
            Cal. No. 1239

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 18, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sens.  BIAGGI,  ADDABBO,  GIANARIS,  GOUNARDES, JACKSON,
          MYRIE, RAMOS, SERRANO -- read twice  and  ordered  printed,  and  when
          printed  to be committed to the Committee on Transportation -- commit-
          tee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and  recom-
          mitted  to  said  committee -- reported favorably from said committee,
          ordered to first and  second  report,  ordered  to  a  third  reading,
          amended  and  ordered  reprinted,  retaining its place in the order of
          third reading

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to requiring the
          metropolitan transportation authority to develop  a  strategic  action
          plan  to  improve  bicycle  and  pedestrian  access at its bridges and
          passenger stations

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.    The  metropolitan  transportation  authority  shall, in
     2  consultation with the Long Island  Rail  Road  Commuter's  Council,  the
     3  Metro-North Rail Commuter Council and the New York City Transit Authori-
     4  ty  Advisory Council, develop a strategic action plan to improve bicycle
     5  and pedestrian access at bridges, stations and other facilities operated
     6  by the authority or its affiliates or subsidiaries. One component of the
     7  strategic action plan shall be to develop and monitor  capital  projects
     8  to allow for and/or expand bicycle access on all bridges operated by the
     9  authority or its affiliates or subsidiaries, provide for bicycle parking
    10  at all passenger stations operated by the authority or its affiliates or
    11  subsidiaries, and, where feasible, expand bicycle access on equipment as
    12  such  term  is  defined  in  paragraph  5  of section 1261 of the public
    13  authorities law. The strategic action plan shall also include  a  review
    14  of  the  authority's  and  the  Triborough bridge and tunnel authority's
    15  capital program plans in effect on and after January first, two thousand
    16  twenty, to determine the impact of such projects on bicycle  and  pedes-
    17  trian access and shall include any proposed amendments and modifications

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4943--B                          2

     1  to  such  capital  program  plans  that the authority deems necessary to
     2  accomplish the purposes of this section. Within one year of  the  effec-
     3  tive  date  of this act, the chairperson of the metropolitan transporta-
     4  tion  authority shall submit a written report to the governor, temporary
     5  president of the senate, speaker of the assembly and mayor of  the  city
     6  of  New  York, detailing the strategic action plan conducted pursuant to
     7  this act. Such report shall be made  available  to  the  public  on  the
     8  metropolitan transportation authority's website.
     9    § 2. Section 1269-b of the public authorities law is amended by adding
    10  a new subdivision 11 to read as follows:
    11    11.  In formulating their capital program plans, the authority and its
    12  affiliates and subsidiaries shall consider the impact  of  any  proposed
    13  plan,  amendment  or  modification submitted pursuant to this section on
    14  bicycle and pedestrian accessibility. Such consideration shall  be  made
    15  in  consultation  with the Long Island rail road commuter's council, the
    16  Metro-North rail commuter council and the New York city transit authori-
    17  ty advisory council.
    18    § 3. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 1266-e of the public  authorities
    19  law,  subdivision  1  as  amended by chapter 669 of the laws of 1986 and
    20  subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 396 of the laws of 1998, are amended
    21  to read as follows:
    22    1. There is hereby created the Metro-North rail  commuter  council  to
    23  study, investigate, monitor and make recommendations with respect to the
    24  maintenance  and  operation  of  those  portions of, if any, the Hudson,
    25  Harlem, New Haven, Pascack Valley  and  Port  Jervis  commuter  railroad
    26  lines   remaining   within   the  metropolitan  commuter  transportation
    27  district. Such council shall study and investigate all  aspects  of  the
    28  day  to  day operation of such railroad lines, monitor their performance
    29  and recommend changes to improve the efficiency of the operation  there-
    30  of.    Such  council  shall  study and make recommendations in regard to
    31  improving bicycle and pedestrian access at bridges, stations  and  other
    32  facilities operated by such railroad lines.
    33    2.  Such council shall consist of [eleven] twelve members and shall be
    34  commuters who regularly use the transportation services of such railroad
    35  lines. At least five of such members shall be residents of the county of
    36  Westchester. Of the other [six] seven members,  at  least  one  of  such
    37  members shall be a resident of each of the counties of Rockland, Putnam,
    38  Dutchess,  Orange and Bronx, provided that such county has not withdrawn
    39  from the  metropolitan  commuter  transportation  district  pursuant  to
    40  section  twelve hundred seventy-nine-b of this [article] title; provided
    41  further, should only the county of Putnam  remain  in  the  metropolitan
    42  commuter  transportation  district then membership on such council shall
    43  consist of [seven] eight members, [five] six of whom reside in the coun-
    44  ty of Westchester and two of  whom  reside  in  the  county  of  Putnam.
    45  Members  shall be appointed by the governor. In making such appointments
    46  the governor shall consult with and solicit recommendations  from  local
    47  officials  and  to the extent possible appoint members who represent the
    48  ridership of the several commuter  railroad  lines.  Provided,  however,
    49  that  one  member shall be appointed who has a demonstrated expertise or
    50  interest in the promotion and development of improved bicycle and pedes-
    51  trian access at bridges, stations and other facilities operated  by  the
    52  authority  and  its  affiliates and subsidiaries. Vacancies occurring in
    53  the membership of the council shall be filled  in  the  same  manner  as
    54  original appointments.
    55    §  4. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 1266-d of the public authorities
    56  law, subdivision 1 as added by chapter 482 of  the  laws  of  1981,  and

        S. 4943--B                          3

     1  subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 396 of the laws of 1998, are amended
     2  to read as follows:
     3    1.  There is hereby created the Long Island rail road commuter's coun-
     4  cil, to  study,  investigate,  monitor  and  make  recommendations  with
     5  respect  to  the maintenance and operation of the Long Island rail road.
     6  Such council shall study and investigate all aspects of the day  to  day
     7  operations  of  such  railroad,  monitor  its  performance and recommend
     8  changes to improve the efficiency of the operation thereof.  Such  coun-
     9  cil  shall study and make recommendations in regard to improving bicycle
    10  and pedestrian access at bridges, stations and other facilities operated
    11  by the Long Island Railroad.
    12    2. Such council shall consist of [twelve] thirteen members  who  shall
    13  be commuters who regularly use the transportation services of such rail-
    14  road,  and who shall be residents of Nassau, Suffolk, Queens or Brooklyn
    15  county.  Members shall be appointed by the governor upon the recommenda-
    16  tion of the county executive of each  such  county,  provided,  however,
    17  that  such members shall be chosen from a list of ten names submitted by
    18  each such county executive and provided further  however  that  no  more
    19  than six members of such council shall be residents of either such coun-
    20  ty.  Provided, however, that one member shall be appointed on the recom-
    21  mendation  of  the  borough  president of Queens and one member shall be
    22  appointed on the recommendation of the borough  president  of  Brooklyn.
    23  Provided,  however,  that one member shall be appointed who has a demon-
    24  strated expertise or  interest  in  the  promotion  and  development  of
    25  improved  bicycle  and  pedestrian access at bridges, stations and other
    26  facilities operated by the authority  and  its  affiliates  and  subsid-
    27  iaries.  Vacancies  occurring  in the membership of the council shall be
    28  filled in the same manner as original appointments,  provided,  however,
    29  that  such  vacancy shall be filled from a list of three names submitted
    30  by each such county executive.
    31    § 5. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 1204-e of the public  authorities
    32  law,  as  added  by  chapter 483 of the laws of 1981 and such section as
    33  renumbered by section 2 of part H of chapter 25 of the laws of 2009, are
    34  amended to read as follows:
    35    1. There is hereby created the New York city transit  authority  advi-
    36  sory  council,  to  study, investigate, monitor and make recommendations
    37  with respect to the maintenance and operation of the New York city tran-
    38  sit authority, its subsidiaries and  the  Staten  Island  rapid  transit
    39  operating  authority.  Such  council  shall  study  and  investigate all
    40  aspects of the day to day operations of such authority, its subsidiaries
    41  and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority,  monitor  their
    42  performance and recommend changes to improve the efficiency of the oper-
    43  ation  thereof.    Such  council shall study and make recommendations in
    44  regard to improving bicycle and pedestrian access on trains  and  buses,
    45  and at bridges, stations and other facilities operated by the authority,
    46  its  affiliates  and  subsidiaries  and  the Staten Island rapid transit
    47  operating authority.
    48    2. Such council shall consist of [fifteen] eighteen members who  shall
    49  be  commuters  who  regularly  use  the  transportation services of such
    50  authorities.  [Five] Eight of such members shall  be  appointed  by  the
    51  governor  upon  the recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York;
    52  five upon the recommendation of the president of the city council of the
    53  city of New York; and five other members appointed upon the  recommenda-
    54  tion  one  by each of the borough presidents of the boroughs of the city
    55  of New York.  Provided, however, that three members recommended  by  the
    56  mayor of New York shall have a demonstrated expertise or interest in the

        S. 4943--B                          4

     1  promotion  and  development of improved bicycle and pedestrian access at
     2  bridges, stations and other  facilities  operated  by  the  metropolitan
     3  transportation  authority,  as  created by section twelve hundred sixty-
     4  three of this article, and such authority's affiliates and subsidiaries.
     5  The chairman shall be a member selected by the membership of the commit-
     6  tee.  Each of the members shall serve for a term of two years, provided,
     7  however, that of the first appointments, two appointed upon  the  recom-
     8  mendation  of the mayor and two appointed upon the recommendation of the
     9  president of the city council shall serve for a term of one year. Vacan-
    10  cies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled  in  the
    11  same  manner  as  the original appointments for the balance of the unex-
    12  pired term.
    13    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.