

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 16, 2019

        Introduced  by  Sen.  SAVINO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Elections

        AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to authorizing a change of
          party affiliation 25 days prior to the next ensuing  primary,  general
          or  special  election,  overhauling campaign financing and providing a
          voluntary financing program for campaigns for state officers; to amend
          the general business law, in relation to authorizing the imposition of
          an additional surcharge on recoveries for fraudulent practices  relat-
          ing  to stocks, bonds and other securities; to amend the state finance
          law, in relation to establishing the New York state  campaign  finance
          fund  and  providing for transfers thereto from the abandoned property
          fund; to amend the tax law, in relation to providing for  a  New  York
          state   campaign   finance  fund  check-off;  and  to  repeal  certain
          provisions of the election law relating thereto

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "integrity in elections act of 2019".
     3    § 2. Legislative intent.  The legislature declares that it is  in  the
     4  public  interest  to  create  and  ensure  a  truly democratic political
     5  system, one of the highest integrity, in which citizens,  regardless  of
     6  their  income, status or financial wealth, are enabled and encouraged to
     7  compete for public office. The legislature further declares that present
     8  campaign finance laws must be amended to ensure that the voices of indi-
     9  vidual small contributors are heard and that elections are conducted  in
    10  a fair and open manner.
    11    Therefore, the legislature finds it necessary to establish a voluntary
    12  system  for  the financing of campaigns for all qualified candidates for
    13  state elective offices  and  constitutional  convention  delegates.  The
    14  legislature  further  finds that this new system which provides matching
    15  funds for small contributions from individuals allows increased  citizen

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6116                             2

     1  participation  in  state  elections.  The legislature also creates a new
     2  campaign finance board placed within and working hand in hand  with  the
     3  state  board of elections to provide effective oversight and enforcement
     4  of  the  voluntary  campaign  financing system. Finally, the legislature
     5  lowers contribution limits for all  contributors,  whether  or  not  the
     6  candidate  participates  in  the  voluntary system, thereby removing the
     7  influence of large contributions in state and local elections.
     8    § 3. Subdivision 3 of section 5-304 of the election law, as amended by
     9  chapter 90 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:
    10    3. A change of enrollment received by the board of elections,  showing
    11  a  dated  cancellation  mark  of  the  United  States  Postal Service or
    12  contained in an envelope showing such cancellation mark which is  dated,
    13  not  later  than the twenty-fifth day before the [general election shall
    14  be deposited in a sealed enrollment box, which shall not be opened until
    15  the first Tuesday  following  such  general  election.  Such  change  of
    16  enrollment  shall  be then removed and entered as provided in this arti-
    17  cle] next ensuing primary, general or special election or  delivered  in
    18  person to such county board of elections not later than the twenty-fifth
    19  day  before  a  primary, general or special election, shall be effective
    20  for such election. Enrollment changes shall be entered  as  provided  in
    21  this  article  and shall be deemed to take effect on the fifth day after
    22  such change of enrollment is received by the board of  elections  or  if
    23  the  change  of enrollment, or the envelope containing it, bears a dated
    24  cancellation mark of the United States Postal Service, such change shall
    25  be entered and shall be deemed to take effect on the tenth day after the
    26  date of such mark, whichever is earlier; except that no change will take
    27  effect sooner than the fifth day after the receipt  of  such  change  of
    28  enrollment by the board of elections.
    29    § 4. Subdivision 10 of section 14-100 of the election law, as added by
    30  chapter  8  of  the laws of 1978 and as redesignated by chapter 9 of the
    31  laws of 1978, is amended and a new subdivision 18 is added  to  read  as
    32  follows:
    33    10.  "transfer"  means  any  exchange  of  funds or any thing of value
    34  between political committees authorized by the same candidate and taking
    35  part solely in his or her campaign[, or any exchange of funds between  a
    36  party  or constituted committee and a candidate or any of his authorized
    37  political committees].
    38    18. "board", "state board" or "state board  of  elections"  means  the
    39  campaign finance board as established in title two of this article.
    40    §  5.  Subdivision 1 of section 14-102 of the election law, as amended
    41  by chapter 8 of the laws of 1978 and as redesignated by chapter 9 of the
    42  laws of 1978, is amended to read as follows:
    43    1. The treasurer of every political committee which, or  any  officer,
    44  member  or  agent  of  any  such  committee  who, in connection with any
    45  election, receives or expends any  money  or  other  valuable  thing  or
    46  incurs  any  liability  to pay money or its equivalent shall file state-
    47  ments sworn, or subscribed and bearing a form notice that  false  state-
    48  ments  made  therein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to
    49  section 210.45 of the penal law, at the times prescribed by this  [arti-
    50  cle]  title  setting  forth  all  the receipts, contributions to and the
    51  expenditures by and liabilities of the committee, and of  its  officers,
    52  members  and  agents  in  its  behalf. Such statements shall include the
    53  dollar amount of any receipt[,] or contribution [or  transfer],  or  the
    54  fair market value of any receipt[,] or contribution [or transfer], which
    55  is  other  than  of  money,  the  name  and address of the [transferor,]
    56  contributor or person  from  whom  received,  and  [if  the  transferor,

        S. 6116                             3

     1  contributor or person is] for any transfer, contribution or receipt made
     2  by a political committee; the name of and the political unit represented
     3  by  the  committee,  the date of its receipt, the dollar amount of every
     4  expenditure,  the  name and address of the person to whom it was made or
     5  the name of and the political unit represented by the committee to which
     6  it was made and the date thereof, and shall state clearly the purpose of
     7  such expenditure.  Any statement reporting a loan shall have attached to
     8  it a copy of the evidence of indebtedness. Expenditures  in  sums  under
     9  fifty  dollars  need not be specifically accounted for by separate items
    10  in said statements, and receipts and contributions aggregating not  more
    11  than  ninety-nine  dollars, from any one contributor need not be specif-
    12  ically accounted for by separate  items  in  said  statements,  provided
    13  however,  that  such  expenditures,  receipts and contributions shall be
    14  subject to the other provisions of  section  14-118  of  this  [article]
    15  title.
    16    §  6.  Subdivisions  1  and  3  of section 14-114 of the election law,
    17  subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 79 of the laws of 1992, paragraphs a
    18  and b of subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 659 of the laws of 1994 and
    19  subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 517 of the laws of 1986, are amended
    20  to read as follows:
    21    1. The following limitations apply to all contributions to  candidates
    22  for election to any public office or for nomination for any such office,
    23  or  for  election  to  any  party positions, and to all contributions to
    24  political committees working directly or indirectly with  any  candidate
    25  to  aid or participate in such candidate's nomination or election, other
    26  than any contributions to any party committee or constituted committee:
    27    a. In any election for a public office to be voted on by the voters of
    28  the entire state, or for nomination to any such office,  no  contributor
    29  may  make a contribution to any candidate or political committee, and no
    30  candidate or political committee may accept any  contribution  from  any
    31  contributor,  which is in the aggregate amount greater than:  (i) in the
    32  case of any nomination to public  office,  [the  product  of  the  total
    33  number of enrolled voters in the candidate's party in the state, exclud-
    34  ing  voters  in  inactive  status,  multiplied by $.005, but such amount
    35  shall be not less than four thousand dollars nor more than  twelve]  two
    36  thousand  six  hundred dollars [as increased or decreased by the cost of
    37  living adjustment described in paragraph c  of  this  subdivision],  and
    38  (ii)  in  the case of any election to a public office, [twenty-five] two
    39  thousand six hundred dollars [as increased or decreased by the  cost  of
    40  living  adjustment  described  in  paragraph  c  of  this  subdivision];
    41  provided however, that the maximum amount contributed by any contributor
    42  or accepted by any candidate or political committee for both  a  primary
    43  and  a  general  election  shall  not  exceed  two  thousand six hundred
    44  dollars; and provided further that the maximum amount which  may  be  so
    45  contributed or accepted[, in the aggregate,] from any candidate's child,
    46  parent, grandparent, brother [and] or sister, [and] or the spouse of any
    47  such  persons, shall not exceed [in the case of any nomination to public
    48  office an amount equivalent to the product of  the  number  of  enrolled
    49  voters  in the candidate's party in the state, excluding voters in inac-
    50  tive status, multiplied by $.025, and in the case of any election for  a
    51  public  office,  an  amount  equivalent  to the product of the number of
    52  registered voters in the state  excluding  voters  in  inactive  status,
    53  multiplied by $.025] two thousand six hundred dollars.  For the purposes
    54  of  this  subdivision,  the  term "child" shall include persons eighteen
    55  years of age or older.

        S. 6116                             4

     1    b. In any other election for party  position  or  for  election  to  a
     2  public  office or for nomination for any such office, no contributor may
     3  make a contribution to any  candidate  or  political  committee  and  no
     4  candidate  or  political  committee may accept any contribution from any
     5  contributor,  which  [is in the aggregate amount greater than] shall not
     6  exceed:  (i) in the case of any election  for  party  position,  or  for
     7  nomination to public office, the product of the total number of enrolled
     8  voters  in the candidate's party in the district in which he is a candi-
     9  date, excluding voters in inactive status, multiplied by  $.05,  or  two
    10  thousand six hundred dollars, and (ii) in the case of any election for a
    11  public  office,  the product of the total number of registered voters in
    12  the district, excluding voters in inactive status, multiplied  by  $.05,
    13  or two thousand six hundred dollars, however in the case of a nomination
    14  within  the city of New York for the office of mayor, public advocate or
    15  comptroller, such amount shall be not less than  four  thousand  dollars
    16  nor  more than twelve thousand dollars [as increased or decreased by the
    17  cost of living adjustment described in paragraph c of this subdivision];
    18  in the case of an election within the city of New York for the office of
    19  mayor, public advocate or comptroller, twenty-five thousand dollars  [as
    20  increased  or  decreased  by  the cost of living adjustment described in
    21  paragraph c of this subdivision]; in the case of a nomination for  state
    22  senator,  [four]  two  thousand  six  hundred  dollars  [as increased or
    23  decreased by the cost of living adjustment described in paragraph  c  of
    24  this  subdivision];  in the case of an election for state senator, [six]
    25  two  thousand  [two]  six  hundred  [fifty]  dollars  [as  increased  or
    26  decreased  by  the cost of living adjustment described in paragraph c of
    27  this subdivision]; in the case of an election or nomination for a member
    28  of the assembly, [twenty-five] two  thousand  six  hundred  dollars  [as
    29  increased  or  decreased  by  the cost of living adjustment described in
    30  paragraph c of this subdivision]; but in no event shall any such maximum
    31  [exceed fifty thousand dollars or] be less than  one  thousand  dollars;
    32  provided however, that the maximum amount which may be so contributed or
    33  accepted[, in the aggregate,] from any candidate's child, parent, grand-
    34  parent,  brother  [and]  or  sister,  [and]  or  the  spouse of any such
    35  persons, shall not exceed in the case of any election for party position
    36  or nomination for public office an amount equivalent to  the  number  of
    37  enrolled  voters in the candidate's party in the district in which he is
    38  a candidate, excluding voters in inactive status, multiplied by $.25 and
    39  in the case of any election to public office, an  amount  equivalent  to
    40  the  number  of  registered  voters in the district, excluding voters in
    41  inactive status, multiplied by  $.25;  or  [twelve],  two  thousand  six
    42  hundred  [fifty]  dollars,  [whichever  is greater,] or in the case of a
    43  nomination or election of a state senator,  [twenty]  two  thousand  six
    44  hundred  dollars, [whichever is greater,] or in the case of a nomination
    45  or election of a member of the assembly [twelve] two thousand [five] six
    46  hundred dollars[, whichever is greater, but in no event shall  any  such
    47  maximum  exceed  one  hundred thousand dollars]; provided, however, that
    48  the maximum amount contributed by any contributor  or  accepted  by  any
    49  candidate  or  political  committee  for  both  a  primary and a general
    50  election  shall  not  exceed  two  thousand  six  hundred  dollars;  and
    51  provided, further that the maximum amount which may be so contributed or
    52  accepted  from  any  candidate's  child, parent, grandparent, brother or
    53  sister, or the spouse of any such persons, shall not exceed two thousand
    54  six hundred dollars for the nomination and election to a public  office.
    55  For  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  the  term "child" shall mean
    56  persons eighteen years of age or older.

        S. 6116                             5

     1    [c. At the beginning of each fourth calendar year, commencing in nine-
     2  teen hundred ninety-five, the state board shall determine the percentage
     3  of the difference between the most  recent  available  monthly  consumer
     4  price  index  for  all  urban  consumers  published by the United States
     5  bureau  of  labor statistics and such consumer price index published for
     6  the same month four years previously. The amount  of  each  contribution
     7  limit  fixed in this subdivision shall be adjusted by the amount of such
     8  percentage difference to the closest one hundred dollars  by  the  state
     9  board which, not later than the first day of February in each such year,
    10  shall issue a regulation publishing the amount of each such contribution
    11  limit.  Each contribution limit as so adjusted shall be the contribution
    12  limit in effect for any election held before the next such adjustment.]
    13    3. As used in this section the term "contributor" shall [not]  include
    14  a  party  committee  supporting the candidate of such party or a consti-
    15  tuted committee supporting the candidate of such party.
    16    § 7. Subdivision 6 of section 14-114 of the election law is REPEALED.
    17    § 8. Subdivision 10 of section 14-114 of the election law, as added by
    18  chapter 79 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:
    19    10.[a.] No contributor may make a contribution to a party  or  consti-
    20  tuted committee and no such committee may accept a contribution from any
    21  contributor  which,  in  the  aggregate, is greater than [sixty-two] ten
    22  thousand [five hundred] dollars per annum.
    23    [b. At the beginning of each fourth calendar year, commencing in nine-
    24  teen hundred ninety-five, the state board shall determine the percentage
    25  of the difference between the most  recent  available  monthly  consumer
    26  price  index  for  all  urban  consumers  published by the United States
    27  bureau of labor statistics and such consumer price index  published  for
    28  the  same  month  four years previously. The amount of such contribution
    29  limit fixed in paragraph a of this subdivision shall be adjusted by  the
    30  amount  of such percentage difference to the closest one hundred dollars
    31  by the state board which, not later than the first day  of  February  in
    32  each  such  year, shall issue a regulation publishing the amount of such
    33  contribution limit. Such contribution limit as so adjusted shall be  the
    34  contribution  limit in effect for any election held before the next such
    35  adjustment.]
    36    § 9. Subdivision 2 of section 14-116 of the election law,  as  amended
    37  by chapter 4 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    38    2.  a.  Notwithstanding  [the  provisions  of  subdivision one of this
    39  section, any corporation or an  organization  financially  supported  in
    40  whole  or in part, by such corporation, any limited liability company or
    41  other corporate entity may make expenditures,  including  contributions,
    42  not  otherwise  prohibited  by law, for political purposes, in an amount
    43  not to exceed five thousand dollars in the  aggregate  in  any  calendar
    44  year;  provided  that no public utility shall use revenues received from
    45  the rendition of public service within the state for  contributions  for
    46  political  purposes  unless  such cost is charged to the shareholders of
    47  such a public service corporation] any other provision  of  law  to  the
    48  contrary,  no  contribution,  loan, loan guarantee or other security for
    49  such a loan from any corporation,  limited  liability  company,  limited
    50  liability  partnership  or partnership, other than in the regular course
    51  of the lender's business, may be accepted by a candidate or a  political
    52  committee,  other than a corporation, limited liability company, limited
    53  liability partnership or partnership that is a political committee,  for
    54  all nominations to any office or election to any office.
    55    b.  A  loan  made  to a candidate or political committee, other than a
    56  constituted committee, by any  person,  firm  or  association  shall  be

        S. 6116                             6

     1  repaid  by  the date of the primary, special or general election, as the
     2  case may be, or such loan shall be considered  a  contribution  by  such
     3  person,  firm  or association including any person endorsing, cosigning,
     4  guaranteeing, collateralizing or other providing security for the loan.
     5    § 10. Subdivision 3 of section 14-124 of the election law is REPEALED.
     6    §  11.  The  election law is amended by adding a new section 14-125 to
     7  read as follows:
     8    § 14-125. New York state business contract database. 1. a. As used  in
     9  this section:
    10    (i)  the  term  "business relationships with the state" shall mean any
    11  contract for the procurement of goods, services or construction that  is
    12  entered  into  or  in effect with the state of New York or any agency or
    13  entity affiliated thereto not awarded through a competitive bid  process
    14  pursuant  to articles nine and eleven of the state finance law. Business
    15  relationships with the  state  shall  not  mean  any  person  or  entity
    16  rejected  from  participation in such a contract or any person or entity
    17  not participating in such a contract within twenty-four  months  of  any
    18  election.
    19    (ii) the term "New York state business contract database" shall mean a
    20  database  created,  operated,  maintained and updated by the state comp-
    21  troller accessible to the public which contains the names of persons who
    22  have business relationships with  the  state.  Such  database  shall  be
    23  created,  operated, maintained and updated by the state comptroller in a
    24  manner so  as  to  ensure  its  reasonable  accuracy  and  completeness;
    25  provided,  however, that in no event shall such database be updated less
    26  frequently than once a month in any general election year. Such database
    27  shall enable members of the public to determine if a given person has  a
    28  business relationship with the state.
    29    (iii)  the  term  "person"  shall include any chief executive officer,
    30  chief financial officer or chief operating officer  of  such  entity  or
    31  persons  serving  in  an  equivalent  capacity, any person employed in a
    32  senior managerial capacity regarding such entity, or any person with  an
    33  interest  in  such entity which exceeds ten percent of the value of such
    34  entity at fair market value.
    35    (iv) the term "senior managerial capacity" shall  mean  a  high  level
    36  supervisory  capacity,  either  by  virtue  of title or duties, in which
    37  substantial discretion and oversight is exercised over the solicitation,
    38  letting or administration  of  business  transactions  with  the  state,
    39  including  contracts,  franchises, concession, grants, economic develop-
    40  ment agreements and application for land use approvals.
    41    b. Any database maintained by the comptroller as of the effective date
    42  of this section may serve as the New York state business contract  data-
    43  base  upon  certification  by  the  comptroller  to  the chairman of the
    44  campaign finance board that such database fulfills the  requirements  of
    45  this section. Every state agency or authority of the state including any
    46  entity affiliated thereto shall provide the comptroller with such infor-
    47  mation  as  is necessary to construct, modify and maintain such database
    48  in a timely manner.
    49    2. a. Neither a candidate  participating  in  the  voluntary  campaign
    50  finance  program  established  pursuant to this article, nor a political
    51  committee of such candidate shall accept  contributions  for  a  covered
    52  election  which  in  the  aggregate  exceeds four hundred dollars from a
    53  person or entity who has a business relationship with the state.
    54    b. Neither a  candidate  who  does  not  participate  in  a  voluntary
    55  campaign  finance  program  pursuant  to  this  article  nor a political
    56  committee of such candidate shall accept  contributions  for  a  covered

        S. 6116                             7

     1  election  which  in  the  aggregate  exceeds four hundred dollars from a
     2  person or entity who has a business relationship with the state.
     3    c.  No  contribution  pursuant  to this section to a candidate or to a
     4  political committee of such candidate shall  be  eligible  for  matching
     5  contributions pursuant to title two of this article.
     6    d. If the campaign finance board determines that any contribution to a
     7  candidate  or  to the political committee of such candidate violates the
     8  provisions of this section, the campaign finance board shall notify such
     9  candidate within twenty days of such determination and such candidate or
    10  candidate's political committee  shall  make  a  reasonable  attempt  to
    11  return  such contribution to the contributor; provided, however, that if
    12  such candidate or the political committee of such candidate is unable to
    13  return such contribution, such monies shall  be  paid  to  the  campaign
    14  finance  board for payment into the New York state campaign finance fund
    15  pursuant to section ninety-nine-hh of the state finance law.
    16    e. The state comptroller and the  chairman  of  the  campaign  finance
    17  board shall promulgate such rules and regulations as the comptroller and
    18  the chairman deem necessary for the administration of this section.
    19    § 12. The article heading of article 14 of the election law is amended
    20  to read as follows:


    22    § 13. Sections 14-100 through 14-132 of article 14 of the election law
    23  are  designated  title  1  and  a  new title heading is added to read as
    24  follows:


    26    § 14. Article 14 of the election law is amended by adding a new  title
    27  2 to read as follows:
    28                                  TITLE II
    29                             MATCHING FINANCING
    30  Section 14-200. Applicability and definitions.
    31          14-202. Reporting requirements.
    32          14-204. Contribution and receipt limitations.
    33          14-206. Proof of compliance.
    34          14-208. Eligibility.
    35          14-212. Payment of matching funds.
    36          14-214. Use of matching funds; qualified campaign expenditures.
    37          14-216. Campaign finance board; general powers and duties.
    38          14-218. Audits and repayments.
    39          14-220. Civil enforcement.
    40          14-222. Criminal penalties.
    41          14-224. Reports.
    42          14-226. Debates.
    43          14-228. Distributions from campaign finance fund.
    44    § 14-200. Applicability and definitions. This title shall apply exclu-
    45  sively  to  the  financing of campaigns of candidates for the nomination
    46  for election, and for election to, the offices of  governor,  lieutenant
    47  governor,  state  comptroller, attorney general, member of the assembly,
    48  state senator and delegate to a constitutional convention.  For purposes
    49  of this title, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    50    1. "Authorized committee" means a political committee designated by  a
    51  candidate  pursuant  to section 14-202 of this title to receive contrib-
    52  utions and make expenditures in support of such candidate's campaign. No

        S. 6116                             8

     1  more than one authorized committee may be designated by a  candidate  in
     2  any election cycle.
     3    2.  "Board"  or  "campaign  finance  board" means the board created by
     4  section 14-216 of this title to administer the campaign finance fund.
     5    3. "Campaign participant" means the candidate, or any campaign member,
     6  campaign volunteer, or campaign consultant.
     7    4. "Candidate" means any candidate for nomination for election, or for
     8  election to, the offices of governor, lieutenant governor,  state  comp-
     9  troller,  attorney  general,  member  of the assembly, state senator and
    10  delegate to a constitutional convention  whether  such  candidate  is  a
    11  "participating  candidate" or "nonparticipating candidate" as defined in
    12  this section.
    13    5. "Contribution" means:
    14    (a) any gift, subscription, outstanding loan (to the  extent  provided
    15  for  in section 14-114 of this article), advance, or deposit of money or
    16  anything of value, made in connection with the nomination for  election,
    17  or  election, of any candidate, or made to promote the success or defeat
    18  of a political party or principle, or of any ballot proposal;
    19    (b) any payment, by any person other than a candidate or an authorized
    20  committee, made in  connection  with  the  nomination  for  election  or
    21  election of any candidate, or any payment made to promote the success or
    22  defeat  of  a  political  party  or principle, or of any ballot proposal
    23  including but not limited to compensation for the personal  services  of
    24  any  individual  which  are  rendered  in  connection with a candidate's
    25  election or nomination without charge; provided however,  that  none  of
    26  the  foregoing  shall  be  deemed a contribution if it is made, taken or
    27  performed by a candidate or his or her spouse or by a person or a  poli-
    28  tical  committee  independent  of  the candidate or his or her agents or
    29  political committees. For purposes of this title, the term  "independent
    30  of  the  candidate  or  his or her agents or political committees" shall
    31  mean that the candidate or his or her agents or political committee  did
    32  not  authorize, request, suggest, foster or cooperate in any such activ-
    33  ity; and provided further, that the term contribution shall not include:
    34    (i) the value of services provided without compensation by individuals
    35  who volunteer a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or
    36  political committee;
    37    (ii) the use of real or personal property and the cost of invitations,
    38  food and beverages voluntarily provided by an individual to a  candidate
    39  or  political  committee  on  the  individual's residential premises for
    40  candidate-related activities to the extent such services do  not  exceed
    41  five hundred dollars in value;
    42    (iii)  the  travel  expenses  of  any individual who on his or her own
    43  behalf volunteers his or her personal services to any candidate or poli-
    44  tical committee to the extent such expenses are unreimbursed and do  not
    45  exceed five hundred dollars in value; and
    46    (iv) expenditures by a bona fide membership organization in support of
    47  the  following  activities by members of the organization who are volun-
    48  teering their time on behalf of a candidate, not to  exceed  twenty-five
    49  dollars  per  member who volunteer for: (1) transportation of volunteers
    50  to and from campaign activities; (2) cost of  feeding  volunteers  while
    51  volunteering  for  the  campaign;  and  (3) materials such as badges and
    52  clothing that identifies the name of the organization or candidate; and
    53    (c) any funds received by a political committee from another political
    54  committee to the extent such funds do not constitute a transfer.
    55    6. "Contributor" means an  entity,  including,  but  not  limited  to,
    56  natural  persons,  associations  and bona fide membership organizations,

        S. 6116                             9

     1  that makes a contribution,  as  defined  in  subdivision  four  of  this
     2  section and pursuant to section 14-116 of this article.
     3    7.  "Covered  election"  means  any  primary  election for nomination,
     4  special or general election for election, to the  offices  of  governor,
     5  lieutenant  governor, state comptroller, attorney general, member of the
     6  assembly, state senator and delegate to a constitutional convention.
     7    8. "Election cycle" means (a) the four year period  starting  the  day
     8  after  the general election and ending on the day of the next succeeding
     9  general election for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, state
    10  comptroller and attorney general, (b) the two year period  starting  the
    11  day  after  the  general  election  and  ending  on the date of the next
    12  succeeding general election for candidates  for  the  offices  of  state
    13  senator  and  member  of  the  assembly, and (c) six months prior to any
    14  special election ending on the day after such special election.
    15    9. "Expenditure" means any gift, subscription,  advance,  payment,  or
    16  deposit  of  money or anything of value, or a contract to make any gift,
    17  subscription, payment, or deposit of money or anything of value, made in
    18  connection with the nomination for election, or election, of any  candi-
    19  date.  Expenditures made by contract are deemed made when such funds are
    20  obligated.
    21    10. "Fund" means the campaign finance fund created by section  ninety-
    22  nine-hh of the state finance law.
    23    11. "Family or household members" mean the following individuals:
    24    (a) persons related by consanguinity or affinity;
    25    (b) persons legally married to one another;
    26    (c) persons formerly married to one another regardless of whether they
    27  still reside in the same household;
    28    (d)  persons  who  have  a  child in common regardless of whether such
    29  persons are married or have lived together at any time; or
    30    (e) persons who are not related by consanguinity or affinity  and  who
    31  are  or have been in an intimate relationship regardless of whether such
    32  persons have lived together at any time.
    33    12. "Item with significant value" means any item, including  any  item
    34  valued at twenty-five dollars or more.
    35    13.  "Legislative  leader"  means  any of the following: the temporary
    36  president of the senate; the speaker of the assembly; the minority lead-
    37  er of the senate; or the minority leader of the assembly.
    38    14. "Matchable contribution" means a  contribution,  contributions  or
    39  such portion of a contribution or contributions made by a natural person
    40  residing in the state of New York at the time of such contribution, with
    41  a  value  not  to  exceed  two hundred fifty dollars, to a participating
    42  candidate for any primary and  a  contribution,  contributions  or  such
    43  portion  of  a  contribution  or  contributions made by a natural person
    44  residing in the state of New York at the time of such contribution  with
    45  a  value  not  to  exceed  two  hundred fifty dollars to a participating
    46  candidate for a general election held in the same election cycle or to a
    47  participating candidate in a special election that has been reported  in
    48  full to the state board of elections in accordance with sections 14-102,
    49  14-104  and 14-108 of this article by the candidate's authorized commit-
    50  tee and has been contributed on or before the  date  of  the  applicable
    51  primary  or  general  or  special  election  in  any election cycle. Any
    52  contribution, contributions,  or  such  portion  of  a  contribution  or
    53  contributions  determined  to  be  invalid  for  matching  funds  by the
    54  campaign finance board pursuant to the provisions of this title may  not
    55  be  treated  as  a  matchable  contribution.  In addition, the following
    56  contributions are not matchable: (a) loans; (b) in-kind contributions of

        S. 6116                            10

     1  property, goods, or services; (c)  contributions  in  the  form  of  the
     2  purchase  price  paid  for an item with significant value; (d) anonymous
     3  contributions or contributions whose source is not itemized as  required
     4  by  section  14-202  of  this title; (e) contributions received during a
     5  previous election cycle; (f) illegal  contributions;  and  (g)  contrib-
     6  utions  from individuals under the age of eighteen years at the time the
     7  contribution is made.
     8    15. "Nonparticipating candidate" shall mean a candidate for the office
     9  of governor, lieutenant governor, state comptroller,  attorney  general,
    10  member  of  the  assembly, state senator or delegate to a constitutional
    11  convention for a covered election who fails to file  a  written  certif-
    12  ication  in  the form of an affidavit pursuant to section 14-208 of this
    13  title.
    14    16. "Participating candidate" shall mean any candidate for  nomination
    15  for election, or election, to the offices of governor, lieutenant gover-
    16  nor,  state comptroller, attorney general, member of the assembly, state
    17  senator and delegate to a constitutional convention who files a  written
    18  certification  in the form of an affidavit pursuant to section 14-208 of
    19  this title.
    20    17. "Political committee" means a  committee  as  defined  in  section
    21  14-100 of this article.
    22    18.  "Matching funds" means monies paid from the campaign finance fund
    23  to the authorized committee of participating candidates pursuant to this
    24  title.
    25    19. "Qualified campaign expenditure" shall  mean  an  expenditure  for
    26  which matching funds may be used.
    27    20.  "Threshold  for  eligibility"  shall mean the amount of matchable
    28  contributions that a candidate's authorized committee  must  receive  in
    29  total  in  order  for such candidate to qualify for matching funds under
    30  this article.
    31    21. "Transfer" shall mean any exchange of funds or any thing of  value
    32  between  political  committees  authorized  by the same candidate taking
    33  part solely in his or her campaign.
    34    § 14-202. Reporting requirements.  1.  Every  participating  candidate
    35  shall  designate only one authorized committee to be eligible to receive
    36  contributions of matching funds. Before receiving any such  contribution
    37  or making any expenditure therefrom for a covered election, each partic-
    38  ipating  candidate  shall  notify  the  state board of elections and the
    39  campaign finance board as to  the  existence  of  his  or  her  eligible
    40  authorized  committee  that  has  been  designated  and approved by such
    41  candidate.  Such  authorized  committee  shall,  before  receiving   any
    42  contribution  or  making  any  expenditure  for  a covered election: (a)
    43  designate a treasurer; (b) obtain a tax identification number  from  the
    44  internal  revenue  service;  and  (c)  submit  to  the  state  board  of
    45  elections, either  in  writing  or  electronically,  the  identification
    46  number  of  the  committee designated to be eligible to receive matching
    47  funds.
    48    2. Disclosure. (a) Every participating  candidate  shall  submit  such
    49  reports to the state board of elections as required by title one of this
    50  article.  Copies of such reports shall also be submitted to the campaign
    51  finance board created pursuant to this article at  the  same  time  such
    52  reports are submitted to the state board of elections.
    53    (b)  The  campaign  finance  board shall review each disclosure report
    54  filed with the state board of elections pursuant to title  one  of  this
    55  article  and shall inform participating candidates and political commit-
    56  tees including the authorized committee, of relevant questions the board

        S. 6116                            11

     1  has concerning: (i) compliance with requirements of this  title  and  of
     2  the  rules  issued  by  the board; and (ii) qualifications for receiving
     3  public matching funds pursuant to this title.  In  the  course  of  such
     4  review, the board shall give candidates and political committees includ-
     5  ing  the  authorized committee, an opportunity to respond to and correct
     6  potential violations and give candidates an opportunity to address ques-
     7  tions the board has concerning their matchable  contribution  claims  or
     8  other  issues concerning eligibility for receiving matching funds pursu-
     9  ant to this title. Nothing in this paragraph shall  preclude  the  board
    10  from  subsequently  reviewing  such  a  disclosure report and taking any
    11  action otherwise authorized by this title.
    12    (c) Only itemized contributions contained in reports  filed  with  the
    13  state  board  of elections shall be eligible for matching funds pursuant
    14  to this title.
    15    § 14-204. Contribution and receipt  limitations.  1.  A  participating
    16  candidate  and  his or her authorized committee shall not accept, either
    17  directly or indirectly:
    18    (a) total contributions from any one contributor that exceed two thou-
    19  sand six hundred dollars in any primary in an  election  cycle  for  the
    20  offices  of  governor,  lieutenant governor, state comptroller, attorney
    21  general, member of the assembly, state senator and delegate to a consti-
    22  tutional convention and two thousand six hundred dollars for  a  general
    23  or  special  election  in an election cycle for the offices of governor,
    24  lieutenant governor, state comptroller, attorney general, member of  the
    25  assembly,  state  senator  or  delegate  to a constitutional convention,
    26  provided, however, that not more than two thousand six  hundred  dollars
    27  may be received by a candidate from a contributor per election cycle; or
    28    (b)  any  contribution  from a political committee that has not regis-
    29  tered with the state board of elections or has not registered  with  the
    30  appropriate entity as required by law.
    31    2.  All  monetary  contributions  and all matching funds accepted by a
    32  candidate's authorized committee shall be deposited into an account with
    33  a bank licensed by the department of financial services held in the name
    34  of the authorized  political  committee  within  ten  business  days  of
    35  receipt.  Each authorized committee shall have no more than one checking
    36  account. Monetary contributions,  other  than  matching  funds,  may  be
    37  invested in accordance with the provisions of law relating thereto.
    38    3.  Contributions  to  candidates in covered elections shall, for each
    39  election cycle, in all other respects, be subject to the limitations and
    40  provisions of title one of this article.
    41    § 14-206. Proof of compliance.  Candidates  and  political  committees
    42  shall  maintain  such records of receipts and expenditures for a covered
    43  election as may be required by the campaign  finance  board.  Candidates
    44  and  political  committees  shall  obtain  and  furnish to the board any
    45  information it may request relating to  the  financial  transactions  or
    46  contributions  of  candidates  and political committees and furnish such
    47  documentation and other proof of compliance with this title  as  may  be
    48  requested  by the board. Candidates and political committees shall main-
    49  tain copies of such records for a  period  of  five  years  following  a
    50  general election.
    51    §  14-208.  Eligibility. 1. To be eligible for matching funds pursuant
    52  to this title, a candidate must: (a) be a candidate for the  offices  of
    53  governor,  lieutenant  governor,  state  comptroller,  attorney general,
    54  member of the assembly, state senator or delegate  to  a  constitutional
    55  convention  in  a  covered election; (b) satisfy all the requirements of
    56  law to have his or her name on the ballot; (c) in the case of a  covered

        S. 6116                            12

     1  general  election,  be opposed by another candidate on the ballot who is
     2  not a write-in candidate; (d) submit a certification in the form  of  an
     3  affidavit,  in  such  form  as may be prescribed by the campaign finance
     4  board, that sets forth his or her agreement to comply with the terms and
     5  conditions  for  the  provision  of  such funds in each covered election
     6  which shall be filed with such board no later  than  June  first  of  an
     7  election  year;  (e)  be  certified as a participating candidate by such
     8  board not later than two weeks after the filing of such  affidavit;  (f)
     9  not  make,  and  not  have  made,  expenditures from, or use, his or her
    10  personal funds or property or personal funds or  property  jointly  held
    11  with  his  or  her spouse, domestic partner, or child in connection with
    12  his or her nomination for election  or  election  to  a  covered  office
    13  except as a contribution to his or her authorized committee in an amount
    14  that exceeds the applicable contribution limit of an individual contrib-
    15  utor  to  candidates  for the office that he or she is seeking; (g) meet
    16  the threshold for eligibility set  forth  in  subdivision  two  of  this
    17  section; (h) abide by the requirements set forth in this title and chap-
    18  ter during the post-election period; (i) no candidate shall be eligible,
    19  if the candidate or family or household member as defined in subdivision
    20  eleven  of  section  14-200  of  this title has been convicted of public
    21  corruption as defined in section 496.06 of the penal  law;  and  (j)  no
    22  candidate shall be eligible if the candidate or any campaign participant
    23  has  been  found  to be in previous violation of any public financing or
    24  matching fund program rules, regulations or any  provision  of  campaign
    25  finance law.
    26    2.  The threshold for eligibility for matching funds for candidates in
    27  a primary, general or special election for the following  offices  shall
    28  be:
    29    (a) governor in a primary or general election. The receipt of not less
    30  than  six hundred fifty thousand dollars from at least six thousand five
    31  hundred matchable contributions in single amounts of no  more  than  two
    32  hundred fifty dollars from natural persons residing in the state;
    33    (b) lieutenant governor in a primary election and state comptroller or
    34  attorney  general  in  a primary or general election. The receipt of not
    35  less than two hundred thousand dollars from at least two thousand match-
    36  able contributions in single amounts of no more than two  hundred  fifty
    37  dollars from natural persons residing in the state;
    38    (c)  state  senators  in  a  primary, general or special election. The
    39  receipt of not less than twenty thousand dollars in  matchable  contrib-
    40  utions  in single amounts of no more than two hundred fifty dollars from
    41  natural persons residing in the state, including at least  ten  thousand
    42  dollars  from at least one hundred contributors who reside in the senate
    43  district or reside in any portion of any county  which  constitutes  any
    44  measure of the district in which the seat is to be filled;
    45    (d) members of the assembly in a primary, general or special election.
    46  The  receipt of not less than ten thousand dollars in matchable contrib-
    47  utions in single amounts of no more than two hundred fifty dollars  from
    48  natural  persons residing in the state, including at least five thousand
    49  dollars from at least fifty contributors  who  reside  in  the  assembly
    50  district  or  reside  in any portion of any county which constitutes any
    51  measure of the district in which the seat is to be filled;
    52    (e) at-large delegate to a constitutional convention in a primary or a
    53  general election. The receipt of not less than twenty  thousand  dollars
    54  in matchable contributions in single amounts of no more than two hundred
    55  fifty dollars from natural persons residing in the state; and

        S. 6116                            13

     1    (f)  district  delegate to a constitutional convention in a primary or
     2  general election. The receipt of not less than five thousand dollars  in
     3  at least fifty matchable contributions in single amounts of no more than
     4  two  hundred fifty dollars from natural persons residing in the district
     5  or  in  the  constituent county or residing in any portion of any county
     6  which constitutes any measure of the district in which the seat is to be
     7  filled.
     8    3. (a) Candidates who are contested in a primary election and  who  do
     9  not seek matching funds shall not be eligible for matching funds for the
    10  general  election in that year. The provisions of this subdivision shall
    11  not apply to candidates for the office of lieutenant governor.
    12    (b) Candidates who are unopposed in  a  general  or  special  election
    13  shall not be eligible to receive matching funds.
    14    (c)  No  candidate  for election to an office in a primary, general or
    15  special election  who  has  elected  to  participate  in  the  voluntary
    16  campaign  financing  system  shall be deemed opposed and be eligible for
    17  matching funds unless there is at least one other candidate, as  defined
    18  by  subdivision  seven of section 14-100 of this article for such office
    19  for such election.
    20    (d) Any participating candidate meeting the threshold for  eligibility
    21  in  a  primary  election  shall  be deemed to have met the threshold for
    22  eligibility for such office in any  other  election  held  in  the  same
    23  election cycle.
    24    (e)  No  participating  candidate  for  nomination to an office who is
    25  unopposed in a primary election shall be eligible for matching for qual-
    26  ified campaign expenditures, provided, however,  that  where  a  contest
    27  occurs  in  a primary for the nomination of at least one other party for
    28  office, the authorized committee of an unopposed participating candidate
    29  for nomination may raise and spend an amount equal to  one-half  of  the
    30  matching funds receipt limit for such office, as fixed by this title for
    31  candidates who have elected to accept matching funds, with contributions
    32  of  up  to  two thousand six hundred dollars per contributor pursuant to
    33  section 14-204 of this title.
    34    § 14-212. Payment of matching funds. 1. No  matching  funds  shall  be
    35  paid to an authorized committee unless the campaign finance board deter-
    36  mines  that  the  participating candidate has qualified pursuant to this
    37  title. Payment shall not exceed the amounts specified  in  this  section
    38  and may be made only to the participating candidate's authorized commit-
    39  tee.  No  matching  funds  shall  be used except to reimburse or pay for
    40  qualified campaign expenditures actually and  lawfully  incurred  or  to
    41  repay loans used to pay qualified campaign expenditures.
    42    2.  If  the threshold for eligibility is met, the participating candi-
    43  date's authorized committee shall receive payment for qualified campaign
    44  expenditures of six dollars of matching funds for  each  one  dollar  of
    45  matchable contributions for a primary election and six dollars of match-
    46  ing  funds  for each one dollar of matchable contributions for a general
    47  or special election for all matchable contributions received after Janu-
    48  ary first of the year in which such primary or general  election  to  be
    49  held and reported to the board.
    50    3.  (a)  Matching funds received by participating candidates and their
    51  authorized committees in a primary election shall not exceed:
    52    (i) the sum of five million five  hundred  thousand  dollars  for  the
    53  office of governor;
    54    (ii)  the  sum of two million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for
    55  the offices of  lieutenant  governor,  state  comptroller  and  attorney
    56  general;

        S. 6116                            14

     1    (iii)  the  sum  of eight hundred twenty-five thousand dollars for the
     2  office of state senator;
     3    (iv)  the sum of four hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars for
     4  the office of member of the assembly;
     5    (v) the sum of  one  hundred  seventy-five  thousand  dollars  for  an
     6  at-large delegate to a constitutional convention; and
     7    (vi)  the  sum  of fifty thousand dollars for a district delegate to a
     8  constitutional convention.
     9    (b) Matching funds received  by  participating  candidates  and  their
    10  authorized committees in a general or special election shall not exceed:
    11    (i)  the  sum  of eight million two hundred fifty thousand dollars for
    12  the offices of governor and lieutenant governor;
    13    (ii) the sum of four million one hundred twenty-five thousand  dollars
    14  for the offices of state comptroller and attorney general;
    15    (iii)  the  sum  of eight hundred twenty-five thousand dollars for the
    16  office of state senator;
    17    (iv) the sum of four hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars  for
    18  the office of member of the assembly;
    19    (v)  the  sum  of  one  hundred  seventy-five  thousand dollars for an
    20  at-large delegate to a constitutional convention; and
    21    (vi) the sum of fifty thousand dollars for a district  delegate  to  a
    22  constitutional convention.
    23    4.  No matching funds shall be paid to any participating candidates in
    24  a primary election any earlier than  the  day  that  such  candidate  is
    25  certified as being on the ballot for such primary election.
    26    5.  No matching funds shall be paid to any participating candidates in
    27  a general election any earlier than the day after the day of the primary
    28  election held to nominate candidates for such election.
    29    6. No matching funds shall be paid to any participating candidate  who
    30  has  been disqualified or whose designating petitions have been declared
    31  invalid by the appropriate board of elections or a  court  of  competent
    32  jurisdiction  until  and  unless  such  finding  is reversed by a higher
    33  authority. No payment from the fund in the possession of such  a  candi-
    34  date  or  such  candidate's  participating committee on the date of such
    35  disqualification or invalidation may  thereafter  be  expended  for  any
    36  purpose except the payment of liabilities incurred before such date. All
    37  such moneys shall be repaid to the fund.
    38    7. The commissioner of taxation and finance shall make all payments of
    39  matching  funds  to participating candidates as soon as practicable, but
    40  no later than five days after submission by the participating  candidate
    41  of  a  campaign  contribution  report  filed  with  the  state  board of
    42  elections in compliance with this article. The  campaign  finance  board
    43  shall  verify  eligibility for and amount of matching funds within three
    44  days after receipt of such contribution report.  Upon  determination  of
    45  eligibility  of  a  participating  candidate  for  matching funds and of
    46  amount of such matching funds, the campaign finance board  shall  submit
    47  within  one  day  a duly approved, certified and executed voucher to the
    48  department of taxation and finance requesting payment of  such  matching
    49  funds and payment thereof shall be made to the participating candidate's
    50  authorized  committee  not  less  than  one  day  after  such voucher is
    51  received by the department of taxation and finance. If any of  the  time
    52  limits  in  this title for payment fall on a weekend or holiday, payment
    53  shall be made on the next business day.
    54    8. The campaign finance board  and  the  department  of  taxation  and
    55  finance  shall  promulgate rules to facilitate electronic fund transfers
    56  directly from the fund into an authorized committee's bank account.

        S. 6116                            15

     1    § 14-214. Use of matching funds; qualified campaign  expenditures.  1.
     2  Matching  funds  provided under the provisions of this title may be used
     3  only by an authorized committee for expenditures to further the  partic-
     4  ipating  candidate's  nomination  for  election,  or election, including
     5  payment for debts incurred within one year before an election to further
     6  the participating candidate's nomination for election or election.
     7    2.  Such  matching  funds may not be used for: (a) an expenditure that
     8  violates any law or regulation; (b) an expenditure in excess of the fair
     9  market value of services, materials, facilities or other item of signif-
    10  icant value received in exchange; (c)  an  expenditure  made  after  the
    11  candidate has been finally disqualified from the ballot; (d) an expendi-
    12  ture for an obligation incurred after the only remaining opponent of the
    13  candidate has been finally disqualified from the ballot; (e) an expendi-
    14  ture  made  by  cash payment; (f) a contribution or loan made to another
    15  candidate or political committee;  (g)  an  expenditure  to  support  or
    16  oppose  another  candidate  or  political  committee;  (h) gifts, except
    17  brochures, buttons, signs and other printed campaign material; (i) legal
    18  fees to defend against a criminal charge; or (j) a payment to an immedi-
    19  ate family member of the participating candidate.
    20    § 14-216. Campaign finance board; general powers and duties. 1.  There
    21  shall be a board within the  state  board  of  elections  known  as  the
    22  "campaign finance board" composed of seven members, of which one member,
    23  who  shall  be  the chairperson, shall be appointed by the governor with
    24  the advice and consent of the senate, one member shall be  appointed  by
    25  the  state  comptroller,  one  member shall be appointed by the attorney
    26  general, one member shall be appointed by the temporary president of the
    27  senate, one member shall be appointed by the speaker  of  the  assembly,
    28  one  member  shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate and
    29  one member shall be appointed by the minority leader  of  the  assembly.
    30  No  member of the campaign finance board shall hold elective office, nor
    31  shall any member be a lobbyist as defined in subdivision (a) of  section
    32  one-c  of  the legislative law.  The members shall first be appointed to
    33  serve as follows: (a) two members, one appointed by the temporary presi-
    34  dent of the senate and one appointed  by  the  minority  leader  of  the
    35  assembly  for a term of two years, (b) two members, one appointed by the
    36  minority leader of the senate and one appointed by the  speaker  of  the
    37  assembly  for  a  term  of  three years, (c) one member appointed by the
    38  attorney general for a term of four years, (d) one member  appointed  by
    39  the  comptroller  for a term of five years and (e) the chairperson shall
    40  serve for a term of six years.   Members appointed thereafter  shall  be
    41  appointed for terms of six years.
    42    2.  Each  initial  member's  term shall commence on January first, two
    43  thousand twenty. In case of a vacancy in  the  office  of  a  member,  a
    44  member  shall  be appointed according to the original manner of appoint-
    45  ment. Each member shall be a resident of  the  state  of  New  York  and
    46  registered  to  vote  therein.  Each  member shall agree not to make and
    47  shall not make contributions to any candidate  or  authorized  committee
    48  for  nomination for election or for election to the offices of governor,
    49  lieutenant governor, state comptroller, attorney general, member of  the
    50  assembly, state senator and delegate to a constitutional convention.  No
    51  member shall serve as an officer of a political party or committee or be
    52  a  candidate or participate in any capacity in a campaign by a candidate
    53  for nomination for election, or for election to the offices of governor,
    54  lieutenant governor, state comptroller, attorney general, member of  the
    55  assembly, state senator and delegate to a constitutional convention.  An

        S. 6116                            16

     1  officer or employee of the state or any state agency shall not be eligi-
     2  ble to be a member of the campaign finance board.
     3    3.  The  members  of  the  campaign finance board shall be entitled to
     4  receive payment for  actual  and  necessary  expenses  incurred  in  the
     5  performance of their duties as members of such board.
     6    4. A member of the campaign finance board may be removed by his or her
     7  appointing  authority  solely  for  substantial  neglect  of duty, gross
     8  misconduct in office, inability to discharge the powers or duties of the
     9  office, or violation of the provisions of this  chapter,  after  written
    10  notice  and opportunity for a public hearing pursuant to rules developed
    11  by the campaign finance board.
    12    5. The campaign finance board may employ  or  shall  utilize  existing
    13  staff  of the state board of elections as may be necessary, including an
    14  executive director  and  a  counsel,  and  make  necessary  expenditures
    15  subject  to  appropriation.   The campaign finance board shall retain an
    16  independent auditor to perform ongoing audits of each  covered  election
    17  by  contract entered into pursuant to section one hundred sixty-three of
    18  the state finance law.
    19    6. In addition to the enforcement powers, and  any  other  powers  and
    20  duties specified by law, the campaign finance board shall:
    21    (a)  (i)  render  advisory  opinions with respect to questions arising
    22  under this title upon the written request of a candidate, an officer  of
    23  a  political  committee  or member of the public, or upon its own initi-
    24  ative; (ii) promulgate rules regarding reasonable times  to  respond  to
    25  such requests; and (iii) make public the questions of interpretation for
    26  which advisory opinions will be considered by the campaign finance board
    27  and its advisory opinions, including by publication on its website;
    28    (b)  develop  a  program for informing candidates and the public as to
    29  the purpose and effect of the provisions of  this  title,  including  by
    30  means of a website;
    31    (c)  have  the  authority to promulgate such rules and regulations and
    32  prescribe such forms as the campaign finance board deems  necessary  for
    33  the administration of this title; and
    34    (d) in conjunction with the state board of elections develop an inter-
    35  active,  searchable computer database that shall contain all information
    36  necessary for the proper administration of this title including informa-
    37  tion on contributions  to  and  expenditures  by  candidates  and  their
    38  authorized  committees  and  distributions  of  moneys from the fund and
    39  shall be accessible to the public  on  the  state  board  of  elections'
    40  website.
    41    7.  Consistent with the provisions of the civil service law and subdi-
    42  vision seventeen of section seventy-three of the  public  officers  law,
    43  and notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, all
    44  positions on the staff of the campaign finance board shall be classified
    45  in the exempt class of the civil service.
    46    8.  The  campaign  finance board's administration of the fund shall be
    47  governed by the provisions of this title and section  ninety-nine-hh  of
    48  the state finance law.
    49    9. The campaign finance board and its proceedings shall be governed by
    50  the  state  administrative procedure act and subject to articles six and
    51  seven of the public officers law.
    52    10. The campaign finance board may take  such  other  actions  as  are
    53  necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of this title.
    54    §  14-218.  Audits  and  repayments.  1. The campaign finance board is
    55  hereby empowered to audit and examine, pursuant  to  generally  accepted
    56  accounting  principles,  all  matters relating to the performance of its

        S. 6116                            17

     1  functions and any other matter relating to the  administration  of  this
     2  title.  Such  audits  shall  be  conducted as frequently as the campaign
     3  finance board deems necessary to  ensure  compliance  with  this  title.
     4  Every  candidate who receives matching funds under this title shall also
     5  be audited by the campaign finance  board  post-election.  The  cost  of
     6  complying  with  a post-election audit shall be borne by the candidate's
     7  authorized committee. A candidate who has received matching funds  under
     8  this  title must maintain a reserve of at least one percent of the total
     9  amount of matching funds received  by  such  candidate  in  his  or  her
    10  campaign account to comply with the post-election audit. A candidate who
    11  runs  in  both a primary and a general election, must maintain a reserve
    12  of one percent of the total amount of matching funds  received  by  such
    13  candidate  for both his or her primary and general election. A candidate
    14  may use matching funds, private funds or a combination of  matching  and
    15  private funds to comply with a post-election audit. The campaign finance
    16  board shall issue to each campaign audited the final post-election audit
    17  report  that  details  its  findings and shall provide such audit to the
    18  governor and legislative leaders and make such audit report available on
    19  the state board of elections' website.
    20    2. If the campaign finance board determines  that  any  portion  of  a
    21  payment  made  to  a  candidate's  authorized  committee  from  the fund
    22  exceeded the amount that such candidate was eligible to receive pursuant
    23  to this title, the campaign finance board shall  notify  such  committee
    24  and  such  committee  shall  pay to the campaign finance board an amount
    25  equal to the amount of the excess payment; provided,  however,  that  if
    26  the  erroneous  payment was due to an error made by the campaign finance
    27  board, then the erroneous payment will  be  offset  against  any  future
    28  payment, if any. The participating candidate and the candidate's author-
    29  ized  committee shall be jointly and severally liable for any repayments
    30  due to the campaign finance board for deposit by such board into the New
    31  York state campaign finance fund.
    32    3. If the campaign finance board determines  that  any  portion  of  a
    33  payment  made  to  a  candidate's authorized committee from the New York
    34  state campaign finance fund was used for purposes other  than  qualified
    35  campaign  expenditures,  the  campaign  finance  board shall notify such
    36  committee of the amount so disqualified and such committee shall pay  to
    37  the  campaign finance board an amount equal to such disqualified amount.
    38  Such monies shall be deposited into the New York state campaign  finance
    39  fund established pursuant to section ninety-nine-hh of the state finance
    40  law.    The  candidate and the candidate's authorized committee shall be
    41  jointly and severally liable for any  repayments  due  to  the  campaign
    42  finance board.
    43    4.  A  participating candidate shall pay to the campaign finance board
    44  for deposit into the campaign finance fund unspent matching funds for an
    45  election not later than  thirty  days  after  all  liabilities  for  the
    46  election campaign have been paid and in any event, not later than twenty
    47  days after the date on which the campaign finance board issues its final
    48  audit  report  for  the  participating  candidate's committee; provided,
    49  however, that all unspent matching funds for a  participating  candidate
    50  shall  be  immediately due and payable to the campaign finance board for
    51  deposit into the New York state campaign finance fund upon its  determi-
    52  nation  that  the  participant willfully delayed the post-election audit
    53  process. A participating candidate may make  post-election  expenditures
    54  only  for  routine  activities  involving  nominal costs associated with
    55  winding up a campaign and responding to the post-election audit pursuant
    56  to section 14-228 of this title. For accounting  purposes,  all  private

        S. 6116                            18

     1  and personal contributions shall be considered spent before revenue from
     2  the fund is spent or committed.
     3    § 14-220. Civil enforcement. 1. Any person or authorized committee who
     4  knowingly  and  willfully  fails  to  make  a  filing as required by the
     5  provisions of this title shall be subject to a fine to be imposed by the
     6  campaign finance board in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars.
     7    2. Any person or authorized  committee  who  knowingly  and  willfully
     8  violates any other provision of this title or any rule promulgated here-
     9  under  shall  be subject to a fine to be imposed by the campaign finance
    10  board in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars.
    11    3. Fines authorized under this section will be imposed by the campaign
    12  finance board after a hearing at which the subject person or  authorized
    13  committee  shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Such hearing shall
    14  be held in such manner and upon such notice as may be prescribed by  the
    15  rules  of  the  campaign  finance board. For purposes of conducting such
    16  hearings, the campaign finance board shall be deemed  to  be  an  agency
    17  within  the  meaning of article three of the state administrative proce-
    18  dure act and shall adopt rules governing  the  conduct  of  adjudicatory
    19  proceedings  and  appeals taken pursuant to a proceeding commenced under
    20  article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and  rules  relating  to
    21  the assessment of the fines herein authorized.
    22    4.  The  campaign  finance  board  shall publish on the state board of
    23  elections' website the  final  order  adjudicating  any  matter  brought
    24  pursuant to this section.
    25    5.  Any  fines  imposed by the campaign finance board pursuant to this
    26  section shall be deposited into the  New  York  state  campaign  finance
    27  fund.
    28    § 14-222. Criminal penalties. 1. Any person who knowingly and willful-
    29  ly fails to make a filing required by the provisions of this title with-
    30  in  ten  days after the date provided for such, or anyone that knowingly
    31  and willfully violates any other provision of this title shall be guilty
    32  of a misdemeanor and, in addition to such  other  penalties  as  may  be
    33  provided  by law, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the amount of
    34  ten thousand dollars.
    35    2. Any person who knowingly and willfully contributes, accepts or aids
    36  or participates in the contribution or acceptance of a  contribution  in
    37  an  amount  exceeding  an  applicable  maximum specified in this article
    38  shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine  not  to
    39  exceed the amount of ten thousand dollars.
    40    3. Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or knowingly omits
    41  a  material  fact to the campaign finance board or an auditor designated
    42  by the campaign finance board during any  audit  conducted  pursuant  to
    43  section 14-218 of this title shall be guilty of a class E felony.
    44    4.  In  addition any other sentence lawfully imposed upon a finding of
    45  guilt in a criminal prosecution commenced pursuant to the provisions  of
    46  this  section,  the court may order a defendant to repay to the campaign
    47  finance board any matching funds obtained as a result  of  any  criminal
    48  conduct.
    49    5. All such prosecutions for criminal acts under this article shall be
    50  prosecuted by the attorney general.
    51    6.  Any  and  all fines imposed pursuant to this section shall be made
    52  payable to the campaign finance board for  deposit  into  the  New  York
    53  state campaign finance fund.
    54    § 14-224. Reports. The campaign finance board shall submit a report to
    55  the  governor  and  legislative leaders on or before February first, two

        S. 6116                            19

     1  thousand  twenty-one,  and  every  two  years  thereafter,  which  shall
     2  include:
     3    1.  a  list  of  the  participating and nonparticipating candidates in
     4  covered elections and the votes received  by  each  candidate  in  those
     5  elections;
     6    2.  the  amount  of contributions and loans received, and expenditures
     7  made, on behalf of participating and nonparticipating candidates;
     8    3. the amount of matching funds each participating candidate received,
     9  spent and repaid pursuant to this article;
    10    4. analysis of the effect of this title on the election  campaign  for
    11  the  offices of governor, lieutenant governor, state comptroller, attor-
    12  ney general, member of the assembly, state senator  and  delegate  to  a
    13  constitutional  convention,  including  its  effect  on  the sources and
    14  amounts of private financing, the level of campaign expenditures,  voter
    15  participation,  the  number  of candidates, the candidates' abilities to
    16  campaign effectively for public office, and the diversity of  candidates
    17  seeking and elected to office;
    18    5.  recommendations for changes or amendments to this title, including
    19  changes in contribution limits, thresholds for eligibility and limits on
    20  total matching funds; and
    21    6. any other information that the campaign finance board  deems  rele-
    22  vant.
    23    §  14-226.  Debates. The campaign finance board shall promulgate regu-
    24  lations to facilitate debates among  participating  candidates.  Partic-
    25  ipating  candidates  are  required to participate in at least one debate
    26  before the primary election and in at least one debate before the gener-
    27  al election for which the candidate receives public  funds,  unless  the
    28  participating  candidate is running unopposed. A nonparticipating candi-
    29  date may be a party to such debates.
    30    § 14-228. Distributions from campaign finance fund.  1.  This  section
    31  governs  the  campaign  finance  board's  distribution of funds from the
    32  campaign finance fund established by section ninety-nine-hh of the state
    33  finance law, except as otherwise provided in this title.
    34    2. No moneys shall be paid to any participating candidate who has been
    35  disqualified  by  the  campaign  finance  board  or  whose   designating
    36  petitions  have been declared invalid by the state board of elections or
    37  a court of competent jurisdiction  until  and  unless  such  finding  is
    38  reversed by an appellate court.
    39    3.  No  payment from the fund in the possession of such a candidate or
    40  such a candidate's authorized committee on the date  of  such  disquali-
    41  fication  or  invalidation  may  thereafter  be expended for any purpose
    42  except the payment of liabilities incurred before that date.  All excess
    43  matching moneys paid to a disqualified candidate shall  be  returned  to
    44  the  fund not less than thirty days after the general election for those
    45  participating candidates who received matching moneys  for  the  general
    46  election,  and  otherwise,  not  less than thirty days after the primary
    47  election for those participating candidates who received matching moneys
    48  solely for the primary election.
    49    4. (a) Participating candidates shall  pay  to  the  campaign  finance
    50  board  unspent  matching  campaign funds from an election not later than
    51  thirty days after all liabilities for the election have been  paid  and,
    52  in  any  event,  not less than twenty days after the date upon which the
    53  campaign finance board issues its final audit report for the participat-
    54  ing candidate's committee; provided, however, that all unspent  matching
    55  campaign  funds  for  a participating candidate shall be immediately due
    56  and payable to the campaign finance board upon  its  determination  that

        S. 6116                            20

     1  the participating candidate has, without just cause, delayed the post-e-
     2  lection  audit  process.  Unspent matching campaign funds determinations
     3  made by the campaign finance board shall be based on  the  participating
     4  candidate  committee's  receipts  and expenditures. The campaign finance
     5  board may also consider any other relevant information revealed  in  the
     6  course  of  its  audits  or  investigations or the investigations by any
     7  other agency.
     8    (b) (i) A participating candidate may not use receipts for any purpose
     9  other than disbursements in the preceding  election  until  all  unspent
    10  matching  campaign  funds  have  been  repaid. A participating candidate
    11  shall have the burden of demonstrating that a post-election  expenditure
    12  is for the preceding election.
    13    (ii)  Before repaying unspent matching campaign funds, a participating
    14  candidate may make post-election expenditures only  for  routine  activ-
    15  ities  involving nominal costs associated with winding up a campaign and
    16  responding to the post-election audit. Such  expenditures  may  include:
    17  payment  of  utility  bills  and  rent;  reasonable  staff  salaries and
    18  consultant fees for responding  to  a  post-election  audit;  reasonable
    19  moving  expenses  related  to  closing a campaign office; a holiday card
    20  mailing to contributors, campaign volunteers, and staff  members;  thank
    21  you  notes  for  contributors,  campaign  volunteers, and staff members;
    22  payment of taxes and  other  reasonable  expenses  for  compliance  with
    23  applicable  tax  laws;  and  interest  expenses.  Routine  post-election
    24  expenditures that may be paid for with unspent matching  campaign  funds
    25  do  not  include  such  items  as  post-election  mailings other than as
    26  specifically provided for in this subparagraph; making contributions; or
    27  holding any post-election day event, including, but not limited to,  any
    28  meal or any party. Unspent campaign funds may not be used for transition
    29  or inauguration activities.
    30    5.  All monies received by the campaign finance board pursuant to this
    31  section shall be deposited into the New York state campaign finance fund
    32  pursuant to section ninety-nine-hh of the state finance law.
    33    § 15. The election law is amended by adding a new  section  16-103  to
    34  read as follows:
    35    §  16-103.  Proceedings  as to matching funds. 1. The determination of
    36  eligibility pursuant to section 14-208 of this chapter and any  question
    37  or issue relating to payments for qualified campaign expenditures pursu-
    38  ant  to  section 14-212 of this chapter may be contested in a proceeding
    39  instituted in the supreme court, Albany county, by any aggrieved  candi-
    40  date.
    41    2. A proceeding with respect to such a determination of eligibility or
    42  payment  for  qualified campaign expenditures pursuant to section 14-212
    43  of this chapter shall be instituted within seven days after such  deter-
    44  mination  was  made. The campaign finance board shall be made a party to
    45  any such proceeding.
    46    3. Upon the campaign finance board's failure to receive the amount due
    47  from a participating candidate or such candidate's committee  after  the
    48  issuance  of  written notice of such amount due, as required by subdivi-
    49  sion four of section 14-218 of this chapter, such board is authorized to
    50  institute a special proceeding or civil action in supreme court,  Albany
    51  county, to obtain a judgment for any amounts determined to be payable to
    52  the  campaign finance board as a result of an examination and audit made
    53  pursuant to title two of article fourteen of this chapter.
    54    4. The campaign finance board is authorized  to  institute  a  special
    55  proceeding  or civil action in supreme court, Albany county, to obtain a

        S. 6116                            21

     1  judgment for civil penalties  determined  to  be  payable  to  the  fair
     2  elections board pursuant to section 14-218 of this chapter.
     3    §  16.  The  general  business  law is amended by adding a new section
     4  359-gg to read as follows:
     5    § 359-gg. Additional surcharge. In addition to any penalty  authorized
     6  by  section three hundred fifty-nine-g of this article or any damages or
     7  other compensation  recoverable  including,  but  not  limited  to,  any
     8  settlement  authorized  by  section  sixty-three or sixty-three-c of the
     9  executive law, there shall be assessed thereon an  additional  surcharge
    10  in  the  amount  of  ten  percent  of  the total amount of such penalty,
    11  damages or settlement. Such surcharge shall be deposited in the New York
    12  state campaign finance fund established by section ninety-nine-hh of the
    13  state finance law.
    14    § 17. The state finance law is amended by adding a new  section  99-hh
    15  to read as follows:
    16    §  99-hh.  New  York  state  campaign finance fund. 1. There is hereby
    17  established in the joint custody of the  commissioner  of  taxation  and
    18  finance and the state comptroller a special fund to be known as the "New
    19  York state campaign finance fund".
    20    2. Such fund shall consist of all revenues received from the surcharge
    21  imposed  pursuant  to section three hundred fifty-nine-gg of the general
    22  business law, revenues received from  campaign  finance  fund  check-off
    23  pursuant  to  section six hundred thirty-g of the tax law, revenues from
    24  the abandoned property fund pursuant  to  section  ninety-five  of  this
    25  article,  and  all other moneys credited or transferred thereto from any
    26  other fund or source pursuant to law. Nothing contained in this  section
    27  shall prevent the state from receiving grants, gifts, bequests or volun-
    28  tary  contributions  for  the  purposes  of  the fund as defined in this
    29  section and depositing them into the fund according to law.   Monies  in
    30  the fund shall be kept separate from and not commingled with other funds
    31  held  in  the  joint custody of the commissioner of taxation and finance
    32  and the state comptroller.
    33    3. Moneys of the fund, following appropriation by the legislature, may
    34  be expended for the purposes of making payments to  candidates  pursuant
    35  to  title  two  of article fourteen of the election law. Moneys shall be
    36  paid out of the fund by the state comptroller on vouchers  certified  or
    37  approved by the campaign finance board established pursuant to title two
    38  of  article  fourteen of the election law, or the duly designated repre-
    39  sentative of such board, in the manner prescribed by law, not more  than
    40  one working day after a voucher duly certified, approved and executed by
    41  such  board  or  its  representative in the form prescribed by the state
    42  comptroller is received by the state comptroller.
    43    § 18. The tax law is amended by adding a new section 630-g to read  as
    44  follows:
    45    § 630-g. Contribution to New York state campaign finance fund.  Effec-
    46  tive  for  any  taxable  year  commencing on or after January first, two
    47  thousand nineteen, an individual  in  any  taxable  year  may  elect  to
    48  contribute  to  the  New York state campaign finance fund. Such contrib-
    49  ution shall be in the amount of five dollars and shall  not  reduce  the
    50  amount  of  state  tax  owed  by such individual. The commissioner shall
    51  include space on the personal income tax return to enable a taxpayer  to
    52  make  such contribution. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all
    53  revenues collected pursuant to this section shall be credited to the New
    54  York state campaign finance  fund  and  used  only  for  those  purposes
    55  enumerated in section ninety-nine-hh of the state finance law.

        S. 6116                            22

     1    §  19.  Section 95 of the state finance law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 5 to read as follows:
     3    5.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  this  section authorizing the
     4  transfer of any moneys in the abandoned property  fund  to  the  general
     5  fund, in January of each year in which a state general election is to be
     6  held  pursuant  to law, or at least six weeks prior to any state special
     7  election, the comptroller, upon warrant or voucher by the chair  of  the
     8  campaign  finance  board  or  his  or her duly appointed representative,
     9  shall transfer moneys of the abandoned property fund into  the  campaign
    10  finance  fund  pursuant  to  section  ninety-nine-hh of this article. On
    11  March thirty-first of the year following  such  general  election  year,
    12  such  chair shall transfer to the general fund any surplus moneys of the
    13  campaign finance fund as of such date.
    14    § 20. Section 6-120 of the election law is REPEALED.
    15    § 21. Severability. If any clause, sentence,  subdivision,  paragraph,
    16  section or part of this act be adjudged by any court of competent juris-
    17  diction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invali-
    18  date  the  remainder  thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to
    19  the clause, sentence, subdivision, paragraph, section  or  part  thereof
    20  directly  involved  in the controversy in which such judgment shall have
    21  been rendered.
    22    § 22. This act shall take effect December 31, 2019; provided, however,
    23  that all candidates will be eligible  to  participate  in  the  optional
    24  campaign finance system beginning with the 2020 general election.