S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
           Cal. No. 839
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                    April 28, 2015
       Introduced by Sen. MARCHIONE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed  to  be  committed  to  the  Committee  on Local Government --
         committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
         recommitted  to said committee -- reported favorably from said commit-
         tee, ordered to first and second report,  amended  on  second  report,
         ordered  to a third reading, and to be reprinted as amended, retaining
         its place in the order of third reading
       AN ACT authorizing and validating the alienation of certain parkland  in
         the town of Kinderhook in the county of Columbia
    1    Section 1. The town of Kinderhook, in the county of Columbia, is here-
    2  by authorized to discontinue use of certain parklands more  particularly
    3  described in section three of this act and sell and convey in fee simple
    4  for  its fair market value and upon such terms and conditions, as deter-
    5  mined by the town board.
    6    S 2. The authorization provided for in section one of this  act  shall
    7  only  be  effective  on  the condition that the town of Kinderhook shall
    8  dedicate the fair market value of such  lands  for  the  acquisition  of
    9  additional parkland and/or capital improvements to existing park facili-
   10  ties in the town of Kinderhook.
   11    S  3.  The  lands  to  be  discontinued  as parkland and alienated and
   12  conveyed pursuant to section two of this act are bounded  and  described
   13  as follows:
   14    ALL  that piece or parcel of land generally known as the former Niver-
   15  ville Schoolhouse premises of the  Kinderhook  Central  School  District
   16  located  in the Hamlet of Niverville, Town of Kinderhook, Columbia Coun-
   17  ty, New York.
   18    BEGINNING at a point referenced as south 45 degrees, 30  minutes  west
   19  and  distant  105.7 feet from the steel fence post designated the south-
   20  westerly corner of the present  school  premises  as  conveyed  by  John
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 4994--B                          2
    1  Raeder  and wife by deed dated April 10, 1880 and recorded in the office
    2  of the clerk of Columbia County, New York  in  Liber  72  at  page  472;
    3  thence north 88 degrees 45 minutes east 159.14 feet to the northwesterly
    4  corner  of  lands  conveyed by Anna E. Strain to Henry R. Van Hoesen and
    5  wife by deed dated October 15, 1924 and recorded in Liber  188  at  Page
    6  114,  and  as  shown  on a map thereof filed in the office of the county
    7  clerk of Columbia County as Map Number 819; thence  south  5  degrees  2
    8  minutes  east  206.15  feet to a steel pin designating the southwesterly
    9  corner of Lot Number 4 on said map and the  northwesterly  corner  of  a
   10  "Street"  as  shown thereon; thence south 5 degrees 2 minutes east 22.46
   11  feet to lands of Fannie M. Clapper; thence along lands of  said  Clapper
   12  south 87 degrees 17 minutes west 2.02 feet to a steel bolt; thence along
   13  lands  of  said  Fannie  M. Clapper, Anna A.   Webber, and the Methodist
   14  Episcopal Church south 5 degrees 2 minutes east 298.77 feet to  an  iron
   15  pipe;  thence  south  88  degrees  28  minutes west 500.75 feet to lands
   16  conveyed to Valatie Mills Corporation by deed dated June 28,  1922,  and
   17  recorded  in  the office of the clerk of Columbia County in Liber 180 at
   18  Page 25; thence along  lands  of  said  Valatie  Mills  Corporation  the
   19  following five courses: north 31 degrees 1 minute east 80.19 feet, north
   20  5  degrees 1 minute east 87.2 feet, north 7 degrees 27 minutes west 67.3
   21  feet, north 18 degrees 42 minutes east 95.7 feet, and north  45  degrees
   22  30  minutes east 317.3 feet to the point of beginning. The total acreage
   23  of the parcel described approximately 4.57 acres.
   24    S 4. In the event that the town of  Kinderhook  received  any  funding
   25  support  or  assistance  from  the  federal government for the purchase,
   26  maintenance or improvement of the parklands set forth in  section  three
   27  of this act, the discontinuance and conveyance of parkland authorized by
   28  the  provisions of this act shall not occur until the town of Kinderhook
   29  has complied with any federal requirements pertaining to the  alienation
   30  of  conversion  of  parklands, including satisfying the secretary of the
   31  interior that the alienation or conversion complies with all  conditions
   32  which  the  secretary  of  the  interior  deems  necessary to assure the
   33  substitution of other lands shall be equivalent in fair market value and
   34  recreational usefulness to the lands being alienated or converted.
   35    S 5. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
   36  have become a law.