S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                      May 1, 2015
       Introduced  by  Sen. AMEDORE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
       AN ACT to authorize the commissioner of general services to transfer and
         convey certain unappropriated state land to the county of Greene
    1    Section  1.  Subject to the provisions of this act but notwithstanding
    2  any other provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner of  general
    3  services is hereby authorized, subject to the consent of the commission-
    4  er  of  corrections and community supervision, to transfer and convey to
    5  the county of Greene, the state land described in section  two  of  this
    6  act at the Coxsackie correctional facility, in the town of Coxsackie and
    7  the county of Greene, declared to be abandoned state land by the depart-
    8  ment of corrections and community supervision.  The transfer and convey-
    9  ance  of  the land described in section two of this act shall be made in
   10  consideration of the sum of one dollar and upon such conditions  as  the
   11  commissioner of general services may deem proper.
   12    S 2. The lands authorized by section one of this act to be transferred
   13  and conveyed are as follows:
   14    ALL  that  piece  or  parcel of land situate in the Town of Coxsackie,
   15  County of Greene, and State of New York being more particularly  bounded
   16  and described as follows:
   17    Beginning  at  a point located alone the easterly boundary of US Route
   18  9W (S.H. 8384) at its intersection with the division line between  lands
   19  now  or  formerly of the People of the State of New York as described in
   20  Liber 263 of Deeds at Page 161 on the north and lands now or formerly of
   21  Popco Realty, Inc. as described in Liber 1329 of Deeds at  Page  217  on
   22  the  south;  thence  in  a  generally northerly direction along the 1931
   23  highway boundary of said US Route 9W, the following  five  (5)  bearings
   24  and distances:
   25    1) North 13  -09' -20" East, a distance of 489.14 feet to a point;
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 5120                             2
    1    2) North 15  -26' -00" East, a distance of 246.83 feet to a point;
    2    3) North 19  -23' -40" East, a distance of 284.41 feet to a point;
    3    4) North 23  -53' -30" East, a distance of 306.93 feet to a point;
    4    5) North 26  -33' -40" East, a distance of 56.36 feet to a point;
    5    Thence  through  said lands of the People of the State of New York the
    6  following four (4) bearing and distances;
    7    1) South 71  -46' -42" East, a distance of 418.36 feet to a point;
    8    2) South 18  -13' -18" West, a distance of 74.42 feet to a point;
    9    3) South 71  -46' -42" East, a distance of 1,082.22 feet  to  a  point
   10  approximately  25 feet westerly of an electric transmission line running
   11  through said lands of the People of the State of New York;
   12    4) South 03  -47' -17" West, running approximately 25 feet westerly of
   13  said electric transmission line a distance of 244.61  feet  to  a  point
   14  located long the division line between said lands now or formerly of the
   15  People  of  the  State of New York as described in Liber 263 of Deeds at
   16  Page 161 on the north and other lands of the People of the State of  New
   17  York as described in Liber 263 of Deeds at Page 163 on the south;
   18    Thence  South 03  -47' -17" West, continuing through said lands of the
   19  People of the State of New York as described in Liber 263  of  Deeds  at
   20  Page  163  and  running  approximately 25 feet westerly of said electric
   21  transmission line a distance of 1,050.22 feet to its  intersection  with
   22  the  division line between the last mentioned lands of the People of the
   23  State of New York on the north and the  aforementioned  lands  of  Popco
   24  Realty,  Inc.  on the south; thence North 71  -09' -30" West, along said
   25  division line a distance of 495.25 feet to a point located at its inter-
   26  section with the first mentioned division line; thence North 74  - 13' -
   27  30" West, along said division line passing through trees with wire fence
   28  remains, a distance of 1,318.43 feet to the Point of Beginning, contain-
   29  ing 50.00 acres, more or less.
   30    Subject to any enforceable easements,  restrictions  or  covenants  of
   31  record that may exist.
   32    S  3. The description in section two of this act is not intended to be
   33  a legal description but  is  intended  to  identify  the  parcel  to  be
   34  conveyed.    As  a  condition  of the transfer, the county of Greene may
   35  submit to the commissioner of general services, for his or her approval,
   36  an accurate survey and description of the lands to  be  conveyed,  which
   37  may be used in the conveyance thereof.
   38    S  4.  The office of general services shall not transfer or convey the
   39  aforesaid land unless application is  made  to  the  office  of  general
   40  services  by the county of Greene within 1 year after the effective date
   41  of this act. Said application shall be  in  the  form  of  a  resolution
   42  setting  forth a comprehensive statement approved by its county legisla-
   43  ture acknowledging and accepting  the  use  restrictions  set  forth  in
   44  section five of this act.
   45    S  5.  The  transfer and conveyance made pursuant to this act shall be
   46  subject to the following use restrictions and reverter:
   47    (a) The land described in this act shall be used exclusively  for  the
   48  purposes of operating and maintaining a county correctional facility.
   49    (b)  The  conveyance of the land described in this act shall contain a
   50  covenant and restriction  requiring  that  the  land  be  used  for  the
   51  purposes  set forth in subdivision (a) of this section. In the event the
   52  premises are not accepted and/or used for such purposes, it shall revert
   53  to the state of New York.
   54    S 6. This act shall take effect immediately.