

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 3, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COONEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed  to  the  Committee  on  Higher  Education  --
          committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation  to  authorizing  certain
          health  care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions
          to practice in this state

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 6529-a
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  6529-a.  Licensed  to  practice  in  another  state  or  territory.
     4  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,  any  person  who  is
     5  licensed  to  practice as a physician in another state or territory, who
     6  is in good standing in such state or territory may provide  professional
     7  services  within  this  state  to  persons  seeking  reproductive health
     8  services without first being licensed pursuant to the provisions of this
     9  article. Such services shall be provided only after such person  applies
    10  for  a  license  pursuant  to  the provisions of this article, as may be
    11  applicable, and demonstrates their intent to provide reproductive health
    12  services by providing a  letter  declaring  the  person's  intention  to
    13  provide such services and a letter from an employer or health care enti-
    14  ty  indicating that the person has accepted employment or entered into a
    15  contract to provide reproductive health  services,  the  person's  start
    16  date  and  the  location  where  reproductive  health  services  will be
    17  provided. Such person may continue providing services pursuant  to  this
    18  section  until such time that their license or certification to practice
    19  is approved or denied. Provided however, that such person  shall  comply
    20  with  all  applicable  licensure  and  regulatory requirements and shall
    21  practice within the scope of their  license.    Provided  further,  this
    22  section  shall  not  apply  to  persons licensed in a state or territory

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4148--A                          2

     1  determined to have substandard or nonconforming  professional  licensing
     2  requirements, as determined by the commissioner.
     3    §  2.  The  education law is amended by adding a new section 6546-a to
     4  read as follows:
     5    §  6546-a.  Licensed  to  practice  in  another  state  or  territory.
     6  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of law, any person who is
     7  licensed to practice as a physician assistant in another state or terri-
     8  tory, who is in good standing in such state  or  territory  may  provide
     9  professional  services within this state to persons seeking reproductive
    10  health services without first being licensed pursuant to the  provisions
    11  of  this article. Such services shall be provided only after such person
    12  applies for a license pursuant to the provisions of this article, as may
    13  be applicable, and demonstrates their  intent  to  provide  reproductive
    14  health  services  by providing a letter declaring the person's intention
    15  to provide such services and a letter from an employer  or  health  care
    16  entity  indicating  that  the  person has accepted employment or entered
    17  into a contract to provide reproductive health  services,  the  person's
    18  start  date  and the location where reproductive health services will be
    19  provided.  Such person may continue providing services pursuant to  this
    20  section  until such time that their license or certification to practice
    21  is approved or denied. Provided however, that such person  shall  comply
    22  with  all  applicable  licensure  and  regulatory requirements and shall
    23  practice within the scope  of  their  license.  Provided  further,  this
    24  section  shall  not  apply  to  persons licensed in a state or territory
    25  determined to have substandard or nonconforming  professional  licensing
    26  requirements, as determined by the commissioner.
    27    §  3.  The  education law is amended by adding a new section 6907-b to
    28  read as follows:
    29    §  6907-b.  Licensed  to  practice  in  another  state  or  territory.
    30  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of law, any person who is
    31  licensed to practice as a nurse practitioner or registered  professional
    32  nurse  in  another  state  or territory, who is in good standing in such
    33  state or territory may provide professional services within  this  state
    34  to  persons  seeking  reproductive  health  services without first being
    35  licensed pursuant to the provisions of this article. Such services shall
    36  be provided only after such person applies for a license pursuant to the
    37  provisions of this article, as may be applicable, and demonstrates their
    38  intent to provide reproductive health services  by  providing  a  letter
    39  declaring  the  person's intention to provide such services and a letter
    40  from an employer or health care entity indicating that  the  person  has
    41  accepted  employment  or entered into a contract to provide reproductive
    42  health services, the person's start date and the location  where  repro-
    43  ductive  health  services  will  be  provided.  Such person may continue
    44  providing services pursuant to this section until such time  that  their
    45  license  or  certification  to  practice is approved or denied. Provided
    46  however, that such person shall comply with all applicable licensure and
    47  regulatory requirements and shall practice within  the  scope  of  their
    48  license.  Provided  further,  this  section  shall  not apply to persons
    49  licensed in a state or  territory  determined  to  have  substandard  or
    50  nonconforming  professional licensing requirements, as determined by the
    51  commissioner.
    52    § 4. The education law is amended by adding a new  section  6958-a  to
    53  read as follows:
    54    §  6958-a.  Licensed  to  practice  in  another  state  or  territory.
    55  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,  any  person  who  is
    56  licensed  to practice as a midwife in another state or territory, who is

        S. 4148--A                          3

     1  in good standing in such state or  territory  may  provide  professional
     2  services  within  this  state  to  persons  seeking  reproductive health
     3  services without first being licensed pursuant to the provisions of this
     4  article.  Such services shall be provided only after such person applies
     5  for a license pursuant to the provisions of  this  article,  as  may  be
     6  applicable, and demonstrates their intent to provide reproductive health
     7  services  by  providing  a  letter  declaring  the person's intention to
     8  provide such services and a letter from an employer or health care enti-
     9  ty indicating that the person has accepted employment or entered into  a
    10  contract  to  provide  reproductive  health services, the person's start
    11  date and  the  location  where  reproductive  health  services  will  be
    12  provided.  Such  person may continue providing services pursuant to this
    13  section until such time that their license or certification to  practice
    14  is  approved  or denied. Provided however, that such person shall comply
    15  with all applicable licensure  and  regulatory  requirements  and  shall
    16  practice  within  the  scope  of their license.   Provided further, this
    17  section shall not apply to persons licensed  in  a  state  or  territory
    18  determined  to  have substandard or nonconforming professional licensing
    19  requirements, as determined by the commissioner.
    20    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.