

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      April 3, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen.  ORTT  --  read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law and the vehicle  and  traffic
          law,  in  relation  to  the  exemption of disabled veterans from tolls
          collected by the New York state thruway authority

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 361 of the public
     2  authorities  law,  as  amended  by  chapter  621 of the laws of 1998, is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (a) In addition to the powers conferred by  the  vehicle  and  traffic
     5  law,  the  authority  is  hereby authorized to promulgate such rules and
     6  regulations for the use and occupancy of the thruway as may be necessary
     7  and proper for the public safety and convenience, for  the  preservation
     8  of  its  property  and  for the collection of tolls and provided further
     9  that the authority, in consultation with  the  departments  of  environ-
    10  mental  conservation and transportation, is hereby authorized to promul-
    11  gate rules and regulations necessary to implement a heavy  duty  vehicle
    12  roadside  inspection program pursuant to section 19-0320 of the environ-
    13  mental conservation law.  Such rules and regulations shall authorize the
    14  exemption from the collection of such tolls  upon  any  New  York  state
    15  resident  who  is a veteran and is certified by the United States veter-
    16  ans' administration or the department of defense as entitled to  receive
    17  disability  payments  upon  the  certification of such administration or
    18  department for a disability incurred by him or her in time of war.
    19    § 2. Subdivision 4 of section 1630 of the vehicle and traffic law,  as
    20  amended  by section 2 of subpart A of part ZZZ of chapter 59 of the laws
    21  of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    22    4. Charging of tolls, taxes, fees, licenses or permits for the use  of
    23  the  highway  or  any of its parts or entry into or remaining within the
    24  central business district established by article  forty-four-C  of  this

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6182                             2

     1  [chapter]  title,  where the imposition thereof is authorized by law. No
     2  such toll shall be imposed by the New York state thruway authority  upon
     3  any  New  York  state  resident who is a veteran and is certified by the
     4  United  States  veterans' administration or the department of defense as
     5  entitled to receive disability payments upon the certification  of  such
     6  administration  or department for a disability incurred by him or her in
     7  time of war.
     8    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
     9  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately the  addition,  amend-
    10  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    11  tation  of  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and
    12  completed on or before such effective date.