

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     March 10, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen.  RIVERA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Social Services

        AN ACT to amend the social services law, in relation to the transparency
          and quality of care of operators of adult care facilities

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision 2 of section 461-b of the
     2  social services law, as amended by chapter 15 of the laws  of  2016,  is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (b)  For existing licensed operators in good standing and their affil-
     5  iates, the department shall develop a streamlined application review and
     6  approval process, in collaboration with representatives of  associations
     7  of  operators and representatives of resident advocacy organizations, to
     8  be available for use in relation to approval of an  additional  facility
     9  of  the same type. Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation to
    10  the contrary, the streamlined application review  and  approval  process
    11  shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    12    (i) a certification process and form for the operator or its affiliate
    13  to  attest that it will have sufficient financial resources, revenue and
    14  financing to meet facility expenses  and  resident  needs,  which  shall
    15  satisfy the statutory and regulatory financial component of the applica-
    16  tion review and approval process;
    17    (ii)  a  certification process and form for the operator or its affil-
    18  iate to attest that its legal, corporate  and  organizational  documents
    19  comply  in  substance  with department requirements, which shall satisfy
    20  the statutory and regulatory legal component of the  application  review
    21  and approval process;
    22    (iii)  a certification process and form for the operator or its affil-
    23  iate to attest that it is in substantial compliance with all  applicable
    24  codes,  rules  and  regulations in any other state in which it operates,
    25  and to disclose any enforcement or administrative action  taken  against
    26  it in any other state;
    27    (iv)  for  operators  of  adults  homes, enriched housing programs, or
    28  residencies for adults, or its affiliates,  an  opportunity  for  public

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5644                             2

     1  comment  on  the application shall be posted on the department's webpage
     2  and by notice to the long-term care ombudsman program.  Comments may  be
     3  submitted by electronic or regular mail, and shall be considered as part
     4  of  the  character  and  competence review of the application and may be
     5  considered the basis for rejecting the application  or  imposing  condi-
     6  tions  that must be satisfied prior to the expiration of the conditional
     7  approval period;
     8    (v) a period of public comment and review  of  no  longer  than  sixty
     9  days.    Conditional  approval  shall only be granted once the period of
    10  public comment has been closed and the department has duly reviewed  and
    11  considered any issues which may be relevant to the approval process;
    12    (vi)  issuance  by the department of a conditional approval to operate
    13  the facility for a specified period of time upon substantial  completion
    14  of  the  character  and  competence,  legal, financial and architectural
    15  components of the application, so long as the operator or its  affiliate
    16  agrees in writing to satisfy all pending conditions prior to the expira-
    17  tion  of  the conditional approval period or a time frame established by
    18  the department;
    19    [(v)] (vii) issuance by the department of a  conditional  approval  to
    20  construct  a  facility,  at  the operator's or its affiliate's own risk,
    21  upon substantial completion of the architectural component of the appli-
    22  cation;
    23    [(vi)] (viii) elimination of duplicative submission and review of  any
    24  application  information which has been previously reviewed and approved
    25  by the department or any of its regional offices  within  the  past  two
    26  years  through  a certification process and form whereby the operator or
    27  its affiliate will attest that such application information is  duplica-
    28  tive;
    29    [(vii)]  (ix) with respect to any programmatic application information
    30  to be reviewed by the regional office, such review  shall  be  conducted
    31  on-site  by  the  regional  office  during the pre-opening inspection or
    32  first full annual inspection, if the department has previously  approved
    33  the  operator  or  its  affiliate to operate the same type of program at
    34  another facility within the past two years;
    35    [(viii)] (x) electronic submission of applications; and
    36    [(ix)] (xi) a combined application for  licensure  as  an  adult  care
    37  facility,  assisted  living residence and/or assisted living program, to
    38  the extent the department determines  such  a  combined  application  is
    39  feasible.
    40    §  2.  Paragraph (b-2) of subdivision 2 of section 461-b of the social
    41  services law, as amended by chapter 15 of the laws of 2016,  is  amended
    42  to read as follows:
    43    (b-2)  For purposes of paragraph (b) of this subdivision, "good stand-
    44  ing" shall mean the operator and its affiliates have not:  (A)  received
    45  any  official  written  notice from the department of a proposed revoca-
    46  tion, suspension, denial or limitation on the operating  certificate  of
    47  the  facility  or residence; (B) within the previous [three] five years,
    48  been assessed a civil penalty after  a  hearing  conducted  pursuant  to
    49  subparagraph  one  of paragraph (b) of subdivision seven of section four
    50  hundred sixty-d of this article for a violation that has not been recti-
    51  fied; (C) within the previous [year] five years, received  any  official
    52  written  notice  from the department of a proposed assessment of a civil
    53  penalty for a violation described in subparagraph two of  paragraph  (b)
    54  of  subdivision  seven  of section four hundred sixty-d of this article;
    55  (D) within the previous [three] five years, been issued an order  pursu-
    56  ant  to  subdivision  two,  five,  six  or eight of section four hundred

        S. 5644                             3

     1  sixty-d of this article; (E) within the  previous  [three]  five  years,
     2  been  placed on, and if placed on, removed from the department's "do not
     3  refer list" pursuant to subdivision  fifteen  of  section  four  hundred
     4  sixty-d  of  this  article; or (F) within the previous three years, been
     5  cited by the department for a violation of residents' rights regulations
     6  pursuant to subdivision three of section  four  hundred  sixty-one-d  of
     7  this  article.  Provided,  however,  that  in the case of an operator or
     8  affiliate that is not in good standing as provided  in  this  paragraph,
     9  the  department  may permit the operator or affiliate to use the stream-
    10  lined application process, in its discretion, if it determines that  the
    11  disqualifying  violation  was  an  isolated occurrence that was promptly
    12  corrected by the operator or affiliate.
    13    § 3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section  461-b  of  the  social
    14  services  law, as amended by chapter 591 of the laws of 1999, is amended
    15  to read as follows:
    16    (a) The department shall not approve an application for  establishment
    17  of  an adult care facility unless it is satisfied insofar as applicable,
    18  as to (i) the character, competence and standing in  the  community,  of
    19  the applicant; provided, however, with respect to any such applicant who
    20  is already or within the past ten years has been an incorporator, direc-
    21  tor,  sponsor,  stockholder, operator, administrator, member or owner of
    22  any adult care facility which has been issued an  operating  certificate
    23  by  the  board or the department, or of a halfway house, hostel or other
    24  residential facility or of a program or facility licensed or operated by
    25  a health, mental hygiene, social services or education agency or depart-
    26  ment of this or any state, or a  program  serving  persons  with  mental
    27  disabilities,  or other persons with disabilities as defined in subdivi-
    28  sion twenty-one of section two hundred ninety-two of the executive  law,
    29  the  aged,  children  or other persons receiving health, mental hygiene,
    30  residential, social or educational services, no approval of such  appli-
    31  cation  shall  be granted unless the department shall affirmatively find
    32  by substantial evidence as to each such applicant that  a  substantially
    33  consistent  high  level  of  care is being or was being rendered in each
    34  such facility or institution with which such person  is  or  was  affil-
    35  iated; for the purposes of this paragraph, there may be a finding that a
    36  substantially  consistent  high  level  of  care has been rendered where
    37  there have been violations of applicable rules and regulations, that (1)
    38  did not threaten to directly affect the health, safety or welfare of any
    39  patient or resident, [and] (2) did not violate rights of a  resident  of
    40  the  facility,  and  (3) were promptly corrected and not recurrent; (ii)
    41  the financial resources of the proposed  facility  and  its  sources  of
    42  future revenue; and (iii) such other matters as it shall deem pertinent,
    43  including, for adult homes, enriched housing programs, or residences for
    44  adults, public comment received by the department. In the case of appli-
    45  cations  for  adult  homes, enriched housing programs, or residences for
    46  adults, the department shall post on its webpage, and with notice to the
    47  long term care ombudsman program, an opportunity for public comment, and
    48  shall accept comments by electronic or regular mail.
    49    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    50  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amend-
    51  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    52  tation  of  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and
    53  completed on or before such effective date.