                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 10, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen.  GOLDEN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions
          -- recommitted to the Committee  on  Civil  Service  and  Pensions  in
          accordance  with  Senate  Rule 6, sec. 8 -- committee discharged, bill
          amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said  commit-
          tee  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the retirement and social security  law,  the  education
          law  and  the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation
          to providing cost-of-living adjustments
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Subdivision f of section 78-a of the retirement and social
     2  security law, as added by chapter 125 of the laws of 2000, is amended to
     3  read as follows:
     4    f. Commencing September first, two thousand, all retired  members  who
     5  have  retired  prior  to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-seven
     6  and who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of this
     7  section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in monthly installments on the
     8  basis provided for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit  shall  be
     9  equal  to  a percentage of the change in consumer price index (all urban
    10  consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),  published
    11  by  the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from the year
    12  of  retirement  through  calendar  year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    13  according to the following schedule:
    14        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    15        1968 through 1996                      50%
    16        1966 and 1967                          55%
    17        1965                                   60%
    18        1964                                   65%
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6047--B                          2
     1        1963                                   70%
     2        1962                                   80%
     3        1961                                   90%
     4        prior to 1961                          100%
     5  Said  adjusted benefit shall be computed on a base benefit amount not to
     6  exceed eighteen thousand dollars of the retirement  allowance  otherwise
     7  payable,  computed  without  optional modification. Any benefit received
     8  pursuant to this subdivision shall be in lieu of  any  benefit  received
     9  pursuant to section seventy-eight of this title.
    10    Commencing September first, two thousand eighteen, all retired members
    11  who have retired prior to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-sev-
    12  en  and  who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of
    13  this section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in  monthly  installments
    14  on  the  basis  provided  for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit
    15  shall be equal to a percentage of the change  in  consumer  price  index
    16  (all urban consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),
    17  published by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from
    18  the  year  of  retirement through calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-
    19  seven according to the following schedule:
    20        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    21        1973 through 1996                      50%
    22        1971 and 1972                          55%
    23        1970                                   60%
    24        1969                                   65%
    25        1968                                   70%
    26        1967                                   80%
    27        1966                                   90%
    28        prior to 1966                          100%
    29  Said adjusted benefit commencing September first, two thousand eighteen,
    30  shall be computed on the base benefit amount of the retirement allowance
    31  otherwise payable, computed without  optional  modification,  set  forth
    32  herein above. Any benefit received pursuant to this subdivision shall be
    33  in  lieu  of  any  benefit received pursuant to section seventy-eight of
    34  this title.
    35    § 2. Subdivision f of section 378-a of the retirement and social secu-
    36  rity law, as added by chapter 125 of the laws of  2000,  is  amended  to
    37  read as follows:
    38    f.  Commencing  September first, two thousand, all retired members who
    39  have retired prior to the calendar year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    40  and who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of this
    41  section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in monthly installments on the
    42  basis  provided  for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit shall be
    43  equal to a percentage of the change in consumer price index  (all  urban
    44  consumers,  CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100), published
    45  by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from the  year
    46  of  retirement  through  calendar  year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    47  according to the following schedule:
    48        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    49        1968 through 1996                      50%
    50        1966 and 1967                          55%
    51        1965                                   60%
    52        1964                                   65%
    53        1963                                   70%
    54        1962                                   80%

        S. 6047--B                          3
     1        1961                                   90%
     2        prior to 1961                          100%
     3  Said  adjusted benefit shall be computed on a base benefit amount not to
     4  exceed eighteen thousand dollars of the retirement  allowance  otherwise
     5  payable,  computed  without  optional modification. Any benefit received
     6  pursuant to this subdivision shall be in lieu of  any  benefit  received
     7  pursuant to section three hundred seventy-eight of this title.
     8    Commencing September first, two thousand eighteen, all retired members
     9  who have retired prior to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-sev-
    10  en  and  who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of
    11  this section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in  monthly  installments
    12  on  the  basis  provided  for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit
    13  shall be equal to a percentage of the change  in  consumer  price  index
    14  (all urban consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),
    15  published by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from
    16  the  year  of  retirement through calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-
    17  seven according to the following schedule:
    18        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    19        1973 through 1996                          50%
    20        1971 and 1972                              55%
    21        1970                                       60%
    22        1969                                       65%
    23        1968                                       70%
    24        1967                                       80%
    25        1966                                       90%
    26        prior to 1966                             100%
    27  Said adjusted benefit commencing September first, two thousand eighteen,
    28  shall be computed on the base benefit amount of the retirement allowance
    29  otherwise payable, computed without  optional  modification,  set  forth
    30  herein above. Any benefit received pursuant to this subdivision shall be
    31  in lieu of any benefit received pursuant to section three hundred seven-
    32  ty-eight of this title.
    33    §  3. Subdivision f of section 532-a of the education law, as added by
    34  chapter 125 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
    35    f. Commencing September first, two thousand, all retired  members  who
    36  have  retired  prior  to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-seven
    37  and who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of this
    38  section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in monthly installments on the
    39  basis provided for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit  shall  be
    40  equal  to  a percentage of the change in consumer price index (all urban
    41  consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),  published
    42  by  the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from the year
    43  of  retirement  through  calendar  year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    44  according to the following schedule:
    45        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    46        1968 through 1996                      50%
    47        1966 and 1967                          55%
    48        1965                                   60%
    49        1964                                   65%
    50        1963                                   70%
    51        1962                                   80%
    52        1961                                   90%
    53        prior to 1961                          100%
    54  Said  adjusted benefit shall be computed on a base benefit amount not to
    55  exceed eighteen thousand dollars of the retirement  allowance  otherwise

        S. 6047--B                          4
     1  payable,  computed  without  optional modification excluding any annuity
     2  derived from voluntary contributions made by members, except those  made
     3  pursuant  to  elections  under  subdivision  one of section five hundred
     4  eleven-a  or  paragraph  c  of subdivision three of section five hundred
     5  sixteen of this article. Any benefits received pursuant to this subdivi-
     6  sion shall be in lieu of any benefits received pursuant to section  five
     7  hundred  thirty-two  of this article, unless such benefits are in excess
     8  of those provided by this section, in which case such benefits shall  be
     9  paid by the retirement system pursuant to such provision.
    10    Commencing September first, two thousand eighteen, all retired members
    11  who have retired prior to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-sev-
    12  en  and  who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of
    13  this section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in  monthly  installments
    14  on  the  basis  provided  for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit
    15  shall be equal to a percentage of the change  in  consumer  price  index
    16  (all urban consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),
    17  published by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from
    18  the  year  of  retirement through calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-
    19  seven according to the following schedule:
    20        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    21        1973 through 1996                          50%
    22        1971 and 1972                              55%
    23        1970                                       60%
    24        1969                                       65%
    25        1968                                       70%
    26        1967                                       80%
    27        1966                                       90%
    28        prior to 1966                             100%
    29  Said adjusted benefit, commencing September first,  two  thousand  eigh-
    30  teen,  shall  be  computed  on the base benefit amount of the retirement
    31  allowance otherwise payable, computed without optional modification, set
    32  forth herein above. Any benefit received pursuant  to  this  subdivision
    33  shall  be  in  lieu  of  any  benefit  received pursuant to section five
    34  hundred thirty-two of this article.
    35    § 4. Subdivision f of section 13-696 of the administrative code of the
    36  city of New York, as added by chapter  125  of  the  laws  of  2000,  is
    37  amended to read as follows:
    38    f.  Commencing  September first, two thousand, all retired members who
    39  have retired prior to the calendar year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    40  and who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision a of this
    41  section shall be paid an adjusted benefit in monthly installments on the
    42  basis  provided  for in this subdivision. Said adjusted benefit shall be
    43  equal to a percentage of the change in consumer price index  (all  urban
    44  consumers,  CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100), published
    45  by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from the  year
    46  of  retirement  through  calendar  year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
    47  according to the following schedule:
    48        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    49        1968 through 1996                      50%
    50        1966 and 1967                          55%
    51        1965                                   60%
    52        1964                                   65%
    53        1963                                   70%
    54        1962                                   80%
    55        1961                                   90%

        S. 6047--B                          5
     1        prior to 1961                          100%
     2  Said  adjusted benefit shall be computed on a base benefit amount not to
     3  exceed eighteen thousand dollars of the annual fixed  retirement  allow-
     4  ance  otherwise  payable,  computed  without  optional modification. Any
     5  benefit received pursuant to this subdivision shall be in  lieu  of  any
     6  benefit received pursuant to chapter three hundred ninety of the laws of
     7  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight,  and  any  preceding  provision  of law
     8  providing for supplementation.
     9    Commencing September first, two thousand eighteen, all retired members
    10  who have retired prior to the calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-sev-
    11  en and who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in subdivision  a  of
    12  this  section  shall be paid an adjusted benefit in monthly installments
    13  on the basis provided for in this  subdivision.  Said  adjusted  benefit
    14  shall  be  equal  to  a percentage of the change in consumer price index
    15  (all urban consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100),
    16  published by the United States bureau of labor statistics, measured from
    17  the year of retirement through calendar year  nineteen  hundred  ninety-
    18  seven according to the following schedule:
    19        Year of retirement                     Percentage
    20        1973 through 1996                      50%
    21        1971 and 1972                          55%
    22        1970                                   60%
    23        1969                                   65%
    24        1968                                   70%
    25        1967                                   80%
    26        1966                                   90%
    27        prior to 1966                          100%
    28  Said  adjusted  benefit,  commencing September first, two thousand eigh-
    29  teen, shall be computed on the base benefit  amount  of  the  retirement
    30  allowance otherwise payable, computed without optional modification, set
    31  forth  herein  above.  Any benefit received pursuant to this subdivision
    32  shall be in lieu of any benefit received pursuant to section  13-695  of
    33  this article.
    34    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill  would  provide an increase in the defined benefit cost-of-
        living adjustment (COLA) for New York public retirement systems.  Start-
        ing  with  a payment in September 2018, additional payments will be made
        for those members who retired after 1960 and prior to 1973.
          Insofar as this bill affects the New York State and  Local  Employees'
        Retirement  System,  pursuant to Section 25 of the Retirement and Social
        Security Law, the increased costs would be borne entirely by  the  State
        of  New  York  and would require an itemized appropriation sufficient to
        pay the cost of the provision. If this bill were enacted,  the  increase
        in the present value of benefits would be approximately $483,000.
          Insofar  as  this bill affects the New York State and Local Police and
        Fire Retirement System (PFRS), the increased costs would  be  shared  by
        the  State  of  New York and the participating employers in the PFRS. If
        this bill were enacted, the increase in the present  value  of  benefits
        would  be  approximately  $1.09  million.  The estimated first year cost
        would be approximately $25,600 to the State of New York and approximate-
        ly $105,000 to the participating employers in the PFRS.
          Summary of relevant resources:
          The membership data used in  measuring  the  impact  of  the  proposed
        change  was  the same as that used in the March 31, 2017 actuarial valu-
        ation.  Distributions and other statistics can  be  found  in  the  2017

        S. 6047--B                          6
        Report  of  the  Actuary  and  the  2017  Comprehensive Annual Financial
          The  actuarial assumptions and methods used are described in the 2015,
        2016, and 2017 Annual Report to the  Comptroller  on  Actuarial  Assump-
        tions,  and  the  Codes  Rules and Regulations of the State of New York:
        Audit and Control.
          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2017
        New York State and Local  Retirement  System  Financial  Statements  and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This  estimate,  dated  January  25,  2018,  and intended for use only
        during the  2018  Legislative  Session,  is  Fiscal  Note  No.  2018-38,
        prepared  by  the  Actuary  for  the New York State and Local Retirement
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This bill would amend subdivision f of Section 532-a of the  Education
        Law  to  provide  an increase in supplementation for retired members who
        meet the eligibility requirements set forth in subdivision a of  Section
        532-a  and  who  retired  during  the  calendar years 1961 through 1972,
        inclusive. Benefit increases are based on the first $18,000 of the maxi-
        mum annual benefit without optional modification and would be  effective
        in September 2018.
          The  annual  cost  to  the  employers of members of the New York State
        Teachers' Retirement System is estimated to be negligible if  this  bill
        is enacted.
          Member  data  is  from  the  System's  most recent actuarial valuation
        files, consisting of data provided by the employers  to  the  Retirement
        System.  Data  distributions and statistics can be found in the System's
        Comprehensive Annual Financial  Report  (CAFR).  System  assets  are  as
        reported  in the System's financial statements, and can also be found in
        the CAFR. Actuarial assumptions and methods are provided in the System's
        Actuarial Valuation Report.
          The source of this estimate is Fiscal Note  2018-14  dated  March  20,
        2018  prepared by the Actuary of the New York State Teachers' Retirement
        System and is intended for use only during the 2018 Legislative Session.
        I, Richard A. Young, am the Actuary for the  New  York  State  Teachers'
        Retirement  System.  I  am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries
        and I meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of  Actu-
        aries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.