

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     March 15, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  PARKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules, in relation to  estab-
          lishing the health care courts pilot program

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The civil practice law and rules is amended by adding a new
     2  article 44-A to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 44-A
     4                      HEALTH CARE COURTS PILOT PROGRAM
     5  Section 4410. Creation.
     6          4411. Health care court judges; selection.
     7          4412. Judicial training.
     8          4413. Court appointed medical experts.
     9          4414. Procedure.
    10          4415. Appellate review.
    11          4416. Reports.
    12          4417. Disclaimer.
    13    § 4410. Creation. The office of court administration may select up  to
    14  five  counties,  each within a separate judicial district in this state,
    15  to establish specialized health care courts within the supreme court  of
    16  such counties to govern claims for medical, dental or podiatric malprac-
    17  tice as set forth in this section. Once a supreme court within a partic-
    18  ular  county  has  established a health care court as set forth  in this
    19  section, such court shall  have  exclusive  jurisdiction  over  all  the
    20  claims  for  medial,  dental or podiatric malpractice brought within the
    21  supreme court of such county.
    22    § 4411. Health care court judges; selection. Judges shall be  selected
    23  to  serve  in the health care court division from among those judges who
    24  are elected or appointed to the supreme court in a  county  selected  to

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5656                             2

     1  participate in the health care courts pilot program. For the purposes of
     2  this article, "judge" shall mean a judge of the health care division.
     3    §  4412. Judicial training. (a) Upon selection of a particular supreme
     4  court judge to hear cases in the county's health care court and prior to
     5  hearing such cases,  each  judge  shall  complete  a  judicial  training
     6  program  on  the  law  and science of medicine that may be the basis for
     7  cases falling under the jurisdiction of  the  health  care  court.  Such
     8  program shall be administered by the office of court administration.
     9    (b)  A  committee  shall  be  created to develop the curriculum of the
    10  judicial training program. A task force  shall  be  coordinated  by  the
    11  office  of  court  administration and shall include equal representation
    12  from the Medical Society of the State of New York and the New York State
    13  Bar Association.
    14    (c) The curriculum to be created pursuant to subdivision (b)  of  this
    15  section shall include both in-classroom clinical training and an intern-
    16  ship.  The  in-classroom  clinical training shall include at the minimum
    17  the following: an overview of  the  major  body  systems,  pharmacology,
    18  common disease pathology, alternative medicine therapies, and the educa-
    19  tion and training required for various health professionals. The intern-
    20  ship  shall  provide judges an opportunity to follow a practicing physi-
    21  cian and other  health  care  professionals  in  different  health  care
    22  settings.  The training program may also include a legal component which
    23  shall include a review of medical legal issues that may be the basis  of
    24  cases falling under the jurisdiction of the health care court.
    25    §  4413.  Court  appointed medical experts.  (a) The health care court
    26  shall maintain a list of qualified medical experts who may  be  utilized
    27  by  the  court to provide independent expert opinions to the judge. Such
    28  experts may provide opinions in writing to the judge or may be called by
    29  the judge to testify before the court to clarify  or  interpret  medical
    30  testimony or evidence, or for any other purpose the judge deems relevant
    31  to the proceedings.
    32    (b)  A  court appointed medical expert must meet the following minimum
    33  expert witness requirements:
    34    (1) Holds an active license in the same profession as  the  defendant.
    35  If  the  defendant  is a licensed New York physician or doctor of osteo-
    36  pathic medicine, the expert witness must also be licensed  in  New  York
    37  state as a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine;
    38    (2)  Is  trained  and  experienced in the same discipline or school of
    39  practice as the defendant and  can  demonstrate  by  competent  evidence
    40  that,  as  a result of training, education, knowledge, and experience in
    41  the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease or injury  which
    42  is the subject matter of the lawsuit against the defendant, the individ-
    43  ual was substantially familiar with the applicable standards of care and
    44  practice  as  they relate to the act or omission which is the subject of
    45  the lawsuit on the date of the incident;
    46    (3) If the defendant is certified by a board recognized by the  Ameri-
    47  can  Board  of  Medical  Specialties or the American Osteopathic Associ-
    48  ation, the expert must be certified in the same  specialty  by  a  board
    49  recognized  by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American
    50  Osteopathic Association and must have acknowledged expertise and  train-
    51  ing  directly  related to the particular health care or matter at issue;
    52  and
    53    (4) Within five years of the date of  the  alleged  occurrence  giving
    54  rise to the claim, was in active medical practice in the same discipline
    55  or  school of practice as the defendant or devoted a substantial portion
    56  of his time teaching at an accredited medical school, or in  university-

        S. 5656                             3

     1  based  research in relation to the medical care and type of treatment at
     2  issue.
     3    (c)  A  court appointed medical expert shall have no financial ties or
     4  familial relationship with any party to the lawsuit, any  expert  called
     5  to testify, or any attorney representing any party to the lawsuit.
     6    (d) The court appointed medical expert shall have no ex parte communi-
     7  cations with any party to the lawsuit, except as permitted by the court.
     8    (e)  The  plaintiff  and  defendant shall equally compensate the court
     9  appointed medical expert based on the prevailing fee for medical experts
    10  with similar qualifications.
    11    § 4414. Procedure. Claims adjudicated through the  health  care  court
    12  shall  adhere  to  this chapter except as otherwise provided for in this
    13  article.
    14    § 4415. Appellate review. Any party to an  action  in  a  health  care
    15  court  may avail themselves of all appeal rights that otherwise would be
    16  available under this chapter.
    17    § 4416. Reports. The office of court administration  shall  submit  an
    18  annual report to the speaker of the assembly, the temporary president of
    19  the  senate,  the  minority leader of the senate, the minority leader of
    20  the assembly and the governor describing the functioning of  the  health
    21  care  courts,  including  the number of disputes heard by the courts and
    22  recommendations for improving the ability  of  such  courts  to  resolve
    23  claims involving medical, dental or podiatric malpractice.
    24    §  4417.  Disclaimer.  Nothing  in  this article shall be construed to
    25  remove the jury as the ultimate finder of fact in an action for medical,
    26  dental or podiatric malpractice.
    27    § 2. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    28  have become a law.