

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 5, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  GRIFFO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Higher Education

        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation  to  tuition  scholarship
          award programs for certain resident and non-resident medical students

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by  adding  two  new  sections
     2  669-i and 669-j to read as follows:
     3    §  669-i.  Full-tuition scholarship award program for certain resident
     4  medical students. 1. A full-tuition scholarship award shall be  made  to
     5  an  applicant who is matriculated in an approved medical program and who
     6  complies with the applicable provisions of this section and all require-
     7  ments promulgated by the  corporation  for  the  administration  of  the
     8  program.  For  purposes  of  this section, an "approved medical program"
     9  shall mean a post-collegiate level program offered  by  a  unit  of  the
    10  state university of New York, a unit of the city university of New York,
    11  or  other  state-supported  medical school approved by the commissioner,
    12  leading to a degree of doctor of medicine, "M.D.", doctor of osteopathy,
    13  "D.O.", or equivalent degree in accordance with the commissioner's regu-
    14  lations.
    15    2. Within amounts appropriated therefor and based on  availability  of
    16  funds,  awards  shall be granted beginning with the two thousand twenty-
    17  three--two thousand twenty-four academic year and thereafter  to  appli-
    18  cants  that  the corporation has determined are eligible to receive such
    19  awards.
    20    3. An eligible recipient shall not receive an award for more than four
    21  years of full-time study in an approved medical program or for more than
    22  the actual number of years  required  to  complete  such  a  program  if
    23  enrolled on a full-time basis.
    24    4.  A  recipient  shall agree to reside exclusively in New York state,
    25  and shall not be employed in any other state, for a continuous number of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4580                             2

     1  years equal to the duration of the award received within six  months  of
     2  receipt  of his or her final award payment, and sign a contract with the
     3  corporation to have his or her full award converted to  a  student  loan
     4  according  to  a  schedule  to  be determined by the corporation if such
     5  student fails to fulfill such requirement.
     6    5. Recipients shall receive  an  annual  payment  for  the  successful
     7  completion  of  an academic year, equal to the annual tuition charged to
     8  state resident students attending an approved medical program on a full-
     9  time basis.
    10    6. The corporation is authorized to promulgate rules  and  regulations
    11  necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this section.
    12    §  669-j.  Tuition  scholarship award program for certain non-resident
    13  medical students. 1. A tuition scholarship award shall  be  made  to  an
    14  applicant  who:  (a) is matriculated in an approved medical program, (b)
    15  is a non-resident who lives within a one hundred fifty  mile  radius  of
    16  any  border  of  New  York  state,  and (c) complies with the applicable
    17  provisions of this section  and  all  requirements  promulgated  by  the
    18  corporation  for the administration of the program. For purposes of this
    19  section, an "approved medical  program"  shall  mean  a  post-collegiate
    20  level  program  offered by a unit of the state university of New York, a
    21  unit of the city  university  of  New  York,  or  other  state-supported
    22  medical  school  approved  by  the  commissioner, leading to a degree of
    23  doctor of medicine, "M.D.", doctor of osteopathy, "D.O.", or  equivalent
    24  degree in accordance with the commissioner's regulations.
    25    2.  Within  amounts appropriated therefor and based on availability of
    26  funds, awards shall be granted beginning with the two  thousand  twenty-
    27  three--two  thousand  twenty-four academic year and thereafter to appli-
    28  cants that the corporation has determined are eligible to  receive  such
    29  awards.
    30    3. An eligible recipient shall not receive an award for more than four
    31  years of full-time study in an approved medical program or for more than
    32  the  actual  number  of  years  required  to  complete such a program if
    33  enrolled on a full-time basis.
    34    4. Recipients shall receive  an  annual  payment  for  the  successful
    35  completion  of  an  academic  year,  equal  to  two-thirds of the annual
    36  tuition charged to non-resident students attending an  approved  medical
    37  program on a full-time basis.
    38    5.  The  corporation is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations
    39  necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this section.
    40    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  apply  to  any
    41  eligible applicant beginning with the 2023-2024 academic year.