

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 21, 2023

          SANDERS, SCARCELLA-SPANTON, SEPULVEDA -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed,  and  when  printed  to be committed to the Committee on Health --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the social services law, in relation to certain authori-
          zations  to fiscal intermediaries; and to repeal certain provisions of
          such law relating thereto

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  (b) of subdivision 4-a of section 365-f of the
     2  social services law, as amended by section 4 of part G of chapter 57  of
     3  the  laws  of 2019, subparagraph (vi) as amended by section 1 of part LL
     4  of chapter 57 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
     5    (b) [Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of section one hundred
     6  sixty-three of the state finance law, or section one  hundred  forty-two
     7  of  the  economic  development  law  the  commissioner  shall enter into
     8  contracts under this subdivision with eligible contractors  that  submit
     9  an offer for a contract, provided, however, that:
    10    (i) the department shall post on its website:
    11    (A)  a description of the proposed services to be provided pursuant to
    12  contracts in accordance with this subdivision;
    13    (B) that the selection of  contractors  shall  be  based  on  criteria
    14  reasonably  related to the contractors' ability to provide fiscal inter-
    15  mediary services including but not limited to: ability to  appropriately
    16  serve  individuals participating in the program, geographic distribution
    17  that would ensure access in rural and  underserved  areas,  demonstrated
    18  cultural and language competencies specific to the population of consum-
    19  ers  and  those  of  the  available workforce, ability to provide timely
    20  consumer assistance, experience serving individuals  with  disabilities,
    21  the  availability  of consumer peer support, and demonstrated compliance

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5020--A                          2

     1  with all applicable federal and state laws  and  regulations,  including
     2  but not limited to those relating to wages and labor;
     3    (C)  the  manner  by  which  prospective  contractors  may  seek  such
     4  selection, which may include submission by electronic means;
     5    (ii) all reasonable and  responsive  offers  that  are  received  from
     6  prospective  contractors  in  timely  fashion  shall  be reviewed by the
     7  commissioner;
     8    (iii) the commissioner shall award such contracts to  the  contractors
     9  that  best  meet the criteria for selection and are best suited to serve
    10  the purposes of this section and the needs of consumers;
    11    (iv) all entities providing fiscal intermediary services on or  before
    12  April first, two thousand nineteen, shall submit an offer for a contract
    13  under  this  section  within sixty days after the commissioner publishes
    14  the initial offer on the department's website. Such  entities  shall  be
    15  deemed  authorized to provide such services unless: (A) the entity fails
    16  to submit an offer for a contract under this section  within  the  sixty
    17  days;  or  (B)  the  entity's offer for a contract under this section is
    18  denied;
    19    (v) all decisions made and approaches taken pursuant to this paragraph
    20  shall be documented in a procurement record as defined  in  section  one
    21  hundred sixty-three of the state finance law; and
    22    (vi)  the  commissioner  is  authorized to either reoffer contracts or
    23  utilize the previous offer,  to  ensure  that  all  provisions  of  this
    24  section  are  met.]  The commissioner shall provide authorizations under
    25  this subdivision to all  fiscal  intermediaries  that  timely  submit  a
    26  request  for  authorization prior to January first, two thousand twenty-
    27  four, and meet the requirements  of  this  section.    No  entity  shall
    28  provide,  directly  or  through  contract,  fiscal intermediary services
    29  without having received an authorization as a fiscal intermediary issued
    30  by the commissioner in accordance with this subdivision, or that  has  a
    31  pending  authorization  timely  submitted  and  currently in processing,
    32  review, appeal, or legal challenge.
    33    (i) An application for authorization as a fiscal intermediary shall be
    34  filed with the commissioner, together with such other forms and informa-
    35  tion as shall be prescribed by, or acceptable to the commissioner.  Such
    36  information shall consist of the following:
    37    (A) the name  and  employer  identification  number,  of  the  entity,
    38  including  any  subsidiary  corporations,  if applicable, and   any name
    39  under which the entity does business;
    40    (B) all addresses at which the organization operates;
    41    (C) the names, titles and contact  information  of  all  officers  and
    42  directors  in  a  not-for-profit  company  or business, or managers in a
    43  limited liability company, as well as the name and employment history of
    44  the individual ultimately accountable for operation of the fiscal inter-
    45  mediary; and for a not-for-profit entity, the number of  director  posi-
    46  tions set by the company's by-laws, and how many are currently filled;
    47    (D)  a  history  of  the  organization,  along with an overview of the
    48  organization and all services it  offers,  including  any  relationships
    49  with  outside  agencies that may influence in any way the ability of the
    50  organization to provide fiscal intermediary services consistent with the
    51  manner described in its application;
    52    (E) all policies and procedures of the fiscal intermediary,  including
    53  any contracts or other documents used in communications with consumers;
    54    (F) plans to solicit and consider input from the fiscal intermediary's
    55  consumers, staff, personal assistants and other interested parties which
    56  may  be charged with roles including, but not limited to, quality assur-

        S. 5020--A                          3

     1  ance review, referral, program monitoring or development or establishing
     2  and responding to community needs; such input may be in the  form  of  a
     3  board of directors, committee, survey, or other mechanism, provided that
     4  the  majority  of  input  obtained  as part of this process must be from
     5  individual consumers and consumer advocates of the fiscal intermediary;
     6    (G) the organization's plan to address  the  needs  of  consumers  and
     7  their  personal  assistants in a timely manner, regardless of where they
     8  live, including, but not limited to,  input  from  consumers,  obtaining
     9  physicals and other health information from personal assistants, obtain-
    10  ing time records for payroll, and timely processing of payroll; and
    11    (H)  a  written sworn statement by an officer of the entity disclosing
    12  any pending litigation, unsatisfied judgments or penalties,  convictions
    13  for fraud or sanctions imposed by government authorities.
    14    (ii) The entity shall reasonably promptly notify the department of any
    15  change  in the information submitted to the department for authorization
    16  under this subdivision.
    17    (iii) The commissioner shall not withhold approval of any  application
    18  for authorization that demonstrates the fiscal intermediary's ability to
    19  provide  fiscal  intermediary  services,  in  accordance with the manner
    20  required by this subdivision and the rules  and  regulations  hereunder.
    21  All such applications shall be approved by the commissioner.
    22    (iv)  If  the commissioner denies an application for authorization, he
    23  or she shall include a narrative explanation of the  reason  or  reasons
    24  for  its  denial  and provide the fiscal intermediary with sixty days to
    25  submit additional information for reconsideration by the commissioner.
    26    (v) The commissioner shall consider and evaluate any response received
    27  by the fiscal intermediary before reaching a final determination,  which
    28  likewise  shall be accompanied by a narrative explanation, if the appli-
    29  cation is still denied.
    30    (vi) All orders or determinations  under  this  subdivision  shall  be
    31  subject  to  review  as  provided  in article seventy-eight of the civil
    32  practice law and rules.
    33    § 2. Subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision 4-a of
    34  section 365-f of the social services law, as amended  by  section  3  of
    35  part  G  of  chapter  57  of  the laws of 2019, the opening paragraph of
    36  subparagraph (i) as amended by section 2 of part PP of chapter 57 of the
    37  laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
    38    (i) "Fiscal intermediary" means an entity that provides fiscal  inter-
    39  mediary  services  and  has  a contract for providing such services with
    40  [the department of health and is selected through the procurement  proc-
    41  ess described in paragraphs (b), (b-1), (b-2) and (b-3) of this subdivi-
    42  sion. Eligible applicants for contracts shall be entities that are capa-
    43  ble  of appropriately providing fiscal intermediary services, performing
    44  the responsibilities of a fiscal intermediary, and complying  with  this
    45  section, including but not limited to entities that]:
    46    (A)  [are  a  service  center for independent living under section one
    47  thousand one hundred twenty-one of the education law; or
    48    (B) have been established as fiscal intermediaries  prior  to  January
    49  first,  two  thousand  twelve  and have been continuously providing such
    50  services for eligible individuals under this section.] a  local  depart-
    51  ment  of  social services; an organization licensed under article forty-
    52  four of the public health law; or
    53    (B) an accountable care organization certified under  article  twenty-
    54  nine-E  of  the  public  health  law  or  an  integrated delivery system
    55  composed primarily of health care providers recognized by the department

        S. 5020--A                          4

     1  as a performing provider system under the delivery system reform  incen-
     2  tive payment program.
     3    (ii)   Fiscal   intermediary  services  shall  include  the  following
     4  services, performed on behalf of the consumer to facilitate his  or  her
     5  role as the employer:
     6    (A) wage and benefit processing for consumer directed personal assist-
     7  ants;
     8    (B) processing all income tax and other required wage withholdings;
     9    (C)  complying with workers' compensation, disability and unemployment
    10  requirements;
    11    (D) maintaining personnel records for each consumer directed  personal
    12  assistant,  including  time  records  and other documentation needed for
    13  wages and benefit processing and a copy  of  the  medical  documentation
    14  required pursuant to regulations established by the commissioner;
    15    (E) ensuring that the health status of each consumer directed personal
    16  assistant  is assessed prior to service delivery pursuant to regulations
    17  issued by the commissioner;
    18    (F) maintaining records of service authorizations or reauthorizations;
    19    (G) monitoring the consumer's or, if applicable, the designated repre-
    20  sentative's continuing ability to fulfill  the  consumer's  responsibil-
    21  ities under the program and promptly notifying the authorizing entity of
    22  any  circumstance  that may affect the consumer's or, if applicable, the
    23  designated representative's ability to fulfill such responsibilities;
    24    (H) complying with regulations established by the commissioner  speci-
    25  fying  the  responsibilities of fiscal intermediaries providing services
    26  under this title; and
    27    (I) entering into a department approved  memorandum  of  understanding
    28  with  the  consumer  that  describes the parties' responsibilities under
    29  this program[; and
    30    (J) other related responsibilities which may include, as determined by
    31  the commissioner, assisting consumers to perform the consumers'  respon-
    32  sibilities  under  this  section  and department regulations in a manner
    33  that does not infringe upon the consumer's responsibilities and self-di-
    34  rection].
    35    § 3. Paragraphs (b-1), (b-2) and (b-3) of subdivision 4-a  of  section
    36  365-f of the social services law are REPEALED.
    37    §  4.  Subdivision 4-b of section 365-f of the social services law, as
    38  amended by section 8 of part G of chapter 57 of the  laws  of  2019,  is
    39  amended to read as follows:
    40    4-b. Actions involving the authorization of a fiscal intermediary.
    41    (a)  [The  department  may  terminate a fiscal intermediary's contract
    42  under this section or suspend or limit the fiscal intermediary's  rights
    43  and privileges under the contract] A fiscal intermediary's authorization
    44  may be revoked, suspended, limited or annulled upon thirty [day's] days'
    45  written  notice  to  the  fiscal intermediary, if the commissioner finds
    46  that the fiscal intermediary has failed to comply with the provisions of
    47  this section or regulations promulgated hereunder.  The  written  notice
    48  shall include:
    49    (i)  A  description of the conduct and the issues related thereto that
    50  have been identified as failure of compliance; and
    51    (ii) the time frame of the conduct that fails compliance.
    52    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon determining  that  the  public
    53  health  or safety would be imminently endangered by the continued opera-
    54  tion or actions of the fiscal intermediary, the commissioner may [termi-
    55  nate]  revoke,  suspend,  limit  or  annul  the  fiscal   intermediary's
    56  [contract or suspend or limit the fiscal intermediary's rights and priv-

        S. 5020--A                          5

     1  ileges  under  the  contract]  authorization  immediately  upon  written
     2  notice.
     3    (c)  All  orders  or  determinations  under  this subdivision shall be
     4  subject to review as provided in  article  seventy-eight  of  the  civil
     5  practice law and rules.
     6    §  5.  Paragraph (c) of subdivision 4-d of section 365-f of the social
     7  services law, as added by section 7 of part G of chapter 57 of the  laws
     8  of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
     9    (c)  Where  a  fiscal  intermediary is suspending or ceasing operation
    10  pursuant to an order under subdivision four-b of this section,  [or  has
    11  failed  to submit an offer for a contract, or has been denied a contract
    12  under this section,] all the provisions of this subdivision shall  apply
    13  except  subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, notice of
    14  which to all parties shall be provided by the department as appropriate.
    15    § 6. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 4-d of section 365-f of  the  social
    16  services law is REPEALED.
    17    §  7.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
    18  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2023.