S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 5132 2009-2010 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E April 27, 2009 ___________ Introduced by Sen. McDONALD -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Labor AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to employer rates of contrib- ution to the unemployment insurance fund THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 581 of the labor law is amended by 2 adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows: 3 (E) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION OF THIS SECTION TO THE CONTRARY, A 4 QUALIFIED EMPLOYER'S RATE OF CONTRIBUTION AS DETERMINED UNDER THIS 5 SECTION SHALL NOT BE INCREASED AS A RESULT OF THE DEPLOYMENT OF ANY 6 EMPLOYEE INTO THE ACTIVE SERVICE OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OR ARMED FORCES 7 RESERVES FOR A PERIOD IN EXCESS OF THIRTY DAYS. 8 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02693-01-9