

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     March 16, 2021

        Introduced by Sens. COMRIE, ADDABBO, GOUNARDES, SALAZAR, SKOUFIS -- read
          twice  and  ordered  printed,  and when printed to be committed to the
          Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions --  recommitted
          to  the  Committee  on  Corporations,  Authorities  and Commissions in
          accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 --  committee  discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-

        AN ACT to amend the New York state urban development corporation act and
          the economic development law, in relation to the creation of a search-
          able database

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Section 1 of chapter 174 of the laws of 1968, constituting
     2  the New York state urban development  corporation  act,  is  amended  by
     3  adding a new section 58 to read as follows:
     4    §  58.  Reporting.  (1) Definitions. For the purposes of this section,
     5  the following terms shall have the following meanings:
     6    (a) "Economic development benefits" shall mean and include the follow-
     7  ing:
     8    (i) available state resources and/or funds including, but not  limited
     9  to,  state  grants,  loans,  loan  guarantees,  loan interest subsidies,
    10  and/or subsidies; and/or
    11    (ii) tax credits, tax exemptions or reduced tax rates and/or  benefits
    12  which  are  applied  for and preapproved or certified by a state agency;
    13  and
    14    (a-1) "Empire state economic development benefits"  shall  mean  those
    15  economic  development  benefits  made available to the urban development
    16  corporation and/or the department of economic development to award  such
    17  benefits to qualified recipients, or those economic development benefits
    18  which  are  allocated  to the corporation and/or such department but are

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5711--A                          2

     1  subsequently allocated to another  state  agency  or  other  independent
     2  entities for them to make such awards to qualified recipients;
     3    (a-2) "Aggregate economic development benefits" shall mean those bene-
     4  fits  provided  for  in paragraphs (a) and (a-1) of this subdivision and
     5  displayed separately in the database created pursuant to subdivision two
     6  of this section;
     7    (b) "Qualified participant" shall mean an individual, business, limit-
     8  ed liability corporation or any other entity that has  applied  for  and
     9  received  approval  for  and/or  is  the  beneficiary  of, any aggregate
    10  economic development benefits  of  ten  thousand  dollars  or  more  per
    11  project;
    12    (c)  "New  York  state agency" shall mean any state department, board,
    13  bureau, division, commission, committee, public authority, public corpo-
    14  ration, council, office or other state governmental entity performing  a
    15  governmental  or proprietary function for the state, as well as entities
    16  created by any of the preceding or that  are  governed  by  a  board  of
    17  directors  or  similar  body a majority of which is designated by one or
    18  more state officials;
    19    (d) "Full-time job" shall  mean  a  job  in  which  an  individual  is
    20  employed  by  a  qualified  participant for at least thirty-five hours a
    21  week;
    22    (e) "Full-time equivalent" shall mean a unit of measure which is equal
    23  to one filled, full-time, annual-salaried position;
    24    (f) "Part-time job" shall  mean  a  job  in  which  an  individual  is
    25  employed  by  a  qualified participant for less than thirty-five hours a
    26  week; and
    27    (g) "Contract job" shall mean a job in which an  individual  is  hired
    28  for a season or for a limited period of time.
    29    (2)  Searchable state subsidy and aggregate economic development bene-
    30  fits database. Notwithstanding any laws  to  the  contrary,  the  corpo-
    31  ration,  in  cooperation  with  the  department of economic development,
    32  shall create a searchable database, or modify an existing one,  display-
    33  ing  Empire state economic development benefits that a qualified partic-
    34  ipant has been awarded. Such database shall also  display  other  Empire
    35  state  economic  development  benefits  such  qualified  participant has
    36  received from another state agency provided that  it  is  for  the  same
    37  particular  project which received the Empire state economic development
    38  benefits. Such searchable database shall  include,  at  a  minimum,  the
    39  following features and functionality:
    40    (a)  the ability to search the database by each of the reported infor-
    41  mation to the corporation and for the public viewer to show a  qualified
    42  participant  which  is  a recipient of an aggregate economic development
    43  benefit and view a list of all types and amounts of benefits received by
    44  a qualified participant;
    45    (b) for the prior state fiscal year, the following information:
    46    (i) a qualified participant's  name  and  project,  project  location,
    47  project's  complete address, including the postal or zip code in a sepa-
    48  rate searchable field, and the economic region of the state;
    49    (ii) the time span over which a qualified participant is to receive or
    50  has received aggregate economic development benefits;
    51    (iii)  the  type  of  such  aggregate  economic  development  benefits
    52  provided  to  a qualified participant, including the name of the program
    53  or programs through which aggregate economic  development  benefits  are
    54  provided;
    55    (iv)  the total number of employees at all sites utilizing such aggre-
    56  gate economic development benefits at the time of the agreement  includ-

        S. 5711--A                          3

     1  ing  the  number  of  permanent  full-time jobs, the number of permanent
     2  part-time jobs, the number of full-time equivalents, and the  number  of
     3  contract employees;
     4    (v)  for  any aggregate economic development benefit that provides for
     5  job retention and creation that a qualified participant receiving aggre-
     6  gate economic development benefits is contractually obligated to  retain
     7  and create over the life of the project utilizing such aggregate econom-
     8  ic  development benefits, except that such information shall be reported
     9  on an annual basis for agreements containing  annual  job  retention  or
    10  creation  requirements, and for each reporting year, the base employment
    11  level the  entity  receiving  aggregate  economic  development  benefits
    12  agrees  to  retain over the life of the project utilizing such aggregate
    13  economic development benefits, any job creation scheduled to take  place
    14  as a result of the project utilizing such aggregate economic development
    15  benefits  and where applicable, any job creation targets for the current
    16  reporting year;
    17    (vi) the amount of aggregate economic development benefits received by
    18  a qualified participant during the  year  covered  by  the  report,  the
    19  amount  of  aggregate economic development benefits received by a quali-
    20  fied participant since the beginning of  the  project  period,  and  the
    21  present  value  of  the  further aggregate economic development benefits
    22  committed to by the state, but not yet received by a  qualified  partic-
    23  ipant for the duration of the project;
    24    (vii)  for  the  current  reporting  year,  the total actual number of
    25  employees at all sites covered by the project utilizing  such  aggregate
    26  economic  development  benefits, including the number of permanent full-
    27  time jobs, the  number  of  permanent  part-time  jobs,  the  number  of
    28  contract jobs, the number of jobs filled by minorities or women.
    29    (viii)  a  statement  of  compliance  indicating  whether,  during the
    30  current reporting year, the corporation and/or any  other  state  agency
    31  has  reduced,  cancelled  or  recaptured  aggregate economic development
    32  benefits from a qualified participant, and, if so, the total  amount  of
    33  the  reduction,  cancellation or recapture, and any penalty assessed and
    34  the reasons therefor.
    35    (c) the ability to digitally select defined individual  fields  corre-
    36  sponding  to any of the reported information from qualified participants
    37  to create unique database views;
    38    (d) the ability to download the database in its entirety, or in  part,
    39  in a common machine readable format;
    40    (e) the ability to view and download contracts or award agreements for
    41  each  aggregate  economic  development benefit received by the qualified
    42  participant to the extent such contracts or award agreements are  avail-
    43  able to the public pursuant to article six of the public officers law;
    44    (f)  a  definition or description of terms for fields in the database;
    45  and
    46    (g) a summary of each aggregate economic development benefit available
    47  to qualified participants.
    48    (3) Certification regarding reporting. The corporation  shall  certify
    49  to the New York state authorities budget office, the corporation's board
    50  of  directors  and  post to its website that it has fulfilled all of its
    51  reporting requirements as required by law, rules, regulations, or execu-
    52  tive orders. The corporation shall provide a list of  all  reports,  the
    53  due dates of such reports, and certify to the New York state authorities
    54  budget office and the corporation's board of directors, that each report
    55  has been submitted to the individual, office, or entity as prescribed by
    56  applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

        S. 5711--A                          4

     1    (4)  Database  reporting.  The  corporation  may request any data from
     2  qualified participants, which is necessary and required  in  developing,
     3  updating  and  maintaining  the  searchable  database.    Such qualified
     4  participants shall provide any such information requested by the  corpo-
     5  ration.    Beginning  on June first, two thousand twenty-two, the corpo-
     6  ration shall make all reported data on such database  available  to  the
     7  public  on  its  website.  Such database shall be updated on a quarterly
     8  basis with qualified participants added to any programs and any new data
     9  provided by existing qualified participants required reporting.
    10    (5) Reporting. The corporation's senior staff shall report on a  quar-
    11  terly  basis,  to  the  corporation's  board  of directors with a status
    12  update on the development and maintenance of the searchable database.
    13    § 2. Section 100 of the economic development law is amended by  adding
    14  a new subdivision 18-j to read as follows:
    15    18-j.  to  assist  the  urban  development  corporation to establish a
    16  searchable database pursuant to section fifty-eight of the urban  devel-
    17  opment corporation act.
    18    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    19  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    20  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary  for  the  implementation  of
    21  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    22  on or before such effective date.