                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      March 6, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen. HOYLMAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Health
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, the real  property  law  and  the
          state  finance  law,  in relation to enacting the well water and water
          supply education act
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Short title.  This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "well water and water supply education act".
     3    § 2. Section 206 of the public health law is amended by adding  a  new
     4  subdivision 31 to read as follows:
     5    31. The commissioner is authorized and directed to establish and main-
     6  tain  a  public  education  program to inform the public and appropriate
     7  professional disciplines of the potential health  effects  of  consuming
     8  water that does not meet state drinking water standards. As part of this
     9  education  program,  the  department  shall prepare materials to educate
    10  consumers who obtain drinking water from private water supplies  on  the
    11  importance of regularly testing for contamination.
    12    (a) Such educational materials shall include, but not be limited to:
    13    (i)  information  on potential contaminants including: coliform bacte-
    14  ria, chlorides, sodium, arsenic, nitrates, iron,  manganese,  lead,  pH,
    15  volatile  organic  compounds  for  which maximum contaminant levels have
    16  been established pursuant to public health regulations, vinyl  chloride,
    17  MtBE, and radon;
    18    (ii)  an  explanation that contamination of groundwater can occur from
    19  migration of  contaminants  that  may  not  yet  have  been  identified.
    20  Further, it should be emphasized that contaminated water does not neces-
    21  sarily  result  in  obvious odors or color changes in drinking water and
    22  that the only way to ensure that water meets state drinking water stand-
    23  ards is to have it tested by a state certified laboratory;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5031                             2
     1    (iii) information on the maximum contaminant levels, or public  health
     2  standards, for those contaminants identified in subparagraph (i) of this
     3  paragraph  and  the potential health impacts of exposure to such contam-
     4  inants above such levels;
     5    (iv) a recommendation that any water test conducted should be analyzed
     6  by  a  laboratory certified by the department to test for drinking water
     7  contaminants;
     8    (v) information on the importance of testing  private  water  supplies
     9  regularly  for  contaminants, and a request that residents provide their
    10  local health department with any results  of  tests  that  exceed  state
    11  standards; and
    12    (vi) information on water treatment techniques and equipment.
    13    (b) (i) The department shall make such educational materials available
    14  to the public on their website and upon request to the general public.
    15    (ii)  The  department,  in  consultation with the department of state,
    16  shall require that:
    17    (A) licensed home inspectors,  as  defined  in  section  four  hundred
    18  forty-four-b of the real property law, are provided with such materials,
    19  which  shall  be  provided by the licensed home inspector to each client
    20  whose property or potential property is served by a private water supply
    21  that is the potable water supply for such property; and
    22    (B) licensed real estate salesmen, real estate  brokers  or  associate
    23  real  estate  brokers,  as  defined in section four hundred forty of the
    24  real property law, provide such information to their clients whose prop-
    25  erty or potential property is served by a private water supply  that  is
    26  the  potable  water  supply  for such property, at the time such clients
    27  enter into a contract for the sale of such property.
    28    § 3. Section 444-g of the real property law is amended by adding a new
    29  subdivision 3-a to read as follows:
    30    3-a. Every home inspector shall provide to each client, who may be  an
    31  owner, prospective buyer or other interested individual, whose residence
    32  or  potential  residence is served by a private water supply that is the
    33  potable water supply for such property, educational  materials  prepared
    34  by  the  department  of  health  pursuant  to  subdivision thirty-one of
    35  section two hundred six of the public health law relating to the regular
    36  testing of the quality of drinking water from wells  and  private  water
    37  supplies.
    38    §  4. Section 466 of the real property law, as added by chapter 456 of
    39  the laws of 2001, is amended to read as follows:
    40    § 466. Duty of an agent. 1. An agent representing a seller of residen-
    41  tial real property as a listing broker shall have  the  duty  to  timely
    42  inform each seller represented by that agent of the seller's obligations
    43  under  this  article.  An agent representing a buyer of residential real
    44  property, or, if the buyer is not represented by  an  agent,  the  agent
    45  representing  a  seller  of residential real property and dealing with a
    46  prospective buyer, shall have the duty to timely (in any  event,  before
    47  the  buyer  signs  a  binding contract of sale) inform such buyer of the
    48  buyer's rights and obligations under this article. If an agent  performs
    49  the  duties  and  obligations  imposed  upon him or her pursuant to this
    50  [section] subdivision, the agent shall have no further duties under this
    51  article and shall not be liable to any party for  a  violation  of  this
    52  article[.]; and
    53    2. In addition to its duties under subdivision one of this section, an
    54  agent  representing  a buyer or seller of residential real property as a
    55  listing broker shall have the duty to provide a purchaser of real  prop-
    56  erty that is served by a private water supply which is the potable water

        S. 5031                             3
     1  supply  for  such  property with public education information created by
     2  the department of health under subdivision  thirty-one  of  section  two
     3  hundred  six  of the public health law related to regular testing of the
     4  quality  of  drinking  water  from such water supplies, at the time such
     5  purchaser enters into a contract for the sale of such property.
     6    § 5. Paragraph (j) of subdivision 3  of  section  97-b  of  the  state
     7  finance law, as added by section 4 of part I of chapter 1 of the laws of
     8  2003, is amended and a new paragraph (k) is added to read as follows:
     9    (j)  with  respect  to moneys in the hazardous waste remediation over-
    10  sight and assistance account, technical assistance  grants  pursuant  to
    11  titles  thirteen  and  fourteen  of article twenty-seven of the environ-
    12  mental conservation law[.]; and
    13    (k) implementation of the well water and water  supply  education  act
    14  pursuant  to  subdivision  thirty-one  of section two hundred six of the
    15  public health law.
    16    § 6. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    17  it shall have become a law.