                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      April 3, 2019
        Introduced  by  Sen.  RIVERA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Health
        AN ACT to amend the social services law and the public  health  law,  in
          relation to needs assessment and rate adequacy for medicaid
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 365-a of the social  services  law  is  amended  by
     2  adding a new subdivision 10 to read as follows:
     3    10.  For any determination of the amount, nature and manner of provid-
     4  ing assistance under this article for which an assessment tool is  used,
     5  the  department, in consultation with the independent actuary, represen-
     6  tatives of medical assistance recipients, representatives of the managed
     7  care programs, representatives of long term  care  providers  and  other
     8  interested parties, shall evaluate existing assessment tools and develop
     9  additional professionally and statistically valid assessment tools to be
    10  used  to assist in determining the amount, nature and manner of services
    11  and care needs of individuals which shall involve consideration of vari-
    12  ables including but not limited to physical and behavioral  functioning;
    13  activities  of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living;
    14  family, social or geographic determinants of health; primary or  second-
    15  ary  diagnoses  of  cognitive  impairment  or  mental illness; and other
    16  appropriate conditions or factors.
    17    § 2. Paragraphs (c) of subdivision 18 of section 364-j of  the  social
    18  services  law,  as added by sections 40-c and 55 of part B of chapter 57
    19  of the laws of 2015, are amended to read as follows:
    20    (c) (i) In setting such reimbursement  methodologies,  the  department
    21  shall consider costs borne by the managed care program to ensure actuar-
    22  ially  sound and adequate rates of payment to ensure quality of care for
    23  its enrollees and shall comply with all  applicable  federal  and  state
    24  laws  and  regulations, including, but not limited to, those relating to
    25  wages, labor, and actuarial soundness.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4973                             2
     1    [(c)] (ii) The department [of health] shall  require  the  independent
     2  actuary  selected  pursuant  to  paragraph  (b)  of  this subdivision to
     3  provide a  complete  actuarial  memorandum,  along  with  all  actuarial
     4  assumptions made and all other data, materials and methodologies used in
     5  the development of rates, to managed care providers thirty days prior to
     6  submission  of  such  rates  to  the  centers  for medicare and medicaid
     7  services for approval. Managed care  providers  may  request  additional
     8  review  of  the  actuarial  soundness of the rate setting process and/or
     9  methodology.
    10    (iii) In fulfilling the requirements of this paragraph, the department
    11  shall establish separate rate cells or risk adjustments to  reflect  the
    12  costs  of  care for specific high-need enrollees in managed care provid-
    13  ers. The commissioner shall make any necessary amendments to  the  state
    14  plan for medical assistance under section three hundred sixty-three-a of
    15  this  title,  and  submit  any  applications  for waivers of the federal
    16  social security act, as may be necessary  to  ensure  federal  financial
    17  participation.    As  used in this subparagraph and subparagraph (iv) of
    18  this paragraph, "managed  care  provider"  shall  mean  a  managed  care
    19  provider  operating  on  a  full capitation basis or a managed long term
    20  care plan operating under section  forty-four  hundred  three-f  of  the
    21  public  health  law;  and "long term care entity" shall mean a home care
    22  services agency under article thirty-six of the  public  health  law,  a
    23  fiscal   intermediary  in  the  consumer  directed  personal  assistance
    24  program, other long term care  provider  authorized  under  a  home  and
    25  community  based waiver administered by the department or the office for
    26  people with developmental disabilities.   The high-need  rate  cells  or
    27  risk  adjustments established in accordance with this subparagraph shall
    28  be consistent with subdivision ten of section three hundred sixty-five-a
    29  of this title and include, but shall not be limited to:
    30    (A) individuals enrolled with a managed care provider, who  remain  in
    31  the  community  and  who daily receive live-in twenty-four hour personal
    32  care or home health services or twelve hours or more of  personal  care,
    33  home health services or home and community support services;
    34    (B)  such other individuals who, based on the assessment of their care
    35  needs, their diagnosis or other factors, are determined to present espe-
    36  cially high needs related to factors that would influence  the  delivery
    37  (including  but  not limited to home location) or their use of services,
    38  as may be identified by the department.
    39    (iv) Any contract for services under this  title  by  a  managed  care
    40  provider  with  a long term care entity shall ensure that resources made
    41  available by the payer under such contract will support the recruitment,
    42  hiring, training and retention  of  a  qualified  workforce  capable  of
    43  providing quality care, including compliance with all applicable federal
    44  and  state  laws  and  regulations, including, but not limited to, those
    45  relating to wages and labor. A managed care provider with  a  long  term
    46  care  entity shall report its method of compliance with this subdivision
    47  to the department as a component of cost reports required under  section
    48  forty-four hundred three-f of the public health law.
    49    (v) A long term care entity that contracts with a managed care provid-
    50  er  shall  annually  submit written certification to the department as a
    51  component of cost reports  required  under  section  thirty-six  hundred
    52  twelve  of the public health law and sections three hundred sixty-five-a
    53  and three hundred sixty-seven-q of this title, as applicable, as to  how
    54  it  applied  the  amounts  paid  in  compliance with this subdivision to
    55  support the recruitment, hiring, training and retention of  a  qualified

        S. 4973                             3
     1  workforce  capable of providing quality care and consistent with section
     2  three hundred sixty-five-a of this title.
     3    §  3. Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) and paragraph (g) of subdivi-
     4  sion 7 and subdivision 8 of section 4403-f of  the  public  health  law,
     5  subparagraph  (ii)  of  paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  7 as amended by
     6  section 43 of part C of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, paragraph (g) of
     7  subdivision 7 as amended by section 41-b of part H of chapter 59 of  the
     8  laws  of  2011,  subparagraph  (i)  of paragraph (g) of subdivision 7 as
     9  amended by section 1 of part GGG of chapter 59  of  the  laws  of  2017,
    10  subparagraph  (iii)  of  paragraph  (g)  of  subdivision 7 as amended by
    11  section 54 of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013 and subdivision 8
    12  as amended by section 21 of part B of chapter 59 of the  laws  of  2016,
    13  are amended to read as follows:
    14    (ii) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of the social services
    15  law  to  the  contrary,  the commissioner shall, pursuant to regulation,
    16  determine whether and the extent to which the applicable  provisions  of
    17  the social services law or regulations relating to approvals and author-
    18  izations  of,  and utilization limitations on, health and long term care
    19  services reimbursed pursuant to title XIX of the federal social security
    20  act, including, but not limited to, fiscal assessment requirements,  are
    21  inconsistent  with  the flexibility necessary for the efficient adminis-
    22  tration of managed long term  care  plans  and  such  regulations  shall
    23  provide  that  such  provisions  shall not be applicable to enrollees or
    24  managed long term care plans,  provided  that  such  determinations  are
    25  consistent  with  applicable  federal law and regulation, and subject to
    26  the provisions of [subdivision] subdivisions eight and  ten  of  section
    27  three  hundred sixty-five-a and paragraph (c) of subdivision eighteen of
    28  section three hundred sixty-four-j of the social services law.
    29    (g) (i) Managed long term care plans  and  demonstrations  may  enroll
    30  eligible  persons  in the plan or demonstration upon the completion of a
    31  comprehensive assessment [that shall include, but not be limited to,  an
    32  evaluation  of  the medical, social, cognitive, and environmental needs]
    33  of each prospective enrollee in such  program  consistent  with  section
    34  three  hundred  sixty-five-a of the social services law. This assessment
    35  shall also serve as the basis for the development and  provision  of  an
    36  appropriate  plan  of  care  for  the enrollee. Upon approval of federal
    37  waivers pursuant to paragraph (b)  of  this  subdivision  which  require
    38  medical assistance recipients who require community-based long term care
    39  services  to  enroll in a plan, and upon approval of the commissioner, a
    40  plan may enroll an applicant who is currently receiving home and  commu-
    41  nity-based  services  and  complete  the comprehensive assessment within
    42  thirty days of enrollment provided that  the  plan  continues  to  cover
    43  transitional care until such time as the assessment is completed.
    44    (ii)  The  assessment  shall  be  completed by a representative of the
    45  managed long term care plan or demonstration, in consultation  with  the
    46  prospective  enrollee's  health  care  practitioner  as  necessary.  The
    47  commissioner shall prescribe the forms on which the assessment shall  be
    48  made.
    49    (iii)  The  enrollment  application  shall be submitted by the managed
    50  long term care plan or demonstration to the  entity  designated  by  the
    51  department  prior to the commencement of services under the managed long
    52  term care plan or demonstration. Enrollments  conducted  by  a  plan  or
    53  demonstration  shall be subject to review and audit by the department or
    54  a contractor selected pursuant to paragraph (d) of this subdivision.
    55    (iv) Continued enrollment in a managed long term care plan  or  demon-
    56  stration  paid  for by government funds shall be based upon a comprehen-

        S. 4973                             4
     1  sive assessment [of the medical, social and environmental needs] of  the
     2  recipient  of  the services consistent with section three hundred sixty-
     3  five-a of this social services law.  Such assessment shall be  performed
     4  at least every six months by the managed long term care plan serving the
     5  enrollee.  The  commissioner  shall  prescribe  the  forms  on which the
     6  assessment will be made.
     7    8. Payment rates for managed long term care  plan  enrollees  eligible
     8  for  medical  assistance. The commissioner shall establish payment rates
     9  for services provided to enrollees  eligible  under  title  XIX  of  the
    10  federal  social  security  act.  Such  payment rates shall be subject to
    11  approval by the director of the division of the budget and shall reflect
    12  savings to both state and local governments when compared to costs which
    13  would be incurred by such program if enrollees were to receive  compara-
    14  ble health and long term care services on a fee-for-service basis in the
    15  geographic  region  in  which such services are proposed to be provided.
    16  Payment rates shall be risk-adjusted to take into account the character-
    17  istics of enrollees, or proposed enrollees, including, but  not  limited
    18  to:    frailty,  disability  level,  health  and functional status, age,
    19  gender, the nature of services provided to  such  enrollees,  and  other
    20  factors  as  determined  by the commissioner. The risk adjusted premiums
    21  may also be combined with  disincentives  or  requirements  designed  to
    22  mitigate  any incentives to obtain higher payment categories. In setting
    23  such payment rates, the commissioner shall consider costs borne  by  the
    24  managed  care  program to ensure actuarially sound and adequate rates of
    25  payment to ensure quality of care and shall comply with  all  applicable
    26  laws  and regulations, state and federal, including [regulations as to],
    27  but not limited to, those relating to wages, labor and actuarial  sound-
    28  ness [for medicaid managed care].
    29    §  4.  Subparagraph  (i)  of paragraph (g) of subdivision 7 of section
    30  4403-f of the public health law, as added by section 65-c of part  A  of
    31  chapter  57  of  the  laws  of  2006 and such paragraph as relettered by
    32  section 20 of part C of chapter 58 of the laws of 2007,  is  amended  to
    33  read as follows:
    34    (i)  Managed long term care plans and demonstrations may enroll eligi-
    35  ble persons in the plan  or  demonstration  upon  the  completion  of  a
    36  comprehensive  assessment [that shall include, but not be limited to, an
    37  evaluation of the medical,  social  and  environmental  needs]  of  each
    38  prospective  enrollee  in  such  program  consistent  with section three
    39  hundred sixty-five-a of the social services law. This  assessment  shall
    40  also  serve  as the basis for the development and provision of an appro-
    41  priate plan of care for the prospective enrollee.
    42    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately;  provided  that  sections
    43  two and three of this act shall take effect April 1, 2020; and provided,
    44  further that:
    45    a.  the amendments to section 364-j of the social services law made by
    46  section two of this act shall not affect the repeal of such section  and
    47  shall be deemed repealed therewith;
    48    b.  the  amendments to section 4403-f of the public health law made by
    49  section three of this act shall not affect the repeal  of  such  section
    50  and shall be deemed repealed therewith; and
    51    c.  the amendments to subparagraph (i) of paragraph (g) of subdivision
    52  7 of section 4403-f of the public health law made by  section  three  of
    53  this  act shall not affect the expiration and reversion of such subpara-
    54  graph, pursuant to subdivision (i) of section 111 of part H  of  chapter
    55  59  of  the laws of 2011, as amended, when upon such date the provisions
    56  of section four of this act shall take effect.