S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
           S. 2806                                                  A. 4006
                             S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                                   February 1, 2011
       IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
         cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
         when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
       IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
         article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
         Committee on Ways and Means
       AN  ACT to amend chapters 50, 54, 55 and 108 of the laws of 2010, making
         appropriations for the support of government
    1    Section  1.  Section 1 of chapter 50 of the laws of 2010, enacting the
    2  the public protection and  general  government  budget,  is  amended  by
    3  repeal the items hereinbelow set forth in brackets and by adding to such
    4  section the other items underscored in this section.
    7               STATE OPERATIONS AND AID TO LOCALITIES 2010-11
    8  FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM ......................... 18,079,700
    9                                                            --------------
   10    Special Revenue Funds - Other / Aid to Localities
   11    Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund - 339
   12    [Local Wireless Public Safety Answering Point Account]
   14  For expenses of local wireless public safety
   15    answering  points associated with eligible
   16    wireless 911 service costs.  Notwithstand-
   17    ing any other  provision  of  law  to  the
   18    contrary,  for state fiscal year 2010-2011
   19    the liability of the state and the  amount
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 2806                             2                            A. 4006
    1    to be distributed or otherwise expended by
    2    the state pursuant to section 186-f of the
    3    tax  law  shall  be  determined  by  first
    4    calculating  the amount of the expenditure
    5    or other liability pursuant to  such  law,
    6    and then reducing the amount so calculated
    7    by 12.5 percent of such amount ...........
    8    ................................ 4,650,000
    9  For expenses of local wireless public safety
   10    answering  points associated with eligible
   11    wireless 911 service costs, including  but
   12    not  limited  to financing and acquisition
   13    costs. Notwithstanding any other provision
   14    of law to the contrary, for  state  fiscal
   15    year  2010-2011 the liability of the state
   16    and the amount to be distributed or other-
   17    wise expended by  the  state  pursuant  to
   18    section  186-f  of  the  tax  law shall be
   19    determined by first calculating the amount
   20    of  the  expenditure  or  other  liability
   21    pursuant  to  such  law, and then reducing
   22    the amount so calculated by  12.5  percent
   23    of such amount ................. 4,650,000
   24                                --------------
   25      Program account subtotal ..... 9,300,000
   26                                --------------
   27    S  2. Section 1 of chapter 54 of the laws of 2010, enacting the health
   28  and mental hygiene budget, is amended by repealing the items hereinbelow
   29  set forth in brackets and by adding to  such  section  the  other  items
   30  underscored in this section.
   31                      HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE BUDGET
   32                            OFFICE FOR THE AGING
   33               STATE OPERATIONS AND AID TO LOCALITIES 2010-11
   34  COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM ................. [225,259,000]   228,259,000
   35                                              --------------
   36    Special Revenue Funds - Federal / Aid to Localities
   37    Federal Health and Human Services Fund - 265
   38  For  programs  provided  under the titles of
   39    the federal older Americans act and  other
   40    health and human services programs.
   41  Title III-b social services ..... 26,000,000
   42  Title  III-c nutrition programs, including a
   43    suballocation to the department of  health
   44    for nutrition program activities .........
   45    ............................... 41,000,000
   46  Title III-e caregivers .......... 12,000,000
   47  Health and human services programs .........
   48    .............................. [7,000,000]     8,000,000
   49  Nutrition services incentive program .......
   50    ............................... 16,000,000
   51  For   purposes   of  Congregate  Nutritional
       S. 2806                             3                            A. 4006
    1    Services funded by the  American  recovery
    2    and reinvestment act of 2009. Funds appro-
    3    priated  herein  shall  be  subject to all
    4    applicable  reporting  and  accountability
    5    requirements contained in such act .......
    6    ................................ 2,350,000
    7  For purposes of  Home-Delivered  Nutritional
    8    Services  funded  by the American recovery
    9    and reinvestment act of 2009. Funds appro-
   10    priated herein shall  be  subject  to  all
   11    applicable  reporting  and  accountability
   12    requirements contained in such act .......
   13    ................................ 1,135,000
   14                                --------------
   15      Program fund subtotal .... [105,485,000]   106,485,000
   16                                --------------
   17    Special Revenue Funds - Federal / Aid to Localities
   18    Federal Operating Grants Fund - 290
   19    Senior Community Service Employment Account
   20  For the senior community service  employment
   21    program  provided  under  title  V  of the
   22    federal older Americans act .. [7,000,000]     9,000,000
   23  For the senior community service  employment
   24    program  provided  under  title  V  of the
   25    federal older Americans act funded by  the
   26    American  recovery and reinvestment act of
   27    2009. Funds appropriated herein  shall  be
   28    subject  to  all  applicable reporting and
   29    accountability requirements  contained  in
   30    such act ......................... 900,000
   31                                --------------
   32      Program account subtotal ... [7,900,000]     9,900,000
   33                                --------------
   34    Total new appropriations for state operations and aid to
   35      localities ............................ [239,609,400]    242,609,400
   36                                              ==============
   37    S  3. Section 1 of chapter 55 of the laws of 2010, enacting the trans-
   38  portation, economic development and environmental  conservation  budget,
   39  is  amended by repealing the items hereinbelow set forth in brackets and
   40  by adding to such section the other items underscored in this seciton.
   42                                   BUDGET
   43                           DIVISION OF TAX APPEALS
   44               STATE OPERATIONS AND AID TO LOCALITIES 2010-11
   45  ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................... [3,053,000]     3,154,000
   46                                              --------------
   47    General Fund / State Operations
   48    State Purposes Account - 003
       S. 2806                             4                            A. 4006
    1                              PERSONAL SERVICE
    2  Personal service--regular ...... [2,676,000]     2,777,000
    3  Temporary service ................... 10,000
    4                                --------------
    5    Amount available for personal service ....
    6      ............................ [2,686,000]     2,787,000
    7                                --------------
    8                             NONPERSONAL SERVICE
    9  Supplies and materials .............. 27,100
   10  Travel .............................. 19,700
   11  Contractual services ............... 257,000
   12  Equipment ........................... 63,200
   13                                --------------
   14    Amount available for nonper-
   15      sonal service .................. 367,000
   16                                --------------
   17    Total new appropriations for state operations and aid to
   18      localities ............................... [3,053,000]     3,154,000
   19                                              ==============
   20    S  4.  Section 11 of chapter 108 of the laws of 2010, making appropri-
   21  ations for the support of government, is amended by repealing the  items
   22  herein  below  set  forth  in brackets and by adding to such section the
   23  other items underscored in this section.
   24                            DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
   25  CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAM ........ [512,727,000]   518,977,000
   26                                              --------------
   27    General Fund / Aid to Localities
   28    Local Assistance Account - 001
   29  State aid to municipalities for  the  opera-
   30    tion of local health departments and labo-
   31    ratories  and for the provision of general
   32    public health services pursuant to article
   33    6 of the public health law for  activities
   34    under the jurisdiction of the commissioner
   35    of health.
   36  Notwithstanding any other provision of arti-
   37    cle  6  of the public health law, a county
   38    may obtain reimbursement pursuant to  this
   39    act, only after the county chief financial
   40    officer certifies, in the municipal health
   41    services plan, that county tax levies used
   42    to fund services carried out by the county
   43    health  department  have not been added to
   44    or supplanted directly  or  indirectly  by
   45    any  funds obtained by the county pursuant
   46    to the Master Settlement Agreement entered
   47    into on November 23, 1998 by the state and
       S. 2806                             5                            A. 4006
    1    leading  United  States  tobacco   product
    2    manufacturers,  except  in  the  case of a
    3    public health emergency, as determined  by
    4    the commissioner of health.
    5  Notwithstanding  annual aggregate limits for
    6    bad debt and charity care  allowances  and
    7    any   other   provision   of  law,  up  to
    8    $1,700,000 shall  be  transferred  to  the
    9    medical  assistance program general fund -
   10    local  assistance  account  for   eligible
   11    publicly  sponsored  certified home health
   12    agencies that demonstrate  losses  from  a
   13    disproportionate  share  of  bad  debt and
   14    charity care, pursuant to chapter  884  of
   15    the  laws  of  1990.  Within  the  maximum
   16    limits specified  herein,  the  department
   17    shall  transfer only those funds which are
   18    necessary to meet the state share require-
   19    ments for disproportionate  share  adjust-
   20    ments  expected  to be paid for the period
   21    January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
   22    The moneys hereby  appropriated  shall  be
   23    available for payment of financial assist-
   24    ance heretofore accrued .... [284,763,000]   291,013,000
   25                                --------------
   26      Program account subtotal ...............
   27        ........................ [481,235,000]   487,485,000
   28                                --------------
   30    PROGRAM .................... [328,350,000]   380,350,000
   31                                --------------
   32    Special Revenue Funds - Other / Aid to Localities
   33    Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund - 339
   34    EPIC Premium Account
   35  For services and expenses of the program for
   36    elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage,
   37    including   reimbursement   to  pharmacies
   38    participating in such program.    Notwith-
   39    standing  any  inconsistent  provision  of
   40    law, rule or regulation to  the  contrary,
   41    for  the  period  October  1, 2010 through
   42    March 31, 2011, for a participant  in  the
   43    program  for elderly pharmaceutical insur-
   44    ance  coverage  whose  prescription   drug
   45    expenses  are  paid  or reimbursable under
   46    the provisions of  the  medicare  program,
   47    assistance  under  the program for elderly
   48    pharmaceutical insurance coverage shall be
   49    limited to prescription drugs  covered  by
   50    the  participant's  medicare  plan  and to
   51    drugs excluded from medicare  coverage  in
   52    accordance  with  section  1860-D-2 of the
   53    federal social security act, and  in  such
       S. 2806                             6                            A. 4006
    1    cases  the  program for elderly pharmaceu-
    2    tical insurance coverage shall  cover  the
    3    amount  that  is the responsibility of the
    4    participant  under the medicare plan bene-
    5    fit, subject to  the  participant's  cost-
    6    sharing   responsibility  on  such  amount
    7    under section 247 or section  248  of  the
    8    elder  law; provided, however, that cover-
    9    age  under  the   elderly   pharmaceutical
   10    insurance coverage program shall be avail-
   11    able  only after the participant has first
   12    exhausted the first two levels  of  appeal
   13    available  under  Part D of title XVIII of
   14    the federal social security  act  and  the
   15    appeal   has  been  denied;  and  provided
   16    further that during the medicare  coverage
   17    determination   and   appeal  period,  the
   18    elderly pharmaceutical insurance  coverage
   19    program  shall  provide  up  to  a  90 day
   20    supply of the  prescribed  medication,  or
   21    such  lesser  supply  as  specified on the
   22    prescription, if (i) the pharmacist  noti-
   23    fies the prescriber that the participant's
   24    Medicare Part D plan and the elderly phar-
   25    maceutical insurance coverage program have
   26    denied  payment for the prescribed medica-
   27    tion and that if the prescriber  does  not
   28    choose  to  change  the  prescription to a
   29    drug that is covered by the  participant's
   30    Medicare  Part  D  plan, a Medicare Part D
   31    appeal must be pursued and (ii) the  pres-
   32    criber notifies the elderly pharmaceutical
   33    insurance    coverage   program   of   the
   34    prescriber's intent to  provide  necessary
   35    information and cooperation in the pursuit
   36    of   the   Medicare  Part  D  appeal;  and
   37    provided further that, in instances  where
   38    the  pharmacist  is  unable to immediately
   39    reach the prescriber, the elderly  pharma-
   40    ceutical insurance coverage program shall,
   41    upon   the   request  of  the  pharmacist,
   42    authorize a three day emergency supply  of
   43    the  prescribed  medication;  and provided
   44    further that  the  elderly  pharmaceutical
   45    insurance coverage program shall authorize
   46    such  additional  90  day  supplies of the
   47    prescribed  medication,  or  such   lesser
   48    supply  as  specified on the prescription,
   49    and such additional  three  day  emergency
   50    supplies as required to ensure coverage of
   51    the   prescribed   medication  during  the
   52    pendency of the Medicare  Part  D  appeal;
   53    provided  however that, if this act appro-
   54    priates  sufficient  additional  funds  to
   55    permit  the  elderly pharmaceutical insur-
   56    ance coverage program to provide  coverage
       S. 2806                             7                            A. 4006
    1    for  prescription  drugs without regard to
    2    the limitations described in this section,
    3    then  the  provisions  of  this  paragraph
    4    shall  not  apply  and shall be considered
    5    null and void as of  September  30,  2010.
    6    The  moneys  hereby  appropriated shall be
    7    available for payment of financial assist-
    8    ance heretofore accrued .... [125,800,000]   177,800,000
    9                                --------------
   10      Program account subtotal ...............
   11        ........................ [125,800,000]   177,800,000
   12                                --------------
   13    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to
   14  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2010.