S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                   January 27, 2011
       Introduced  by  Sen.  KRUGER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes
       AN ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to enacting Nixzmary  Brown's
    1    Section 1. This act shall be known  and  may  be  cited  as  "Nixzmary
    2  Brown's Law".
    3    S  2.  Legislative findings.   In January, 2006, an angelic seven year
    4  old girl was brutally beaten; a  beating  that  ultimately  led  to  her
    5  untimely  passing. The legislature finds that the law currently does not
    6  provide a fitting punishment for  these  kinds  of  horrific  acts.  The
    7  legislature therefore determines that it is necessary to ensure that any
    8  person  who  inflicts  such pain and agony upon a child as to ultimately
    9  cause the death of the  child  be  punished  severely  for  his  or  her
   10  actions.   Therefore, the legislature intends to include such death of a
   11  child within the parameters of murder in the first degree.
   12    S 3. Section 125.27 of the penal law, as added by chapter 367  of  the
   13  laws of 1974, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 1 of the laws of 1995,
   14  subparagraph (vii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 as amended by chap-
   15  ter  264  of  the  laws  of 2003, subparagraph (xii) of paragraph (a) of
   16  subdivision 1 as amended and subparagraph (xiii)  of  paragraph  (a)  of
   17  subdivision 1 as added by chapter 300 of the laws of 2001, is amended to
   18  read as follows:
   19  S 125.27 Murder in the first degree.
   20    A  person  is  guilty  of  murder  in  the first degree when HE OR SHE
   21  EITHER:
   22    1. With intent to cause the death of another person, [he]  causes  the
   23  death of such person or of a third person; and
   24    (a) Either:
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 2659                             2
    1    (i) the intended victim was a police officer as defined in subdivision
    2  34  of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law who was at the time of
    3  the killing engaged in the course of  performing  his  OR  HER  official
    4  duties,  and the defendant knew or reasonably should have known that the
    5  intended victim was a police officer; or
    6    (ii) the intended victim was a peace officer as defined in paragraph a
    7  of  subdivision  twenty-one,  subdivision  twenty-three,  twenty-four or
    8  sixty-two (employees of the division for youth) of section 2.10  of  the
    9  criminal procedure law who was at the time of the killing engaged in the
   10  course  of performing his OR HER official duties, and the defendant knew
   11  or reasonably should have known that the  intended  victim  was  such  a
   12  uniformed  court officer, parole officer, probation officer, or employee
   13  of the division for youth; or
   14    (iii) the intended victim was an  employee  of  a  state  correctional
   15  institution  or  was  an  employee  of  a local correctional facility as
   16  defined in subdivision two of section forty of the correction  law,  who
   17  was  at  the time of the killing engaged in the course of performing his
   18  OR HER official duties, and the defendant knew or reasonably should have
   19  known that the intended victim was an employee of a  state  correctional
   20  institution or a local correctional facility; or
   21    (iv)  at  the time of the commission of the killing, the defendant was
   22  confined in a state correctional institution or was otherwise in custody
   23  upon a sentence for the term of his OR  HER  natural  life,  or  upon  a
   24  sentence  commuted  to  one  of  natural life, or upon a sentence for an
   25  indeterminate term the minimum of which was at least fifteen  years  and
   26  the  maximum of which was natural life, or at the time of the commission
   27  of the killing, the defendant  had  escaped  from  such  confinement  or
   28  custody  while  serving such a sentence and had not yet been returned to
   29  such confinement or custody; or
   30    (v) the intended victim was a witness to a crime committed on a  prior
   31  occasion  and  the  death  was  caused for the purpose of preventing the
   32  intended victim's testimony in any criminal action or proceeding whether
   33  or not such action or proceeding had been  commenced,  or  the  intended
   34  victim  had  previously testified in a criminal action or proceeding and
   35  the killing was committed for the purpose of  exacting  retribution  for
   36  such  prior  testimony,  or  the intended victim was an immediate family
   37  member of a witness to a crime committed on a  prior  occasion  and  the
   38  killing  was  committed for the purpose of preventing or influencing the
   39  testimony of such witness, or the intended victim was an immediate fami-
   40  ly member of a witness who had previously testified in a criminal action
   41  or proceeding and the killing was committed for the purpose of  exacting
   42  retribution  upon such witness for such prior testimony. As used in this
   43  subparagraph "immediate family member" means a  husband,  wife,  father,
   44  mother,  daughter,  son, brother, sister, stepparent, grandparent, step-
   45  child or grandchild; or
   46    (vi) the defendant committed the killing or procured commission of the
   47  killing pursuant to an agreement with a person other than  the  intended
   48  victim  to  commit  the  same  for the receipt, or in expectation of the
   49  receipt, of anything of pecuniary value from a party to the agreement or
   50  from a person other than the intended victim acting at the direction  of
   51  a party to such agreement; or
   52    (vii)  the  victim was killed while the defendant was in the course of
   53  committing or attempting  to  commit  and  in  furtherance  of  robbery,
   54  burglary  in  the first degree or second degree, kidnapping in the first
   55  degree, arson in the first degree or second degree, rape  in  the  first
   56  degree,  criminal  sexual  act  in the first degree, sexual abuse in the
       S. 2659                             3
    1  first degree, aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree or  escape  in
    2  the  first  degree,  or  in  the  course of and furtherance of immediate
    3  flight after committing or attempting to commit any such crime or in the
    4  course of and furtherance of immediate flight after attempting to commit
    5  the  crime  of murder in the second degree; provided however, the victim
    6  is not a participant in one of the aforementioned crimes  and,  provided
    7  further  that,  unless  the  defendant's  criminal  liability under this
    8  subparagraph is based upon the defendant having commanded another person
    9  to cause the death of the victim or intended victim pursuant to  section
   10  20.00  of  this  chapter,  this  subparagraph  shall not apply where the
   11  defendant's criminal liability is based  upon  the  conduct  of  another
   12  pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter; or
   13    (viii)  as  part of the same criminal transaction, the defendant, with
   14  intent to cause serious physical injury to or the death of an additional
   15  person or persons, causes the death of an additional person or  persons;
   16  provided, however, the victim is not a participant in the criminal tran-
   17  saction; or
   18    (ix) prior to committing the killing, the defendant had been convicted
   19  of  murder as defined in this section or section 125.25 of this article,
   20  or had been convicted in another jurisdiction of an  offense  which,  if
   21  committed  in this state, would constitute a violation of either of such
   22  sections; or
   23    (x) the defendant acted in  an  especially  cruel  and  wanton  manner
   24  pursuant  to  a  course  of  conduct  intended to inflict and inflicting
   25  torture upon the victim prior to the victim's death.  As  used  in  this
   26  subparagraph,  "torture" means the intentional [and depraved] infliction
   27  of extreme physical pain; ["depraved" means the defendant  relished  the
   28  infliction  of  extreme physical pain upon the victim evidencing debase-
   29  ment or perversion or that the defendant evidenced a sense  of  pleasure
   30  in the infliction of extreme physical pain;] or
   31    (xi) the defendant intentionally caused the death of two or more addi-
   32  tional persons within the state in separate criminal transactions within
   33  a  period  of  twenty-four months when committed in a similar fashion or
   34  pursuant to a common scheme or plan; or
   35    (xii) the intended victim was a judge as defined in subdivision  twen-
   36  ty-three of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law and the defendant
   37  killed  such victim because such victim was, at the time of the killing,
   38  a judge; or
   39    (xiii) the victim was killed in furtherance of an act of terrorism, as
   40  defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section  490.05  of  this
   41  chapter; and
   42    (b)  The defendant was more than eighteen years old at the time of the
   43  commission of the crime[.]; OR
   50    2. In any prosecution under subdivision one OR ONE-A OF THIS  SECTION,
   51  it is an affirmative defense that:
   52    (a)  The  defendant  acted  under  the  influence of extreme emotional
   53  disturbance for which there was a reasonable explanation or excuse,  the
   54  reasonableness  of  which  is  to  be determined from the viewpoint of a
   55  person in the defendant's  situation  under  the  circumstances  as  the
   56  defendant believed them to be. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall
       S. 2659                             4
    1  constitute  a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of,
    2  manslaughter in the first degree or any other crime except murder in the
    3  second degree; or
    4    (b)  The  defendant's  conduct consisted of causing or aiding, without
    5  the use of duress or deception, another person to commit suicide.  Noth-
    6  ing  contained  in this paragraph shall constitute a defense to a prose-
    7  cution for, or preclude a conviction  of,  manslaughter  in  the  second
    8  degree or any other crime except murder in the second degree.
    9    Murder in the first degree is a class A-I felony.
   10    S  4.  Subdivision  5 of section 70.00 of the penal law, as amended by
   11  chapter 482 of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
   12    5.  Life  imprisonment  without  parole.  Notwithstanding  any   other
   13  provision  of  law,  a  defendant sentenced to life imprisonment without
   14  parole shall not  be  or  become  eligible  for  parole  or  conditional
   15  release.  For  purposes of commitment and custody, other than parole and
   16  conditional release, such sentence shall be deemed to be  an  indetermi-
   17  nate  sentence.  A defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment with-
   18  out parole upon conviction for the crime of murder in the  first  degree
   19  as  defined in section 125.27 of this chapter and in accordance with the
   20  procedures provided by law for imposing a sentence  for  such  crime.  A
   21  defendant  must  be  sentenced  to life imprisonment without parole upon
   22  conviction for the crime of terrorism as defined in  section  490.25  of
   23  this  chapter,  where the specified offense the defendant committed is a
   24  class A-I felony; the crime of criminal possession of a chemical  weapon
   25  or biological weapon in the first degree as defined in section 490.45 of
   26  this  chapter;  or  the  crime  of  criminal use of a chemical weapon or
   27  biological weapon in the first degree as defined in  section  490.55  of
   28  this  chapter; provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision shall
   29  preclude or prevent a sentence of  death  when  the  defendant  is  also
   30  convicted  of  the  crime  of  murder  in the first degree as defined in
   31  section 125.27 of this chapter.  A defendant must be sentenced  to  life
   32  imprisonment  without  parole upon conviction for the crime of murder in
   33  the second degree as defined in subdivision five of  section  125.25  of
   34  this  chapter  [or],  for  the  crime of aggravated murder as defined in
   35  subdivision one of section 125.26 of this chapter, OR FOR THE  CRIME  OF
   37  125.27 OF THIS CHAPTER.  A defendant may be sentenced to life  imprison-
   38  ment  without  parole upon conviction for the crime of aggravated murder
   39  as defined in subdivision two of section 125.26 of this chapter.
   40    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.