

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 16, 2019

        Introduced  by  Sen.  RIVERA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Housing, Construction  and
          Community Development

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the administrative code of the city of New York, the
          emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four and the emer-
          gency housing rent control law, in relation  to  limiting  adjustments
          for major capital improvements where the improvement generates revenue
          for the landlord

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 26-405 of the administrative code of  the  city  of
     2  New York is amended by adding a new subdivision n to read as follows:
     3    n.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained herein, a rent
     4  increase shall be prohibited for a landlord applying for a rent increase
     5  for major capital improvements where the improvement  generates  revenue
     6  for the landlord.
     7    § 2. Paragraph 6 of subdivision c of section 26-511 of the administra-
     8  tive code of the city of New York, as amended by section 29 of part A of
     9  chapter 20 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    10    (6)  provides  criteria whereby the commissioner may act upon applica-
    11  tions by owners for increases in  excess  of  the  level  of  fair  rent
    12  increase  established under this law provided, however, that such crite-
    13  ria shall provide (a) as to hardship applications, for  a  finding  that
    14  the level of fair rent increase is not sufficient to enable the owner to
    15  maintain  approximately  the same average annual net income (which shall
    16  be computed without regard to debt service, financing costs  or  manage-
    17  ment  fees)  for the three year period ending on or within six months of
    18  the date of an application pursuant to such criteria  as  compared  with
    19  annual  net income, which prevailed on the average over the period nine-
    20  teen hundred sixty-eight through nineteen hundred seventy,  or  for  the
    21  first three years of operation if the building was completed since nine-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5980                             2

     1  teen  hundred  sixty-eight  or  for the first three fiscal years after a
     2  transfer of title to a new owner provided the new owner can establish to
     3  the satisfaction of the commissioner that he or she  acquired  title  to
     4  the  building as a result of a bona fide sale of the entire building and
     5  that the new owner is unable to obtain requisite records for the  fiscal
     6  years  nineteen  hundred  sixty-eight  through  nineteen hundred seventy
     7  despite diligent efforts to obtain same from predecessors in  title  and
     8  further  provided that the new owner can provide financial data covering
     9  a minimum of six years under his or  her  continuous  and  uninterrupted
    10  operation  of  the building to meet the three year to three year compar-
    11  ative test periods herein provided; and (b) as  to  completed  building-
    12  wide  major  capital  improvements, for a finding that such improvements
    13  are deemed depreciable under the Internal Revenue Code and that the cost
    14  is to be amortized over [an  eight-year]  a  seven-year  period  [for  a
    15  building  with  thirty-five  or fewer housing accommodations, or a nine-
    16  year period for a building with more than thirty-five  housing  accommo-
    17  dations,  for  any  determination  issued by the division of housing and
    18  community renewal after the effective date of the  rent  act  of  2015],
    19  based upon cash purchase price exclusive of interest or service charges.
    20  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  contained  herein,  a rent
    21  increase shall be prohibited for a landlord applying for a rent increase
    22  for major capital improvements where the improvement  generates  revenue
    23  for  the  landlord.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained
    24  herein, no hardship increase granted pursuant to this  paragraph  shall,
    25  when added to the annual gross rents, as determined by the commissioner,
    26  exceed  the sum of, (i) the annual operating expenses, (ii) an allowance
    27  for management services as determined by the commissioner, (iii)  actual
    28  annual  mortgage debt service (interest and amortization) on its indebt-
    29  edness to a lending institution, an insurance company, a retirement fund
    30  or welfare fund which is operated under the supervision of  the  banking
    31  or  insurance  laws  of  the state of New York or the United States, and
    32  (iv) eight and one-half percent of that portion of the fair market value
    33  of the property which exceeds the unpaid principal amount of  the  mort-
    34  gage  indebtedness  referred to in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph.
    35  Fair market value for the purposes of this paragraph shall be six  times
    36  the  annual gross rent. The collection of any increase in the stabilized
    37  rent for any apartment pursuant to this paragraph shall not  exceed  six
    38  percent  in  any  year from the effective date of the order granting the
    39  increase over the rent set forth in the schedule of  gross  rents,  with
    40  collectability  of any dollar excess above said sum to be spread forward
    41  in similar increments and added to the stabilized rent as established or
    42  set in future years;
    43    § 3. Section 6 of section 4 of  chapter  576  of  the  laws  of  1974,
    44  constituting  the  emergency  tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-
    45  four, is amended by adding a new subdivision h to read as follows:
    46    h. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,  a  rent
    47  increase shall be prohibited for a landlord applying for a rent increase
    48  for  major  capital improvements where the improvement generates revenue
    49  for the landlord.
    50    § 4. The second undesignated paragraph of paragraph (a) of subdivision
    51  4 of section 4 of chapter 274 of the  laws  of  1946,  constituting  the
    52  emergency  housing  rent control law, as amended by section 25 of part B
    53  of chapter 97 of the laws of 2011  and  subparagraph  7  as  amended  by
    54  section  32  of  part A of chapter 20 of the laws of 2015, is amended to
    55  read as follows:

        S. 5980                             3

     1    No application for adjustment of maximum rent based upon a sales price
     2  valuation shall be filed by the landlord under this  subparagraph  prior
     3  to  six months from the date of such sale of the property.  In addition,
     4  no adjustment ordered by the commission  based  upon  such  sales  price
     5  valuation  shall  be  effective  prior to one year from the date of such
     6  sale.  Where, however, the assessed valuation of the land  exceeds  four
     7  times  the  assessed  valuation of the buildings thereon, the commission
     8  may determine a valuation of the property equal to five times the equal-
     9  ized assessed valuation of the  buildings,  for  the  purposes  of  this
    10  subparagraph.    The  commission may make a determination that the valu-
    11  ation of the  property  is  an  amount  different  from  such  equalized
    12  assessed  valuation  where  there  is  a request for a reduction in such
    13  assessed  valuation  currently  pending;  or  where  there  has  been  a
    14  reduction  in  the  assessed  valuation  for the year next preceding the
    15  effective date of the current assessed valuation in effect at  the  time
    16  of the filing of the application.  Net annual return shall be the amount
    17  by which the earned income exceeds the operating expenses of the proper-
    18  ty,  excluding  mortgage interest and amortization, and excluding allow-
    19  ances for obsolescence and reserves,  but  including  an  allowance  for
    20  depreciation  of  two per centum of the value of the buildings exclusive
    21  of the land, or the amount shown for depreciation of  the  buildings  in
    22  the  latest  required  federal  income  tax  return, whichever is lower;
    23  provided, however, that (1) no allowance for depreciation of the  build-
    24  ings  shall  be included where the buildings have been fully depreciated
    25  for federal income tax purposes or on the books of the owner; or (2) the
    26  landlord who owns no more than four rental units within  the  state  has
    27  not  been  fully compensated by increases in rental income sufficient to
    28  offset unavoidable increases in property taxes, fuel, utilities,  insur-
    29  ance  and repairs and maintenance, excluding mortgage interest and amor-
    30  tization, and excluding allowances for  depreciation,  obsolescence  and
    31  reserves,  which  have  occurred  since the federal date determining the
    32  maximum rent or the date the property was acquired by the present owner,
    33  whichever is later; or (3)   the landlord operates a  hotel  or  rooming
    34  house or owns a cooperative apartment and has not been fully compensated
    35  by increases in rental income from the controlled housing accommodations
    36  sufficient  to  offset unavoidable increases in property taxes and other
    37  costs as  are  allocable  to  such  controlled  housing  accommodations,
    38  including costs of operation of such hotel or rooming house, but exclud-
    39  ing  mortgage  interest  and  amortization, and excluding allowances for
    40  depreciation, obsolescence and reserves, which have occurred  since  the
    41  federal  date  determining  the  maximum  rent  or the date the landlord
    42  commenced the operation of the property, whichever is later; or (4)  the
    43  landlord and tenant voluntarily enter into a valid written lease in good
    44  faith with respect to any housing accommodation,  which  lease  provides
    45  for  an increase in the maximum rent not in excess of fifteen per centum
    46  and for a term of not less than two years, except that where such  lease
    47  provides  for  an increase in excess of fifteen per centum, the increase
    48  shall be automatically reduced to fifteen per centum; or (5)  the  land-
    49  lord  and  tenant  by  mutual  voluntary  written  agreement  agree to a
    50  substantial increase or decrease in dwelling space or a  change  in  the
    51  services,  furniture,  furnishings  or equipment provided in the housing
    52  accommodations; provided that an owner  shall  be  entitled  to  a  rent
    53  increase  where there has been a substantial modification or increase of
    54  dwelling space or an increase in the services, or  installation  of  new
    55  equipment or improvements or new furniture or furnishings provided in or
    56  to a tenant's housing accommodation. The permanent increase in the maxi-

        S. 5980                             4

     1  mum  rent  for the affected housing accommodation shall be one-fortieth,
     2  in the case of a building with thirty-five  or  fewer  housing  accommo-
     3  dations, or one-sixtieth, in the case of a building with more than thir-
     4  ty-five  housing  accommodations  where  such  permanent  increase takes
     5  effect on or after September twenty-fourth, two thousand eleven, of  the
     6  total  cost  incurred  by the landlord in providing such modification or
     7  increase in dwelling space, services, furniture, furnishings  or  equip-
     8  ment,  including the cost of installation, but excluding finance charges
     9  provided further that an owner who is entitled to a rent increase pursu-
    10  ant to this clause shall not be entitled  to  a  further  rent  increase
    11  based  upon  the  installation of similar equipment, or new furniture or
    12  furnishings within the useful life of such new equipment, or new  furni-
    13  ture  or furnishings. The owner shall give written notice to the commis-
    14  sion of any such adjustment pursuant to this clause; or (6)   there  has
    15  been,  since  March  first,  nineteen  hundred fifty, an increase in the
    16  rental value of the housing accommodations as a result of a  substantial
    17  rehabilitation  of  the  building or housing accommodation therein which
    18  materially adds to the value of the property or appreciably prolongs its
    19  life, excluding ordinary repairs, maintenance and replacements;  or  (7)
    20  there  has been since March first, nineteen hundred fifty, a major capi-
    21  tal improvement required for the operation, preservation or  maintenance
    22  of  the structure; [which for any order of the commissioner issued after
    23  the effective date of the rent act of 2015 the cost of such  improvement
    24  shall  be amortized over an eight-year period for buildings with thirty-
    25  five or fewer units or a nine year period for buildings with  more  than
    26  thiry-five  units,]  or  (8)  there has been since March first, nineteen
    27  hundred fifty, in structures containing more than four housing  accommo-
    28  dations, other improvements made with the express consent of the tenants
    29  in  occupancy of at least seventy-five per  centum of the housing accom-
    30  modations, provided, however, that no adjustment granted hereunder shall
    31  exceed fifteen per centum unless the tenants have  agreed  to  a  higher
    32  percentage  of  increase,  as  herein provided; or (9)   there has been,
    33  since March first, nineteen hundred fifty, a subletting without  written
    34  consent  from  the  landlord or an increase in the number of adult occu-
    35  pants who are not members of the immediate family of the tenant, and the
    36  landlord has not been compensated therefor by adjustment of the  maximum
    37  rent by lease or order of the commission or pursuant to the federal act;
    38  or  (10)    the  presence of unique or peculiar circumstances materially
    39  affecting the maximum rent has resulted  in  a  maximum  rent  which  is
    40  substantially lower than the rents generally prevailing in the same area
    41  for   substantially   similar  housing  accommodations.  Notwithstanding
    42  anything to the contrary contained herein, adjustments shall be  prohib-
    43  ited  for  a  landlord  applying  for  a rent increase for major capital
    44  improvements where the improvement generates revenue for the landlord.
    45    § 5. This act shall take effect on the sixtieth  day  after  it  shall
    46  have become a law; provided that:
    47    (a)  the  amendments  to section 26-405 of the city rent and rehabili-
    48  tation law made by section one of this act shall remain  in  full  force
    49  and effect only as long as the public emergency requiring the regulation
    50  and control of residential rents and evictions continues, as provided in
    51  subdivision  3  of section 1 of the local emergency housing rent control
    52  act;
    53    (b) the amendments to section 26-511 of chapter 4 of title 26  of  the
    54  administrative  code of the city of New York made by section two of this
    55  act shall expire on the same date as such  law  expires  and  shall  not

        S. 5980                             5

     1  affect  the  expiration  of such law as provided under section 26-520 of
     2  such law;
     3    (c)  the amendment to section 6 of the emergency tenant protection act
     4  of nineteen seventy-four made by section three of this act shall  expire
     5  on the same date as such act expires and shall not affect the expiration
     6  of  such  act  as  provided  in section 17 of chapter 576 of the laws of
     7  1974, as from time to time amended; and
     8    (d) the amendment to section 4 of the emergency housing  rent  control
     9  law  made  by  section four of this act shall expire on the same date as
    10  such law expires and shall not affect the  expiration  of  such  law  as
    11  provided  in  subdivision  2  of section 1 of chapter 274 of the laws of
    12  1946.