of this article, when such  sale  takes  place  upon  the
    16  grounds  of  a  drug or alcohol treatment center, upon the grounds of an
    17  alcoholics anonymous meeting, or upon the grounds of a narcotics  anony-
    18  mous meeting.
    19    2.  For  the  purposes of this section, the following terms shall have
    20  the following meanings:
    21    (a) "Upon the grounds of a drug or alcohol treatment center" means:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6207--A                          2

     1    (i) In, on or within any building,  structure,  parking  lot  or  land
     2  contained  within  the  real property boundary line of any facility that
     3  provides addiction disorder services, as defined by  subdivision  fifty-
     4  five  of  section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law, or a methadone clinic;
     5  or
     6    (ii)  Any  area  accessible  to the public located within one thousand
     7  feet of the real property boundary line comprising  any  facility  which
     8  provides  addiction  disorder services, as defined in subdivision fifty-
     9  five of section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law, or any methadone clinic,
    10  or any parked automobile or other  parked  vehicle  located  within  one
    11  thousand  feet  of  the  real  property  boundary line comprising such a
    12  facility or methadone clinic.
    13    (b) "Area accessible to the public" means sidewalks, streets,  parking
    14  lots, parks, playgrounds, stores and restaurants.
    15    (c) "Upon the grounds of an alcoholics anonymous meeting" means:
    16    (i)  In,  on  or  within  any building, structure, parking lot or land
    17  contained within the real property boundary line of any  facility  which
    18  provides  a  meeting  place for alcoholics anonymous, when such group is
    19  registered as a meeting place with the General Service Office  of  Alco-
    20  holics Anonymous; or
    21    (ii)  Any  area  accessible  to the public located within one thousand
    22  feet of the real property boundary line comprising  any  facility  which
    23  provides  a  meeting  place for alcoholics anonymous, when such group is
    24  registered as a meeting place with the General Service Office  of  Alco-
    25  holics  Anonymous,  or  any  parked  automobile  or other parked vehicle
    26  located within one thousand feet of  the  real  property  boundary  line
    27  comprising such a facility.
    28    (d) "Upon the grounds of a narcotics anonymous meeting" means:
    29    (i)  In,  on  or  within  any building, structure, parking lot or land
    30  contained within the real property boundary line of any  facility  which
    31  provides  a  meeting  place  for narcotics anonymous, when such group is
    32  registered as a meeting place with Narcotics Anonymous  World  Services;
    33  or
    34    (ii)  Any  area  accessible  to the public located within one thousand
    35  feet of the real property boundary line comprising  any  facility  which
    36  provides  a  meeting  place  for narcotics anonymous, when such group is
    37  registered as a meeting place with Narcotics Anonymous World Services or
    38  any parked automobile or other parked vehicle located within  one  thou-
    39  sand feet of the real property boundary line comprising such a facility.
    40    3. For the purposes of this section, a rebuttable presumption shall be
    41  established  that  a person has knowledge that they are upon the grounds
    42  of a drug or alcohol treatment center, upon the grounds of an alcoholics
    43  anonymous meeting, or upon the grounds of a narcotics anonymous  meeting
    44  when notice is conspicuously posted in the presence of, or proximity to,
    45  such grounds.
    46    Criminal  sale of a controlled substance upon the grounds of a drug or
    47  alcohol treatment center, or alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anonymous
    48  meeting is a class E felony.
    49    § 2. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
    50  ing the date upon which it shall have become a law.