            Cal. No. 347
                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 11, 2019
        Introduced  by Sens. KENNEDY, SEPULVEDA -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed, and when printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Aging  --
          reported  favorably from said committee and committed to the Committee
          on Finance -- committee discharged and  said  bill  committed  to  the
          Committee  on Rules -- ordered to a third reading, amended and ordered
          reprinted, retaining its place in the order of third reading
        AN ACT relating to establishing the  aging  in  place  task  force,  and
          providing for its powers and duties
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Aging in place task  force.  There  is  hereby  established
     2  within  the  office  for  the  aging  an  aging in place task force. The
     3  purpose of the task force shall be to study how the state can  encourage
     4  aging in place including, but not limited to, an examination of:
     5    (a) infrastructure and transportation improvements;
     6    (b) zoning changes to facilitate home care;
     7    (c) enhanced nutrition programs and delivery options;
     8    (d) improved fraud and abuse protections;
     9    (e) expansion of home medical care options;
    10    (f) tax incentives; and
    11    (g) incentives for private insurance.
    12    §  2.  The aging in place task force shall consist of a total of four-
    13  teen members and shall include: the commissioner of the state office  of
    14  temporary and disability assistance or his or her designee; the director
    15  of  the office for the aging or his or her designee; the chairperson and
    16  ranking member of the standing senate and assembly committees  of  aging
    17  or his or her designee; two people appointed by the governor; two people
    18  appointed by the temporary president of the senate; one person appointed
    19  by the minority leader of the senate; two people appointed by the speak-
    20  er  of  the assembly; and one person appointed by the minority leader of
    21  the assembly. The chairperson and ranking members of the standing senate
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3657--A                          2
     1  and assembly committees of aging and the  appointees  of  the  temporary
     2  president  of the senate, majority leader of the senate, minority leader
     3  of the senate, speaker of the assembly, majority leader of the  assembly
     4  and  minority  leader of the assembly may be members of the legislature.
     5  All appointments to the aging in place task force shall be made no later
     6  than thirty days after the effective date of this act. Any vacancy shall
     7  be filled by the appointing authority.
     8    § 3. There shall be two chairpersons selected from among  the  members
     9  of  the  aging in place task force. One chairperson shall be selected by
    10  the temporary president of the  senate  and  one  chairperson  shall  be
    11  selected by the speaker of the assembly. Such chairperson shall schedule
    12  the  first  meeting of the task force, which shall be held no later than
    13  sixty days after the effective date of this act.
    14    § 4. The members of the aging in place task force shall serve  without
    15  compensation,  except  that members shall be allowed their necessary and
    16  actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties  under  this
    17  act.
    18    §  5.  The  office for the aging shall provide the aging in place task
    19  force with such facilities, assistance, and data  as  will  enable  such
    20  task  force  to carry out its powers and duties. Additionally, all other
    21  departments or agencies of the state or subdivisions thereof  shall,  at
    22  the  request  of  the  chairpersons,  provide  such task force with such
    23  facilities, assistance, and data as will enable such task force to carry
    24  out its powers and duties.
    25    § 6. The aging in place task force shall issue a report of  its  find-
    26  ings and recommendations to the governor, the temporary president of the
    27  senate and the speaker of the assembly no later than January 1, 2022.
    28    § 7. The aging in place task force shall terminate on the date that it
    29  submits  the  report required in section six of this act or December 31,
    30  2021, whichever is later.
    31    § 8. This act shall take effect immediately.