

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 5, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  BROOKS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Aging  --  recommitted  to
          the  Committee  on  Aging  in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to making a real
          property tax exemption for persons sixty-five years  of  age  or  over
          mandatory  for  school taxes; and to repeal certain provisions of such
          law relating thereto

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  real  property  tax  law  is amended by adding a new
     2  section 467-m to read as follows:
     3    § 467-m.  Persons sixty-five years of age or over;  school  districts.
     4  1.  (a)  Real  property  owned  by  one or more persons, each of whom is
     5  sixty-five years of age or over, or real property owned by  husband  and
     6  wife  or by siblings, one of whom is sixty-five years of age or over, or
     7  real property owned by one or more persons, shall be exempt pursuant  to
     8  a  local  law, ordinance or resolution adopted by the governing board no
     9  later than two thousand twenty-two from taxation by any school  district
    10  in  which  located  at least thirty per centum of the assessed valuation
    11  thereof.
    12    (b) Any exemption provided by this section shall be computed after all
    13  other partial exemptions allowed by law, excluding the school tax relief
    14  (STAR) exemption authorized by section four hundred twenty-five of  this
    15  title, have been subtracted from the total amount assessed.
    16    (c)  The real property tax exemption on real property owned by husband
    17  and wife, one of whom is sixty-five years of age or over, once  granted,
    18  shall  not  be  rescinded by any municipal corporation solely because of
    19  the death of the older spouse so long as  the  surviving  spouse  is  at
    20  least sixty-two years of age.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4599--A                          2

     1    2.  Exemption  from  taxation shall not be granted in the case of real
     2  property where a child resides if such child attends a public school  of
     3  elementary  or  secondary  education,  unless the governing board of the
     4  school district in which the property is located, after public  hearing,
     5  adopts a resolution providing for such exemption; provided that any such
     6  resolution  shall  condition such exemption upon satisfactory proof that
     7  the child was not brought into the residence in whole or in  substantial
     8  part  for  the  purpose  of  attending  a  particular  school within the
     9  district.  The  procedure  for  such  hearing  and  resolution  must  be
    10  conducted  separately  from the procedure for any hearing and local law,
    11  ordinance or resolution conducted pursuant to paragraph (a) of  subdivi-
    12  sion one of this section.
    13    3. No exemption shall be granted:
    14    (a) if the income of the owner or the combined income of the owners of
    15  the  property  for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of
    16  making application for exemption exceeds the sum of ninety-two  thousand
    17  dollars  and  in  a city with a population of one million or more eighty
    18  thousand, as provided by the local law, ordinance or resolution  adopted
    19  pursuant  to  this  section. Income tax year shall mean the twelve month
    20  period for which the owner or owners filed a federal personal income tax
    21  return, or if no such return is filed, the calendar year. Where title is
    22  vested in either the husband or the wife, their combined income may  not
    23  exceed  such  sum,  except  where  the husband or wife, or ex-husband or
    24  ex-wife is absent from the property as provided in subparagraph (ii)  of
    25  paragraph (d) of this subdivision, then only the income of the spouse or
    26  ex-spouse  residing  on  the  property  shall  be considered and may not
    27  exceed such sum. Such income shall include social security  and  retire-
    28  ment benefits, interest, dividends, total gain from the sale or exchange
    29  of  a  capital  asset  which  may  be  offset by a loss from the sale or
    30  exchange of a capital asset in the same  income  tax  year,  net  rental
    31  income,  salary  or  earnings,  and net income from self-employment, but
    32  shall not include a return of  capital,  gifts,  inheritances,  payments
    33  made  to  individuals  because of their status as victims of Nazi perse-
    34  cution, as defined in P.L. 103-286 or monies earned  through  employment
    35  in  the  federal foster grandparent program and any such income shall be
    36  offset by all medical and prescription drug expenses actually paid which
    37  were not reimbursed or paid for by insurance, if the governing board  of
    38  a municipality, after a public hearing, adopts a local law, ordinance or
    39  resolution  providing therefor.   In addition, an exchange of an annuity
    40  for an annuity contract, which resulted in non-taxable gain,  as  deter-
    41  mined  in section one thousand thirty-five of the internal revenue code,
    42  shall be excluded from such income. Provided that such  exclusion  shall
    43  be  based  on  satisfactory  proof  that  such an exchange was solely an
    44  exchange of an annuity for an annuity contract that resulted in  a  non-
    45  taxable  transfer  determined  by  such  section of the internal revenue
    46  code. Furthermore, such income shall  not  include  the  proceeds  of  a
    47  reverse mortgage, as authorized by section six-h of the banking law, and
    48  sections two hundred eighty and two hundred eighty-a of the real proper-
    49  ty  law; provided, however, that monies used to repay a reverse mortgage
    50  may not be deducted from income,  and  provided  additionally  that  any
    51  interest  or  dividends realized from the investment of reverse mortgage
    52  proceeds shall be considered income. The provisions  of  this  paragraph
    53  notwithstanding,  such  income  shall  not  include  veterans disability
    54  compensation, as defined in Title 38 of the United States Code  provided
    55  the governing board of such municipality, after public hearing, adopts a
    56  local law, ordinance or resolution providing therefor.  In computing net

        S. 4599--A                          3

     1  rental  income  and  net  income  from  self-employment  no depreciation
     2  deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and tear of real  or
     3  personal property held for the production of income;
     4    (b)  unless  the owner shall have held an exemption under this section
     5  for his previous residence or unless the title  of  the  property  shall
     6  have  been  vested in the owner or one of the owners of the property for
     7  at least twelve consecutive months prior to the date of making  applica-
     8  tion for exemption, provided, however, that in the event of the death of
     9  either  a husband or wife in whose name title of the property shall have
    10  been vested at the time of death and then becomes vested solely  in  the
    11  survivor  by virtue of devise by or descent from the deceased husband or
    12  wife, the time of ownership of the property by the deceased  husband  or
    13  wife  shall  be deemed also a time of ownership by the survivor and such
    14  ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing  such
    15  period  of  twelve  consecutive  months.  In  the event of a transfer by
    16  either a husband or wife to the other spouse of all or part of the title
    17  to the property, the time of ownership of the property by the transferor
    18  spouse shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the transferee spouse
    19  and such ownership shall  be  deemed  continuous  for  the  purposes  of
    20  computing  such  period  of twelve consecutive months. Where property of
    21  the owner or owners has been acquired to replace property formerly owned
    22  by such owner or owners and taken by eminent domain or other involuntary
    23  proceeding, except a tax sale, the period of  ownership  of  the  former
    24  property  shall be combined with the period of ownership of the property
    25  for which application is made for exemption and such periods  of  owner-
    26  ship  shall  be  deemed  to be consecutive for purposes of this section.
    27  Where a residence is sold and replaced with another within one year  and
    28  both  residences  are  within the state, the period of ownership of both
    29  properties shall be deemed consecutive for  purposes  of  the  exemption
    30  from   taxation  by  a  municipality  within  the  state  granting  such
    31  exemption. Where the owner or owners transfer title to property which as
    32  of the date of transfer was exempt from taxation under the provisions of
    33  this section, the reacquisition of title by such owner or owners  within
    34  nine  months  of  the  date  of  transfer shall be deemed to satisfy the
    35  requirement of this paragraph that the title of the property shall  have
    36  been  vested in the owner or one of the owners for such period of twelve
    37  consecutive months. Where, upon or subsequent to the death of  an  owner
    38  or  owners,  title  to  property  which as of the date of such death was
    39  exempt from taxation under such provisions, becomes vested, by virtue of
    40  devise or descent from the deceased owner or owners, or by  transfer  by
    41  any  other means within nine months after such death, solely in a person
    42  or persons who, at the time of such death, maintained such property as a
    43  primary residence, the requirement of this paragraph that the  title  of
    44  the  property  shall  have been vested in the owner or one of the owners
    45  for such period of twelve consecutive months shall be deemed satisfied;
    46    (c) unless the property is used exclusively for residential  purposes,
    47  provided, however, that in the event any portion of such property is not
    48  so  used  exclusively  for  residential  purposes  but is used for other
    49  purposes, such portion shall be subject to taxation  and  the  remaining
    50  portion  only  shall  be  entitled  to  the  exemption  provided by this
    51  section;
    52    (d) unless the real property is the legal residence of and is occupied
    53  in whole or in part by the owner or by all of the owners of the  proper-
    54  ty:  except  where,  (i)  an  owner  is  absent from the residence while
    55  receiving health-related care as an inpatient of  a  residential  health
    56  care  facility,  as  defined  in section twenty-eight hundred one of the

        S. 4599--A                          4

     1  public health law, provided that any  income  accruing  to  that  person
     2  shall  only be income only to the extent that it exceeds the amount paid
     3  by such owner, spouse,  or  co-owner  for  care  in  the  facility,  and
     4  provided  further,  that  during  such  confinement such property is not
     5  occupied by other than the spouse or co-owner of such  owner;  or,  (ii)
     6  the  real  property  is owned by a husband and/or wife, or an ex-husband
     7  and/or an ex-wife, and either  is  absent  from  the  residence  due  to
     8  divorce,  legal  separation  or  abandonment and all other provisions of
     9  this section are met provided that where  an  exemption  was  previously
    10  granted  when both resided on the property, then the person remaining on
    11  the real property shall be sixty-two years of age or over.
    12    4. (a) For the purposes of this section, title to that portion of real
    13  property owned  by  a  cooperative  apartment  corporation  in  which  a
    14  tenant-stockholder  of such corporation resides and which is represented
    15  by his share or shares of stock in such corporation as determined by its
    16  or their proportional relationship to the total outstanding stock of the
    17  corporation, including that owned by the corporation, shall be deemed to
    18  be vested in such tenant-stockholder.
    19    (b) That proportion of the assessment of such real property owned by a
    20  cooperative apartment corporation determined by the relationship of such
    21  real property vested in such tenant-stockholder to  such  entire  parcel
    22  and  the  buildings  thereon  owned by such cooperative apartment corpo-
    23  ration in which such tenant-stockholder  resides  shall  be  subject  to
    24  exemption  from  taxation  pursuant to this section and any exemption so
    25  granted shall be credited by the appropriate  taxing  authority  against
    26  the  assessed  valuation  of  such  real property; the reduction in real
    27  property taxes realized thereby shall be  credited  by  the  cooperative
    28  apartment corporation against the amount of such taxes otherwise payable
    29  by or chargeable to such tenant-stockholder.
    30    (c)  Real property may be exempt from taxation pursuant to this subdi-
    31  vision by a municipality in which such property is located only  if  the
    32  governing  board  of  such  municipality, after public hearing, adopts a
    33  local law, ordinance or resolution providing  therefor.  Notwithstanding
    34  any provision of law to the contrary, any local law, ordinance or resol-
    35  ution  adopted  pursuant to this paragraph may provide, or be amended to
    36  provide, that a tenant-stockholder who resides in a  dwelling  which  is
    37  subject to the provisions of either article two, four, five or eleven of
    38  the  private housing finance law and who is eligible for a rent increase
    39  exemption pursuant to section four hundred sixty-seven-c of  this  title
    40  shall  not be eligible for an exemption pursuant to this subdivision and
    41  that a tenant-stockholder who resides in a dwelling which is subject  to
    42  the  provisions  of  either  article  two,  four,  five or eleven of the
    43  private housing finance law and who is not eligible for a rent  increase
    44  exemption  pursuant  to section four hundred sixty-seven-c of this title
    45  but who meets the requirements for eligibility for an exemption pursuant
    46  to this section shall be eligible for such exemption provided that  such
    47  exemption  shall be in an amount determined by multiplying the exemption
    48  otherwise allowable pursuant to this section  by  a  fraction  having  a
    49  numerator equal to the amount of real property taxes or payments in lieu
    50  of  taxes that were paid with respect to such dwelling and a denominator
    51  equal to the full amount of real property taxes  that  would  have  been
    52  owed  with respect to such dwelling had it not been granted an exemption
    53  or abatement of real property taxes pursuant to any  provision  of  law,
    54  provided,  however,  that  any reduction in real property taxes received
    55  with respect to such dwelling pursuant to this section or  section  four
    56  hundred sixty-seven-c of this title shall not be considered in calculat-

        S. 4599--A                          5

     1  ing  such numerator. Any such local law, ordinance or resolution that so
     2  provides, or is amended  to  so  provide,  shall  also  provide  that  a
     3  tenant-stockholder  who  resides in a dwelling which was or continues to
     4  be  subject  to  a  mortgage insured or initially insured by the federal
     5  government pursuant to section two  hundred  thirteen  of  the  National
     6  Housing  Act,  as  amended, and who is eligible for both a rent increase
     7  exemption pursuant to section four hundred sixty-seven-c of  this  title
     8  and an exemption pursuant to this subdivision, may apply for and receive
     9  either  a  rent  increase  exemption  pursuant  to  section four hundred
    10  sixty-seven-c of this title or an exemption pursuant  to  this  subdivi-
    11  sion, but not both.
    12    5.  The  commissioner  shall develop, make available and distribute to
    13  any municipal corporation which requests it, a form for the  purpose  of
    14  administering  the  provisions  of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of
    15  this section.
    16    6. Every municipal corporation in which such real property is  located
    17  shall  notify,  or  cause to be notified, each person owning residential
    18  real property in such municipal corporation of the  provisions  of  this
    19  section.  The  provisions  of this subdivision may be met by a notice or
    20  legend sent on or with each tax bill to such persons reading "You may be
    21  eligible for senior citizen school tax exemptions. Senior citizens  have
    22  until   month..........,  day.......,  year......,  to  apply  for  such
    23  exemptions.  For information please call or write....," followed by  the
    24  name, telephone number and/or address of a person or department selected
    25  by  the municipal corporation to explain the provisions of this section.
    26  Each cooperative apartment corporation shall notify  each  tenant-stock-
    27  holder  thereof  in  residence  of  such provisions as set forth herein.
    28  Failure to notify, or cause to be notified any person who  is  in  fact,
    29  eligible  to receive the exemption provided by this section or the fail-
    30  ure of such person to receive the  same  shall  not  prevent  the  levy,
    31  collection and enforcement of the payment of the taxes on property owned
    32  by such person.
    33    7.  (a)  A  senior  citizen eligible for the exemption provided for in
    34  subdivision one of this section may request that a notice be sent to  an
    35  adult  third  party.  Such request shall be made on a form prescribed by
    36  the commissioner and shall be submitted to the assessor of the assessing
    37  unit in which the eligible taxpayer resides no  later  than  sixty  days
    38  before  the  last  application date for the first taxable status date to
    39  which it is to apply. Such form shall  provide  a  section  whereby  the
    40  designated  third  party shall consent to such designation. Such request
    41  shall be effective upon receipt by  the  assessor.  The  assessor  shall
    42  maintain  a  list  of  all  eligible  property owners who have requested
    43  notices pursuant to this paragraph.
    44    (b) A notice shall be sent to the  designated  third  party  at  least
    45  thirty  days prior to the last application date for each ensuing taxable
    46  status date; provided that no such notice need be sent in the first year
    47  if the request was not received by the  assessor  at  least  sixty  days
    48  before the last application date for the applicable taxable status date.
    49  Such notice shall read substantially as follows: "On behalf of (identify
    50  senior  citizen  or  citizens),  you are advised that his, her, or their
    51  renewal application for the senior exemption  must  be  filed  with  the
    52  assessor  no  later than (enter date). You are encouraged to remind him,
    53  her, or them of that fact, and to offer assistance if  needed,  although
    54  you are under no legal obligation to do so. Your cooperation and assist-
    55  ance are greatly appreciated."

        S. 4599--A                          6

     1    (c)  A notice shall be sent to the designated third party whenever the
     2  assessor sends a notice to the senior  citizen  regarding  the  possible
     3  removal of the senior exemption. Such notice shall read substantially as
     4  follows:  "On  behalf  of (identify senior citizen or citizens), you are
     5  advised  that  his,  her,  or their senior exemption is at risk of being
     6  removed. You are encouraged to make sure that he, she or they are  aware
     7  of  that fact, and to offer assistance if needed, although you are under
     8  no legal obligation to do so. Your cooperation and assistance are great-
     9  ly appreciated."
    10    (d) The obligation to mail such notices shall cease  if  the  eligible
    11  taxpayer  cancels  the  request  or  ceases  to  qualify  for the senior
    12  exemption.
    13    (e) Failure to mail any notice required by this  subdivision,  or  the
    14  failure of a party to receive same, shall not affect the validity of the
    15  levy,  collection,  or  enforcement  of  taxes on property owned by such
    16  person, or in the case of a third party notice, on property owned by the
    17  senior citizen.
    18    8. Application for such exemption must be made by the owner, or all of
    19  the owners of the property, on forms prescribed by the  commissioner  to
    20  be  furnished  by  the appropriate assessing authority and shall furnish
    21  the information and be executed in the manner required or prescribed  in
    22  such  forms,  and  shall be filed in such assessor's office on or before
    23  the appropriate taxable status date. Notwithstanding any other provision
    24  of law, at the option of the municipal corporation, any person otherwise
    25  qualifying under this section shall not be denied  the  exemption  under
    26  this section if he becomes sixty-five years of age after the appropriate
    27  taxable  status  date and on or before December thirty-first of the same
    28  year.
    29    9. Any local law or ordinance adopted pursuant  to  paragraph  (a)  of
    30  subdivision  one of this section may be amended, or a local law or ordi-
    31  nance may be adopted to provide, notwithstanding  subdivision  eight  of
    32  this  section,  that an application for such exemption may be filed with
    33  the assessor after the appropriate taxable status  date  but  not  later
    34  than  the  last  date  on which a petition with respect to complaints of
    35  assessment may be filed, where failure  to  file  a  timely  application
    36  resulted  from:  (a)  a  death of the applicant's spouse, child, parent,
    37  brother or sister; or (b) an illness of the applicant or of  the  appli-
    38  cant's spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, which actually prevents
    39  the  applicant from filing on a timely basis, as certified by a licensed
    40  physician. The assessor shall approve or deny such application as if  it
    41  had been filed on or before the taxable status date.
    42    10.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this  section  or any other
    43  provision of law, a county with an annual taxable status date of January
    44  first or January second and with a population of one  million  or  more,
    45  may,  at its option and by amendment or adoption of a local law or ordi-
    46  nance, authorize its assessor to accept applications for  the  exemption
    47  from  real  property taxes authorized pursuant to this section on a date
    48  later than such county's statutory deadline date for receiving  applica-
    49  tions for such exemption. Any application filed later than such statuto-
    50  ry deadline date which is in compliance with such local law or ordinance
    51  amended  or  adopted  pursuant  to  this subdivision and which meets all
    52  other necessary requirements for granting the  exemption  authorized  by
    53  this  section  shall  be  deemed to have been timely filed prior to such
    54  statutory deadline date, and any individual or individuals for whom such
    55  an application has been filed shall be granted such exemption and  shall
    56  receive  such exemption on the assessment roles prepared for such county

        S. 4599--A                          7

     1  on the basis of the taxable status date immediately preceding  the  date
     2  such application was filed.
     3    11.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this  section  or any other
     4  provision of law, in a city having a population of one million or  more,
     5  applications for the exemption authorized pursuant to this section shall
     6  be  considered timely filed if they are filed on or before the fifteenth
     7  day of March of the appropriate year.
     8    12. (a) At least sixty days prior to the  appropriate  taxable  status
     9  date,  the assessing authority shall mail to each person who was granted
    10  exemption pursuant to this section on the  latest  completed  assessment
    11  roll  an  application  form  and  a notice that such application must be
    12  filed on or before the taxable status date and be approved in order  for
    13  the exemption to be granted. The assessing authority shall, within three
    14  days  of  the  completion  and  filing of the tentative assessment roll,
    15  notify by mail any applicant who has included with his or  her  applica-
    16  tion  at least one self-addressed, pre-paid envelope, of the approval or
    17  denial of the application; provided, however, that the assessing author-
    18  ity shall, upon the receipt and filing of the application, send by  mail
    19  notification  of  receipt  to any applicant who has included two of such
    20  envelopes with the application. Where an  applicant  is  entitled  to  a
    21  notice of denial pursuant to this subdivision, such notice shall be on a
    22  form prescribed by the commissioner and shall state the reasons for such
    23  denial and shall further state that the applicant may have such determi-
    24  nation  reviewed in the manner provided by law. Failure to mail any such
    25  application form or notices or the failure of such person to receive any
    26  of the same shall not prevent the levy, collection  and  enforcement  of
    27  the payment of the taxes on property owned by such person.
    28    (b)  Except  in cities of one million or more, any person who has been
    29  granted exemption pursuant to  this  section  on  five  (5)  consecutive
    30  completed  assessment  rolls, including any years when the exemption was
    31  granted to a property owned by a husband and/or wife while both  resided
    32  in  such property, shall not be subject to the requirements set forth in
    33  paragraph (a) of this subdivision provided the governing  board  of  the
    34  municipality  in  which  said  property is situated after public hearing
    35  adopts a local law, ordinance or resolution providing  therefor  however
    36  said  person  shall be mailed an application form and a notice informing
    37  him or her of his or her rights. Such exemption shall  be  automatically
    38  granted on each subsequent assessment roll. Provided, however, that when
    39  tax  payment  is  made by such person a sworn affidavit must be included
    40  with such payment which shall state that such  person  continues  to  be
    41  eligible  for  such  exemption.  Such  affidavit  shall  be  on  a  form
    42  prescribed by the commissioner. If such affidavit is not  included  with
    43  the  tax  payment,  the  collecting  officer  shall  proceed pursuant to
    44  section five hundred fifty-one-a of this chapter.
    45    (c) In cities of one million or more, any person who has been  granted
    46  exemption  pursuant to this section shall file the completed application
    47  with the appropriate assessing authority every twenty-four  months  from
    48  the date such exemption was granted without the necessity of having been
    49  granted exemption pursuant to this section on five consecutive completed
    50  assessment rolls including any years when the exemption was granted to a
    51  property owned by a husband and/or wife while both resided in such prop-
    52  erty.
    53    13.  Any  conviction  of having made any wilful false statement in the
    54  application for such exemption, shall be punishable by  a  fine  of  not
    55  more  than  one  hundred  dollars  and shall disqualify the applicant or
    56  applicants from further exemption for a period of five years.

        S. 4599--A                          8

     1    14. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions eight and twelve of
     2  this section, the local governing body of a city, town, village or coun-
     3  ty having the power to assess may adopt  a  local  law  authorizing  the
     4  assessor  or  assessors  of such city, town, village or county to accept
     5  applications  for  renewal  of exemptions pursuant to this section after
     6  the taxable status date. Such local law shall provide that in the  event
     7  the  owner,  or  all  of  the  owners, of property which has received an
     8  exemption pursuant to this section on the preceding assessment roll fail
     9  to file the application required pursuant to this section on  or  before
    10  the  taxable  status date such owner or owners may file the application,
    11  executed as if such application had been filed on or before the  taxable
    12  status  date, with the assessor on or before the date for the hearing of
    13  complaints.
    14    15. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the  contrary,  the  local
    15  governing  body of a municipal corporation that is authorized to adopt a
    16  local law pursuant to subdivision fourteen of this  section  is  further
    17  authorized  to adopt a local law providing that where a renewal applica-
    18  tion for the exemption authorized by this section has not been filed  on
    19  or  before  the  taxable  status  date, and the owner believes that good
    20  cause existed for the failure to file the renewal  application  by  that
    21  date, the owner may, no later than the last day for paying taxes without
    22  incurring  interest or penalty, submit a written request to the assessor
    23  asking him or her to extend the filing deadline and grant the exemption.
    24  Such request shall contain  an  explanation  of  why  the  deadline  was
    25  missed,  and  shall  be accompanied by a renewal application, reflecting
    26  the facts and circumstances as they existed on the taxable status  date.
    27  The  assessor  may extend the filing deadline and grant the exemption if
    28  he or she is satisfied that (a) good cause existed for  the  failure  to
    29  file  the  renewal  application by the taxable status date, and that (b)
    30  the applicant is otherwise entitled to the exemption. The assessor shall
    31  mail notice of his or her determination to the owner.  If  the  determi-
    32  nation  states  that  the  assessor has granted the exemption, he or she
    33  shall thereupon be authorized and directed  to  correct  the  assessment
    34  roll  accordingly,  or,  if another person has custody or control of the
    35  assessment  roll,  to  direct  that  person  to  make  the   appropriate
    36  corrections.  If the correction is not made before taxes are levied, the
    37  failure to take the exemption into account in the computation of the tax
    38  shall be deemed a "clerical error" for purposes of title three of  arti-
    39  cle five of this chapter, and shall be corrected accordingly.
    40    16.  (a)  (i)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of subdivision eight of
    41  this section, where a person who meets the requirements for an exemption
    42  pursuant to this section, purchases property after the  levy  of  taxes,
    43  such person may file an application for exemption to the assessor within
    44  thirty  days of the transfer of title to such person. The assessor shall
    45  make a determination of whether the  parcel  would  have  qualified  for
    46  exempt  status on the tax roll on which the taxes were levied, had title
    47  to the parcel been in the name of the applicant on  the  taxable  status
    48  date  applicable  to  the  tax  roll. The application shall be on a form
    49  prescribed by the commissioner. The assessor, no later than thirty  days
    50  after  receipt  of such application, shall notify both the applicant and
    51  the board of assessment review, by  first  class  mail,  of  the  exempt
    52  amount,  if  any,  and  the right of the owner to a review of the exempt
    53  amount upon the filing of a written complaint. Such complaint  shall  be
    54  on  a  form  prescribed  by the commissioner and shall be filed with the
    55  board of assessment review within twenty days of  the  mailing  of  this
    56  notice.  If  no  complaint  is  received, the board of assessment review

        S. 4599--A                          9

     1  shall so notify the assessor and the exempt  amount  determined  by  the
     2  assessor  shall  be final. If the applicant files a complaint, the board
     3  of assessment review shall schedule a time and place for a hearing  with
     4  respect  thereto  no  later  than  thirty  days after the mailing of the
     5  notice by the assessor. The board of assessment review  shall  meet  and
     6  determine  the  exempt amount, and shall immediately notify the assessor
     7  and the applicant, by first class mail, of its determination. The amount
     8  of exemption determined pursuant to this paragraph shall be  subject  to
     9  review  as  provided in article seven of this chapter. Such a proceeding
    10  shall be commenced within thirty days of the mailing of  the  notice  of
    11  the  board  of  assessment  review  to the new owner as provided in this
    12  paragraph.
    13    (ii) Upon receipt of a determination of exempt amount as  provided  in
    14  subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, the assessor shall determine the pro
    15  rata  exemption  to  be credited toward such property by multiplying the
    16  tax rate or tax rates for each municipal corporation which levied taxes,
    17  or for which taxes were levied, on the appropriate tax roll used for the
    18  fiscal year or years during which the transfer occurred times the exempt
    19  amount, as determined in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph,  times  the
    20  fraction of each fiscal year or years remaining subsequent to the trans-
    21  fer of title. The assessor shall immediately transmit a statement of the
    22  pro rata exemption credit due to each municipal corporation which levied
    23  taxes or for which taxes were levied on the tax roll used for the fiscal
    24  year or years during which the transfer occurred and to the applicant.
    25    (iii)  Each  municipal  corporation  which receives notice of pro rata
    26  exemption credits pursuant to this subdivision shall include  an  appro-
    27  priation  in  its budget for the next fiscal year equal to the aggregate
    28  amount of such credits to be applied in  that  fiscal  year.    Where  a
    29  parcel,  the  owner of which is entitled to a pro rata exemption credit,
    30  is subject to taxation in said next fiscal year, the receiver or collec-
    31  tor shall apply the credit to reduce the amount of taxes  owed  for  the
    32  parcel  in such fiscal year. Pro rata exemption credits in excess of the
    33  amount of taxes, if any, owed for the parcel shall be paid by the treas-
    34  urer of a municipal corporation which levies such taxes for or on behalf
    35  of the municipal corporation to all owners of property entitled to  such
    36  credits  within  thirty days of the expiration of the warrant to collect
    37  taxes in said next fiscal year.
    38    (b) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of  subdivision  five  of  this
    39  section,  where  a  person  who  meets the requirements for an exemption
    40  pursuant to this section, purchases property after  the  taxable  status
    41  date but prior to the levy of taxes, such person may file an application
    42  for  an  exemption to the assessor within thirty days of the transfer of
    43  title to such person. The assessor shall  make  a  determination  within
    44  thirty  days  after receipt of such application of whether the applicant
    45  would qualify for an exemption pursuant to this section on  the  assess-
    46  ment  roll if title had been in the name of the applicant on the taxable
    47  status date applicable to such assessment roll. The application shall be
    48  made on a form prescribed by the commissioner.
    49    (ii) If the assessor's determination is made prior to  the  filing  of
    50  the  tentative  assessment  roll,  the  assessor  shall enter the exempt
    51  amount, if any, on the tentative assessment roll and,  within  ten  days
    52  after  filing  such roll, notify the applicant of the approval or denial
    53  of such exemption, the exempt amount, if any, and the applicant's  right
    54  to review by the board of assessment review.
    55    (iii)  If the assessor's determination is made after the filing of the
    56  tentative assessment roll, the assessor  shall  petition  the  board  of

        S. 4599--A                         10

     1  assessment  review  to correct the tentative or final assessment roll in
     2  the manner provided in title three of article five of this chapter, with
     3  respect to unlawful entries, in the case of wholly exempt  parcels,  and
     4  with  respect  of  clerical  errors,  in  the  case  of partially exempt
     5  parcels, if the assessor determines that an exemption should be  granted
     6  and,  within  ten  days  of  petitioning the board of assessment review,
     7  notify the applicant of the approval or denial of  such  exemption,  the
     8  amount  of such exemption, if any, and the applicant's right to adminis-
     9  trative or judicial review of such  determination  pursuant  to  article
    10  five or seven of this chapter, respectively.
    11    (c)  If, for any reason, a determination to exempt property from taxa-
    12  tion as provided in paragraph (b) of this subdivision is not entered  on
    13  the  final  assessment  roll,  the  assessor shall petition the board of
    14  assessment review to correct the final assessment roll.
    15    (d) If, for any reason, the pro rata tax credit as provided  in  para-
    16  graph (a) of this subdivision is not extended against the tax roll imme-
    17  diately  succeeding  the fiscal year during which the transfer occurred,
    18  the assessor shall immediately notify the  municipal  corporation  which
    19  levied  the  tax or for which the taxes were levied of the amount of pro
    20  rata exemption credits for the year in  which  such  transfer  occurred.
    21  Such  municipal  corporation  shall  proceed as provided in subparagraph
    22  (iii) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
    23    (e) If, for any reason, a determination to exempt property from  taxa-
    24  tion  as provided in paragraph (b) of this subdivision is not entered on
    25  the tax roll for the year immediately succeeding the fiscal year  during
    26  which  the  transfer occurred, the assessor shall determine the pro rata
    27  tax exemption credit for such tax roll by multiplying the  tax  rate  or
    28  tax rates for each municipal corporation which levied taxes or for which
    29  taxes  were  levied times the exempt amount and shall immediately notify
    30  such municipal corporation or corporations of  the  pro  rata  exemption
    31  credits for such tax roll. Such municipal corporation shall add such pro
    32  rata  exemption  credits  for  such property to any outstanding pro rata
    33  exemption amounts and proceed as provided in subparagraph (iii) of para-
    34  graph (a) of this subdivision.
    35    17. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to  the  contrary,  the
    36  provisions  of  this  section  shall  apply  to real property in which a
    37  person or persons hold a legal life estate or which  is  held  in  trust
    38  solely  for the benefit of a person or persons if such person or persons
    39  would otherwise be eligible for a real property tax exemption,  pursuant
    40  to  subdivision  one  of  this  section, were such person or persons the
    41  owner or owners of such real property.
    42    18. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon the
    43  request of an assessor, the commissioner may disclose  to  the  assessor
    44  the  names  and  addresses  of the owners of property in that assessor's
    45  assessing unit who are receiving the enhanced STAR exemption or enhanced
    46  STAR credit and whose federal adjusted gross income  is  less  than  the
    47  amount  specified  by subparagraph three of paragraph (a) of subdivision
    48  one of this section. In no case shall the commissioner  disclose  to  an
    49  assessor the amount of an owner's federal adjusted gross income.
    50    (b) The assessor may use the information contained in such a report to
    51  contact those owners who are not already receiving the exemption author-
    52  ized  by this section and to suggest that they consider applying for it.
    53  Provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be  construed  as
    54  enabling  any  person or persons to qualify for the exemption authorized
    55  by this section on the basis of their  federal  adjusted  gross  income,

        S. 4599--A                         11

     1  rather  than  on the basis of their income as determined pursuant to the
     2  provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of this section.
     3    (c)  Information disclosed to an assessor pursuant to this subdivision
     4  shall be used only for purposes of real property tax administration.  It
     5  shall  be deemed confidential otherwise, and shall not be subject to the
     6  provisions of article six of the public officers law.
     7    § 2. Subdivision 2 of section 467 of the  real  property  tax  law  is
     8  REPEALED.
     9    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.