                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 19, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen.  PARKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Health
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to  establishing  the
          age-appropriate  sex education grant program, to be referred to as the
          healthy teens act
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Legislative  intent.   The legislature finds and declares
     2  that New York state's teen pregnancy rate, 56.2 per  1000  female  15-19
     3  year  olds  as  compared to the Healthy People 2010 goal of 43 cases per
     4  1000 female 15-19 year olds falls far too short  of  the  public  health
     5  expectation  set  by the Surgeon General. New York state had 40,000 teen
     6  pregnancies in 2006.  In addition, according to the centers for  disease
     7  control,  1  in  4  teenage  girls has a sexually transmitted infection.
     8  This is true in New York state as well.  Current research documents that
     9  individuals  who  receive  early,  comprehensive,  age-appropriate,  and
    10  scientifically  accurate  education  in the health and other benefits of
    11  sexual abstinence, family planning, and birth control are more likely to
    12  delay sexual activity and engage later in such activity  with  a  higher
    13  degree   of  responsibility  and  safety.  Comprehensive  sex  education
    14  programs which complement parental involvement and  instruction  respect
    15  the diversity and values of our state and provide our youth at risk with
    16  the  foundation  to  make responsibly informed choices. The earlier such
    17  programs are commenced on an age-appropriate curriculum basis, the  more
    18  responsible will be the sexual activity decisions.
    19    Statistics within New York state communities show an increase in rates
    20  of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents over the past several
    21  years.    Adolescents are the fastest growing population of new HIV/AIDS
    22  cases. These increases place greater demand on the state's  health  care
    23  delivery  system and require that we take immediate action and embark on
    24  a dedicated mission to provide targeted at-risk adolescents with a  more
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3124                             2
     1  concentrated  sex  education  program with a significant parental compo-
     2  nent, designed to inform and instruct them on abstinence, protection and
     3  pregnancy prevention.  Approximately 25 percent of new cases of sexually
     4  transmitted  diseases  each year occur among teenagers and two-thirds of
     5  such new cases occur among persons 15 to 24 years old.  By  age  24,  at
     6  least  one  in three sexually active persons are estimated to have had a
     7  sexually transmitted disease. By way of example, the highest age-specif-
     8  ic gonorrhea rates among women and the third highest rates among men are
     9  in the 15 to 19 year old group.
    10    It is the intent of  the  legislature  that  the  age-appropriate  sex
    11  education  grant program established in this act provide at-risk adoles-
    12  cents with the information, assistance, skills  and  support  to  enable
    13  them  to  make  responsible  decisions, including abstaining from sexual
    14  intercourse and for those who do become  sexually  active,  the  use  of
    15  condoms or contraceptives effectively.
    16    It is also the intent of the legislature to reduce the current teenage
    17  pregnancy rate to 36.2 among 15 to 17 year olds and 105.9 among 18 to 19
    18  year  olds  by  the  year 2020 to meet the federal government initiative
    19  known as Healthy People 2020.
    20    § 2. This act shall be known and may be cited as  the  "healthy  teens
    21  act".
    22    §  3. The public health law is amended by adding a new article 14-A to
    23  read as follows:
    24                                 ARTICLE 14-A
    26  Section 1450. Definitions.
    27          1451. Establishment  of  age-appropriate  sex  education   grant
    28                  program; general components.
    29          1452. Age-appropriate sex education grant program awards.
    30          1453. Application  for  grants;  age-appropriate  sex  education
    31                  grant program plan.
    32          1454. Maintenance of effort.
    33          1455. Annual reports by grant recipients.
    34          1456. Notification to potential applicants.
    35          1457. Regulations.
    36    § 1450. Definitions. For the purposes of this article,  the  following
    37  terms shall have the following meanings:
    38    1.  "Eligible  applicant"  means  (a)  a public school district, (b) a
    39  board of cooperative educational services,  (c)  a  school-based  health
    40  center,  (d)  a  community  based organization which may be a for-profit
    41  corporation or entity or not-for-profit corporation or organization,  or
    42  (e)  a  consortium  or partnership formed by a public school district, a
    43  board of cooperative educational services and/or a  school-based  health
    44  center and one or more community based organizations which qualifies for
    45  the  award of an age-appropriate sex education grant by the commissioner
    46  under this article.
    47    2. "Grant program plan" means the plan submitted to  the  commissioner
    48  by  an  eligible  applicant  under section fourteen hundred fifty-one of
    49  this article.
    50    3. "State income standard" means the most recent federal income  offi-
    51  cial  poverty line as defined annually and revised by the federal office
    52  of management and budget adjusted for family size.
    53    4. "Age-appropriate sex education grant program" means a comprehensive
    54  age-appropriate sex education program conducted by an eligible applicant
    55  under section fourteen hundred fifty-one of this article.

        S. 3124                             3
     1    5. "School-based health center" means a clinic licensed under  article
     2  twenty-eight  of this chapter, or sponsored by a facility licensed under
     3  article twenty-eight  of  this  chapter,  which  provides  primary  care
     4  services within an elementary or secondary public school setting.
     5    §  1451. Establishment of age-appropriate sex education grant program;
     6  general components. 1. There is hereby established within the department
     7  an age-appropriate sex education grant program.  The  program  shall  be
     8  formulated  by the commissioner after consultation with the commissioner
     9  of education. The purpose of the program shall be to provide  grants  to
    10  eligible  applicants  to  support  age-appropriate  sex  education grant
    11  programs for young people which provides them with topics of instruction
    12  in the components set forth in subdivision two of this section.
    13    2. In order for an eligible applicant to receive an award of an annual
    14  grant under subdivision three of this section, such an  applicant  shall
    15  submit with its application the components of instruction which shall be
    16  offered in its age-appropriate sex education grant program.  The commis-
    17  sioner  shall determine certain topics of instruction to be optional for
    18  age-appropriate reasons as shall be specified  by  the  commissioner  in
    19  application  instructions  made  available  by  the  department  for the
    20  purposes of implementing this article.  It is not necessary  to  provide
    21  equal  emphasis  on each component of instruction, however a project may
    22  not be inconsistent with any of  the  components.    The  components  of
    23  instruction shall include whether such instruction:
    24    (a) is age-appropriate and medically-accurate;
    25    (b)  does  not teach or promote religion, provided that this paragraph
    26  shall not preclude discussion  of  moral,  ethical  or  religious  views
    27  related to sex or sexual relationships;
    28    (c) teaches that abstinence is the only sure way to avoid pregnancy or
    29  sexually transmitted diseases;
    30    (d)  stresses the value of abstinence while not ignoring those adoles-
    31  cents who have had or who are having sexual intercourse;
    32    (e) provides information about the health benefits and side effects of
    33  all contraceptives and barrier methods as a means to prevent pregnancy;
    34    (f) provides information about the health benefits and side effects of
    35  all contraceptives and barrier methods as a means to reduce the risk  of
    36  contracting sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and other diseases;
    37    (g)  provides information about the vaccine for human papilloma virus,
    38  which may prevent cervical cancer, genital warts, infertility, and other
    39  reproductive health problems, when administered prior to becoming  sexu-
    40  ally active;
    41    (h)  encourages  family  communication  about sexuality among parents,
    42  other adult household members and children;
    43    (i) teaches skills to  make  responsible  decisions  about  sexuality,
    44  including  how  to  avoid unwanted verbal, physical and sexual advances,
    45  and how not to make unwanted verbal, physical and sexual advances;
    46    (j) teaches how alcohol and drug use can affect  responsible  decision
    47  making;
    48    (k)  helps  young people to gain knowledge about the physical, biolog-
    49  ical and hormonal changes of adolescence and subsequent stages of  human
    50  maturation;
    51    (l)  develops the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure and protect
    52  young people with respect to their sexual and reproductive health;
    53    (m) assists young people  in  gaining  knowledge  about  the  specific
    54  involvement  of,  and responsibility of both males and females in sexual
    55  decision making;

        S. 3124                             4
     1    (n) develops healthy attitudes and values concerning growth and devel-
     2  opment, body image, gender roles, sexual orientation and other subjects;
     3    (o)  encourages young people to practice healthy life skills including
     4  goal setting, decision making, negotiation, and communication and stress
     5  management;
     6    (p) promotes self-esteem and positive interpersonal skills focusing on
     7  relationship skills, including platonic, romantic, intimate  and  family
     8  relationships and interaction and how to avoid relationship abuse; and
     9    (q)  is  based  on theoretical projects that have been demonstrated to
    10  influence health behavior.
    11    It is not necessary for the grantee  to  address  every  component  of
    12  instruction,  however,  paragraphs  (a)  and (b) of this subdivision are
    13  required of all applicant programs. No program may  include  information
    14  or messages that contradict any of the components.
    15    3.  Any  eligible  applicant  may  apply for, and upon approval of the
    16  application by the commissioner, shall be awarded an annual  sex  educa-
    17  tion  grant provided it demonstrates in the grant program plan submitted
    18  to the commissioner that:
    19    (a) it is capable of providing young persons  with  an  effective  sex
    20  education  program  that  shall  be  meaningful,  substantially  involve
    21  parents and other adults as  feasible  and  appropriate,  and  shall  be
    22  conducted in accordance with this article and any regulations under this
    23  article;
    24    (b) if such applicant is a community based organization, that it has a
    25  proven  record  and  experience  in conducting meaningful and successful
    26  age-appropriate sex education programs for at least five years prior  to
    27  the  calendar  year in which application for the grant is made, and that
    28  it is capable of providing an age-appropriate sex education program to a
    29  broad based segment of the youth population with  specific  emphasis  on
    30  targeted at-risk youths in such organization's service area. The commis-
    31  sioner may seek and he or she shall receive any pertinent information or
    32  request and receive recommendations as to such community based organiza-
    33  tion's  interactions  or  prior  dealings  with any other state or local
    34  governmental entity, including, but not limited to,  any  public  school
    35  district  or  board  of  cooperative  educational services in making the
    36  determination required by this paragraph.
    37    4. All monies provided in grants under this article shall be in  addi-
    38  tion  to,  and  not in lieu of, any moneys historically appropriated for
    39  the same or similar purposes and shall not be used to offset  or  reduce
    40  moneys previously expended for similar programs.
    41    §  1452. Age-appropriate sex education grant program awards. 1. Within
    42  amounts appropriated therefor, the commissioner shall be  authorized  to
    43  grant  awards  for the support of approved age-appropriate sex education
    44  grant programs.
    45    2. Grants to support an approved age-appropriate sex  education  grant
    46  program  shall  be  awarded  on  a  competitive basis in accordance with
    47  criteria established by the commissioner.
    48    3. The department shall,  from  within  amounts  appropriated  to  the
    49  department,  undertake all activities necessary to plan for and prelimi-
    50  narily provide for the timely implementation of the age-appropriate  sex
    51  education  grant program authorized by this article for the state fiscal
    52  year commencing one year following the effective date of this article.
    53    4. Not more than five percent of any amounts made available by  appro-
    54  priation in any single fiscal year for the age-appropriate sex education
    55  grant  program  shall  be  annually retained by the commissioner for the
    56  administrative purposes of the department.

        S. 3124                             5
     1    5. Of the amounts made available by appropriation for the  sex  educa-
     2  tion grant program, not more than five percent of any funds made by such
     3  appropriation for the state fiscal year commencing three years following
     4  the  effective  date of this article shall be made available for payment
     5  to  a  nationally recognized and accredited organization with experience
     6  in analyzing the efficacy and benefits of sex education  grant  programs
     7  for  purposes  of enabling such organization to evaluate the totality of
     8  the grant program and grants awarded in  the  two  years  following  the
     9  effective  date  of this article.  Similarly, not more than four percent
    10  of any funds for the state fiscal year commencing four  years  following
    11  the  effective  date of this article shall be made available for payment
    12  to the same organization which was awarded the initial  contract  to  so
    13  analyze  the age-appropriate sex education grant program for the purpose
    14  of providing necessary funds to them to analyze the age-appropriate  sex
    15  education grant program from its inception through and including all the
    16  grant  year  periods  authorized under this article.  The contract to be
    17  awarded to such organization shall be  let  only  after  a  request  for
    18  proposal has been issued by the department in the manner provided for by
    19  law,  and  the  award  of  such contract shall be subject to competitive
    20  bidding requirements as also required by  law.    The  department  shall
    21  include  within the request for proposal detailed criteria of evaluation
    22  to be employed by the organization to be awarded the  bid.  The  request
    23  for proposal shall also allow for a bidding organization to submit addi-
    24  tional  evaluative  criteria  that  may  be utilized by the organization
    25  awarded the bid if  approved  by  the  department.  Notwithstanding  any
    26  inconsistent  provision  of  this  subdivision, the request for proposal
    27  shall include a provision authorizing the commissioner to terminate  the
    28  awarded contract to the successful bidder with respect to the conduct of
    29  the  second  evaluation of the grant program for the entire grant period
    30  authorized under this article if the commissioner is not satisfied  with
    31  the  quality  of  effort demonstrated by such bidder in the first evalu-
    32  ation of the grant program period. In such case, a similar  request  for
    33  proposal  procedure  shall  be  utilized  for  the purpose of making the
    34  second evaluation.
    35    6. Beginning with the school year in  July  two  years  following  the
    36  effective  date  of  this article and every school year thereafter, from
    37  any annual appropriations and/or  reappropriations  made  therefor,  the
    38  commissioner shall set aside eighty percent of the money so appropriated
    39  (minus  any  amounts  necessary  to  pay adjustment expenses pursuant to
    40  subdivisions three, four and five of this section) for  the  purpose  of
    41  awarding  grants  for  sex education grant program plans approved by the
    42  commissioner pursuant to section fourteen hundred  fifty-three  of  this
    43  article  to  be  conducted  by  public school districts and/or boards of
    44  cooperative educational services  including  those  programs  which  are
    45  going  to  be  conducted  in  accordance with a program plan pursuant to
    46  consortiums or partnerships formed by a public  school  district  and/or
    47  board  of  cooperative  educational  services  and a school-based health
    48  center or one or more community based organizations. Priority,  substan-
    49  tial  consideration  and weight shall be accorded by the commissioner in
    50  the awarding of grants to such consortiums or  partnerships.  Similarly,
    51  the  commissioner shall set aside twenty per centum of any appropriation
    52  for the purpose of awarding grants  for  age-appropriate  sex  education
    53  grant program plans approved by the commissioner for eligible applicants
    54  who  are  community  based  organizations or school-based health centers
    55  which are not conducting such program as part of a consortium  or  part-
    56  nership.

        S. 3124                             6
     1    7.  In  making  grants under this article, the commissioner shall also
     2  give special consideration and weight to: (a)  the  number  of  reported
     3  adolescent  pregnancies by persons residing in such area over the previ-
     4  ous ten years and the number  of  adolescent  parents,  including  where
     5  feasible,  the  number  of  single parents, who currently reside in such
     6  area, (b) the number of reported  occurrences  of  sexually  transmitted
     7  diseases  and  HIV/AIDS  among  residents of the area to be served, with
     8  particular emphasis on HIV/AIDS, (c) the number of persons  residing  in
     9  the  area  to  be  served  whose annual personal income is less than one
    10  hundred fifty percent of the established state income  standard  or  who
    11  participate  in  the  free and reduced price lunch program as defined in
    12  subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred two of the education  law,
    13  and  any other generally available statistical data which indicates that
    14  the area to be served is economically or  otherwise  disadvantaged,  (d)
    15  the high school drop out rate in the area as determined by the education
    16  department, and (e) any other generally available statistical data which
    17  indicates  that  the  area to be served is in need of an age-appropriate
    18  sex education program.
    19    § 1453. Application for grants; age-appropriate  sex  education  grant
    20  program  plan. 1. The commissioner shall establish an application proce-
    21  dure by which eligible applicants may apply for a grant pursuant to this
    22  article, and the manner and method including specified objective  crite-
    23  ria  consistent with this article by which the commissioner shall deter-
    24  mine the eligibility of an applicant.
    25    2. The eligible applicant shall submit with  its  age-appropriate  sex
    26  education  grant application its grant program plan to the commissioner,
    27  which shall include a detailed description of the proposed age-appropri-
    28  ate sex education program, including but not limited to:
    29    (a) the manner in which parents and other adults will be  included  in
    30  the program;
    31    (b) an outline for the curriculum to be covered in the eligible appli-
    32  cant's  program, including the instructional materials, books, videos or
    33  other instructional tools to be used and  the  training  which  will  be
    34  provided  to  teachers,  personnel  and  volunteers who will conduct the
    35  program. Such curriculum shall include, but need not be  limited  to,  a
    36  comprehensive  block of instruction that stresses abstinence as the most
    37  effective and appropriate protection against HIV/AIDS and pregnancy  and
    38  which contains written and oral instruction on the prevention of sexual-
    39  ly transmitted diseases. The other core elements shall satisfy a signif-
    40  icant  number  of, or preferably all of, the components of an age-appro-
    41  priate sex education grant program as established  in  section  fourteen
    42  hundred fifty-one of this article;
    43    (c) any special, or unusual or innovative services, programs or educa-
    44  tion methods to be utilized;
    45    (d)  the  number  and  types  of  teaching  or  other  personnel to be
    46  employed, or volunteers to be used, together with their professional  or
    47  academic credentials;
    48    (e)  the geographic area in which the proposed program will be offered
    49  and a description of the categories and age groupings of at-risk adoles-
    50  cents included in such program, along with an estimate of the number  of
    51  adolescents  who  the  applicant  estimates  will  participate  in  such
    52  program;
    53    (f) a demonstration that the proposed program is adequate in terms  of
    54  course length and in terms of both short term and long-range goals;
    55    (g)  the  need  for such program in the proposed area to be served. In
    56  determining such need the commissioner shall specifically  consider  the

        S. 3124                             7
     1  following factors and give special attention to programs servicing areas
     2  which have a higher than average incidence in one or more of the follow-
     3  ing  enumerated  life experiences: (i) the number of reported adolescent
     4  pregnancies by persons residing in such area over the previous ten years
     5  and  the  number  of  adolescent  parents, including where feasible, the
     6  number of single parents, who currently reside in such  area,  (ii)  the
     7  number  of  reported  occurrences  of  sexually transmitted diseases and
     8  HIV/AIDS among residents of the  area  to  be  served,  with  particular
     9  emphasis  on  HIV/AIDS, (iii) the number of persons residing in the area
    10  to be served whose annual personal income is less than one hundred fifty
    11  percent of the established state income standard or who  participate  in
    12  the free or reduced price lunch program as defined in subdivision one of
    13  section  thirty-six  hundred  two  of  the  education law, and any other
    14  generally available statistical data which indicates that the area to be
    15  served is economically or otherwise disadvantaged, (iv) the high  school
    16  drop out rate in the area as determined by the education department, and
    17  (v)  any other generally available statistical data which indicates that
    18  the area to be served is in need of  an  age-appropriate  sex  education
    19  program;
    20    (h) the success realized by an eligible applicant in reducing unwanted
    21  pregnancies  and  cases  of  sexually  transmitted  diseases, as well as
    22  reducing risk behavior, in programs previously, or currently, conducted;
    23  and
    24    (i) any other information as the commissioner may request.
    25    3. In considering applications submitted by eligible  applicants,  the
    26  commissioner  shall give special attention, and grant priority to appli-
    27  cations submitted by an eligible applicant  which  is  a  public  school
    28  district or board of cooperative educational services working in consor-
    29  tium  or  partnership  with one or more community based organizations or
    30  school-based health centers, especially where the community based organ-
    31  ization, organizations or school-based health centers has a demonstrated
    32  record of success in the conduct of sex education programs of a  similar
    33  nature to the sex education program provided for in this article.
    34    §  1454. Maintenance of effort. Any monies made available to an eligi-
    35  ble applicant shall not be used to offset or reduce the amount of moneys
    36  previously expended for the same or similar programs in  a  prior  year,
    37  but shall be used to supplement any prior years' expenditures. No eligi-
    38  ble  applicant  shall  reduce any subsequent years' expenditures for the
    39  same or similar programs as a result of receiving any grant, or increase
    40  in the amount of any prior awarded grant, pursuant to this article.
    41    § 1455. Annual reports by grant recipients. 1. Every  eligible  appli-
    42  cant  that  has  been  awarded  a grant under this article shall file an
    43  annual report with the commissioner, in such form and with such data  as
    44  the  commissioner  prescribes  detailing the expenditure of grant funds,
    45  together with an analysis of the  age-appropriate  sex  education  grant
    46  program  it  conducted,  with  a  summary  of its success or failures in
    47  altering attitudes regarding the merits of sexual abstinence as well  as
    48  in  preventing  unwanted  pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and
    49  HIV/AIDS.
    50    2. The commissioner shall on or before February first  in  each  year,
    51  submit  a report on the program to the governor, the temporary president
    52  of the senate and the speaker of the  assembly  containing  his  or  her
    53  findings and recommendations. In the report submitted in the fourth year
    54  and  the sixth year following the effective date of this article respec-
    55  tively, the commissioner  shall  also  include  the  evaluation  of  the

        S. 3124                             8
     1  program  as  presented by the accredited organization in accordance with
     2  section fourteen hundred fifty-two of this article.
     3    §  1456.  Notification to potential applicants. The commissioner shall
     4  timely send to every public school district  and  board  of  cooperative
     5  educational  services  and to every requesting community based organiza-
     6  tion or school-based health center a copy of this  article  and  general
     7  information  relating to the age-appropriate sex education grant program
     8  and the application process therefor.
     9    § 1457. Regulations. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations  as
    10  shall be reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions of this arti-
    11  cle.
    12    §  4. Severability.   If any provision of this act, or any application
    13  of any provision of this act, is held to  be  invalid,  that  shall  not
    14  affect the validity or effectiveness of any other provision of this act,
    15  or of any other application of any provision of this act.
    16    §  5.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall apply to the
    17  school year which commences on or after July  first  in  the  year  next
    18  succeeding  the  date on which it shall have become a law; provided that
    19  the commissioner of health shall promulgate such regulations as shall be
    20  necessary to implement the provisions of this act not later than 90 days
    21  after such effective date.