S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                   February 3, 2011
       Introduced  by  Sen.  KRUGER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
       AN ACT in relation to creating a temporary state commission to study and
         evaluate medicaid reimbursement plans and rates for prescription drugs
    1    Section 1. Legislative findings and declaration. The legislature here-
    2  by finds and declares that the health needs of New York state's indigent
    3  and  elderly  residents  demand  that our medicaid program provide ready
    4  access to medication. In structuring the  program  to  most  effectively
    5  achieve  this goal, we must give due consideration to the important role
    6  played by pharmacists who choose to participate in the program  and  the
    7  need  to  provide  them  the level of monetary compensation for medicaid
    8  prescriptions necessary to maintain their businesses.
    9    Furthermore, we must analyze the current  operation  of  the  medicaid
   10  prescription drug reimbursement program with an eye towards its restruc-
   11  ture,  in  order to provide for an improved system that evidences fiscal
   12  responsibility, greater efficiency of management and better  service  to
   13  its recipients.
   14    Therefore,  a  need  exists for a thorough study and assessment of the
   15  medicaid reimbursement plans and rates for prescription drugs used else-
   16  where in the country, for the costs involved in operations  and  manage-
   17  ment  in  the  pharmaceutical  industry,  as  well as for a study of any
   18  potential cost saving measures related to the medicaid prescription drug
   19  reimbursement program, and for the submission to the governor and legis-
   20  lature of a report containing the  conclusions  and  recommendations  of
   21  such study.
   22    S  2.  A  temporary state commission on the medicaid prescription drug
   23  reimbursement program is hereby created  to  study,  evaluate  and  make
   24  recommendations  concerning  medicaid  reimbursement plans and rates for
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 2964                             2
    1  prescription drugs. The subjects of such study and report shall  include
    2  but not be limited to:
    3    (a)  medicaid  reimbursement  formulas in this state and in contiguous
    4  and comparable states for prescription drugs;
    5    (b) pharmaceutical dispensing fees in this state and in contiguous and
    6  comparable states for prescription drugs;
    7    (c) average costs involved in operations and management in the pharma-
    8  ceutical industry in this state and in contiguous and comparable states,
    9  including an examination  of  the  practice  of  wholesaler  -  pharmacy
   10  discounts   for  prescription  drugs;  and  average  pharmacy  operating
   11  expenses including but not limited to rent, equipment costs and employee
   12  wages;
   13    (d)  any  potential  cost-saving  measures  related  to  the  medicaid
   14  prescription  drug  reimbursement  program, including but not limited to
   15  the implementation of a statewide computerized identification system for
   16  medicaid prescription drug recipients and providers.
   17    S 3. The temporary state commission shall consist of  16  members  who
   18  shall  be the following: the commissioner of the department of temporary
   19  and disability assistance or his representative; 5 members who shall  be
   20  appointed  by  the  governor;  3  members  who shall be appointed by the
   21  majority leader of the senate and 3 members who shall  be  appointed  by
   22  the  speaker  of  the  assembly; 2 members who shall be appointed by the
   23  minority leader of the senate and 2 members who shall  be  appointed  by
   24  the minority leader of the assembly; 3 of these members shall be pharma-
   25  cists  participating in the medicaid program in the state of New York; 2
   26  members shall be physicians licensed to practice in  the  state  of  New
   27  York;  and 3 members shall be recipients of medicaid in the state of New
   28  York, or their advocates. The governor shall designate the  chairperson.
   29  Vacancies  in  the  membership  of the commission shall be filled in the
   30  manner provided for original appointments.
   31    S 4. The chairperson shall have the power to set the agenda or  action
   32  plan  for  the  commission; establish commission workplace and methodol-
   33  ogies; review and approve reports and recommendations; assign  committee
   34  members  specific duties, tasks and responsibilities; request the tempo-
   35  rary assignment of any state employees he  or  she  deems  necessary  to
   36  carry  out  specific  projects  or  tasks  essential to the commission's
   37  purpose; call meetings of commission members and be able to contract out
   38  for the assistance of specialists in the private sector.
   39    S 5. The commission may meet within and without the state, shall  hold
   40  public  hearings, and shall have all the powers of a legislative commit-
   41  tee pursuant to the legislative law.
   42    S 6. The members of the commission shall receive no  compensation  for
   43  their  services but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
   44  incurred in the performance of their duties hereunder.
   45    S 7. The commission, with such support of the governor as may be need-
   46  ed, may request and shall receive from any department, division,  board,
   47  bureau,  commission  or agency of the state or of any political subdivi-
   48  sion thereof such assistance and data as  will  enable  it  properly  to
   49  carry  out  its  activities hereunder and effectuate the purposes herein
   50  set forth.
   51    S 8. The commission shall make a report of its findings and  recommen-
   52  dations  regarding  medicaid  reimbursement  plans, and for an equitable
   53  reimbursement rate for pharmacists and medicaid recipients in  New  York
   54  state to the governor and the legislature on or before February 1, 2012.
   55    S 9. This act shall take effect immediately.