                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      March 1, 2019
        Introduced  by  Sen.  PARKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions
        AN ACT to amend the civil service law, in relation to  language  assist-
          ance services by state agencies
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The civil service law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     2  55-d to read as follows:
     3    §  55-d.  Ensuring  language assistance services by state agencies. 1.
     4  Every agency shall provide language assistance services to  all  limited
     5  English proficient individuals so as to ensure that all such individuals
     6  who  cannot  speak,  read, write or understand the English language with
     7  the proficiency necessary for adequate communication with agency person-
     8  nel have effective access to the agency's programs and services.   Every
     9  agency  shall  ensure that all individuals providing language assistance
    10  services to  limited  English  proficient  individuals  have  sufficient
    11  fluency  in both English and the relevant language to communicate infor-
    12  mation necessary for such  individual  to  access  services.    Language
    13  assistance  services  for  primary  and  non-primary  languages shall be
    14  available at all agency locations open for public business,  and  shall,
    15  to  the  extent  practicable,  be provided in person. Translation of all
    16  frequently used forms and other written materials that are essential  to
    17  access agency services shall be available in all of the agency's primary
    18  languages.  The  president  shall  develop and implement a comprehensive
    19  language assistance plan that establishes uniform  policies  and  proce-
    20  dures  for  providing  language  assistance  services  by  all agencies,
    21  including procedures for documenting the  provision  of  or  refusal  of
    22  language  assistance services, and that requires training to ensure that
    23  all staff who have contact with limited English  proficient  individuals
    24  comply with the plan. Such person providing language assistance services
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4153                             2
     1  may  be  a  qualified  interpreter,  voluntary worker or other personnel
     2  currently employed by the agency.
     3    2. All agencies shall provide written notice as to the availability of
     4  language  assistance  services, including oral interpretation and trans-
     5  lations of forms and other materials. Notice of availability of language
     6  assistance services shall also be posted in conspicuous agency locations
     7  open for public business in all primary languages.
     8    3. All agencies shall maintain  a  record  of  the  primary  languages
     9  spoken  by  any  individual  seeking  or  receiving  language assistance
    10  services at such agency. Such information shall be recorded  whether  or
    11  not such individual actually obtains such service.
    12    4.  (a)  All  agencies  shall submit to the president an annual report
    13  assessing its compliance with the  requirements  of  this  section.  The
    14  report  shall identify the primary languages used by the public, and the
    15  percentage of the agency's interaction with the public  who  speak  each
    16  primary language.
    17    (b)  All  agencies  shall  maintain  a  record of the foreign language
    18  primarily spoken by any individual seeking or receiving language assist-
    19  ance services at the agency. Such information shall be recorded  whether
    20  or not such individual actually obtains services.
    21    (c)  The  department  shall submit to the governor and to the legisla-
    22  ture, on or before, March first of each year, a written report on agency
    23  compliance with the requirements of this section. The report shall  also
    24  compile  agency  findings and identify the primary languages used by the
    25  public, and the percentage of overall agency interaction with the public
    26  who speak each primary language. This report shall also include individ-
    27  ual agency report submissions as required in this section.
    28    5. The president shall promulgate rules  and  regulations  as  may  be
    29  necessary  and proper to implement the provisions of this section, which
    30  shall include the methodology to be  used  by  agencies  in  determining
    31  primary languages.
    32    6.  For  the  purposes of this section: (a) "primary language" means a
    33  language other than English that is  either  (i)  used  to  communicate,
    34  during  at least five percent of public visits in a year, by individuals
    35  of the public who cannot speak, read, write or  understand  the  English
    36  language  at  the  level of proficiency necessary for effective communi-
    37  cation with agency officials; or (ii)  spoken  by  non-English  speaking
    38  individuals comprising more than five percent of the agency service area
    39  population,  as  calculated  by  using demographic information available
    40  from the United States bureau of the census;
    41    (b) "agency" means any  state  department,  board,  bureau,  division,
    42  commission,  committee,  council,  office  or  other governmental entity
    43  performing a governmental or proprietary function for the state,  except
    44  for the judiciary or the state legislature.
    45    (c)  "language  assistance  services"  means interpretation and trans-
    46  lation services either orally or in writing.
    47    (d) "limited English proficient individual" means a person who identi-
    48  fies as being or is unable to speak, read or write the English  language
    49  at a level that permits him or her to interact effectively with an agen-
    50  cy.
    51    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    52  it shall have become a law.