

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      March 8, 2023

          -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to
          the  Committee  on Higher Education -- recommitted to the Committee on
          Higher Education in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 --  reported
          favorably  from  said  committee  and  committed  to  the Committee on
          Finance -- committee discharged, bill amended,  ordered  reprinted  as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the education law, in relation to tuition assistance
          program awards for dual or concurrent enrollment coursework

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The education law is amended by adding a new article 13-D
     2  to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 13-D
     5                                 COURSEWORK
     6  Section 645. Tuition assistance program awards for  dual  or  concurrent
     7                 enrollment coursework.
     8    §  645.  Tuition  assistance  program  awards  for  dual or concurrent
     9  enrollment coursework. 1. Legislative  intent.  The  legislature  hereby
    10  finds  and declares it necessary to promote on time and early graduation
    11  through supporting access to college-level courses  and  college  degree
    12  credits  at  the  secondary  level  with  innovative  partnerships among
    13  secondary and post-secondary schools, staff and resources. The  legisla-
    14  ture  also  values  early college high school programs, P-TECH programs,
    15  and other dual or concurrent enrollment programs which not only increase
    16  students' access to higher education, but also  reduce  potential  costs
    17  for  students  in  completing college degrees by allowing them to either
    18  complete a degree upon graduation from high school  or  to  apply  their
    19  earned  college  credits toward a Baccalaureate degree. This legislation
    20  provides incentives for high school students to proceed to  college  and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5616--A                          2

     1  to  earn  a  college  degree by accelerating their overall completion of
     2  such a  degree.  It  also  better  prepares  high  school  students  for
     3  college-level  coursework,  which  will in turn, increase their academic
     4  performance. Ultimately, dual or concurrent enrollment programs increase
     5  graduation rates both at the high school and college levels.
     6    The  legislature  hereby  finds  and  declares it necessary to provide
     7  funding for dual or concurrent enrollment programs to ensure  access  to
     8  high  quality  programming  that  continues to innovate and continues to
     9  grow through performance based results.    Students  will  require  less
    10  tuition assistance funds (TAP) to complete their degree at the post-sec-
    11  ondary level and potentially avoid  new debt.
    12    2.  Establishment  of dual or concurrent enrollment tuition assistance
    13  program awards.  Notwithstanding any rule, regulation,  or  law  to  the
    14  contrary, the president is hereby authorized to award dual or concurrent
    15  enrollment  program  awards for payment annually, beginning with the two
    16  thousand twenty-three--two thousand twenty-four  academic  year  and  in
    17  each  academic  year  thereafter,  through  the  department,  to  school
    18  districts in which dual or concurrent enrollment programs  are  located,
    19  upon  application  by  such school districts, and in such amounts as are
    20  authorized to be paid by subdivision five of this section.
    21    3. Definitions. For purposes of this section:
    22    a. "dual or concurrent enrollment program" means a  program  of  study
    23  that  provides  post-secondary  coursework  outside  of a post-secondary
    24  setting for eligible students enrolled  in  programs  with  high  school
    25  courses  leading  to  the granting of a high school diploma and college-
    26  level credit leading to the granting of a post-secondary degree, diploma
    27  or certificate at a post-secondary institution. Such dual or  concurrent
    28  enrollment  program  shall  have a written agreement between the partic-
    29  ipating high school and an institution of higher education located with-
    30  in New York state outlining policies for the academic program including,
    31  but not limited to, the type of degree and credits awarded.
    32    b. "eligible student" means a student who:
    33    (i) has graduated from a dual or concurrent enrollment program in  the
    34  two  thousand  twenty-two--two  thousand  twenty-three  academic year or
    35  thereafter;
    36    (ii) is matriculated in an approved program leading to the granting of
    37  a post-secondary degree at  a  post-secondary  institution  eligible  to
    38  participate in the tuition assistance program;
    39    (iii)  meets  the eligibility criteria for a general award pursuant to
    40  section six hundred sixty-one of this title;
    41    (iv) is eligible for a tuition assistance program  award  pursuant  to
    42  section six hundred sixty-seven of this title; and
    43    (v) has received degree granting credit from a post-secondary institu-
    44  tion  eligible  to participate in the tuition assistance program for the
    45  coursework undertaken in the  approved  dual  or  concurrent  enrollment
    46  program.
    47    4.  Part-time study. A student who otherwise satisfies the eligibility
    48  requirements set forth in paragraph  b  of  subdivision  three  of  this
    49  section  and is enrolled at least half-time at a post-secondary institu-
    50  tion eligible to participate in the tuition  assistance  program,  shall
    51  also be deemed an eligible student.
    52    5. Amount. The commissioner shall make an award to the school district
    53  in  which  the dual or concurrent enrollment program is located for each
    54  eligible student in an amount certified by the president.
    55    § 2. The education law is amended by adding a  new  section  669-i  to
    56  read as follows:

        S. 5616--A                          3

     1    §  669-i.  Dual  or  concurrent enrollment award program. 1.   Certif-
     2  ication. For each student identified by the post-secondary  institution,
     3  which  shall  be  eligible  to  participate  in  the  tuition assistance
     4  program, shall certify to the president: (i)  whether  such  student  is
     5  eligible  for a tuition assistance program award pursuant to section six
     6  hundred sixty-seven of this subpart; (ii) whether such student meets the
     7  eligibility criteria for a general award pursuant to section six hundred
     8  sixty-one of  this  part;  (iii)  whether  such  student  satisfies  the
     9  requirement  set forth in subdivision four of section six hundred forty-
    10  five of this title; (iv) the number  of  degree  granting  credits  such
    11  student  received from the post-secondary institution for the coursework
    12  undertaken in the dual or concurrent enrollment program;  and  (v)  such
    13  other  information  as the commissioner and/or the president deem neces-
    14  sary to administer the program. The president shall certify this  infor-
    15  mation  and the amount of the award calculated in accordance with subdi-
    16  vision two of this section to the commissioner.
    17    2. Calculation of award amounts. The president  shall  be  responsible
    18  for  calculating  the  dollar amount of each award in an amount equal to
    19  the product of:  the number of degree granting credits accepted  by  the
    20  eligible  student's post-secondary institution for coursework undertaken
    21  in the dual or concurrent enrollment program for such  eligible  student
    22  and  the  dollar  amount  established  for  one credit for such eligible
    23  student.  For an eligible student enrolled full-time at a post-secondary
    24  institution eligible to participate in the tuition  assistance  program,
    25  the  dollar  amount  for one credit shall be established as the quotient
    26  of: the eligible student's tuition assistance program award pursuant  to
    27  section  six hundred sixty-seven of this subpart; and the minimum number
    28  of credits required for full-time study as defined by the  commissioner.
    29  For  an eligible student enrolled part-time at a post-secondary institu-
    30  tion eligible to participate in  the  tuition  assistance  program,  the
    31  dollar  amount  for  one credit shall be established as the quotient of:
    32  the average tuition assistance  program  award  paid  to  all  part-time
    33  tuition  assistance  program recipients, pursuant to section six hundred
    34  sixty-six of this subpart, from the academic year two years prior to the
    35  academic year in which the award is to be made; and the  average  number
    36  of credits taken by such recipients.
    37    3. Award disbursement. Annual award disbursements shall be the respon-
    38  sibility  of  the commissioner through a joint agreement with the presi-
    39  dent and shall be made directly to the school district in which the dual
    40  or concurrent enrollment program is located using funds appropriated  to
    41  the tuition assistance program.
    42    §  3.  This act shall take effect on the first of July next succeeding
    43  the date on which it shall have become a law. Effective immediately  the
    44  addition,  amendment  and/or  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary
    45  for implementation of this act on its effective date are  authorized  to
    46  be made and completed on or before such date.